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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. a posed question?

    all such factors are connected not by belief (although there is some of that) but by energetic fact... and dharma law! Such is also called Om or aspects of or related to same.
  2. a posed question?

    Dreambliss, I know what you mean on the Spirit level - but lets not forget that karma is relentless and so are lots of other things like evolution, change, flow, etc.. and must be dealt with. (along with the fact that Spirit through permutation powers all such factors mentioned above)
  3. For what it's worth I'd say that some Buddhist practitioners here are not fanatics, thus have no need or attachment to spouting off about their experience of this or that from a superior type of stance... such also don't mind if we have a level playing field for discussion, nor do they try to downgrade through use of Buddhist based teachings and correlations the short comings of other schools or systems as they see it. Bravo to same for "Right Speech" according to the founder of their teachings. Back to Bindi's question: "I wonder how you explain this difference" No one can force any explanation along the lines you are asking about, speak your peace (and or listen to another's) and then move on -following your path, or possibly be caught in futility for an "x" amount of time. Btw, I suggest study of the Chandogya Upanishad if you haven't already done so, and it to can not be forced.
  4. is that so? Or that may be so for Buddhists in general but I wouldn't make the major assumption that you are for schools and masters that are not part of the Buddhist Dharma. Btw, "mind / reality" is at least a contradiction in terms and or lower level relative reality to many.
  5. Yes Chiforce, how silly of all the hundreds of different spiritual schools with their hundreds of different masters with their many different teachings, definitions and vested interests, thus they almost never get together for a Sunday tofu and vegetable cookout along with near beer....seeing that they don't see eye to eye
  6. The Father and Son of Taoist Philosophy

    I'd say many or most "beliefs" and non-beliefs are no better than a transition type of shelf that they should be put on pending further review and new developments related to facts proven per direct experience...
  7. Post 69: That sounds like an ok description related to the context of Buddhism, but I'd say the op definitely had a Sanatana Dharma sounding context/implication... Btw could you perhaps add a few English characters to your name since many here do not have knowledge of or the translation and font for the way your handle is posted?
  8. The Father and Son of Taoist Philosophy

    I'd say that more than concept/speculation is being pointed to here...
  9. The Father and Son of Taoist Philosophy

    Stosh, I was alluding to the last two lines in the John Wu translation containing: "Such a one will be safe and whole even after the dissolution of his body" which to me gives a more personal sounding/related description.
  10. Chiforce, post 67 sounds like Buddhist sourced descriptions... but go back and look at the op of this string which btw. isn't limited to the sub-forum or context of Buddhism.
  11. The Father and Son of Taoist Philosophy

    I think referring back to T.T.C. chapter 16 would give further help with chapter 50.
  12. there is only change in manifested worlds of permutation, while "Tao" is "Standing alone without change" per chapter 25 of the T.T.C.
  13. From Swami Lakshmanjoo teachings: Jagadananda "The establishment of krama mudra is called jagadananda, which means “universal bliss.” This is the seventh and last state of turya. "In this state, the experience of Universal Transcendental Being is never lost and the whole of the universe is experienced as one with your own 'transcendental I-Consciousness'.” All of the states of turya from nijananda to cidananda comprise the various phases of nimilana samadhi. Nimilana samadhi is internal subjective samadhi. In your moving through these six states of turya, this samadhi becomes ever more firm. With the occurrence of krama mudra, nimilana samadhi is transformed into unmilana samadhi, which then becomes predominant. This is that state of extraverted samadhi, where you experience the state of samadhi at the same time you are experiencing the objective world. And when unmilana samadhi becomes fixed and permanent, this is the state of jagadananda. In terms of the process of the fifteen-fold rising, the sakala state is the waking state. Sakala pramatri is the first state of turya, which is the state of nijananda. Vijnanakala is the state of nirananda. Shuddhavidhya is the state of parananda. Ishvara is the state of brahmananda. Sadashiva is the state of mahananda. Shiva is the state of cidananda. And Paramashiva is the state of jagadananda." copied from http://www.universalshaivafellowship.org/teachings/secretsupreme/chapter-16/#.VXojyVLbKJA
  14. Not Two...

    I. Stimpy, Was there half of a dangling participle in there somewhere - and is such an orphan part of the ten thousand to?
  15. Jeff, Since you have not mentioned a particular school setup or lineage (that you are part of and qualified in) and thus going by that have no means to carry out the responsibilities of a qualified teacher one might ask what in the hell are you doing? (other than giving basic advice and basic principals or information, btw I'd say the same goes for most of here)
  16. The Father and Son of Taoist Philosophy

    MH, How did I get brought up in post 358? I'm pretty sure this is my first post to this string. Btw I can stick my foot in my mouth well enough on my own regarding various subjects, which as far as I know or remember I have never once harped about the pros of the terms "nothingness" or "emptiness" in fact I have harped about the harping that sometimes goes on in the use of those terms; granted I have often used the term "no-thing" but to me that has a lot different connotation than the term nothingness which often devolves into some kind of neo-nihilistic whatever...
  17. Not Two...

    if it's the kind of cake doesn't run out you can have it and eat to
  18. Not Two...

    those lively dogs that put their whole being into catching frisbees impress me.
  19. Brian, One might ask, "where does light end and darkness begin" (or that wording could be turned around the other way)
  20. Not Two...

    taking lots of two steps is a lot more fun, just ask those country western folks.
  21. Not Two...

    such goodness is in the eye or ear of the beholder... as for a more universalist like part of the site I see that as being more in the general forum.
  22. Not Two...

    That's a nice idea or sentiment but in the worlds of permutations there are the "10,000" in forms that come and go and which are corruptible - thus such are not unified as one per-se and duality must be dealt with; although and granted at the level of transcendent and or absolute there is no other, no permutations and no duality or corruption to deal with.
  23. Not Two...

    anyway: a Buddhist quote located in a Taoist part of the forum given by a person who also shares tons of Christian material after which someone else gives terminology from Hinduism - often par for course at this site.