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Everything posted by ShaktiMama

  1. 2nd video for Q&A about Kundalini by Tao Semko, certified KAP instructor. here is the link: no password required s
  2. Questions and Answers about Kundalini II

    I have seen kundalini awaken spontaneously whether through a period of deep awareness and also as something as a result of an energetic catalyst. Sometimes its a combination. There is disagreement among kundalini researchers so it is difficult to say what's the best way. Basically, what's best is what is happening for you, what speaks to you. From a medical daoist view, "kriyas" are signs of chi deviation. The type of kriya one has tells us which element is out of balance. s
  3. Questions and Answers about Kundalini II

    That would be the Western view. The endocrine system is stimulated. Over all there is a general rejuvenation, youthing effect. Women who are past menopause sometimes become fertile again. I always recommend birth control to women who are past menopause once they start the kundalini path. (Chi and other internal cultivation methods can do this too.) The fire path would be something analogous to the stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system. It feels really good but that's because a person's body is running on chemicals/hormones that are similiar to crystal meth and cocaine like the hormone adrenaline. The water path would be analogous to stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) where you have the release of the calming, comfort hormones like oxytocin and dopamine. The fire path means the fight or flight response is engaged. This is a response that has short term benefits but is never meant to be maintained over the long term. If it is there are severe consequences. The fire path can lead to adrenal exhaustion and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The PNS is the part of the autonomic nervous system that is activated with meditation, orgasm, bonding activities like cuddling and hugs, singing, chanting, prayer, etc. Both systems should be in dynamic play and homeostasis with each other for the most beneficial effects. s
  4. Questions and Answers about Kundalini II

    There's a difference in outcomes if you are with a teacher or by yourself. Outcomes are much more positive with a teacher. Bradford Keeney, who is Shaman with the Bushman Shamans in the Kalhari desert in Africa states: "There are no kundalini accidents in the bush." The reason being is the rising takes place with community support. The energy is shared so that one doesn't build up too much of a charge. Your body is like a wet ware capacitor. It accumulates energy and eventually, if needed can be discharged. If you don't want to exchange with a person putting your hand on a healthy tree will do it. When I speak of being relaxed it means this: Energy will not move or will move with difficulty through tension. Primarily, we think of muscular tension but it can also be mental/emotional/spiritual tension or a combination. Relaxing the body is one way to modulate the intensity of the flow. Constriction of muscles increase the automatic movement of the body. For me personally, if I don't keep a state of microtension in my body at all times (and it is now an unconscious effort) I would soon be overwhelmed with bliss waves of kundalini and my spine would begin to undulate in a sine wave motion. Soon I would enter into a state of samadhi. I can easily reverse the process and go to complete stillness. But, I have had many years of practice. Chi and kundalini move in spirals just like life does. This will cause rocking in the body as the energy begins to flow more freely. It is funny about the comment of the bubble bath. One practitioner I have known, when he would lay on his water bed the liquid in the mattress started to effervesce because of his kundalini. His wife would complain about the bubbling noise and bubbly feeling. There were times when my kundalini was flowing so strong the saliva in my throat would bubble and hiss from the fine nature of the frequency. The fine vibration would also make my teeth zing like there was a sonic toothbrush on them. The next day a filling would fall out. People, like Glenn Morris and Santiago, when they stand next to me or touch me comment on the champagne bubble quality of effervescence they feel that comes from my energy field. Personally, I can feel this effervescent feeling of bliss and movement running through my marrow all the time. It is true, Shakti Kundalini, is the cosmic energy that shapes and destroys universes. But it is not impersonal and has a quality of supreme intelligence and wisdom. One only has to look at Kali and Durga to see some of the many manifestations of Kundalini that is capable of being experienced. This is not meant to diminish the pain and suffering that others have felt. It happens and that's why I started the Kundalini Support Network back in 2003. Community is so important. Pain shared is pain lessened. It also gives one perspective. Sharing experiences helps one feel less isolated. Sure there can be fear and isolation but there is also much joy, love, and peace which manifests as well. s
  5. Questions and Answers about Kundalini II

