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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. that depends on what "mindfully" means with mind per-se being of duality, thus mind can not transcend its own duality which obviously means suffering because of duality.
  2. #23 is debatable... touching on just desire for instance, the Buddha "desired" to find an end to suffering, Taoist masters desire to keep their students moving along in progress, Gandhi desired far better rights and justice for the Indian people, parents desire that children do better than they did or at least have some happiness in an often difficult world, such examples can go on and on times a million along the lines I've mentioned and relate to fulfilling dharma. Also, even so called false desires normally have some aspect or grain of truth to them buried deep down inside that got crossed-up or twisted-up somehow.
  3. "what you fear shall come upon you" fear can not destroy fear, hate can not destroy hate, ego can not destroy ego, etc...
  4. more basically what is fear (and all of its many or related aspects) but energy flowing in or through the fear area of the mind/body and letting it stick around or dwell there. Panic is a side-example more related to survival yet the process is not all that different, for instance if one gets caught in an ocean rip-tide when going out for a swim and lets panic take over then they don't have much chance to survive compared to one that has some self-control in not letting all their energy flow just through the fear area of their situation, thus having some energy also flow for serious problem solving. The same idea applies to anger and energy flowing through that area without there being some self-control of the flow that can result in blind destructive rage. So the basic energy itself is not really fear or anger - it is just energy that magnifies those areas of mind by flowing there. "Fear not" and flow not energy to fear further, beating anger out of someone can also beat the energy out of them instead of redirecting it - thus not the thing to do.
  5. What is the Ego?

    the "un-nameable" is perfect as it is, yet it can not manifest without a matrix to do so, thus all these neo types walking around saying you are already "perfect" are only doing so from a conceptual point of view in reference to that un-nameable (which is sometimes called Spirit) yet I'd say that does not mean said matrix/soul is fully built and or fully and actively functioning for Spirit, further it matters or has an effect on the manifest as to what a matrix/soul does for the working of Spirit, yet that matrix/soul can do nothing without the power of Spirit.
  6. What is the Ego?

    going back to the caterpillar analogy if you will, no matter how clever the creeper bug -(or ego) on the ground becomes it will never be butterfly enabled or fly with true wings, thus it can read about butterflies, get visited by butterflies, and may even be given a short ride through the air by a butterfly but until it grows and at some point gives up its creeper bug-ness it is still limited to the ground... btw. can a butterfly land and then creep along on the ground like it used to as a bug? - yes, if it has a need to but it will never again be the creeper it once was.
  7. What is the Ego?

    I don't know, try the caterpillar analogy with the larva and then the bug-(ego) becoming the butterfly - thus at some point the larva and bug-(ego) die but they are not killed per-se for if that was the case then there would be no resulting butterfly or matured soul, and that is a very simple example that try's to point to the evolution of the soul - yet inside the larva, the bug, the butterfly and the soul there is that which is beyond evolution, not unlike an eternal sub-atomic force/Being which was never born and never dies but still ultimately powers the previously said forms, which I'd say points to the "Self" per Sanatana Dharma.
  8. What is the Ego?

    I believe this is a very important point Rex touches on... btw, an ego that at some point or another has been blown away and cracked open by truth deeper than itself and which even it can't fully deny starts coming around and no longer has the iron grip of hidden or not so hidden doubt/ fear that it once did. In other words a certain honesty that recognizes that the inner war can't go on forever in the way it had been before the first big crack in its shell. (also lets not forget the saying of a Lotus flower rising up out of the murky mud and water)
  9. Ego and enlightenment

    ego is a layer that lays claim while the master is away
  10. Ego and enlightenment

    if we also use the analogy of ego as a vehicle it obviously serves a certain purpose, but at some point it can go no further so if we get out of it and leave it parked on the side of the road does it still have someone to drive it around? Nope, so in that way the vehicle "dies" without violence from the driver getting further attached to or stuck in a twisted-up mess of metal parts which could result if he trys to "kill" his vehicle and wrecks while he's still attached to and moving around in it.
  11. it means or sure sounds like Mr. S. is channeling Mr. G. an 'x' amount
  12. Ego and enlightenment

    TI, there you go again not unlike me in jumping back and forth from Buddhism to Hinduism, I'd ask again, which is the summation for you since I don't think I heard you say it? Sure, we can appreciate, recognize and see common ground in both and share with others and with both camps to an "x"degree, but at some point one or the other has to be taken as our baseline, unless we claim to start a Bud-Hin variation of our own.
  13. Ego and enlightenment

    So TI which concept is it for you: Self or no-self? I can relate to both but Sanatana Dharma is the summation for me
  14. Besides the neato and encouraging stuff (from spotless and others) anybody here want a Mr. G pole up their ass while we're at it?
  15. further yet, those that come with faith and hope to see - even though they be blind - may then be given vision to see what had seemed hidden before. (I'd say somewhat like the example Seth gave related to healing)
  16. I'd say a Being of Truth knows that the greater power is not theirs, although they are granted enough power by it to maintain a level of stewardship for same.
  17. compassion can not be hidden away in secret places and remain so
  18. an implosion to truth explodes with joyus freedom!
  19. when you get old enough...goofy

    if you are old enough you remember when 10 bucks was a small fortune for a teenager if you are old enough American you probably never heard of Taoism way back when if you are old enough there was no such things as seatbelts and a truck rode and sounded like tank not a Cadillac
  20. How soon before the US in the same financial state as Greece? 6 months, a year or what?
  21. when you get old enough...goofy

    when you get old enough somehow a new car is supposed to make you look young? when you get old enough you are probably not so quick to judge others "learning experiences" if you are old enough you remember this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FUGzwUTN80
  22. nope. the Self is the truth of reality, siddhis spring from the Self and may or may not remain aligned (or demonstrate) that truth per their usage for or away from same... surely anyone with any experience in these matters knows of both the saintly and demonic use of siddhis?
  23. more important than power is what power is based upon and it's real root, or the Source . also the working of Source/power per or in a triad AKA: omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient
  24. I'd say it's very dicey to consider many types of powers to be a sign of purity and or spiritual realization. In fact it could be a sign of the opposite for example an ego on steroids. The simple fact is that various forms of energy can be used by heavenly, earthly, and demonic minds to either heal or harm in realms of heaven, earth and hell.
  25. when you get old enough...goofy

    when you get old enough various sexy electronic gadgets are not so attractive if you are old enough you still remember the days when you didn't have to pump your own gas when you get old enough dentists love you when you get old enough vitamins may not be enough and all that happy stuff they sell on TV can cause liver disease when you get old enough old movies seem like from yesterday when you get old enough your feet seem to get longer when you get old enough you're older than the trees in your yard or the 57 Chevy in your driveway when you get old enough you get discounts at hardware stores for buying DYI repair items since plumbers want $80+ per hr.