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Everything posted by zen-bear

  1. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hello Steve, No. The FP Qigong cultivates energy rather evenly and sublimely throughout the body. The FP healing Qi does not originate in the hands and then affect the body. The alchemic formula of posture, movement and the priming breath-control sequence ignites a circulation of FP energy in the body first, which then extends to the hands and extremities. Some people with very clean and clear internal energy channels will feel extra fullness and comfort in the hands, but everything--every cell-- between the hands and central nervous system along the spine will already been fully charged and energy-permeated. Every person's body is different. All energy healers--and this would include those using FP Healing Energy are able to mentally concentrate higher intensity of energy into the hands, and this is typically proven by Kirlian photography. FP Qigong, however, at its advanced levels is very even and sublime. As stated many times on the thread, when one has cultivated a substantial reserve of FP energy, the healing Qi will spontaneously transfer and infuse into the healing subject at the slightest touch. Keep up the healthful practice of 50 20 10 before sleeping. It can't hurt to spend more time doing this meditation for it can only make you sleep better. One's health aura can extend 4 to 6" from the body. But don't take anyone's word for it; see it for yourself. (if interested, we can go over means to develop and fine tune "seeing" energy in our online session). One' s health aura can be much reduced if one is in poor health or it can much more extended if one is in peak health or is enthused or inflamed with special energy such as the tangible FP Healing Energy. When I used to watch GMDW in healing mode, the aura above his hands (which I saw more as a shadow) reached upward into the heavens. Best, Sifu Terry www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html
  2. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Because of the mercury retrograde that started Oct. 21, I have been praciticing overtime reviewing all the martial arts that I hope to perfect and better preserve. I told Alleswasderfallest that I don't do more than 18 reps. of Bending the Bows myself nor do I direct my students to do more than 18 reps in a session because "18" was the number that GMDW recommended for this very powerful exercise and because I can easily fill an hour with its practice and I desire to cover as much of the Basic Level FP System when I am teaching. The other reason that I keep the reps to 18 is that I have several subsystems within the Bok Fu Pai tradition to preserve, I have to get to the other systems besides FP Qigong. For example, this morning, I spent one full hour on Basic and Advanced FP Qigong and then 2 hours 50 minutes practicing Sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and the Preparatory Form of the Bot Dim Gum (8 Sections of Energy Combined system) two times each. (And prior to the one hour of Basic and Advanced FP, I practiced a shortened version of an advanced Tao Tan Pai meditation that took 35 min. Total practice time was thus 4 hours 25 min.) Good practicing to all. And I hope to hear more reports of your energy effects from "Moonbeam" on Vol.3 and the Long Form Standing of Vol.4. Sifu Terry
  3. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi Alleswasderfallist, Bending the Bows is one of the most important and central moving meditations in the FP Qigong system. There is no harm in doing Bending the Bows 50 times if that's your urge or predilection, for the energization and vibratory state created by the meditation will automatically subside at some point, depending on the practitioner. The key, however, is do the BTB meditation with total relaxation and correction posture such that one no longer feels the body--at least approaches that state of "frictionless" movement. If one does 50 reps with bad form, that may simply develop or retain bad habits. To answer your question: No, I have never tried or suggested that students do more than 18 repetitions of BTB because I have found that if I did the meditation as slowly as possible--at the speed of a shifting sand dune, then that took a good solid hour or longer. But if you are doing BTB at a super-slow speed and thorough bodily relaxation, then i would say, go ahead...knock yourself out! When I practice the Basic FP Meditations or teach a class in it, I do all the standing meditations of Vol.1 for about 5 minutes each, do 10 minutes of BTB, and then do Wind Through Treetops once, Wind Above the Clouds once, then "Moonbeam" once or twice, and the Long Standing Meditation of Volume 4 once or twice. That's usually a good 60 to 90 minutes or longer, depending on one's speed of movement. Then I cover all the 3 basic seated preparatory meditations at the start of Vol.2 and then at least 2 of the seated Monk Serves Wine meditations (from either Vol.2 or Vol.7). That brings the total practice session to 2 hours or more. Sifu Terry
  4. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Inspired by the Mercury Retrograde, this morning's practice started with one basic preparatory Flying Phoenix seated meditation (from Vol.1 of CKFH series with breathing sequence 50 30 10), the 22-movement seated meditation (that I taught to "Fu_doggy" last year) then complete 7-repetition sets of "Monk Serves Wine" meditations No. 3 (90 80 50 20)--known as the "waker-upper", MSW med. #5 (70 50 20 10), MSW med. #6 (80 70 50 30), then Flying Phoenix standing meditations--"Bending the Bows" (18x), one round of "Wind Through the Treetops", one round of "Wind Above the Clouds", one round of "Moonbeam Splashes on Water"; spiced with one round of the short version of the Tao Tan Pai Five Dragons Meditation--yowza, followed by one round each of the first four 90-second meditations on Volume 5, and finally ending with 18 reps. of a most powerful Bok Fu Pai meditation. Intense brain activation and fullness and consistency of the FP Energy was felt increasing throughout the entire 3 hours of practice. Sifu Terry Dunn www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html
  5. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Last night was sword night under a beautiful moon: I started with my favorite 3 Advanced Flying Phoenix Qigong exercises (2 are on my Youtube channel) as warm-up, followed by 3 rounds of Master Abraham Liu's Yang style Tai Chi sword form, followed by 3 rounds of Dr. York Loo's Yang TC Sword form, followed by 3 rounds of Master William C.C. Chen's Yang TC Sword Form--all using my heaviest sword from the 1970's. Then followed with one round of half of Master Chan Ching Kai's Liu He Ba Fa form and one round of his Yang Short Form (which I call his "fighting form"), followed by 3 rounds of the Yang TC broadsword set, sealed with one round of William C.C. Chen's 60-posture form. Talk about bliss.
