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Everything posted by suninmyeyes

  1. The collective consciousness...

    I think it may have to do with the green traffic light which allows us to cross the dangerous street ,in the same way green ray comes from Cosmic 'traffic light'and signals us and keeps us safe to cross the world of samsara(samsara-is that the right word?). I am open for the disscusion if anyone has a different opinion..
  2. Weird dream I had a few days ago

    Rat is a common symbol in present time for striving in the direction of some sort of economic fulffilment. How is your employment/work place? It seems to be a meaningful dream that is showing you something new.Seed is there already.Most prabably some new understanding will soon surface in waking life.
  3. Fasting, not on food, but on sleep

    When I was about 20 years old I have tried 2 days without sleep and food.At that time my spiritual interset was pretty much non existant or at least not defined .This proved to be very disorententing ,but interesting expirience.Quite trippy. I have also done food fasts which I didnt like until I did really long one without food or water for 7 days and some time afterwds just water(I am not going to mention how long or what I did or how I prepared myself in case some try to copy and kill themselves or something,I worry a little). At some point time came when I knew I was dying ,but stayed alive.This was incredible beutiful and most peaceful expirience I have ever had.Accompanied with a lot of emotional shedding and better acceptance of life despite of what it brings ,as well as serious uprooting of my own psychic blockages. At that time I felt so safe like a baby and self sufficient like a flower. As far as sleep fasting goes I am much better if I dont sleep too much which I have proven to myself so many times.But I guess it is all personal. Everything,you have mentioned that thinking deep is a way to go in life.For me it is definetley listening to my heart .

    Worshipping Tulasi(not proper tree,but ..)in India Banyan tree worship,also in India
  5. 'No self' my experience so far...

    I was just reading this thread a little bit and thought oh -K- is posting how cool and refreshing,lets see what she is expiriencing. So thanks for sharing.That is what I like about bums that people are very free thinking here and there is a lot of diversity from which is possible to learn.Unless and until we all get Buddhanised. Back to observers sit.
  6. Dream Trauma?

    Hi Todd, Yes erasing haha.My English sucks sometimes. I have done pulling out of the dreams many times .I think it is reccomandable if a person gets scared .
  7. Dream Trauma?

    OK this is very interesting and I think I am starting to understand what you mean.Exploring the infinite possibilities of our own multidimensionality.This has occured to me more during long sittings in meditations ,but with a slightly different flavour. 'Each petal has a life of its own but not really. Each pearl IS the necklace but also isn't. The whole matters to the part but not really. The parts matter to the whole but not really. Hard to explain but not really... ...' This is nice ,it is also too large and too invisable to fit into words properly though,but not really.
  8. Dream Trauma?

    I have a friend who is naturally lucid dreamer like me and we are learning from each other and are about to go on expirimenting with trying to meet up in the dreams.Anyone done this succesfully?I knew somebody who did it long time ago. Latley I have been waking myself up from dreams(as my main dream practise) by remebering that I am dreaming ,but waking up into the void instead physiaclly waking up,sort of earising dreams. Catpillar,I feel that embracing my own shadow in a dream does it for me.This works on many levels ,as well on astral level in which if I am getting attacked if I 'embrace'attackers and send them love theyll melt away becouse they dont like those vibrations.
  9. Dream Trauma?

    Hello Taomeow!What do you mean by different timelines ?Like a different time zone as in past ,future or?
  10. Charisma & Women

    No difference whatsoever in my view.It is up to individual regardless wherther they are male or female.
  11. What would you really love to do?What would really open your heart and make you feel good?There must be something. Find out and work towards achieving it. IMO pot is not such a good companion if you suffer from depressive states,it messes with your mind. Joining some volountary organisation and helping out or travelling to a third world country or doing something what you dont usually do could be a good way to help yourself as it would break the pattern and give a fresh perspective on life.
  12. Amazing street performer

    He is definetley good at it.
  13. Lifestyle of a Sage

    hahaha I was asked at my taiji class if I wanted one,I was like: Thanks,but no thanks. I am OK in my track suit bottoms and a t shirt.
  14. Lifestyle of a Sage

