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Everything posted by ShaktiMama

  1. Is it OK to charge people money for instruction?

    you funny... Being intentionally contentious is interesting. i have taught people for nothing and i have taught people for a a low price and I have taught for a high price. the people who paid the high price seemed to retain and appreciate the value of what is learned more... over and over again in my 10+ years of teaching spiritual development...those who come in on a scholarship, charity of the teacher, or sponsored by a graduate...generally can't cut it. (and why are we surprised when they cant even pay their rent or child support). Referencing Maslow's Hierarchy of needs...when physiological and security needs are not met it is difficult if not impossible to work on self actualization and transcendence needs.'s_hierarchy The ones who make the best students are the one who have their self esteem needs met. It is a little more difficult to work with those who are working on getting their love and belonging needs met but they make good students too. Those working on physiological and security needs make poor if not awful students. The human organism's energy is being too much diverted to meeting those needs and all else is a distraction. That's ok. just come when the energy is not being devoted to living day to day. There are exceptions to this rule am I am sure there will be more than a few who will point that out to me after i post this thinking that I am not aware of that and need instruction. As much as these kind of students might deny...they are a a product of their culture and on a subconscious level people do not value something for nothing. They tend to be so dysfunctional and damaged they suck up and on a lot of the teacher's energy and time. They whine and complain and monopolize the teacher. Then they try to justify why it is important that they must be paid attention to because it is the teacher's fault when they don't make progress while the majority of the class does. So much feelings of entitlement out there. There are exceptions of course but they are rare rather than the rule. As a teacher, I haven't given up on those who want to be the exception. I am sometimes so tempted to take on just one student...but I am too attached to helping making a difference in the quality of life on this I take groups of all kinds. I consider it as charging as a hazardous duty fee for my time. As well as my almost twenty years of learning, education and experience.
  2. KAP

    just looking for clarity on why you speak with authority on what you say...just wondering about your practice that causes you to make such statements... in other words, i am asking you to be accountable for what you say, true or honest with yourself if you can't with us... truth can be written in the mud but it is still mud unless the truth is taken and put into action...unless you choose not to do anything with the truth and you can...none of my business if you dont....but you are wasting my time if you don't because I only train with those who do... you have ignored probably all questions I asked about how your practice influences and infuses your life and how you have personally come to the assumptions you share.. this absence says more than your responses... this board is full of words...dont hear much about practice of a virtuous and examined life...but then I haven't been here more than a couple of weeks. maybe I should look at the practice journals instead peace be with you
  3. KAP

    of course, all is spiritual practice or it is not...just depends on your perspective .... I didnt say that being a parent makes one spiritually enlightened otherwise anyone who has ever helped make or popped out a baby would be a saint. I don't think Santi did either. you are there is still much to consider and learn.... i don' know why you think a self realized person can do it better...what is self realization anyway?....they are not super human... Have you had a yoga practice? Have you sat for 4 -6 hrs daily...holding each movement mindlfully, mindful of your breath and posture for at least 10 minutes before moving to the next asana? Instructing Santi in what yoga is about is well...considering he has been a yogi since his teens and co founded and ran a popular yoga studio, teaching a certification progams in yoga, and has taught internationally and is regarded as an expert...just consider that when you engage him in conversation. The ego is not a bad thing in my book. You can never drop the ego for it is our mental programming for survival. You can transform the ego with retraining and insight. The ego in most people is fully formed by the time the person is two. So as a matter of reference our lives...unless we retrain and learn to live in awareness we are run by the survival programming of a two year old. If you ponder that you probably will start seeing that in the majority of human interactions. An adult is just a grown up child until there ego is retrained.
  4. KAP

    no i said...a pearl hidden in crap is still a pearl....
  5. KAP

    Simple Steps to Master the Mind: Dr. Death's Bad Ass Brain Scrub Courtesy of Dr. Glenn J. Morris. Do this twice a day for 2o minutes each time until the state of no mind chatter is normal and preferred. pg 65 of Path Notes of an American Ninja Master.;q=&f=false Dr. Morris's mind was like a deep still pool when I would touch it.
  6. KAP

    i am just being practical here sure going to work and feeding the kids is the easy part staying up with your 2 year old for 6 hours during the night while they have a fever, are in pain and can't stop crying and you feel horrible because someone you love more than life is suffering and you can't do anything about it is not... holding your child against your heart while you walk the floor saying prayers while your heart breaks...easy? go tell a mother what you just said... really are going to have trouble if you want to have a wife and be a father someday... and no, i am not being's the way it is... being a parent is deep spiritual practice....I am not a parent... being someone's baby momma or baby daddy is not the same thing as being a parent... this is what I mean about bringing your practice down to home, where you live...
  7. KAP