    I have been following the posts but I am in bit of a time crunch at the moment to answer. I just want to bring one thing up in this time. How many here had accidental, spontaneous, or traumatic awakenings vs one that happened under the guidance of a teacher? These fall under childbirth, broken sacrums, severe emotional trauma like being in a battle,death, grief, drug induced, extreme positive emotions like joy and devotion? When I first posted the first q&a about kundalini a couple of weeks ago it was addressed that strong emotion is one of those conditions that need to be in place for an awakening. This is why KAP stresses circulating the 5 positive mind states in the Secret Smile. It prepares the body by producing beneficial chemicals to handle the awakening. There are many spontaneous awakers out there and they generally have a more difficult time. One of the primary reasons is because they are in isolation and lack access to resources. I remember Dr. Morris telling me how one person came to him who was having a difficult awakening and asked him to kill her if he couldn't fix her. He fixed her using KAP techniques. s
  6. Questions and Answers about Kundalini II

    Were you in the hospital? A fever of 108 means imminent brain damage and seizures. A heart rate of 140 is almost impossible to count except by electronic monitoring. It also means there isn't enough blood getting to the brain so perception and awareness are compromised which means confusion and disorientation are the result. Memory recall is impaired. Both conditions are medical emergencies. It would be cruel and ignorant for someone to tell you to relax then so your parasympathetic nervous system could balance out the sympathetic nervous system when death is imminent. I would expect instead for you to be placed on a cooling blanket, be monitored in the intensive care unit, with cooled IV fluids and drugs flowing in both arms. I would expect a 3-5 day stay in the ICU while a workup to rule out causes and get to a working diagnosis. Susan former specialist in Critical Care Nursing Just wanted to add. This is a typical scenario when someone is found with a 108 temperature.
  7. Questions and Answers about Kundalini II

    I think these videos are going to be a monthly service we do. I can go ahead and forward these questions to him. s
  8. Questions and Answers about Kundalini II

    I would like to hear the story some time, Stephen. I wish you weren't 60 miles away or at least it seems that far. The traffic is just so horrendous. Maybe someday we can meet half way and have tea. If you know how to treat Kundalini Syndrome may I refer people to you? It's always difficult to find a good acupuncturist who also understands about kundalini and chi deviation. Susan
  9. Questions and Answers about Kundalini II

    I can teach you how to turn it down, how to ameliorate the effects. I don't think it can ever be turned off once it's on. It is the strongest evolutionary driver for the body/mind/spirit. Once it is on, it is on. It would be like climbing back into the womb once one is born. Once the door is open it stays open. This is why I always recommend this been done in the support of a group or sangha. This is why when I teach people they have my support for the rest of my life. Having kundalini awakening is like stepping out of a mini van and getting into a Lamborghini. One has to do or know more than how to put a key in the ignition and step on the pedal. There are definite phases of kundalini development that mirror the growth and development of the human life span. From conception to birth to toddler to child to the elder there are appreciable phases of development. I think that Anodea Judith's book, Eastern Body Western Mind, is a great modern book which helps put this process into context. It should be on every kundalite's book shelf. Gopi is definitely the poster child for kundalini syndrome. He had no one to help him. Dr. Morris mentioned to me that once Gopi's wife changed him from a vegetarian diet to a meat based one (i.e. grounding him) he began to make a recovery and leave his bed. People like to gawk and gossip about train wrecks. After all support groups are made for people who are having difficulties. When I was a new young nurse I was afraid of getting old because old people, in my experience, were sick and in pain, frail and miserable. Until I did more research and discovered that only about 10% of elders are chronic users of the medical care system did I gain some perspective. In the almost 20 years of experience with kundalini and with teaching and advising people I do come across those who are thriving in the experience. I was one of those who had an explosive awakening in isolation and thrived. I used to feel out of place with everyone telling their horror stories. Then I gained some perspective. It is part of the popular contemporary mythos that people who have an awakening in modern times would be shuttled off to the psychiatric care system. It was even thought that most schizophrenics are really having a kundalini awakening. Transpersonal psychology has grown out of the need to study the spiritual experience of mental health and dis-ease. This contemporary mythos can most likely be traced back to Dr. Gabriel Cousins work with Dr. Lee Sannella in the Kundalini Crisis Clinic years ago in the San Francisco area. Dr. Cousins has since retracted that opinion in recent years. Kundalini Awakening can fall under the category of Spiritual Emergency in the DSM-IV, the mental health manual of diagnosis. Intense spiritual experiences can present to look like psychosis in Western Culture. Qi-gong psychotic reaction is also a diagnosis found in the manual. Kundalini awakening is not for everyone. One does not need it to make headway or progress in personal development. It is a great accelerant and so is to be respected. Kundalini is a living energy, a part of you that is designed to create a better you and a healing and integration of the body mind spirit matrix. When this happens one begins to live in a spontaneous concert with Nature rather than a knee jerk reaction to life. It is a process. Susan
  10. Question and Answer session about Kundalini Awakening with KAP (Kundalini Awakening Process) Instructor: Tao Semko. Video Advertising Platform link to video. no password required to view. s
  11. Questions and Answers about Kundalini are right. It is the start but what away to start. Kundalini shakti boost creativity and awareness to the nth degree! For example, many people do not know that Santi is a master musician who lets the Kundalini direct the creation and flow of his music. Love his guitar work. For me, it has amped up my art work and my writing. Sorry, don't have any online links to my art. It also has supercharged our healing abilities. Those who practice martial arts will definately take their practice to the next level. It is also wonderful for creating spontaneous expression of virtue. s
  12. Questions and Answers about Kundalini

