Hi Lloyd,
I thought about answering your question here through a PM, but upon review, I think it's ok to make available on the forum, in case anyone else might be interested.
So here's the not-so-short version of how I transitioned from a traditional corporate career in finance and management consulting lasting ten years (think "Mad Men" of the 1980's) to my livelihood of the past 20 years as a media producer that allows me the opportunity to occasionally express my comprehension and training in the Chinese martial arts and the underpinning philosophies of Taoism and Chan Buddhism:
After getting a bachelor's degree from Yale in 1976 and an M.B.A. from Harvard Bus. School in 1980 (worked 2 yrs in between in fundraising), I worked 10 years full-time in a series of fast-track jobs in corporate financial management and then management consulting (specializing in financial valuations for corp. restructuring for a financial think tank based in Chicago called the Alcar Group).
All this time in my 20's through mid-30's, I trained intensively (near-fanatically) in the kung-fu and Tai Chi Chuan--6 hours a day 6 times a week. (One of my private students, actor Don Cheadle, told me that that's what they call "wood-shedding" where he grew up...the period where one is "learning one's chops"--in music, acting, or whatever discipline.) My kung-fu training started in 1973 with Sifu Douglas Wong's White Lotus KF system (Sil Lum 5 Animals and YKM). In the 80's I was studying Tao Tan Pai as well as well, simultaneously with Yang Tai Chi Chuan with Abraham Liu and 6H/8M with Dr. York Why Loo. (Today,I am still a student of Master Chan Ching Kai of NYC in 6H/8M). I started learning a Tai Chi form in 1976 but didn't start real Tai Chi training until I met my first Tai Chi master, Abraham Liu, in 1980. After working 10 years in a corporate lockstep that gave me a very nice life-style but that bored me to tears, I engineered an exit for myself by producing my first two Tai Chi For Health videos on VHS in 1990, which are still top-selling today on DVD. (I had learned video production in the mid-80's from a good friend in San Diego who was a fellow student under Abraham Liu at the time, Victoria Bearden (she taught video art at UCSD--long before there was any MTV, etc.). I loved photography and film since high school, and I picked up video production pretty quickly from Victoria. She helped me produce my very first programs in 1985: Master York Loo's Yang Tai Chi Long Form, Tai Chi Sword (with Dr. Loo), and Tai Chi Ruler (coming soon finally on DVD). I made these videos purely as a hobby in my spare time while I was doing my corporate career. (Back then, Abraham Liu was coming up to teach in L.A. every other week and oversaw my classes; he also gave two retreats a year in San Diego area, and I also attended every one of his classmate Master Benjamin Lo's week-long summer retreats up north in La Honda, CA.)
So I packaged these early videos and sold them through direct mail flyers and a few ads in kung-fu magazines just for sake of the art. Around 1998, I started getting really bored and restless (and a bit burned-out) with the job, so I started casually writing the teaching narrative/script for the Tai Chi for Health programs while I was on the road as the Manager of the western states for the consulting firm--traveling to S.F., Portland, Seattle, and Boise every single month. Back then there were no laptop PC's yet; I was typing my script out using a 35-lb. "Compaq"-brand mini-computer that required wheels to haul through an airport. Remember those? it was state of the art then!) When the script was finished about a year later (I had been rehearsing it up to that time for some 9 yrs by teaching my weekly TC classes) over one long weekend in late summer of 1989, I filmed the outdoor opening scenes on a rocky beach in Palos Verdes and the instructional segment at a friend's photo studio in L.A. that wasn't even sound-proofed. I called in all favors from my friends in Hollywood and most fortunately, my cameraman John Slagle gave me a tremendous look for my shoestring budget...and I made 2 two-hour programs suitable for the mass market that are still top-selling today. I first started selling the TCFH Short Form and Long Form VHS cassettes out of my bath tub (that's where I stored them) by direct mail and direct response (ads in Tai Chi magazine, Inside KF, Yoga Journal, and Natural Health). And then a small but aggressive distributor called Healing Arts Publishing, Inc. (that made the very first and most popular videos teaching Yoga (featuring Patricia Walden, Rodney Yee et. al.) saw my ad in Yoga Journal, bought my tapes, loved them and contacted me to cut a licensing deal. This distributor, HAPI, did quite an amazing job placing my TCFH titles everywhere throughout the 90's, they grossed more than the average independent film, and those high royalties in the 90's allowed me to start my own production company and leave the corporate world for good.
That's how I got to put away my suits in mothballs back in 1990. I was very lucky: I had a creative convulsion that forced my Tai Chi comprehension outside of myself, and it took the form of videos that were the right products at the right time and became a huge hit for 10 yrs+ in the video industry and are still going strong. It wasn't a situation where one day I said to myself "OK, I'm going to quit my job now and just do martial arts"; I had done both in parallel for most of my adult life, but feeling most of the time like a frustrated artist. Then I made the 2 TCFH videos to unfrustrate myself, and fortunately, the public loved them and they did very well, so that I've been self-employed for the past 20 yrs.
But,unfortunately, the phenomenal success of Tai Chi For Health made both HAPI and its successor, Gaiam,inc., very greedy and arrogant and I wound up in two big lawsuits against them, almost back-to-back. I won the first one in glorious fashion in 1998, and recovered 100% of a huge amount of absconded royalties plus my attorneys' fees--just in time to invest in the tech boom. The collection of my judgment against HAPI threw it into distress and in 1999, it was eaten up by Gaiam through a hostile take-over. This justice was quite karmic and thorough and I'll elaborate in some detail here because it's an interesting story and lesson about what happened to one very diabolical crook who tried to plunder a clean and strong channel of teaching that he of course didn't know was sanctioned and protected:
HAPI actually had started the lawsuit by suing me pre-emptively in August 2004, just 2 days after I had started auditing their books as provided for by my contract!!!--i.e., they knew they were going to get caught in the royalty audit, so they did a pre-emptive first strike and sued me first based on a mountain of false allegations (all later proven to be frivolous), trying to somehow deter me from my claims. As a result, the owner of HAPI, who I don't need to name here (because he learned his lesson in spades), not only had to pay me everything he had withheld over 3.5 yrs, plus interest and my atty's fees, but he lost control of the company that he founded and ran for 10 years, that had successfully carved the yoga/tai chi/low-impact exercise niche in the video industry and was reportedly doing more than $10 million a year.
The owner of HAPI unwisely refused to pay the court-ordered judgement but instead tried to dog me--for over 9 months. Thus I was forced to levy his business bank accounts month after month, send in Sheriff keepers to sit in his business in 12 hr. shifts to prevent anything from being removed from the premises--remember HAPI was a wholesale and mail order distributor). Still he wouldn't pay my judgment. When I went to L.A. County Sheriffs office in Calabasas, CA (who do the property seizures in W. Los Angeles) to enforce the writ of execution, the sheriffs recognized me from Ron Chapel's A.O.T.(Advanced Officer Training) Seminars for Law Enforcment that I helped Ron to teach from 1993 to 1995 after the L.A riots & Rodney King incident (back then we trained the LA County Sheriffs, Calif. State Police, UCLA police, LA district school police,and L.A.Safety Police--everyone except LAPD). And the Sheriffs there even had my "Arrest & Control For Law enforcement" videos that I had produced for Ron with my name on it as the producer! Talk about serendipity--or synchronicity : So I personally gave Sgt. Gary Clarke my seizure instructions, and he says to me "Don't worry, Terry, we'll hit him hard for you."
A few days later, the HAPI owner wakes up and all of his company cars are gone from the parking lot. But still he wouldn't pay. About a week later, on Sept. 14, 1998, which I later found out coincidentally fell his birthday, my private investigator and the Sheriffs with Bekins movers marched into his business in Venice, CA, and hauled out 35 Apple computers, 4 xerox machines, 2 refrigerators, and 2 warehouses full of inventory and started loading it all for liquidation. (I didn't choose the seizure date; the sheriff's did). I'm across the street (Main Street in Venice) on the 2nd floor of another business complex with a pair of binoculars and a huge brick of a cell-phone (1998 remember), looking in through the windows of HAPI's offices, telling my investigator to "take that plant, take that time-clock, and take the the desk lamp and chair out of every executive's office." After 4 full years of thievery and being dragged through an incredibly unjust lawsuit, that day was a very cathartic healing for me.
As it turned out, the owner of HAPI borrowed money from the president of Gaiam, Inc. in exchange for 51% controlling interest in his company in order to pay my judgment in full that very same day to stop the seizure and prevent his business being totally gutted. About 7 months later, in April 1999, Gaiam fired this original owner/founder of Healing Arts and took over his entire catalog of some 30+ successful yoga/fitness videos. Undeniable proof of the saying, "Karma's a bitch." (this hostile take-over of HAPI, btw, is how Gaiam, Inc., which had no experience whatsoever in videos, got into the yoga DVD business.)
But my second lawsuit, which should have been a much easier victory than the first case, which was worth much more, had to be settled in 2003 in not-very-satisfactory fashion due incredible bungling and ineptness by my lawyers. In the first lawsuit, I decimated the adversary, but in second lawsuit, I dissipated the adversary's business practices that I had alleged by getting the rights to my videos back, but I didn't recover anything close to the damages that I had claimed it had caused.
But back to the future and the Positive:
As early as 1994, I had planned 4 new Tai Chi for Health programs, the production of which has been postponed all these years. But they will still come out soon--and be all that much better for the delay. I'm poised to produce next year my definitive DVD series on Tai Chi Chuan that should stand for for a long time--hopefully,for generations--because my TC and KF practice is far-evolved from what is seen on the 1989 DVD's. (Because while Master Abraham Liu gave me the green light to make my first Yang Form videos in 1989, and my teaching skill was far above average, my form back then was not great nor very advanced in terms of (a) "linkage" and ( the lower back not relaxed and filled-out and the chest not simultaneously "empty" enough), I plan to make my final DVD instruction series on Tai Chi Chuan that shows "before" and "after" an additional 20 years of training.
One of my current project is a thoroughly perfected multi-year series for PBS called "Tai Chi for Health from China" that will be 26 half-hour episodes per year. I can't say anymore about the show here, other than the project has been highly endorsed by PBS and I am currently looking for corporate sponsors to fund its sizable annual budget. The ideal sponsor is a company that wants to advertise a strong tie-in to China to the PBS audience: 110 million of the most educated and highly informed TV households in the country. (co.s like HSBC, China Airlines, Cathay Pacific, Kaiser Permanente, etc.) If you happen to know of any senior people at companies like these in charge of advertising, Lloyd, let me know. You can instantly become an executive producer in the series.
Is that an interestingly enough story for ya, Lloyd?
All the best,
Terry Dunn
P.S. I hope you all out there aren't glazed over from all the talk of lawsuits and crap, but in answering Lloyd's question, I decided to elaborate on some of the interesting karmic firefights that I had no choice but to engage in to protect my Work. The point is not to roll-over when strong evil tries to steal something's that's essential to you.