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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. like the daily news most of which is not good to horrific although with some redeeming aspects. I'm getting dam tired of dealing with the worldly affairs since high school in the early 70's, in other words making a living is killing me - how about you? (and forget about retiring to the jungle like various Buddhas once did and lived off the bounty of nature (or by begging which householders do not do) since that is more or less impossible in this day and age!)
  2. Awakening versus enlightenment

    purity of mind is pure light (before going through the prisms of further manifestation and into the weavings of the "ten thousand" so to speak... but pure light/energy is still a "thing", yes such is the most subtle and cosmic pure ocean of a thing where two in oneness is known, yet even that thing can not go beyond itself to the Mystery of no-thing, There is the greatest and truest dharmic desire underneath all others (including that of purity of mind) for no-thing to at last return to no-thing which it never really left, and where it can finally and completely rest in uncompromised and boundless activity.
  3. compiling a list and looking for contributions: To begin... 1. when a guy gets old enough he can put his pants on backwards and not notice unless he has to pee. 2. when you get old enough hair starts growing out of your ears. 3. When you get old enough words you hear get changed into something completely different before they reach your brain. 4. when you get old enough you nod off into a deep state of mindless meditation without effort. 5. when a man gets old enough most all the women young 6. when you get old enough you are the oldest person in the Wal-Mart check out lines 7. 8. etc..
  4. Who would prostrate before...?

    that's very understandable Lerner
  5. Gerard said, "no God" and thus through normal interpretation of same meant per dualism of mind which such can not define - either with a no or yes. (since it or "God" is transcendent to mind) Btw, the mind of light doesn't have to give itself up completely but to go beyond that it has to be left behind since it cannot reach any further than pure light. (for only no-thing can fully return) to the Source of such light.
  6. Awakening versus enlightenment

    correction for Gerard: There is - no mind definable God - when reaching enlightenment beyond mind - for such a definition by mind, which itself is dualistic in nature can not circumscribe "God" as either existing or not existing per such a tool as the "mind".
  7. Awakening versus enlightenment

    I'd also say that all of the foolish talk about instances of the spoken or written word not having any real truth or power to them is nothing more than baloney... for the spoken and written word coming from and through dharma aligned beings and or elements does have power and truth to it, not unlike that which a true mantra or a spiritual song has - being that same are in intimate connection with and an emanation of Truth and power, with "Om" being an excellent example of the root sound and luminous light within all beings.
  8. Awakening versus enlightenment

    Without the true Self (which is the true operater of aspects of mind) all is, "Vanity of vanities" and "empty" as in being meaningless without joy, freedom of being, or dharmic law and purpose.
  9. Who would prostrate before...?

    I want 50 push-ups now! and when we march and I say, left- right- left I mean your other left- right- left!
  10. deleted

    MH, maybe an avatar somewhere between King Kong and a rose (something like a tree) would make you more huggable? (although I'm not saying you aren't already )
  11. Awakening versus enlightenment

    Btw Bindi, Grace is not a drug and it can not be bought or sold, it also wisely chooses who is ready and then bridges the synchronization to joy and freedom that can not be off-set by any sorrow or binding. Om
  12. What foods and drink make for a happy bowel movement and which do not... ? (besides the obvious like all the junk food and supreme pizza that one can eat in one day along with whatever drinks don't help the matter?) Btw, as long as we are being transcendental a lot of the time, and since there is both a microcosm and a macrocosm, what equates with a cosmic bowel movement and is it a happy one?
  13. Happy bowel movement

    intestinal flora, now that is something we can't live without and often take for granted!
  14. I'd say the big disconnect is when people start walking around saying something like, "illusion this - delusion that" for such a disconnect is only in our local and limited thoughts for there is no real disconnect between the most subtle and transcendent to the most thick as a brick... and for all those Buddhist folks I'd add that there is no disconnect between reality and non-reality or enlightenment and samsara, or between the "beyond of the beyond" and ground we walk on, thus "samsara properly understood is nirvana" ( paraphrase of Mr. N.) what is so special is also so basic and essentially common although veiled by limited perception , for the "unborn and undying" has no problem with the manifest and ever-changing transformation of energy that it is directly connected to through "Mystery". (but some of us do and reject same as delusional non-reality with high sounding sophistic based proclamations)
  15. Happy bowel movement

    to much (prescribed) Percocet makes for an unhappy occasion, found that out the hard way.
  16. Bud, That's clever - being above it all.
  17. in compassion Atman is ultimate non-dual truth "for your new awareness brothers" (how condescending of you Buddy boy)
  18. Buddy boy, you side step the teachings and practices of the historic Buddha while proclaiming Buddhism per Bud, now that is AN EXAMPLE of delusional.
  19. extracting wart roots is kind of a painful thing to think about another one is the idea of getting a very large and long needle inserted into your knee with the doctor hitting some nerves and bone along the way yikes...
  20. Bud, of "unlimited Love", the historic Buddha had all sorts of knowledge which he did not reject, and which were part of his practice directed with wisdom... your dichotomy of such is groundless.
  21. Awakening versus enlightenment

    back to the op, better than getting all ducks lined up in a row, is to just tend the local ducks and the rest will take care of themselves as needed.. otherwise thoughts and projections about awakening and enlightenment tend to cause suffering.
  22. who is tired of all this crap?

    actually I'm not a brainiac of some kind like you think you are Karl, and know very little of Plato and such but I once came upon the cave story which I liked and have verified in my own way like it or not - so there is no point in your taking off on flights of projection and assumption.
  23. who is tired of all this crap?

    Many passing, evolving and apparent identities, (neti, neti) but only one true identity ... Death can be known for what it is (which is connected to life). But I wouldn't want to force that upon you, btw the Plato quote like any other well known quote is something that a lot of people can relate to thus serving its purpose... so if you can't relate that is your problem, not that of those that can (via whatever level of experience they have of their own)
  24. who is tired of all this crap?

    Karl, Some realize identity is more than a highly evolved bag of bones and flesh with a localized mind - which btw. are very fine and important tools but not true identity... true identity has seen death for what it is - the coming and going of composite and causal form which can no longer bind it and at which point death dies. I'm not sure what you are caught up in but if you don't even see the logic for an agnostic like approach then you are binding yourself to a type of fanaticism with very narrow reasoning. ...all of these so called obvious facts you bring up are like two dimensional blocks that can't be used anywhere else expect in a two dimensional format where they do apply, not unlike the darkness that applies inside that cave Plato was using as an analogy. (which of course is your dismissive minded right to remain stuck in )