  6. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi Steve, Glad you found the suggestion helpful. As I've explained from the start of the thread, the basic standing FP Meditations are all stronger than the basic seated meditations, even though one may not be able to tell at first because the seated FP Meditations enables one to feel the Qi in the hands, head and torso almost immediately. But the standing FP Meditations are stronger from my experience and as explained by GM Doo Wai. So balance and anchor your daily practice with a couple of the standing meditations. In general, beginners should not be just the seated FP Meditations of Volume 2 without the standing meidtations--unless they are debilitated and cannot stand, of course. Will be glad to work with you online whenever you're versed with the FP Meditations on Volume 3 or sooner. Best, Sifu Terry
  7. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Ack, I'll rate that sand dune shifting a "C-minus". There are subtly-invisibly shifting sand dunes in Volume Seven of the CKFH DVD series, teaching 5 Advanced Seated "Monk Serves Wine" Meditations--as the entire program was filmed outdoors in Death Valley's dunes. However, at sunset on one day during the shoot of Vol.7, the shifting of the sand dunes was actually quite visible: the wind was so strong that the footage looked like the scene from "Lawrence of Arabia" when Lawrence was crossing Sinai to get to Cairo with his 2 young guides. *Maybe I'll edit in a clip of the sand storm to give future viewers the definitive reference images of "the speed of a shifting sand dune"!!* Btw, regarding what causes a sand dune to shift: during the demonstration of one of seated meditations on Volume 7 (where I'm filmed in profile) a nice little whirlwind aka a beauty of a tall "dust devil" (mini-tornado) rolls across the desert floor in the distant background. One principle of the Taoist worldview is that the same natural processes seen on the macrocosmic level (i.e., the spiral nebula) can also be seen on the microcosmic level--e.g., within the body. So, think about that dust devil whirling across the desert floor and how that image and process might apply to your intention to move your body. The whirlwind crossing the desert floor was the magical moment--and a good omen--during the Chi Kung For Health DVD shoot in 2003--akin to the flight of seagulls swooping into the video frame just as I was doing the kicking series in Section 2 of the Yang Long Form in 1989, when i was shooting the opening sequence (silhouetted at sunset on rocks at Palos Verdes Beach, CA--seen in the Menu Page of the "Tai Chi For Health, Yang Long Form" DVD.) Ha! --More incentive and impetus to get intermediate FP practitioners out there to practice to Volume 7, which is the coup de grace of this FP Qigong system (or whatever one would call the "finishing stroke" in a sublime healing context). Thanks for your sand dune post, Pitisukha! Sifu Terry www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html www.taichimania.com/taichi_catalog.html
  8. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Thank you very much, Steve, for posting a pretty accurate explanation of why during most of the demonstrations of the the Adv. seated ("Monk Serves Wine") Meditations on Volume 7, I move faster on the DVD's. Besides the self-imposed time constraint on DVD program of 60 minutes, I demonstrated the movements of each meditation a little faster just so that a viewer's visual memory can operate. If I did the demonstrations at the speed at which I normally practice--i.e., at shifting sand-dune speed, it would take more than 5 minutes in some cases and a viewer would never to be able to remember the sequence by watching one run-through! As the Samuel Jackson character said quite loudly to the Tim Roth and Amanda Plummer characters at the end of "Pulp Fiction" after asking them the question of what Fonzie is like or advocates and the Amanda Plummer character answered: "be cool"): "Correctamundo!" The speed that all beginning FP practitioner should move at is as slowly as possible: imagining and thereby approaching the speed of a shifting sand dune. The more one attempts to move at this speed, the sooner one is able to move at that speed and thereby begin to attain total mind-body integration and the allostatic state where one can conduct the FP healing energy. And in controlling the movement at the slowest speed imaginable effects a special type of mind-body integration where one actually feels like one is "seeing the world through one's hands." It's a profound sensation. Try it. You'll like it. (And, ah, for those out there who are sand-dune-challenged: Keep trying it until you break that speed-barrier! You will be glad you did. As per the I Ching, "Perseverance furthers." Best, Sifu Terry www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html Thanks, Lloyd, for this responding to Coaster's question with this perfectly clear and accurate explanation on the "tolerances" of doing the Flying Phoenix breath-control sequences a little off! Sifu Terry Hello Alles-- I'm so glad to hear that you and your girlfriend have discovered the cumulative and "multiplier" effect of doing the FP Qigong in close proximity. As I mentioned early in the thread, every time i teach an FP Meditation class for 90 to 120 minutes, the larger the group, the deeper and more pronounced, the soothing-energizing and rejuvenating effects, and the more the group's energy positively affects various people in the facility (in other rooms of the studio). Yes, 18 reps of Bending The Bows is an excellent exercise to do together. You will find that the more you practice BTB or any of the "basic level" FP Meditations, when you practice together, the more experienced FP Practitioiner will open and create a channel of FP Healing Energy for the other relatively less experienced practitioner and the latter will "slipstream" and absorb the energy in that channel (but not the personal energy of the more experienced FP Practioner). I regularly do that for my FP Qigong students during classes and private lessons. Keep up the solid practice, Alles, and enjoy! Best, Sifu Terry www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html