    My apologies if I come off is a poor medium to convey perception. No, my opinion is not of all women in general. But of women who have lived rich lives, who understand the Divine Feminine, I may have something to say or two. The Feminine is not about right or wrong. It is about feelings, emotions, community, family, protection, loyalty much of what gets put aside in the patrifocal, vertical view and pursuit of spiritual development. One is not better than the other. When the two polarities merge, Feminine and Masculine, is where the real breakthroughs begin. Yes, I have lived a lot longer than you probably. I am older than Santi for sure. I don't know better but I may "feel", intuit, insight better because of having lived longer. I was just telling Santi the other day that I don't notice any age difference between us unless it is in perhaps a cultural reference or because of my living a longer, varied life I am more "seasoned" which makes me more measured in my response to life. Believe you me, I would not be hanging out or teaching with a 33 year old if he didn't bring something significant to the table. Purely from what can be seen as my ego talking... I turned down a lot of offers for a teaching alliance before he approached me...from both younger and older. I was an absolute idiot in my 20s due to some really horrible family issues. Smart but an idiot and a bitch. I was not even asking or positing questions or theories like most of the people on this forum. I was trying to extricate myself from a lifetime of Christian fundamentalism. How fortunate you are that you have self awareness to be on this path early. Of course you have a mind of your own and please keep it. I don't want it. I will tell you how I approach discussion with people. If it doesn't hit down to where we live in our homes and in our is not meaningful IMO. I am not interested to hear about what I can read in books by myself. If what you read and discover does not change you and make you into a better person or better citizen on this planet why are we even talking? Why are you even reading? Yes, that sounds arrogant for sure but that is my reason for being on this planet : to help others discover what that might be for them. I really don't care what a person may choose: Taoist, Hindu, etc... just choose...or not choose. ..or maybe we are thinking about choosing or are we being eclectic and have a menu or.... Just to let people there are no surprises...when people engage me on this board I am going to eventually want to know that what you are talking are you making it real for you? Why...because it gives credibility to what you are talking about. Really, this is what I do for a living, help people find meaning in their lives...and the best way to find what is meaningful is to ask them what is happening in their life right now. Life is meaningless...except for the meaning we give it. So that was my long response to your short response. Good luck and happiness on your path too.
  8. KAP

    Back atcha Cow Tao. Email is a poor medium for connection and reflection. It is truly one dimensional in conveying the essence of someone's character. Never mistake intuition for insight and experience.
  9. KAP

    I agree. So what about today? That was then and this is now. We don't live in those times. What will you know and do differently when I tell you that women would today be repelled by a man who put his career (even if it is a "good" or "spiritual" career) first? I can tell you from counseling many women... you will attract women who despise themselves in the name of God and think they have no worth...only the worth their husbands/ boyfriends/ their perception of a patriarchal divine gives them. Many, many men like that kind of slavish devotion. Do you? This is a valid path. It works for people but what about you? Telling me that you dont matter in the scheme of how people in a large scale are positively impacted is worthy to examine. Where did you learn that? Why do you believe that is true? That may not be what you said word for word but it is hiding underneath your words for you value Buddha's choice. Examine why that is so for you. There are some deep answers there for you. Certainly not my answers. The average man marches along blindly, living his life without examination to the principles he espouses or admires without deeper introspection of how it affects him or his relationships to others and the world. There is a different way. Not my way, that's for sure. but other things to contemplate. What we don't know that we don't know is so large. The more I learn the less I know.
  10. KAP