    A second Q and A session has been done. I will see if they are releasing it to the public. I also want to say thank you to all those who have donated to the Pakistan relief fund. We have raised over $4000.00. Many blessings upon you. Your impact: $90 provides three families with a two-week supply of cooking oil, rice, sugar and other staples. s I wanted to add that for those who donate in the next 24 hours will get 50% off on an online KAP course with Paul Densmore. Go here for more info on this offer.
  13. Questions and Answers about Kundalini

    I am glad you all are enjoying the video. It is being well received. Tao was one of Santi's original students. They call themselves "the brothers of another mother". love, s
  14. We come up with a list of reasons...

    Miyamoto Musashi: "I am a man with a smooth forehead." Author of "A Book of Five Rings". The five rings means the 5 elements in the Godai system. (japanese) How smooth is your forehead? s From Dr. Glenn Morris' notes: Book of Five Rings is the classic work on strategy from the viewpoint of the individual warrior. This is your guide through earth and water. Musashi tells us he meditates (I am a man with a smooth forehead.) in code, and is a devotee of the Goddess (Kannon). Rather surprising coming from one of the more successful sword duelists in Japanese history. You really have to understand combat, chi kung, and sensitivity to grasp many of Musashi's concepts. He lies a lot. He leads you astray while giving you awesome information that could save your life. He complains about problems in his day that are still problems in ours. Whenever he says, "Study on this." or "Oral tradition only." he is usually warning the informed reader that one should, but few do, break this principle down and get to work as he has only revealed the tip of the blade to the neophyte. The Harris translation is what I usually have students read first and everyone should own it in hardback just because you will read it forty or fifty times, but particularly at white through red belt it should be read often. Basics, basics, basics. The Cleary translation is a better translation than the Harris but doesn't reveal much about the man or his artwork which are important to understanding his style of fighting. The Cleary translation also includes Yagyu Munenori's scroll for the shinkage ryu. As Musashi holds strategies for the individual, Munenori benefits the company commander or group leader, particularly those that gather intelligence. The Yagyus discuss hardcore strategy as well as the esoteric application of a few methods. Interestingly enough though Munenori mentions he has seen people use various types of mind control he claims not to be very good at it. Questions from his perspective are asked at orange belt. --Glenn
  15. Secret smile

    Because we lived in a stressful society or environment we may not notice that our bodies are stressed and are running on adrenaline or other types of stimulants, both natural and manmade. Adrenal exhaustion is what results. When the body starts to finally relax and not depend on stimulants we can find out how really depleted we are. It is like our reservoirs are empty and we are flogging our kidney/adrenals to get more energy. The liver takes over too and drives the body in it's role as the General rather than let the Emporer, the Heart, direct the body. Both will result in episodes of overwhelming fatigue. It is not unusual in the beginning stages of practice to feel exhausted and need downtime. This is why one does not have to rush and do it all at once. More intensity is not necessarily better. The secret smile will acitvate the parasympathetic nervous system to counterbalance the sympathetic nervous system which is responsible for the Fight or Flight response. When the sympathetic nervous system is in charge for too long adrenal exhaustion and eventually PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) will result. It takes several years to come back from adrenal exhaustion. While coming into balance it is important to relax, breathe, not rush, and eat well with good company. s
  16. Secret smile

