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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Well and since a lot of members participated here in the general forum, what the heck why not let the string also run its course here since there can be exceptions to the rules... besides there are spiritual aspects to consider that go hand in hand with these money issues and effects that they have on people!
  2. Doesn't it mean the squeaky wheel gets the Grease? (no offense to the many Greeks who are suffering)
  3. three times a day could lead to ten thousand, but then you'd have to see a surgeon instead of a dentist.
  4. I don't know about a soar "pill" but there is the red or blue one, just ask Neo.
  5. VTDT, That is like saying karma is fiction or gravity is fiction etc...
  6. To a certain degree what you say is natural type of protection and an important aspect...but remember that demons do not have human conscience or respect and give no quarter when it comes to their prey which people are, thus they will twist any aspect possible to attack through. (so a multi-pronged attack needs a multi-pronged defense - with parts that we are both speaking to but not enough by themselves, especially when such forces have one's number, so to speak)
  7. a "you can't" also falls under the same quandary...
  8. Yes Bindi I do, and Jesus is right on spot when the need is sincere and from ones whole Being! Other Masters have also helped me but Master Jesus is very well known compared to them.
  9. Call on help from Master Jesus, he has power over all such things and power is the only thing demons really respect, some of the other mental philosophy and emotion stuff doesn't hurt to do or use but without power behind it it is very secondary and or of lessor effect... Te first Sanskrit mantra above sounds great but may be a little longer than one might want for emergencies. The other one sounds more kindly and healing like.
  10. comparisons between US debt and Greece debt via msn link: http://www.msn.com/en-us/money/savingandinvesting/3-reasons-the-average-american-may-be-worse-off-than-greece/ar-AAcL0KX#page=1
  11. Btw, several types of mushrooms are good for you health wise, while others not so much thus choose carefully when looking in the garden. (and surely don't forget to thank the mushrooms you harvest and eat)
  12. I've noticed there are several groups offering "free" what to do books and related plans to contend with economic madness for around $50.00 a pop...
  13. "Brahman" is a pointer to that which is beyond "mind", thus it will never have a definite mental definition to box it up and nail it down with. Good luck with your "fascinations" perhaps they will lead beyond same.
  14. John, I don't see your analogy working that way with all things, especially with material things and money related to it. Why - because material things are not so nebulous in other words and for instance you either work to earn money so you can buy food or you work as a gardener or farmer so you can have food - and a person can not go very long without doing one or the other. (Btw. when populations were small you could harvest directly from nature yet you still had to work at it under varying conditions, such are givens)
  15. Some women here may not appreciate such jokes... while others may?
  16. I listened to Greg Smith and he sounds right on to me!
  17. "a fool and his money are soon parted", a foolish country and its money are also soon parted.
  18. those are fine thoughts Aetherous but were not followed through with when it would have made more of a difference, thus like the ship Titanic the financial systems are sinking while the music still plays for awhile...
  19. "Never say never" when it comes to paying the piper we've been dancing to....
  20. problem is most of the financial systems in the world are like dominos in a line
  21. ISQ, or Drew, sounds like you're off the deep end and flailing about....
  22. innersoundqigong, I think comparing different spiritual traditions is of interest and value but I don't think to the point of thumping people over the head with it...or in trying to put everything into definite boxes; also the physical and genetic evidences or aspects related to same are only a part of the tip of the iceberg, meaning one could follow DNA traces and reach a certain point or one could also follow Om with Om going all the way through myriad galaxies and reaching the point to where such arise and also into the secret hidden in hearts yet in plain sight, for there is Sat which will never fit into any boxes yet is the definite answer.
  23. A revealing point is that enlightened masters of a certain lineages, schools or religions do not go about stating in detail what other traditions mean through reams of interesting correlations ranging anywhere from a-z, nope they just go about their own business. (some common ground may be remarked upon but that is normally and about the maximum said)