    This is going to sound be prepared... Yes...i am sure that helped replace the loss of their father and husband. Do you really believe that material comforts replace's a father and husband's love? If you do I predict (IMO) that you are going to have real difficulty in creating the love relationship that you may desire in your heart. You just said, from a female's opinion, one of the most repugnant things you can say to a woman and her potential children. Putting a "career" above family and wife ( feminine/goddess concerns) is repellant to those women of deep consciousness and infinite love that a man could wish to partner with. Unless you want to be a celibate monk then go for it. I am not saying he did not create good things but at what expense? Who is to say how much different and maybe better it could have been for that tradition if he stayed? But Buddha is dead and so that won't change. Can a person hope to be better than the Buddha? I would hope so for otherwise there is an end to living. Be a Buddha and love and take care of your family? How radical is that? Love and tenderness is not insignifcant on the course of how history unfolds. We are unable to see the eternal perspective. We can only see what is past and now. We make judgments and opinions based on what has happened in the past. That is a good thing and yet unless we at least contemplate how things could have been different will there ever be change or just a stagnant following of the way things are done? We are touching here on a patrifocal versus matrifocal view of spiritual development. In my opinion it is good to blend them. These things I speak from only my experience.
  11. Avatar (the movie)

    EXACTLY. I tell my students ALL the time that the mind cannot tell the difference between a real and imagined thing. It is just a neutral tool. If this was not true we would have no entertainment industry. We would have nothing that causes the mind to create sensations. Porn would cease to exist among other things. Avatar would never be made. We would be Borg. Such a powerful healing and transformational application of the mind but we waste it because either we have not been taught or we just don't care or understand the implications.
  12. KAP

    Hah...I would never kid myself to think that I was being intuitive. I have seen this argument countless times so I had to find my way through it with an answer that I can live with. So many pervs (IMO) in the guru/spiritual leader world and I am insulting the word perv. I have respect for Santi's opinions even if he rubs people the wrong way. He's a stay at home Dad who takes care of the whole family and house hold while his wife works outside the home. Two daughters with one on the way and two sons of which he is primary care giver gives him a unique masculine perspective of experience with kids and childrearing. I think if more male teachers were the primary care givers in their family we would see a different kind of nurturing and loving in a teaching. Which Buddha abandoned his family to pursue enlightenment? How many male teachers or aspirants abandon their families to do this? I really get annoyed at people who say they have to go live in a cave or an ashram for the rest of their life to pursue spiritual goals if they are abandoning their householder/family duties to do so. They mouth such spiritual platitudes such as "God is the more important to me than my family." is in your family. God is in All Things. The hardest path, IMO, is to have an effective spiritual practice while living with your family. The Divine may be number one in your life but the Divine is wherever you are at...not in India, or Tibet, or China...or whatever. God is present where ever you are. I was a failure at that. I had to leave-move 1200 miles away-because it was too overwhelming in the family dynamics. I needed to preserve my sanity. Ok...20 years later I am "advanced" enough that I can make a go of it and heal damaged relationships I have. That is unfolding now but I wish I didn't have to wait 20 some years to do that. What a waste! Yes, a slave to my conditions. I wish I had myself and Santi 20 years ago to help me out!
  13. KAP

    yes... i agree but i am a product of my times and culture. Thousands of years ago it was quite different...values, people, cultures. People who say they would like to live in past times need to consider how alien those cultures are to ours. In my own life I am so acculturated to being an American that even going to Canada is strange. I would hate to be a female back then. But it is over and done with. Complaining about it now is not going to change the past. This is an old problem for people discounting what is true based on the reputation of the speaker. A pearl is still a pearl even if it is hidden in a load of crap. Hopefully, we are mature enough to make those distinctions rather than knee jerk react about it. Besides one man's crap is another man's treasure.
  14. Indoors or Outdoors ?

    Outdoors is preferable. Ideally away from power lines, sick trees and plants, toxic environments if you can. Also near clean running water like a river or brook. Pine trees I find the best for me near a stream. Night versus day depends more on whether you want to cultivate yin or yang or one of the specific elements or organs. I don't like daytime practice myself. The sun is too much (heat and radiation) up here at one mile up but there are plenty who prefer it. It depends on the practitioner. One of my teachers said it best. Just practice. Worry about time and place later. This was instruction for beginners. When your sensing skills get better you will able to "feel" out a good place depending on what your body wants. I wanted to add that when I was in Beijing, people especially the elderly practiced in any place available early in the morning. If that meant practicing on the concrete plaza in front of the horrendous smoggy traffic and concrete buildings in downtown, they did it.
  15. Avatar (the movie)

