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Everything posted by suninmyeyes

  1. Vampire Lizards walk amongst us. Or do they?

    snake worship in Africa
  2. This resonates . After reading this article I have realised that I have been 'doing' naturaly /spontaniously something like ho'oponopono .
  3. capoeira

    Hey , any capoeira players out there ? How long have you been playing and how does it effect you ? What do you get out of it ? What style are you playing ? How often do you train? How does it connect with you spiritual level ? Can you reccomend any good capoeira documentaries (not training videos ) in English (or Eng subs) ? I am not counting on many answers knowing that there probably isnt many Capoeira bums around , but would be nice to hear if anyone does practise and fancy sharing about it..
  4. capoeira

    Ill check that blog out MithShrike , thanks. . edit:that is a really good blog!!bookmarked. Hey , I am your sister (not brother) ! Would love to come to Brazil sometimes , it must a beutiful country as well as loads of good rodhas . I saw 'Besauro' -- 'Fly away Beetle' and really liked the movie except few cheesy bits and reccomend it anyone who may be interested in a good Capoeira movie (supposed to be biographical story). Infact here is the full film: I have been doing some reaserch on Candomble and its roots. As well as 'mandiga' in Capoeira, which is a roughly translated magic or power that a good capoerista is meant to be having in order to play well -- trick and decieve. This is also interesting about mandiga in Capoeira: So far in my expirience people dont realy talk so much about doing spirituality or rituals , but about music and game opening the heart . Game is played in circle -- rodha , while playing so many things can come up and have to be faced and learned . As one learns to play in a rodha , slowly this keeping up the rhytam extends onto big rodha -- big circle of Life itself . It is much about right communication at the right time and being fluid .
  5. Vampire Lizards walk amongst us. Or do they?

    Haha still dont get it -- I must be way to thick .
  6. Vampire Lizards walk amongst us. Or do they?

    I still genuinly dont understund this lizard people thing ..
  7. Deci Belle's Original Nature

  8. capoeira

    Thanks ! I love it so much , it was so strange to do in the begging becouse there are no so much set rules like in other martial arts , so I felt lost .There are moves but even those can be improvised within the context , so its enjoyable abstract and somehow very feminine .
  9. Where is the love?

    Nice post Vmarco. This is true , uncover the barriers built against welcome. LM, It is important to know that humans are not angels (well actaualy even angels are not that holy always ), and have no holy expectations , which of course does not prevent us from becoming a decent and loving human being. Nature is wild , she is not just a tamed puppy and this is the beuty of it all.
  10. Suppressed/repressed anger.

    This is true. It is like volountary entering our darkness and learning to swim in it , instead of drowning .
  11. ...

    I have just read that thread you have posted -- it is super interesting ! Yes you are right , no salt and simpler /cleaner diets do that , they open up the senses plus intuition and it could be difficult to suddenly have that appear as everyday way of being when living in city. However , any challenges in life can be turned into a passionate love affair , this makes life worth living.
  12. ...

    Great thanks , I will read that link just now. I have been salt free for longer periods of time (10 months in one go longest ) and can only speak from personal expirience -- it does make a difference . Salt is IMO a plesaruble irritant for a body.
  13. ...

    Jetsun, do you know of any books that talk about the Shamanic Dieta you have mentioned ? Would be really interested to find out more about it. Some Hindu traditions , especially Yogic paths practise no salt diet too .
  14. Blowhole

    WTL , it takes some time to recconect menatly and emotionally , that is all . So be patient becouse whatever happens will come to pass. If prayer bought on expirience of kundalini -- it is obvious that this kind of works for you and prayer for clarity and understanding of this process/stage of your life may be fruitfull..
  15. Living at peace with society...

    Always keeping alive to : peacefullness is a state of being , not the external factor. External factors do help , but if they dont manifest -- they dont . It doesent matter if people are superficial , this is nature. There will always be superficial people , becouse otherwise there would not be any non superficial people. Finding peaceful satiation in doing what I need to do regardless of circumstances , prepared to let go of all expectations . There is a zen story if I remeber it correctly (?).. This guy was cahsed at the end of the cliff by a tiger , he felt down but caught a branch that was growing from the rock. Whilst hanging on that branch of the tree , he saw a strawberry growing next to it. He picked that strawberry and ate it. How delicious it was.
  16. Do I need glasses?

    Yes when energy starts running through the brain and body is also full of it something different ( like patterns or colours are very common ) than usual can be seen with eyes open sometimes , it is normal . However see the doctor if you are worried.
  17. "Compassion means skillful action" - huh?

    This reminded how I have heard Tibetan Buddhists (from Tibet) discussing among themselves Jesus and his dying on the cross for others and thought it to be outrageously ridicilous .. I dont share their opinion , actually I have no opinion on that except that at different time and circumstances , different action may be required. It would be also interesting to hear what does compassion mean to everyone regardless and why and when ? How about regular being compassionate eventualy prevades our life ? Compassion as a path?
  18. fasting, energy practice

    i think that mediation/energetic practises go well together , but best see how you feel about it. i tend to sleep loads when fasting -- well at least in the begging.
  19. "Compassion means skillful action" - huh?

    If both we and day want to . This is some crazy s***t , I wish day to assist me not to turn into my anal region.
  20. "Compassion means skillful action" - huh?

    I went few times for a reterat for few months too to enjoy the simplicity and relax , do what I love to do -- sit on my bum and meditate . Allowing to achieve simplicity is contradiction. However allowing to achieve could work too , why not , it sounds creative and fluid. As to tending the plant it is not about achievment -- it is assisting -- being compassionate and nourishing and if plant grows it grows and if it does not it does not . It is up to the nature. Better aproach is meant as in different point of view . I said better becouse we live in overachieving society and look at where we are. Also we can adopt different view through deeper understanding of life .Is this kind of understanding achievment ? To be honest I dont think so . I see where your logic is coming from and it is logical.haha I am not very logical person , but dont strive to be either. Anyway I dont want to sound too particular about this , as it is not really that important to me and my view changes too. I tried to achive superhard , I meditated sooo much and did sooo much energetic practises for years and still do (not as much )-- thinking I will achieve something. Yes there were some highs and expiriences , but this what I tried to achieve is not up to me . Plus in the meantime everything truned upside down and point of view changed.
  21. "Compassion means skillful action" - huh?

    You may have misread me or I may have not explained myself enough I did not say it is always simple , but what I said is that : compassion is simply compassion . It is always without selfish motive otherwise its not compassion but something else . It is just that it manifests in people at different degrees. That is big difference. Compassion is always natural and spontanious and uncontrived -- now that what propmts compassion may involve a lot of thinking sometimes or deliberation and sometimes especially when we soften a little and sharpen in awerness -- it may come easily and become simple . edit: funny you should mention heroin anecdote , as some kind of similar situation involving someone dear to me years ago took place and this was the first time that I took a totally seemingly uncomapssionte action in order to help.
  22. "Compassion means skillful action" - huh?

    For me compassion is simply compassion -- when a person does something for someone or enviroment without selfish motive . As I have said in other post recently -- compassion IMO has been expirienced mostly by all at some point in our life and it is just the matter cultivating it . Some people ar more compassionate , some less for sure . Everyone is different . I dont like term real compassion as cat and Vmarco state as it does have a unecesarry lofty ring about it that has been misinterpreted by some that it may include some sort of achieving . Instead IMO compassion should be of one of our foremost values in regular life and regular choice of action . As well as I dont believe that anyone can see life as it really is , becouse who is there to see reality ? However the fact that some have more clarity than others is undinable .
  23. Blockages between the Third Eye point and the Throat point

    How is your belly , is it super relaxed ? If not prhapes relaxing that area would help. Belly area and throat are very connected. Backbands are good too and headstands as they sort of help body back into the correct posture.