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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Are we here for a purpose?

    attachment to particular form that can never remain the same can tend to make one depressive, seeing the eternal spirit and truth working in and through all beings can tend to make one joyous.
  2. Are we here for a purpose?

    it could be put that way although such feelings of purposelessness as you allude to would still have a purpose.
  3. Are we here for a purpose?

    MH I'd say that per the TTC, which you and many of us here often quote, purpose is inherent in all beings from the smallest to the greatest - this is alluded to in the TTC in many places... whether or not many us beings partially or fully fulfill their purpose and or "place in the sun" is another matter. Further there is the saying, "how do I know the ways of all things at the beginning ? By what is within me." from TTC 21, with "ways" being inclusive of purpose.
  4. Are we here for a purpose?

    The Sage is like a wise child that can't be crushed or forced to stop dancing, for the life-force and quickening that moves the child also moves the willing Sage per it's purpose, and in that way the Sage's purpose is also fulfilled in being a fit steward to the world... I gotta run to HomeDepot, on purpose, even though it may only be derived from the "plans of mice and men."
  5. Are we here for a purpose?

    "oh nuts": the downward working or permutations of the law of seven ... time to punt
  6. Are we here for a purpose?

    in the skipping child there is no crippled refrain or strain, they remind our burdened hearts and sad minds of deeper purposes, so lets join in the dance, in the ever quickening for it does not perish and is to fast for death to grasp...
  7. Are we here for a purpose?

    oh nuts,
  8. The Father and Son of Taoist Philosophy

    such a soul appears to be a man but Spirit knows better.
  9. Are we here for a purpose?

    "The law of three" per the fragments is another way or saying, "The Three" in Daoism.
  10. What is Wilson talking About?

    before I opened this string I thought you guys were having some fun with Wilson, turns out this is a serious string...
  11. Are we here for a purpose?

    how "cunning" and also sickly cultish as many of these 4th way schools are although not all - "buyer beware".
  12. instead of a line try to picture or envision a transformer that is connected and part of a circuit... or maybe a prism, for instance on one side is white light on the other are the main colors of the rainbow and all the sub-variations or mixes of same.
  13. Are we here for a purpose?

    oh yea I've studied tons of stuff given through first hand accounts or witness of Mr. G. being or going nuts.. after which I moved on yet still being thankful for some of the acorns (or fragments) that were shared. (law of 3, law of 7, the profound enneagram, the cosmology correlations, the struggles, the hopes, etc. etc.)
  14. Are we here for a purpose?

    ...and of course Mr. G was wrong about tons of stuff even if he found an acorn here and there as a blind groundhog is bound to do. Btw, were not parts of or most of the quotes above really from what Mr. O. cleaned up and wrote down in a intelligible scribe like manner of readable text? (also for for those who don't know it Mr O. and Mr. G. had a big split-up for serious reasons, thus I suggest that no one bite hook, line and sinker along certain lines of related texts)
  15. a posed question?

    Is spirit relentlessly seeking you out?
  16. a posed question?

    Don't take it to hard DB and good luck... besides the Denver broncos might win next year. p.s. I agree about simple in the sense of one unified whole which has no complications of cross purpose divisions.
  17. Hello TI, I'd say or add that after 'enough of certain kinds of facts' that the mind comes to know its place as servant (to Spirit) since its pervious strangle-hold as an ego based variation of master-hood has been so utterly cracked open by the truth of Spiirt that even it can no longer deny it's subordinate place - thus begins the end the internal ego war of quintessential doubt and fears. Om
  18. ...but supreme identity or Self knows itself as Self, aka non-dual. which btw the duality of mind can not wrap itself around or know of beyond all doubts or dichotomy.
  19. but memory is only a mind trace, and a trace is in time.
  20. Best picture of day from the internet. A story of a woman who overcame a great deal of hardship and poor odds and still come through it have a beautiful child!
  21. a posed question?

    "I hate to break it to you, but when you leave this physical world, if you decide to make your way down to hell, the only people you will find there are those who believe they must be there, and they will only be there as long as they believe or feel they must be there. Hitler will not be found roasting on a spit somewhere, no matter how many people might wish it so". by DB DB, you are contradicting yourself in the text above since you have also recognized that in "duality" laws of duality are in effect with it... thus there is more to the equation than just personal beliefs, feelings or mental decisions about how karmically bound energy will be handled or worked out in dualistic realms.... being that karma is exactingly handled by impartial karmic law itself in a universal, unfailing and lawful process and or effect until it is balanced out. (so to speak) Granted, in a "non-dualistic" reality karma has no binding or energetic attachment since the river of sorrow has been crossed over and the veil removed. (and not by hook or by crook or by human beliefs or decisions but by inviolate Spirit)
  22. Nice post Daeluin, I'm just kidding around although I think it true to say that goof ups are sometimes made and that the greater the being the greater the effect and force of the goof-up. There is also the saying of, "The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry". Definition: No matter how carefully a project is planned, something may still go wrong with it.
  23. if we misplace our car keys (often) does that mean we need to strengthen our ego's
  24. a posed question?

    Agreed Chiforce, in that karma is also an energetic type of reality that has to be dealt with - carefully. (and at all levels including what is commonly recognized or agreed upon as "dreams")
  25. a posed question?

    Spirit is also of the first and last law, including the deepest, highest, fairest, truest, etc. and etc. terms that try to allude to it although still can't nail it down... Btw, "I hate to break it to you" but a neo-mumbo-jumbo-tumble of new age type terms presented on a silver platter is at least half-baked imo