    Having been a member and owner of several kundalini lists since 1996 I can attest to the fact that what he says above is true. One of the favorite topics of discussion among kundalites is what activates and moves kundalini in their bodies. Movies and music are at the top of the lists. I would get chills watching "Powder". There is more not known about what happens with kundalites when they interact with the world than is known. This is one of those things that you will never read about in a book or research paper. We also talk about foods, essential oils or scents, colors, lovemaking, intense emotions, movements that excite Kundalini in the body. Really anything that causes joy, gratitude, pleasure or intense wonder will move Kundalini. Being in awe of the Universe in all its wondrous manifestations goes hand in hand with kundalini.
  16. if you can't get on that way with the link ...just get on skype and look for me or santi and message us susanacarlson santiago dobles 100% of donations go to reputable children's charities susan and santi
  17. KAP

    I was actually not there to study martial arts with him but medical qigong and learned wuji qigong on the side. Spent two weeks doing table work on people with him. He is good. I saw him relieve a lot of pains, help someone gets some hearing back, lower Blood pressure, etc. He placed one needle in my Stomach 37 and it felt like someone turned a flame thrower on my leg. He gives chi while he needles. Because of his push hands skills he is called "sneaky bastard." I watched him push hands with a pretty female and it segued into a ballroom dance. He is talented in many things. He also smiles constantly unless he is so touched in his heart tears will fill his eyes because he loved his american "children" so much. And what a mind...talked philosophy for hours...needed a translator but the concepts were complex. He loves to flirt and hug the ladies (I have got pics! We have video!) and we loved to flirt and hug back. He's got some righteous chi going on. You are right about people not understanding the importance of high level energy projection. It can be life changing. It was for me and it was for Santi and it is for a goodly number of our students. You can talk and debate the merits of a kiss all you want but until you have been kissed and kissed by a master...why all the fuss? Just come and do it. Come play and train with us and see for yourselves in London, UK next month.
  18. No problem. My way is not just one way either. The ecstasies can be orgasmic or blissful or both. I am fortunate that is available to me but I am eclectic in my approach. I like what is effective regardless of what tradition it comes from. My students go out and learn different things and bring them back to share. I have one student who is an apprentice in the Bushman Shaman tradition. Another who is Vipassana, another pagan, and so on. I am not attached to one system. I just hope they first learn one well to get started and then branch out to explore what works best for them.
  19. Devoured is a good word for it. Sport combat on the astral is fun. He's not all Golden Dawn but it's the best I can come up with in describing him. Spiritual growth and living in constant communion with Source can be orgasmic. Speaking from daily personal experience living as an ecstatic mystic. My path may not be appropriate for any but a few. All roads lead to Rome. Just pick one that works best for you.
  20. I think saying no men is a little extreme. Maybe just no one who has read this thread. The world is a very big place. I have large list, over 600 people, that is for exploring the relationship between kundalini and sex. It is for adults only. Doesn't mean that its a swinging place but if you are looking for people to experiment with I know one male for sure who probably would be interested. He and I use to practice sending sexual energy over long distances in the late 90s. Considering he lives in the UK and I live in the US you can be assured we knew what we were doing. I thought he was good. He's of the Golden Dawn tradition so he doesn't have any of those pesky moral issues to consider. If you join and give an intro I think you could stir up some interest on the list. If he doesn't respond...and it might be because he is out sailing...I will arrange a private intro. He loves to play with juicy femmes. This group has a long history of doing group energy exchanges although we have slacked off in the recent years. The list was initially created in 1996 but ended up on yahoo in 1998. Anyone can join if they are interested. From the groups page: The sexual symptoms of awakened Kundalini, Tantra, remote group energy sharing, Goddess worship, exploring archetypes, orgasms, cosmic and otherwise, finding God/dess through ssex, sacred ssex and sacred ssex practices. ADULTS ONLY. New members posts will be on "moderated" status until they demostrate that they are not spammers. We regret this inconvenience, however we had many members joining just to spam the list. Spamming will not be tolerated. Intolerance for different sexual lifestyles and choices are not tolerated. Is God/dess Ssex? Is Spirit Ssex? Can we find God/dess and union with ourselves and the Infinite through ssex? Does awakened kundalini enhance ssex? How can I recognize lovers who are awakened? How do I develop my energy for ssex? How can ssex develop me? These are some of the questions that are asked and explored in here. Why this picture: "May our communities become those of people who learn from everyone instead of teaching to everyone!"...Anonymous. This community is sacred space, a temple ground. Please remove your *shoes* before entering. We are all of different backgrounds, traditions, and nationalities. Please share a little bit on your membership application about yourself including what your intentions are, a sharing of your heritage, a little about yourself, and what you do for service to our world. And don't forget to tell us how you heard about us. If you don't put in anything in your application note about why you want to join or write something nonsensical or vulgar your membership will not be approved. For general discussions of Kundalini there is an all purpose world wide discussion list:
  21. Back in the mid 90s I was in conversation with a net acquaintance, a pagan and excellent healer, on a kundalini list. Her name was Morgana. Being on a kundalini list, moderating kundalini lists, and being the owner of my own kundalini list, invariably people ask what enlightenment is. People offer up all kinds of info and descriptions. One day Morgana said back then, "enlightenment is a cultural myth," and it was like a bell ringing to me. Time stood still. After listening to so much talk I realized that people view enlightenment through a cultural lens with all it's baggage. Many claim to be enlightened. Ummm... why? I took to saying enlightened behavior is a descriptor of enlightenment, the state. Then, being the pragmatic contrarian that i am, I said, "enlightenment is what you do in your living room at home when no one's watching." If you meet the Buddha, kill him... Because it is an imposter. Buddha is dead. Or kill him before he kills you first which is what the greatest teachers do. among yourselves.
  22. Interesting. the more i do the juicier and more intense they get. it becomes quickly addictive to me... lol Makes me strong. So if it takes you a couple of days to recover I would suggest you are using your own personal jing energy juice rather than tapping into universal power. Also flow is reciprocal the more you give the more you should get back so the more you give...otherwise it is just a mutual wanking circle jerk. just speaking from personal experience
  23. So organize an energy sharing practice group on chat. It is easy enough to do. Ask for volunteers but that would have to prove they have some skill set level not just be voyeurs. When Santi and I teach and are with students online part of the practice is some sexual energy cultivation and sharing (tantra based) in KAP 2. Sexual energy can be very healing.
  24. KAP