    YAY! Good work! Chi circulation feels good especially when the channels are relatively clear. Chi circulation makes one smile naturally! When I look around the room and see my students smiling or having little bliss giggles during meditation then I know they have accomplished much. As soon as I go into meditation the corners of my mouth turn up in a slight smile. Sometimes I softly laugh. Look at Buddha statues. How many of them have a little bit of a smile? You may not have an actual experience of those mind states to circulate but you can "fake it till you make it". Is there some character in a book or TV show that might inspire these individual states? I once had a student who had an exercise to think of a Happy Mommy and a Happy Daddy. He couldn't because he grown up in a horrible home. We asked him to pretend about someone else's parents that he admired to use them as an example. He finally had to use an example of Beaver's parents on Leave it to Beaver, the old tv show. What you are looking for is something that creates that feeling in you. It doesn't matter whether it is artificially created or not because we are just looking for the energy of that feeling to circulate through your body. I often use the metaphor of peeling an onion or removing boulders from a turbulent stream. We can keep peeling the onion indefinately but the peeling away involves smaller and smaller layers. Removing the big boulders from the rapids calms the waters down and can feel overwhelming at the time. But eventually the flowing water becomes more calm and it is easier to clear the stream. Just keep going. Keep playing as Dr. Morris would say. It is the only way to get to the other side. There will always be more but it becomes less and less intense as your practice and energy becomes more refined. The Secret Smile detoxes the emotional body and brings harmony and healing to all the bodies. IMO, it is one of the most gentle ways and effective processes to do bring about harmony and healing. It is also one of the most simplest. Be good to yourself. Have some tissues for the tears. Get a massage. Hug a pet or a plant. Be grateful that you can feel! I have worked with so many that are numb to emotions and energy and it is difficult for them to advance. You have a great advantage. Do not force yourself. You are becoming more sensitive and that makes you feel vulnerable. Hatsumi sensei used to say a true warrior is soft like a woman. This meant the yin qualities of intuition, free flowing emotions, soft musculature. Shake hands with some of the 5th dan Ninpo people and up and it was like shaking hands with smoke. Know that you are loved and this a good thing for the body. It LIKES it. good work! s
  17. She wants me to cum

    HAHAHA!! Not the nicest place to have a Kriya! That's a good way of looking at it. My body was exploding with energy and it was difficult to see in ordinary reality. You keep sharing secrets! You know that talking about visions and experiences are seen as low class, cult like behavior of the sadhu by many. Thanks for sharing the experience of your darshan. It blessed me. Head rolling back so occipital portion touches the top of the spine. A variation of the Shiva mudra. Good way to blow out the brain with kundalini bliss if you are not prepared. (Sharing secrets too. )Dr. Glenn Morris called it the bliss position. I saw Krishna Das in concert in June. So lovely and ecstatic. I wished it could go on and on that night. s
  18. She wants me to cum

    This video is well...troubling and has erroneous assumptions. This video shows a simplistic understanding of energy. Practicing an authentic kung fu makes a person strong and strong enough that being around people of weaker energy shouldn't really make that much of a difference if you are doing your practices. If men were being vamped of their energy by evil wives then I would go take kung fu from someone else. These students don't know how to root themselves nor have a good understanding of inner energy cultivation. I will say that some students, especially those who practice MA forms that lack spiritual training or understanding (this is dependent on the quality of the teacher) do become assholes and their wives divorce them because of that. Too much yang not balanced by yin. A few of my students (no such thing as all of his students. I would find that hard to believe), do get divorced or break up with their primary relationship. A percentage always do after they go thru this life changing transformation called kundalini awakening. With my students it is because they become so accelerated in their spiritual development and start to mature at much quicker rate than their partners. Then it becomes like a grown up dating a 12 year old in spritual perspectives. Their ability to perceive and work with energy is mature. My students usually go into some kind of counseling, whether professional or informal, to make sure they are honorably handling their relationships. Sometimes the relationship contract is broken or sometimes it takes a new form but my students must handle their relationships honorably. This goes as well with all kind of relationships. The emphasis is learning to be kind to those you are in relationship with because internal energy cultivation CHANGES you. Expression of virtue becomes more spontaneous. You become more insynch with Nature and it's flow. When your partner does not develop like you are difficulties can ensue. just speaking of my experiences with my students, s
  19. She wants me to cum

    You share such great secrets! Santi and I teach to circulate prayers and mantra during making love. People are absolutely floored at what happens when they do. But then again, we teach to circulate prayers and mantra during all activities of life. Oh noes...don't be initmidated! Many are and it makes me feel isolated. It is just a feeling and I know I am not isolated but....sigh.... just another practicing human being I am. So when I was seeing the neurologist yesterday I felt totally the samskaras of mortality. I was so upset and unnerved at the diagnosis I had a little car accident in the parking lot because I felt so overwhelmed and ungrounded. So I have to take some medication for a while which totally messes with my egoic projections about myself. I tell myself, "well, silly, if you broke your leg and had to have it casted and walk on crutches you wouldn't be so hard on yourself or feel shameful. Your brain is jus a little broken. You can't help it. You were born this way." Oy..i ended up laughing at myself at the end of the day. I am not the diagnosis nor am I just my feelings. Actually, the diagnosis was a relief and put a lot of things in perspective about myself. So, a new way to understand myself and a lot of things to heal. It's genetic and my whole family is affected in some ways. So this may mean a healing to come to all of us. Like you I have had many experiences of past lives and visitations to higher lokas. I know that I know that I know that I am not this but I AM THIS but still I live in a body that has accumulated a life time of experiences in this world. I chose to be human and to incarnate into this world. Each samskara I rediscover teaches me to be even more compassionate. Om Namah Shivaya Blessings and love to you, s
  20. She wants me to cum