  9. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    A special announcement to all Flying Phoenix Chi Kung practitioners: I am available for online private tutorials in Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Qigong (Fei Feng San Gung) via Skype video-conferencing and Facetime (Mac devices). My aim is to get all serious FP practitioners fully versed in the basic level of the FP Qigong system (contained in the six volumes of my Chi Kung For Health dvd series) within 2.5 to 3 years from the time they started practice so that they can demonstrate verifiable healing ability. For those interested in private lessons via Skype or Facetime in Flying Phoenix Qigong, the cost of private online lessons is slightly less than an in-person private lesson given by me in Los Angeles. In addition to lessons in FP Qigong, I am also offering Form Correction lessons in Yang Tai Chi Chuan as well as remedial form and body mechanics lessons in almost any animal-inspired/based southern kung fu system. I am also available to teach beginners (and experienced martial artists): (A) basic Bok Fu Pai Kung Fu forms and ( B ) Five basic animal forms of Tao Tan Pai Kung Fu ("Taoist Elixir Method"), and parallel to the 5 TTP Animal Forms, I also will be teaching © the entire Tao Tan Pai Basic Level 31 Neikung exercises for health and healing. For those interested in such online tutorials, please contact me at this email address to set up a free, 10-minute intake interview: [email protected] Fees will be disclosed during the intake session. (They have not changed since Fu_doggy started this discussion thread in 2009.) I have already had great success teaching Flying Phoenix Qigong using Skype/Facetime and you will be seeing reviews posted soon by the early adopters of my live Qigong lessons through the internet. Fortunately, the FP Qigong lends itself quite well to this medium! Best Regards to all, Sifu Terry Dunn www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html
  10. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hello Coaster, Thanks for the consolation links to other notable thefts of intellectual property by hollywood film studios. It is a sad fact that virtually all of them do it, and that some of them do it a lot more than the others and as a matter of corporate policy. My fight for justice and reparations in the theft of my story outline titled "The Adventures of Zen-Bear, the Kung-Fu Panda" (WGA-registered 2004) and several copyrighted and registered works predating that is at a pause (on hiatus). That will probably be about a 2-year pause. The good news is that I have been fully "back" to the business of teaching, producing a PBS television series, and authoring new DVD's and books. The FP Qigong book is evolving nicely, although I still cannot give an estimate as to a publication date. Best, Sifu Terry www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html
  11. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    The source of the Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Chi--as the name of the art suggests--is, well, Heaven. And by the sublime and profound healing effects of this tangible and perceivable healing energy (visible to many), many practitioners have remarked that it's source can only be "heavenly" or "divine." I said it in a slightly different way when I first experienced the FP Qigong's healing energy in 1991: I remarked, "I cannot believe that any human being could have created this art." That sentiment has been echo'd by many FP practitioners over the past 22 years. One taking rigorous scientific approach might say that the "source" of the Flying Phoenix Healing Energy that's cultivated and grows in cumulative manner in one's system from practicing this Qigong is you, the practitioner because the Qi that gets worked on "gong-ed" or "kung-ed" is the raw unrefined metabolic energy that exists in your cells that gets liberated, organized, cultivated and transformed into the distinctive Flying Phoenix healing energy through the alchemic process of this Qigong. But the moment one has practiced the FP Qigong correctly and the FP Healing Energy is cultivated within oneself, the FP Energy within one's microcosm connects to the macrocosmic "trunk" of this same energy and that is when one becomes completely enveloped and inflamed in the FP Healing Energy. As to the source of this trunk or channel of FP healing energy, one can only surmise that something divine and supremely compassionate created it. Again, I encourage FP practitioners to master this art to a good extent (become versed in all the exercises of Vols 1 to 4 at the very least) and then go practice a different Qigong system and qualitatively compare the FP Healing Energy to the energy cultivated by any other authentic Qigong system. Hope this helps. Sifu Terry Dunn www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html
  12. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi Pitisuhka, Your FP training agenda looks fine. I'm so glad to hear that you got through the initial difficulties and "hitches" in doing Bending the Bows. That exercise is the first moving meditation in the FP system and actually most important and beneficial for beginners. Continue to practice it. If you regularly do Bending the Bows in sets of 18 repetitions, all the other FP Meditations--standing and seated-- will open up for you. I would love to do a tour of FP workshops throughout Europe. There are a few FP practitioners in U.K., France, Germany, and now Italy. If you organize one in Italy, I will come. I have a number of Tai Chi for Health and Tai Chi Ruler DVD practitioners in Italy as well. No release date for the FP Chi Kung book yet. It's about 80% complete. But I keep thinking of more chapters to add to its preface and introduction. But I will let you know when I do set a date. Regards, Sifu Terry
  13. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hello Alles-, Very glad to hear that you're keen in progressing to the Advanced Flying Phoenix Exercises. It's only a matter of time and diligent practice. Thanks for your progress report. I am very gratified to hear you've found that "Wind Through Treetops" and "Moonbeam Splashes on Water" are very quieting of the mind. The wonderful thing that encourage all to discover is that when you practice several FP Meditations at a time, the mental quiescence goes deeper and deeper and deeper with each successive FP Meditation--regardless of what order you practice them. Again, the cumulative effect of the FP Energy cultivation that I've mentioned since the start of this thread. I remember that the first time through Moonbeam, I immediately sensed a tangible, heavenly energy rising up in me upon completion of the breath control. This wasn't as quite as strong with Treetops, probably because this sequence requires a little more physical endurance up front IMO. After practicing for a few weeks, I could feel that special energy guiding me. Excellent observation!--and the point that I was trying to make with my suggestion to Pitisuhka in my post #2609 at the top of this page!! : If you do the "Moonbeam" breath control sequence--90 60 50 20--after having correctly established the preceding 6 basic standing FP Meditations, you will feel the FP energy arise just with just the breathing sequence!!! So thank you for reporting this demonstrable and repeatable characteristic of each and every one of the FP Meditations--"Moonbeam Splashes on Water" in your case. I've benefited the most in my practice of volume 1, as a result of practicing 3. I feel like I understand much more about letting the energy guide me in BTB and even the static meditations now that I've seen how the celestial energy is there to guide one through the more advanced meditations. Yes! Once you are able to do the moving meditations in a frictionless manner--meaning efforltessly--you are in the state of being guided by the greater emanation--the macrocosmic FP Energy Flow. The "trunk" of FP energy as GM Doo Wai would call it. A noticeable benefit in daily life is my range of motion. I've mentioned before that I had a spinal fusion surgery when I was a teenager, which significantly reduced my ROM. Much of this is mental or neural, however, and Moonbeam has taught me a lot about the importance of total body relaxation in rotating my torso (I can probably rotate about as much as the average person now (w/o qigong/yoga training) -- before, a fluid rotation of 45 degrees wasn't so straightforward ). I've also begun to understand motion of the shoulder blades and arms, especially as I've been practicing MSW 4 (50 20 10). And I honestly feel like I've only just begun to tap into the healing power of these meditations. Very glad to hear that the FP seated meds like MSW #4 is having some healing effect on your old injury and surgery on your spinal fusion and has increased your mobility and range of motion. Yes, you have just scratched the surface of the healing physiological effects of the FPCK system. Keep doing 50 20 10 and the others (like 80 70 50 30) and all the MSW meditations on Vol.7 will together have greater relaxing and SUBLIMELY INTEGRATING effect as well as align you with the macrocosmic FP Flow that guides. You are a perfect candidate to experience the power of FP healing energy on a long-existing injury. More about what comes with "frictionless" FP practice: It is truly a wonderful and marvelous state to practice this FP High Yoga to the point where you cannot tell whether it is you doing it or the it --the macrocosmic "trunk" of FP energy--is doing you. This is the yogically facilitated experiencial state in which all duality dissolves away. That experiential state in which you feel exactly and know exactly what Lao Tzu , Chuang Tzu and later Taoists were feeling and knowing when they wrote their paradoxical ditties about the Tao, Ultimate Reality: The vitalities of Heaven and Earth, sun and moon, are fundamentally inherent in our bodies. If reality and consciousness do not stray from each other, Creation is always in the palm of your hand. --Chang Po-Tuan, Inner Teachings of Taoism-- --And this, in my book, is the best functional description of "frictionless" and best expression of the real meaning of kung-fu that has ever been expressed by a non-Chinese: Consciousness is a symptom of dis-ease. All that move well moves without will. All skillfulness, all strain, all intention is contrary to ease. Practice a thousand times, and it becomes difficult; A thousand thousand, and it becomes easy; a thousand thousand times a thousand thousand, and it is no longer Thou that doeth it, but It that doeth itself through thee. Not until then is that which is done well done. -- Aleister Crowley, 1913, Ordo Templi Orientis I took a sneak peak at volume 4 last week and it looks amazing. Can't wait to get into it. • You'll get to it soon enough, Alles. From this point forward, I look forward to teaching refinements of the Long Standing FP Med. now that I've been doing it for 22 years. Thank you for your post, Alleswasderfallist. Sifu Terry
  14. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I have followed a training schedule since September 5 of practicing Qigong, Tai Chi, and Kung Fu for 4 hours every morning and 3 to 4 hours in the evenings--outside of teaching hours. After starting this morning as I do every morning with the highest Tao Tan Pai Neigung exercise that requires a minimum of 50 minutes, I followed an order of practice that I had done about a four times previously: I spent one hour practicing all nine of the Advanced Flying Phoenix Standing Meditations that have not been published followed by 75 minutes practicing all of the "basic" standing Flying Phoenix Meditations that are taught on Volumes 1, 3 and 4 of the Chi Kung For Health DVD series. Then I practiced for one hour Yang Tai Chi Chuan forms (60 and 108, and sword). This fifth time following this order of practice confirmed for me Sifu Hearfield's assessment given to me long ago that the 9 Advanced FP Meditations constitute a "spiritual martial art". One qualification of this practice as a spiritual martial art that I can relay here is that certain martial postures in the Advanced FP Meditations have the same fine effect as mudras. The sublimity of the the martial Qi cultivated and channeled by the Advanced FP Standing Meditations --just like the powerfully soft, light and transformative FP Healing Energy cultivated and channeled through the "basic" meditations--is indeed "Celestial Chi" (as exclaimed by Kasuku in Post #2597) --and not carnal in nature--if one has properly practiced the Basic FP Meditation System. This fact has tremendous implications for practitioners who progress to learning this level of the FP art. But first things first. Speaking of mastering the Basic FP Celestial Healing Meditation System and getting back to solid practice: I am waiting reports of practitioners' experiences with the standing moving FP meditations: "Wind Through Treetops", "Wind Above the Clouds", "Moonbeam Splashes on Water", and especially the Long Form Standing FP Med: "Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Chi Meditation" on Volume 4. Just a helpful reminder to all practitioners who have been doing just Vols. 1 and 2 Meditations for one year to 1.5 year: it is time to start practicing the moving FP Meditations in Volumes 3 and 4. For I would like nothing better than to eventually start teaching the Advanced FP Meditations to those who have mastered the "Basic" level of the Flying Phoenix Chi Kung. FP practitioners who wish to get instruction, correction, any type guidance in Flying Phoenix Chi Kung, and have me review of their proficiency in FP Chi Kung can arrange online private tutorials through Skype and Facebook with me. Just contact me through PM to arrange at time. For reasons that I will thoroughly explain in my forthcoming book on FP Qigong, the Advanced FP Level is best learned in person. One reason is that the Forms are very subtle and some are long and complex (too complex to instruct on video). The other related reason is that Form correction is essential in learning the Advanced exercises. And in order for me to test a practitioner's proficiency, I must be in proximity to see and feel the quality of his/her FP energy. But the "not-so-basic" Basic level of the Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Chi Kung can be learned effectively through the DVD series, as thousands of people have pleasantly discovered. So good practicing to all and please tell everyone here how your Wind feels Above the Clouds and how your Moonbeam is Splashing on the Water. Sifu Terry Dunn www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html
  15. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hello Pitisuhka, Ridingtheox offers sage advice. Practice the FP Qigong meditations diligently as they are presented on the DVD series. Listen carefully inwardly as you practice. You will come to know the importance of the breath-control sequences without having to experiment and do the postures without them. You have not practiced the FP Qigong or any other valid system of Qigong long enough to be able to discern the effects of the postures and postures plus movements minus the breathing method (in the case of FP, its breath-control sequences). At this state, you are (1) diluting the effects of the FP Medittions by doing the postures without the breathing and (2) only causing yourself confusion by experimenting with the FP Meditations--without having the benefit of having fully cutivated the reserve or superabundance of FP Healing Energy--which I have said again and again, does not take decades and decades to cultivate--but a relatively short time compared to all other Qigong systems that I am familiar with, including those other systems that I teach. I would suggest that you hold off on your experiment for a good 9-12 months, practice all the FP Exercises in Volumes 1 through 4 on a basis during those 9-12 months. And after that much practice, then do your experiment to discern the role and importance of the breathing formulas. As Lloyd McClelland (Fu_doggy) accurately surmised on page of of this thread, the FP breathing formulas are the "secret sauce" that coupled with the postures and movements, generate the profoundly energizing and rejuvenating effects that everyone experiences and remarks about. And as I suggested in the first year of the thread, after you've established the basic level of FP Qigong in your life, try this experiment: Do only the breath-control sequence of any of the FP Meditations that you've done for 9+ months (try "Monk Holding Peach" or "Moonbeam Splashes on Water" for starters) and note what you experience. Good luck. Sifu Terry
  16. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hello Jascha / Kasuku, Thank you so much for your report of your mother's recent start of FP Qigong practice and of your sister's x-ray Shen-seeing of your mother's energy aura when she practices FP Qigong! Your sister through you has given one of the very few confirmations--besides my own--that the Flying Phoenix Healing Energy is a luminous sky-blue that's visible to the human eye (and as I've stated several times, will even show up on a video camera!) . Just imagine how much your little sister's Shen and super-vision will improve if she practiced the FP Qigong! I highly encourage FP practice for all those who have gifts of perception. Oh and the comment of FP energy completely over-riding any energy that in the system while your doing the meditations - yes i remember when i did the form posted by GMDW on youtube, the healing qi completely filled my energy field and made it very light and ethereal - which was a shocker the first time i did it because it had compeltely chaged what i had been doing a couple hours before. Yes, you felt it the way everyone else feels it--light, ethereal but deeply healing. the onset of the FP energy can be quite a startling but still an oh-so-pleasant revelation. Congrats on having experienced the deeply penetrating and all-enveloping FP Healing Energy. But i would like to ask - since FP is such an amazing high level system cultivating a heavenly chi and working with brain alchemy, does it in time restore the power of heaven in the body itself , ie with a battery in the dantian that never goes away or dissipates? Answer: It depends on what you mean by "power of heaven". If you mean the power to give life or to continue life by staving off decrepitude and death in oneself and others, then I would actually say Yes. The Chinese name of the Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Chi Meditations is "Fei Feng San Gung", in which "San Gung" means "heavenly healing spiritual work"--and all FP practitioners eventually experience that the FP heavenly energy works so sublimely that it seems quite supernatural. But if you mean "immortality" by what you describe as "i.e., with a battery in the dantian that never goes away or dissipates", there is nothing on earth that can guarantee that because a person's choices and actions in life--if they are wrong and foolish-- can cause energy in the "battery" (dantien and all energy centers of the body) to be dissipated and wasted--and the channel to the Heavenly Source of Healing Power to be broken. Even that cultivated and exercised by a high master. Again "immortality" is not a function of solely of mastering yogic practice--but is bestowed by Heaven for one's Works. What you described as the "restoring of heavenly power within the body itself" is a good expression of the purpose and true effect of the Flying Phoenix Qigong. FP Qigong cultivates the alignment of the body, mind, and spirit with the Universe so that the FP Heavenly Power manifests in self-healing and then flows abundantly through the individual to heal others. And as simple as it sounds, all it takes to get to this threshold is the correct practice of the exercises in the Chi Kung For Health DVD series. All Best, Sifu Terry www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html
  17. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hello Alles, I am by no means an expert on the Vedic tradition or on how it has reportedly degenerated to misinterpretation of the Vedas by yoga-deficient "masters" who do too much translation and not enough practice -- in India or the West. And I wasn't commenting upon charlatanism based on exploiting the name "Vedas" or descriptor "Vedic". My comment was a general one--in agreement with Tao Stillness--in which I bemoaned the dilution of Buddhist and Taoist practices in the west alongside the bastardization of the Vedic tradition in India that he spoke of. Based on my experience of the deeksah of the Oneness Meditation/Blessing of Sri Bhagavan and its unique and profound brain activation-- in the unusual manner that I had described earlier, I was deeply inspired to pass on the warning that if high yogic practices are not maintained in the world's great religions, then they will degenerate from the resulting over-reliance upon doctrine and inevitable misinterpretation of scripture. For as I've stated many times in different ways, all eastern religions and philosophies (worth their salt in my book) are systems of applied yoga--Taoism, Chan Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism, Zoroasterism, Sufism and other Shiite sects with Islam, Manichaeism, and some of the Gnostic or "heretical" forms of Christianity such as Nestorianism (which evolved in Persia and spread as far east as China during the Tang Dynasty). My comment was really about the all-importance of Yoga as the taproot of all religion, and was first echoed into my awareness by W.Y. Evans-Wentz in his seminal Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines (1935). See pages 49 to 51: "Believing Versus Knowing". http://www.gobookee.net/get_book.php?u=aHR0cDovL3N1Zmlib29rcy5pbmZvL0ludGVncmFsL1RpYmV0YW5fWW9nYV8lMjBhbmRfU2VjcmV0X0RvY3RyaW5lc19XX1lfRXZhbnMtV2VudHoucGRmClRpYmV0YW4gWW9nYSBhbmQgU2VjcmV0IERvY3RyaW5lcyAtIFN1ZmkgQm9va3M= I have absolutely no doubt that your practice of the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra and other teachings of the Rig Veda is of profound benefit to you. You are practicing Yoga based on the Vedas. And you should not read my comment as disparaging of any Yogic practice correctly taught by a qualified teacher of any eastern spiritual tradition. I also practice a number of Taoist-Buddhist mantras (in Chinese) and Buddhist mantras (in Sanskrit) in special situations and on rare occasions. I also conduct a wide variety of operations--some mantric--that would be classified under "western hermetic philosophy." Best, Sifu Terry
  18. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi Sihing Garry, I had a long and pleasant phone conversation with Steve yesterday early evening and explained to him the interesting history of the source of the 690AD meditations. So he understands why we have warned FP practitioners not to spend much time or their hard-earned resources on that particular body of information. At any rate, we've all agreed not to discuss it further on this thread but to keep any discussion in the back-channel through PM, so as not to distract the thread's focus from Flying Phoenix Chi Kung training issues. **If any reader of the FPCK thread is curious about the so-called 690AD meditations, please contact myself or Sifu Garry directly through PM and either one of us will be glad to inform you of our assessment of this body of information.** All best, Sihing Terry
  19. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi Pitisukha, Your report of the energy sensations--tingling in the hands are arms, a "fullness" in the hands, warm liquid moving through the body, improved concentration and awareness, are all typical experiences that come at the start of FP Qigong training. They mean that you're doing fine with your starting practice of Flying Phoenix Qigong. The occasional "peaks of delight"--which I assume are associated with the "warm liquid flow" is one of the lovely forms of bliss that FP Qigong practice induces. In Volume 2's Seated FP Meditations, that warm liquid flow is experienced in the brain as a "washing" sensation that's highly pleasurable. That state, just like the tingling feeling, through correct practice can become more regular in occurrence and even approach a constancy. Tangibly feeling the density of the air means that you are starting to attain relaxation of the body. "At my current level of awareness I can't feel the expansion from the heart to fingertips with certainty..." --Don't worry about not feeling this yet. What I wrote in bold italics (that the energy must proceed from the heart space to the fingertips is a very advanced state of yogic control of energy. A state of mastery, in other words. It comes usually only after decades of training in the Chinese internal arts. I'm trying to approach my FP practice with as much an open mind as I can, like studying something which I don't know nothing about. Keeping my attention on sensations, without conceptualization and expectations. Every practice session is a new one and I can practice with tranquillity in heart and mind. As a side note I'm still using burmanese posture for the sitted meditations, and still practicing stretches to reach half lotus. Continue in this manner, Pitisuhka, and you cannot fail or go wrong! All Best, Sifu Terry www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html
  20. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Steve, Thank you for your clarification about the origins of Sri Bhagavan's Oneness Meditation/Blessing. Very interesting that it is not from the Vedic tradition. From my limited direct exposure to couple of so-called Hindu masters in the 80's, that makes sense to me because Sri Bhagavan's energy is quite different. There's a power and purity to his Oneness Blessing that is just as pure and uniquely brain-affecting as Tao Tan Pai's Five Dragons and Nine Flowers Neikung, and the Flying Phoenix Chi Kung, and other advanced Bok Fu Pai meditative arts. It's obvious to me that I was only able to experience his Deeksha because I had religiously practiced two authentic neikung traditions for many years (Tao Tan Pai neikung since 1976 and Ehrmeishan Flying Phoenix and 10,000 Buddhas Meditations since 1991.) Thus I already had experienced other forms of brain activation, which enabled me to be "lit up" from reading your posting about Eric Isen's reading of the 690 AD Meds. I still find that profound hit of the deeksha through Eric through you as a point-of-contact to be quite remarkable and wonderful. I'll also offer you this deeper alchemic reading of the Deeksha: it is truly a Oneness Blessing because the purpose and effect of that energy's brain activation of the parietal lobes and the forebrain is to empower people to manifest material gain, effect accelerated learning from afar (made possible by the anchoring effect of Amma Bhagavan), Lunar sensitivity, material wealth with causing loss to others, and most importantly at the center of it all, the deeksha promotes true inner peace through mental quiescence. (I'll show you in PM the oracle I used to interpret the deeksha energy.) All Best, Sifu Terry P.S. Indeed it is a tragic shame--what the Vedic tradition has become. The same is true in some movements of Buddhism--especially in the West: too much translation and not enough yogic practice. (There is even a particular all-left brain crackpot of an American Buddhist "scholar" getting lots of airplay in the Buddhist community who advocates doing away with all forms of meditation and relying solely on the study of scriptures! Nothing like taking access to the Infinite Event-- i.e., God--out of the equation completely.) For when the authentic ancient Yogas are lost, the Intelligence of discerning and scientifically testing and proving spiritual truths is lost, the scriptures become deactivated, arid, dry, and mostly unfathomable (except to the most gifted), and the trans-generational spiritual transmission is effectively kaputt. And then the self-styled and self-annointed masters, carpetbagging translators and cult-leaders (who after making a God of their egos instead of an ego of their Gods--in the words of Alan Watts) move in with their totally cooked and distorted "truths", resulting in the blind leading the blind, which is what the Buddha and The Great Syrian Sage explicitly warned against. But cutting through the rubbish heap of bastardized doctrines, useless downstream yogas, and made-up-in-the-garage Qigong systems, is the energy of Pure Truth from avatars such as Sri Bhagavan and from the simple practice of Flying Phoenix Qigong--although the energetic brain envelopment of the latter comes only through persevering practice and tapping into the "trunk" of Fei Feng San Gung--Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Qi--through one's personal power...for there is no bakti tradition behind FP Qigong practice, and no community of high monks--not yet, at least--daily generating and refining Flying Phoenix Healing Energy and invoking its emanation to spread like wildfire, activating brains through relatively simple meditation. But if practitioners will simply master the basic level of the FP Qigong system so neatly taught on Vols. 1-4, and then practice together in proximity, they will quite easily experience the FP Healing Energy having transmission and permeation properties just as profound but very different from those of Oneness Meditation. And yes, plans are being laid for conducting FP Qigong Meditation workshops across the country and overseas next year and following years! www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html
  21. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Yes, indeed, Charlie!--as someone had commented in Year One of the thread, FP Qigong does everything that a great Qigong system should do: it clearly enables one to have experiential awareness of energy production on a cellular level. And the sublimity of the FP Qigong is that far beyond the respiratory function of he lungs, which provides oxygenated blood for the body, cellular respiration can be felt en masse in the brain. Cellular respiration is the process that is actually felt as the "washing sensation" in the brain from doing the intermediate and advanced seated meditations. Other high meditations that cause the energetic activation of specific brain centers (such as the Tibetan Yogas, Tan Tan Pai (Taoist Elixir Method), and the Oneness Meditation Movement of Sri Bhagavan (a Hindu tradition) that I recently described as having experienced quite literally as a "contact high") also promote cellular respiration in very, very precise and directed ways. But back to something that beginner FP Practitioners can experience and be alerted to: A. Enhanced blood circulation is the first thing that is experienced. Tingling in the hands and fingers and the cyclical "filling" and "emptying" of the hands and feet (dependng on the exercise) is typically the very first experience one has in any Qigong system that one might want to call an "energy expansion." But this expansion has to be from the heart space out to the extremities. One can just rapidly rotate a straight arm about the shoulder joint and feel the hand fill up with blood due to centrifugal force, but healthful Qigong circulation requires that the energy proceed from the heart to the fingertips. B. Next, the "rush" of energy up the spine to the back and top of the head occurs when the sacral-occipital response is activated and more bloodflow reaches the brain (as opposed to being "pinched off" at the sacrum and the occipital bone. Hint: just the relaxation of the sacral-occipital nerves can facilitate non-ordinary "seeing" because the occipital lobe of the brain is where visual processing takes place. Recall reports from several FP Practitioners last fall of seeing everything draped in gold light upon completing some of the basic FP STanding meditations (in Volume One). C. Later one experiences the cultivation of the distinctive FP Healing Energy throughout the various tissue-parts of the body ( such as the brain as discussed above) that coincides with the cellular respiration, or the production of energy within the cells. That ignition of the energy and creation of the "superabundance" or reserve of the FP Healing energy has to do with the mitochondria--for all you cell biology jocks out there. These are the energy factories and storehouses in every cell. The science has long been in on these parts of cells: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitochondrion http://biology.about.com/od/cellanatomy/ss/mitochondria.htm The miracle is that Feng Tao Teh (or his spirit guides) bequeathed to mankind through the FP Qigong the ability to consciously ignite and regulate these cellular processes while in deep meditation. Chew on that one for a while, y'all. Sifu Terry
  22. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hello David, I'm glad that you've intuited and are in the process of discovering that Flying Phoenix Qigong will yield bountiful rewards of self-healing, enhanced vitality, mental acuity, healing powers, and spiritual attunement. As a complete yogic art, its "rate of return" is so much higher and more efficient than many sets of exercises out there that has been labeled "Qigong"--especially so many of the "modern" qigong methods that are nothing more than calisthenics coordinated sometimes with breathing cycles that actually have a rate of return close to zero. --In that they just don't produce any healing of any kind--for starters. Simple as that. (In my forthcoming FP Qigong book, I recite some anecdotal comments made by GM Doo Wai about the quality of Qigong systems being taught in America that are similarly ruthlessly true.) You are correct in describing Flying Phoenix Qigong practice as a Gnostic blessing--a clear and self-contained systematic process for physical and spiritual cultivation. Teaching FP Qigong is an utter joy for me because its healing and rejuvenating effects are so sublime and its alchemy is so sophisticated and yet easy to do. Thus to whatever extent that I can effectively share my experiences as examples of how much and how long one can benefit from the earnest practice of FP Qigong, I am glad to do so. And I have also recently begun giving private lessons and consultations on FP Qigong online via Skype...to very good effect. Best, Sifu Terry Dunn www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html
  23. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hello FP practitioners: I hope I've caught up with the thread and responded to every posting directed towards me. If not, please don't interpret my missing your post as anything personal...just post a new note and flag your original posting by number and I will get to it or send me PM identifying your post. I'm in the 2nd day of a self-designed 4 day intensive weekend (which I may extend to 7 days) in which I am practicing 4 hours of neikung every morning and 4 to 5 hours of kung-fu and Tai Chi in the evenings (outside of teaching). And I want to share my recent observations about the power of the Flying Phoenix Chi Kung system in terms of its tangible activation of specific parts of the brain. I recently realized that my Flying Phoenix/Bok Fu Pai Chi Kung practice and overall meditative awareness gradually cultivated by 18 years of Tao Tan Pai Neikung practice and 11 years of Yang Tai Chi training (primarily under Master Abraham Liu from 1980-1992) prior to meeting GM Doo Wai has evolved to the point where I can speak precisely and accurately about the brain-activation effects of FP Chi Kung. This actually came about starting in mid-July when I suddenly experienced the high meditative effects of the Oneness Meditative movement of Sri Bhagavan just by reading a thread posting from Tao Stillness (Steve Mehl in Pennsylvania) in which he conveyed the words of Eric Isen, a deeksha in that tradition, who works as a medical clairvoyant (quite effectively, I might add) and who on that occasion remotely read the effects of some non-Flying Phoenix mediations in the Bok Fu Pai system. Steve’s post is #2318 on page 145; my response to him after I experienced the very uplifting Oneness Meditation's brain activation is post #2327 on page 146. This morning was devoted to Qigong. I practiced the following over the span of 3 hours: (1) 3/5 version of the Tao Tan Pai neikung known as Five Dragons (60 min.) (2) The 22-movement seated FP Qigong that I have taught Fu_Dog, (3) Two full sets of advanced seated meditations from Volume 7: 70 50 20 10 and 80 70 50 30 (40 min.) (4) The Long Form Standing Meditation (on Volume 4 of series) done in 15 minutes time (5) Two advanced standing Bok Fu Pai healing meditations, each done in sets of 18. (These are the most advanced healing meditations that GM Doo Wai ever taught (in my experience) but that GM Doo Wai did not label as part of the FP System. He just called them advanced healing meditations.) They cultivate a superabundance of FP Healing Energy and facilitates is spontaneous transfer in healing others. During one private practice session, GM Doo Wai commented that if practiced properly, these "healing" meditations will "punch through" a particular classmate's Iron Shirt that the GM had taught him. (6) Sealed off with the Fourth and Eighth Sections of Eight Sections Combined (20 min.) (7) Sealed off with one round of GM William Chen’s 60-part Yang Tai Chi Form. Again, from reading Steve’s post #2318, I want to emphasize that as a wonderful side-effect of so many years of FP Qigong practice, I was able to experience the Oneness Meditation tradition’s energization of the brain—that is very different from the past brain-activated states experienced in my preceding 37 years of meditative practice. What I experienced was the very specific activation of the parietal lobes and top portion of the forebrain., which has the effect of causing one to lift one’s head a bit and stretch one’s back more vertically—“upright.” And the very odd thing was that each time that returned to look at the posting, I experienced the same brain activation to the same level of energy-intensity. It was a most pleasant and delightful revelatory experience of this yogic adage in action: “When you are ready, the knowledge will be made available to you.” More details of this almost accidental “tapping in” to the high meditative state of Sri Bhagavan’s Oneness Meditation movement and other HSC’s (higher states of consciousness) will be discussed in my forthcoming book on FP Qigong. But I wanted to share this somewhat revelatory experience with you all in order to encourage you all to long term practice. FP Qigong is for life—and beyond. All best, Sifu Terry
  24. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Thanks, Si-hing Garry, for the clip of your powerful and nicely focussed opening to LHBF. The opening of your LHBF Form except for the very first movement is very similar to the Form that I've been (slowly, very slowly) learning from Master Chan Ching Kai in NYC since about 1998. The first version I learned from Dr. York Why Loo (as seen on my published DVD) has very different opening movements. LHBF is one of my favorite internal arts along with Yang Tai Chi, of course, besides the Bok Fu Pai system.
  25. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hello Alexandro, There are two modes of experience being experienced by your girlfriend that you both want to be careful not to confuse or cross-up: First, you state that she has been waking up from sleep and seeing presences in your apartment and that this happens only at your apartment...and that they disappear when she becomes scared (and I assume abreacts in some way). This is evidence of a haunting by a dis-corporated entity or entities. Second, you state that she often has nightmares and that she talks in her sleep. *Does she have nightmares outside of your apartment as well?--or does she have the nightmares only at your apartment? *Most important question: Are the presences in the apartment that she sees upon waking up from sleep the same entities that she experiences in her nightmares? Getting her answer to this question will help with further advice. The characters in your girlfriend's dreams come from her own mind--unless she is under pressure/attack from dis-corporated entities that are in your apartment. But if she is being woken by entities in your apartment and sees them each time, then that's evidence that she is probably being haunted or being messed with by low-level spirit(s). In any event, to answer your question: FP Qigong practice will sensitize one to be able to recognize and perceive spiritual entities (usually after years of practice, unless one has a gift or predilection to commune with spirits), but it will not make one more vulnerable to psychic attack or haunting by unpleasant or angry ghosts. Any vulnerability to attack is there to begin with. And the ghost or ghosts are there to begin with. It's one's own karma that "draws" or rather encounters non-physical beings--not a Qigong method. (Participating in a spiritual invocation consciously or inadvertantly, of course, will open the doors to spiritual encroachment of invasion if one is not careful and properly trained to deal with spirits.) Another interesting and key question is whether you are able to see these presences when your girlfriend sees them. If you do, then that's simple confirmation. But it may be a situation where she is able to see the disturbing entity and not you. At any rate, your girlfriend's nightmares-- if they occur both at and away from your apartment--can be addressed and resolved by good counseling and hypnotherapy/dream therapy. On the other hand, her being woken up in her sleep by "presences" if they are indeed supramundane entities is a situation that calls for an exorcism or some adequate countermeasure short of an exorcism. Of course, I cannot speak to such operations in this forum or on the medium of a blogsite. But to get better understanding of psychic defenses and vulnerability, I suggest reading "Psychic Self-Defense" by Dione Fortune. Good luck. Sifu Terry www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html