    He is correct regardless of his qualifications, Jaloo. It's really a matter of understanding the "pipes" and how they flow in the body. I have been out of the ICU for a while and I forget details sometimes. Here's an old article that talks in layman's terms about "showers of clots" coming from the legs. Since it was published in 1964 and this problem is still recognized as dangerous today we can probably be pretty comfortable that we should be prudent in our practices.,870836,00.html Just on a personal note I once had a person die in front of my eyes from either "throwing a clot" or "stroking out " as we say in medical speak. In retrospection it may have been a lethal arrhythmia but she did have a pacemaker. She was an elderly, retired doctor in the hospital as a patient for I forgot what. I was sitting by her bed talking to her and taking her blood pressure. As I was looking at the pressure gauge she stopped talking all of a sudden. When I realized she wasn't talking I looked up at her. Her face had gone into a blank stare and her body limp. I tried to shake her awake but she wouldn't come to. I called for a resuscitation team...a "code blue". We worked on her for about 20 minutes and we had to let her go. I once had a guy, when I was only out of nursing school for a year or so, have a heart attack probably from a lethal arrhythmia on a bedside commode. I was making his bed and he just went silent and his skin turned gray. He didn't make it either. He was relatively young..50s..and was in the hospital because he had a heart attack. He probably "extended" the damage and died because of it. I have seen lots of people die, both planned and unplanned. I have been in the room when they draw their last breath. This is why the death by cold coke sounds fishy and unexamined because I have been around the process of dying and death a lot. I have seen and known of people who pass out and hurt themselves on the toilet. Now we know toilets don't hurt people but a lot of people get hurt sitting on one. I would not advise against sitting on a toilet ever again because of that.
  25. A Female Question

    I discovered yesterday in one of the topics that I posted on that a female asked me a good question and I didn't see it till then. My apologies for not answering it when I discovered that but I only have so much time in the day to give a a thoughtful answer to questions. I can't remember which topic it was in. I have only posted in a few topics but I do remember it was an honest question that deserved an answer or at least an attempt by me to contemplate and give one. I have been through all of the topics a couple of times and I can't seem to find it. Please accept my apologies, whoever you are, and please post your question again for me. Thank you so much. I think it had to do with feminine practice. I am going to bed now but if you read this I will look at your question again tomorrow. Blessings, Susan