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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Highest most pure state of wei wu wei?

    it's interesting (so to speak) that little birds chirping to the sun in the morning follow the Tao more than we humans often do...
  2. Highest most pure state of wei wu wei?

    Well there is T.T.C. chapter 51 in regards to worship: . 51. TAO gives them life, Virtue nurses them, Matter shapes them, Environment perfects them. Therefore all things without exception worship Tao and do homage to Virtue. They have not been commanded to worship Tao and do homage to Virtue, But they always do so spontaneously. It is Tao that gives them life: It is Virtue that nurses them, grows them, fosters them, shelters them, comforts them, nourishes them, and covers them under her wings. To give life but to claim nothing, To do your work but to set no store by it, To be a leader, not a butcher, This is called hidden Virtue.
  3. Happy Easter

    Happy Easter
  4. Is quantum physics bunk?

    umm, "There was something undefined yet complete in itself" ... (T.T.C. 25)
  5. Is quantum physics bunk?

    what, you haven't had an out of brain experience? Btw is the Tao dependent upon a physical brain and if not its trying to tell us something...
  6. the absolute and the end game...

    oh hell where is the "organic", non gmo, etc. beer? You know I've never put beer through a carbon filter like I do with the tap water...hummm. Btw, I know it's hard to find a natural root beer without all sorts of crap and to much sugar added to it!
  7. Is quantum physics bunk?

    not really, for such complications are only in our minds
  8. the absolute and the end game...

    on another angle: there are now so many brands of beer that are unknown to most of us that we know we will never know even a small percentage of all of them, yet the wonder of it is that that's a nice unknown to leave unknown for a possible future of knowing's that can unfold into further unknowns, thus we wouldn't want to spoil the source of unknown by putting it in just one bottle. (which got me to thinking it's time to try one of new Samuel Adams brews)
  9. Is quantum physics bunk?

    Mh, then again I don't have a problem with relative dealy-bob's if that is what your mean.
  10. Is quantum physics bunk?

    MH, instead of the saying, "only in our mind" I'd say only in the mind, for in thinking we have a separate dealy-bob called "our mind" is also "only in our mind" .
  11. Is quantum physics bunk?

    where do all of these problems along with non-problems exist?
  12. the absolute and the end game...

    Lth, umm I can't say I know what you mean because it sounds like you are playing it both ways...
  13. Is quantum physics bunk?

    no need to slow something down per-se to fully see, besides doing so would introduce differences - thus synchronizing at the same speed with something can reveal (normally unseen details) as standing still.... then extrapolate that idea to: T.T.C. 25. "THERE was Something undefined and yet complete in itself, Born before Heaven-and-Earth. Silent and boundless, Standing alone without change, Yet pervading all without fail, It may be regarded as the Mother of the world. I do not know its name; I style it "Tao"......"
  14. the absolute and the end game...

    Here is somewhat of an analogy to consider: binary "law" or code does not break hexadecimal "law" or code but it sure can effect it or in a sense walk right through it... Take the red pill or the blue...
  15. the absolute and the end game...

    the laws related to elements like water, fire, air etc, are a whole different ball game compared to complexities the human mind and being, even if such beings are in part made of those elements. I'd say a "can't" this or that remains to be seen in 99.99% of cases, Btw and along that line your can't is not mine and mine is not yours.
  16. The Greatest Quality

    to get up and go again after whatever knocks you down while also learning from your mistakes and those of others so that some of these other virtues can develop...
  17. the absolute and the end game...

    To me those are very unimportant walls compared to the walls of energy bound in fear, hate and violence among us as human beings and which must be worked on.
  18. the absolute and the end game...

    which walls and what are they made of?
  19. the absolute and the end game...

    Well I believe there are localized constructs that don't have very much interaction - for instance a chunk of rock one thousand light years away from the earth or a dimension in a "multiverse" that would effectively be like being a thousand light years away from another, yet such are still not completely separate systems ... (and I'd also add that are forces that can reach across light years in less time than it takes to blink of an eye)
  20. the absolute and the end game...

    only the absolute can find or know the absolute, thus no mentally constructed effort can reach it or pick it apart, although such may attempt pointers to it through various means or aspects. (thus and as you well know such an attempt is not unlike how the T.T.C. points to that which can not be named)
  21. the absolute and the end game...

    umm, doom is also a relative construct if energy is used (or misused) to create it at someplace in some time - so why go there?
  22. the absolute and the end game...

    well the term construct itself points to change via construction, thus if part of a construct is changing so is its whole to whatever degree...
  23. Tip on how to do enquiry

    "God" is not democratic... and I'd say a half truth is not the truth.
  24. Is quantum physics bunk?

    the darkly twisted have no true root and thus in the end can not prevail. But She is rooted and also part of the root and will prevail - She is not undone, for her song can not be broken by the unspeakable the power of killing bodies or deeply enthralling beings is not the full power of death per-se, for the reach of death also reaches those that would or do such things. "Fear not"
  25. Begging and its place in spirituality: I think it's a big topic which I believe hasn't been touched on much at this site.... In many "western" cultures begging is often looked down on although helping someone down on their luck is not, but that is different than the begging in cultures where it is accepted or recognized for certain people and thus not looked down on. A problematic aspect is when or if it is found out that some people are faking it or taking advantage those who do or would give donations - then those that really need help (and are not faking it in any way) are less likely to be given help from those who feel they have been taken advantage of. The most sincerely needy beggars I have ever seen are in India! Many people are barely getting by there along with many that are not... further, one can often feel or make a spiritual connection with those who are begging to get food so they can live and have hope for just one more day of life! People in such conditions bring survival and spirituality to an immediate and clear-cut point where one is glad to be able to help another person survive and ease some of their suffering! (which is also a blessing for the help giver) open discussion for your thoughts and experiences: