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a few weeks ago cat pointed out a site or two that sold orgonite. I bought like 150 bucks worth of shit.. and I am veeerryyy pleased... I just took it out of th ebox... There is one piece specifically, I don't know what is in it, what it's called, or anything.. but it is verrrry powerful. resting it on my dan tien or holding it to my chest causes immediate energetic reaction. I also got two of the 'dream enhancers'.. I will post here my experience with them here after tonight. (they're literally garunteed to produce vivid dreaming...) can anyone else verify my experience with the orgonite? or share their own experiences?
you know every now and then the question of karma pops up into my mind. I believe in Karma... in a specific sense... I believe 'Karma' is the signifigance of consequences for any sort of experience. I understand that socialization, or as many 'zen' practitioners call it, 'programing' is karma. an example... one day this guy is seduced by a girl. he falls in love with her and then she destroys him. This guy is so strongly effected by the experience that it plants a very firm foothold in his psyche, and consequently twists and distorts his energetic body... this is karma.. And I suppose is an example of 'bad' karma becuase it has a negative effect on his body and soul... despite the fact that he is innocent from ill-doing.. he was foolish to be so attached. "good' karma is then any experience resulting in a beneficial effect on the spiritual body. not necassarily a result of moral action. theoritically, if it had a beneficial effect on the soul of a man to torture and kill other beings... well it would be considered 'good' karma... despite the immoralities involved. I dont study the tao te ching anymore but I still slightly abreast its truths, ya? I observe nature and the void... I am expecting someone who ffrequents this board and believes in the distinctions 'good' and 'evil' to reply.. I am curious to what he might have to say... or perhaps someone with a different idea of what 'karma' really is.
what do you guys know about secret societies? not just if they exist or not, but, as I suspect, that they are spiritually evolved, gifted, inclined. theosophical society.. not really secret but very underground, I'm sure.. surely they still exist, I've read a book published by them .. I think in the 70's? the templar knights, as talked about in the book 'the da vinci code'... according to the theosophical society, there is even a group of immortals residing in the himilaya's. surely there are these 'societies' of people who are spiritually gifted. advanced... evolved... to which if the common people (i.e. me) are compared, we are barbarians. the day will come when I am evolved. (I will probably be an immortal, that is what I believe)... and when this time comes, when my mind and the mind of the people are one... I will search out these people and they will help me on my quest for immortality. (haha, like I am living in a science fiction novel, it sounds, eh? we are so lucky to know about this shit..) but I know many of these forum-goers are awakened, at least somewhat... what do you think about all of this?
that dudes enlightened man.
I would say.. don't 'start' anything... just 'f*ck around' with things as you please. and I would like to guarantee that the philosophy will prove far more important than the orbit or any stupid organ animals/babies. you shoud score the 'secret of the golden flower,' definately
hello friends! Nietzche suggested that stoicism is, in essence, self-tyranny. .. I would agree. To avoid stoicism is to be hedonistic-- which could be deduced as 'slavery unto the heart'... ie, slave to ones whimsical passions. Ive decided that to be stoic is to be slave to the intellect, and thusly, the ego. To be slave to the heart, I have deduced, is to be slave to the soul. So I have decided that there is no greater crime than to deny the whimsical passions of the soul for the sober passions of the intellect. n fact I haev decided that the stoic, egoic intellect serves no greater purpose than to shackle the passions of the heart. This is anxiety, this is worry, this is restraint, this is neurosis-- but first and foremost, this is denial. in practical terms relevant to the context of this forum, this means that rigid practice, scheduled practice is counterproductive in the spiritual practice. The verymoment your practice becomes chore is the moment it no longer serves the soul-- but instead the ego. It is important for the men of the forum to consider the practice of semen retention after following these lines of reason. The pursuit of power is the pursuit of ego. a trap I fall into more consistantly than any other. the ability to act on the whimsical instincts of the heart, without regret, is far more important than the ability to... do whatever it is qigong power-mongers do. gosh, you know... I thought Isounded so smart when i typed thatup... and then when I reread it, I didnt come across that way at all.... lol
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the folks over at warriormatrix are fucking nuts... ..But I am taking up their cause and plan to spread TB's all over the fucking place. My home, bus, and work place is now thuroughly gifted... I plan to order 51 more pieces for my neighborhood next pay period.. and probably every pay period after that I also got a siva linga stone recently.. which is awesome... and a 300$ obelisk 'succor punch' thing I have no idea how to use=p I will buy a 1500$ wizzer creation as soon as I pay off my bus =p This shit rocks
I think I remember briefly glimpsing through the chi card section on the online shops. I just thought they were just there to make money... what are they supposed to do?
omggggg guys.. the legality of a substance should have little to no consequence when it comes to your decision, of whether or not you should experiment with it. If this is your major issue, you're knee deep in on the wrong side of a moral dilemma. 'give me liberty or give me death.' I would say that pot was a major contributor to my spiritual practice. mushroom trips are better, amplified versions of marijuana trips. (in my experience.) I will definately consider creating my own mushroom cake when I get out of the army... I would also like to cultivate psychedlic cacti. wouldn't it be great if I cultivated a small batch of peyote.. and gave it to my child on his/her 16th birthday? gosh.. what a welcoming ! psychedlic experiences open the mind. (in fact this is the reason why I believe they are illegal.) CHEM TRAILS ARE PROBABLY REAL. GOVERNMENTCONTROL OF THE WEATHER VIA HAARP TOWERS (THE TECHNOLOGY OF WILHELM REICH) MAY VERY LIKELY BE MORE THAN A CONSPIRACY THEORY. THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK IS A SHAM. OUR GOVERNMENT IS CORRUPT AND THE RABBIT HOLE GOES SO FAR DOWN YOU WILL HAVE TROUBLE BELIEVING IT. 9/11 WAS PROBABLY SELF-INFLICTED. THE NWO EXISTS. PREPARE YOURSELVES; FIGHT THE POWER.
MUST WATCH spread the word...this brought me to tears. http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?d...75242198&hl
whoooaaa that warrior matrix shit is coooooll... check out these electromagnetic pictures of some orgonite.. http://www.warriormatrix.com/viewtopic.php?p=16622 one of which is an obelisk, something I ordered a couple weeks ago and am very excited to recieve it! It cost 300 and I just bought a VW bus, but I am going to HAVE to splurge on a massive $1500 orgone generator... ... it really blows that the wait time is 3 months though.. wtf 3 months? that's a season! =)
I just made a 50 dollar contribution to alex ansary's cause after watching one of his shows on-line. I just wanted to link his site to the forum. This is the perfect american. http://alexansary.com/
I only have magazines with gorgeous nude women.
this is an invaluable 3-4 hour workshop lecture on the flower of life and the sacred geometry of life. it is priceless knowledge. watch it. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=18...sacred+geometry
yeah, you know... he does have some wild idea's... the trick is be wise enough to pick out the good one's from the not-so-good ones... was he serious about the dolphins?? lol...
no..never heard of it before.. but ohmy gosh it sounds good!!! what exactly is it? =p sex AND tai chi omg how can that NOT be promising?
So I have been filling my dan tien quite a bit lately... My body is now absolutely pulsating in qi.. especially in my scalp. I don't do much of any grounding.. you know, with the exception of eating shit, smoking, ejaculating, whatever... So what I am planning to do is just keeping building up qi like this, and see what happens. I will also stop ejaculating.. and get the kundalini pressure up... the trick is, I am not going to actively do any grounding practice. Now, what I prove to do is prove to all the people who claim that either 1) excess chi is bad, 2) ungrounded practice is bad, or 3) you shouldn't do anything because you don't know what you're doing are all wrong. YES, my theory is this-- as long as you building up mass amounts of qi and circulate it at least a little bit, your body will, over time, adapt to this increase in chi by opening the channels. As the channels begin to open to compensate for the 'excess qi', that is when goodthings begin to happen. Blocks break up, cells/tissues/organs/glands work more efficiently, (because chi is life, right?), and consciousness will deepen. The biggest thing I will probably need to avoid is becoming emotional. (which shouldn't be difficult, in that I am a very mild-mannered, calm individual...) Lets see what happens, huh??? maybe I'll go crazy LOL!
oh wow you guys are so sweet =) thank you for your concern !! Yes, I sleep well, no I don't need a teacher yet... today my practice was headache free... and, check it out... I had one ofmy strongest 'bliss spells' I have had probably since my tantra practice in highschool =) This is really working out for me =) I think that the orgonite realllly helped in refining the chi I have been packing.. and progress has been a real pleasure =)
I am getting headaches more and more often as I practice. this surprises me, because this means that the chi I pack into the dan tien is being pushed up the spine and causes friction in the skull. I am surprised that I don't feel more friction-pains in my spinal area. are my headaches due to chi 'friction' in the channels of the head? Or I wonder if I am just unwittingly building up awesome chi in the skull? I also find myself getting a lot of little 'shocking' tremors.. my abdomen will jump as if subjected to voltage. this is agood sign I think =) I can't wait to see what happens further down the road...
In Your Humble Opinion - What three things should people on this board do/try?
... replied to thelerner's topic in General Discussion
practice, practice, practice. I know at least that that is my weak point. If we all just managed to sit down and practice for extneded periods of time... we would all be more evolved. What more can you ask for, than evolution? practice is the most important thing. How you practice and to what end.. are just details. -
yeah.. I got a holy hand grenade amongst other things.. The first time I rest it on my dan tien I definately felt it !!! I dn't know what it is doing.. by I fancy the idea that it is refining the chi I have been packing in there O_O I am going to buy more of it O_O I want what you're talking about freeform =)
you got me all excited with the thread title, man I thought you were in the process of 'awakening' there for about 2-3 seconds
Here is a link to the definitions of 'culture' on dictionary.com. I really appreciate the sixth definition at the moment: "Anthropology. the sum total of ways of living built up by a group of human beings and transmitted from one generation to another. " Now, you should be insulting me, personally. ...But when you dismiss and insult the integrity of a rather sane argument-- you make yourself to look like a real piece of shit. I hate you. I hope your 'masters' see what a fine job you're doing representing them. Maybe they'll decide to hide their energetic teachings from you until you can cultivate some wisdom? P.S.-- I already know I am a piece of shit. Don't even bother saying it. In fact, why don't we both just promise to ignore eachother?
check out this link-- http://news.sky.com/skynews/video/videopla...aghorn,00.html# There are alot of really, really bad things going on in china. If culture/spirituality is unseperable.. Then what does this mean? Do I need to mention the mao communist/cultural revolution? There MUST be a discernment to make between culture and spirituality-- because one often comes at the cost of the other.
Lets Bat It Around Again-what Is Enlightenment
... replied to thelerner's topic in General Discussion
an interesting point to make-- is becoming 'enlightened' at least a little bit revolved around transcending such things as .. dualistic thinking? labeling? etc? So would it make sense that trying to apply definitive qualities to the theroetical 'enlightened dude' be sort of... I guess nonsense? And when does enlightenment become a 'stage'? maybe its not a, 'he enlightened and she's not', black-and-white sort of thing?