    Thanks, V. I have had a really tough couple of days and have been feeling my mortality so that hits the spot. Yes, blue light and it. And when I connect with you I feel that clear, cooling consciousness which is so enjoyable for a Shakti woman. Pervert? No way unless that makes me a pervert too. Any that I have been with is just totally exultant in the joys of the female body and in what works and produces. No matter how many times I have been with someone I continue to marvel at how much men enjoy the pleasure of all things female. I am fortunate that who I connect with is able to thrill my spirit as well. Long distance bliss and orgasm have its place but so does that which comes from deep intimacy and skin on skin contact. If the soul connection does not happen in either instance I am left wanting and unfulfilled. s
  21. She wants me to cum

    never thought of it like that. I like men who smell like men. Not like a perfume but also not like a skunk ape. (everglades sasquatch) I know what sex smells like. I know what the energy feels like when I walk into a room after a couple has made love. But never have I thought about that question.
  22. Friday night, 11 pm Miami time. This event runs for 24 hours. Find us on skype if you want to participate LIVE. look for silatyogi who is Santiago Dobles. PM him and ask to be added to the chat room. Please donate to the Pakistan relief fund if you participate. NO donation money comes thru or to KAP. Your impact: $30 US provides a family with a two-week supply of cooking oil, rice, sugar and other staples. How to participate safely: It is simple to participate in the Global Shaktipat. First, it does run for 24 hours so if you are sleeping at the time transmission is set you can tune in later. Second: all you need to do is to do your normal meditation posture. You can even sit in a chair or lay down. It helps to have your spine straight and relaxed to facilitate the flow of energy. If you sit in a chair, sit with your palms face up on your lap to receive the energy. Breath your normal breath. If you are familiar with abdominal breathing, use that. It helps to sit in a quiet place where you will be undisturbed. You may play music if you wish. Third: Say in your heart, "I give consent to receive Shaktipat. May the Divine bless me as I am willing to receive." Fourth: Maintain an attitude of gratitude and give thanks to your Creator for the transmission. Fifth: Think and visualize of your head and heart chakras opening to receive just like a flower opening to receive the sun's light.... You may experience many symptoms, a few symptoms or no symptoms during the transmission. Some common ones are heat, coolness, feeling pressure on your skin or in your body, a sensation of a breeze or wind moving in the room, visions. Your hands or other parts of your body may feel tingling. You may feel lightheaded. Please drink plenty of water during that 24 hour period and try to get some quality rest. Shakti brings about change and can some times detox negative energies from the energy and body rather rapidly. To benefit the most out of the experience place the tongue on the roof of the mouth on the upper palate above front teeth. This connects your Yin & Yang circuits and aids you in having a safer experience. Also make sure to afterward, or within that 24 hour period, go for a nice walk barefoot on Mother Earth so you help to ground your energies. Maintain your spine ERECT naturally. Only Beings that speak the truth are allowed to participate. This event is for the blessing and healing of Pakistan. Peaceful blessings, Susan and Santi
  23. Increasing Jing

    Just as a side note. I have been on this forum since December. It is incredible the amount of messages that come up about jing, semen retention, etc. Probably to be expected since this forum is mainly men. My suggestion, since there is such a fabulous amount of good responses that I have seen, could there be a separate area around male sexual health? If only to put all the great responses in one place. We could probably do an area around female sexual health since witch has made such great offerings too. It sounds like a lot of work to corral all that info but I would be willing to help the moderators if they like. s
  24. Feminine issues

    It's difficult for me to get all my nutritional needs met from food. It's a lifestyle thing. Yearly blood work tells me I am deficient in things like Vit D, Fe, and some other things. So I do take high quality fish oil, vit D,Iron, etc. I can tell a difference in my mood and energy level when I dont. I also follow organic Paleo diet as much as possible.Over the years I have noticed a general, over all improvement since being organic Paleo. s
  25. She wants me to cum s