    Yes of course it can be done ,sounds realistic enough and if that is what you are attracted to(making sure to understand the difference between attraction and escapisam is also important)- go for it. Everyone is uniqe with uniqe ability to learn and uniqe talents,threading their uniqe way. That is the beuty of existance . Living life according to ones own dreams and learning to dream counciously is a good skill which leaves no space for regrets. Try it you may like it or you may get bored very soon. Nature can be rough and unyielding and not very romantic. Feel deep inside of yourself and dont be scared to go forever opens you heart .We all live and learn. Life is actually not so serious .
  15. What's the point of perfect presence?

    I dont know Mizu,sometimes I think that we are all like some type of crazy fish swimming in the ocean but for some reason thinking that we cant swim ,although we are swimming already.
  16. Are all the religions equally corrupt?

    mytHMAker, am I assuming right that you are asking a question regarding sexual abuse to Vaj?(although you have quoted me) It is true what you say about priests,so much nonsense going on. Someone I know of was following this guy ,who was caught with a woman on the tape and that swami still kind of denies that anything happened All this kind of stuff needs to come to light and be seen for what it is. There all kind stalenss within religions and spiritual organisations. Just remebered incident about 14 years ago me and my friends squatted this ex Buddhist place in London (where all the monks used to stay ) and moved in.Every room in the house had Japonese porn mags . So many of them. We were cracking up as those guys were meant to be celibate plus the mags were funny too. OK guys had some fun I dont care but it is the false pretenses that bother me. I guess what I am trying to say here is to say that anything is possible and it is good to take inspiration from everywhere. But pick and choose ,as people are people everywhere.
  17. Social Anxiety = A lot of Mental Chatter?

    No need to control it,let your mind chat it is the nature of the mind(according to me it is ,I hope no Budhists are reading this).But do try and pay closer attention ,find the exact reason why is this happening and fine tune yourself into a different frequency.
  18. Paradise lost

    +1 Just what I wanted to say
  19. Are all the religions equally corrupt?

    Dont know Vaj,who can tell these things ,if they are true or not true.Neither of can for sure. Suspicion and cautioness can be good. I am certanly glad that there is all sort of information true and untrue ,right or wrong out there becouse it will make more people stand on their own two feet and learn to be responsible for themselves and others. I have seen people in your position who have very close relationship with the spiritual organisation being even more blind than the onlookers(including my own family). I have also vitnessed most idiotic types of behaviour (whilst on the road in Asia and staying at monastries and ashrams) ,strange exibithion of spirituality and attitudes verging on being totally bonkers-all in the name of organisation or guru/spiritual leader.And have met women who have been abused by gurus and left deeply scarred. Also I came across some wonderful mature people doing just fine learning with their gurus/teachers. Your expirience is valid to you ,I can only aprriciate it and take in consideration as I do with everything else.
  20. How do you personally know that Bodhisattvas also dont suffer from some sort of illusion?They must be if they exist or ? Public Enemy comes to my mind Dont dont dont believe the hype(any hype) Some of those stickers dont look shocking but I dont know like some sort of right wing spiritual activism. Anyaway they would be riding a bycicle,so no car stickers for sure.
  21. A Higher Love

    Wow Aaron that was amazing read!Beutiful.Thank you for sharing. ' are never angry with someone else,but rather you re angry with yourself'.. This quoted above if deeply understood can cause a revolution in anyones life.A turning point where peace and love come and stay.
  22. 'No self' my experience so far...

    Very nice post,thanks for sharing. I am happy for you.
  23. What Type of Physical Training Do You Do?

    Physical fitness is important and I have seen spiritual seekers/cultivators often neglect this very common sensical aspect for well being. Cycling every day(rain or shine or snow),streching/yoga/sit ups etc.,taiji,surya namaskars(I swear by them,such a brilliant set of excersise),running,swimming(in the summer),dancing(at home). We have a gym in the park with outdoors machines nearby.It is so good,I have just discovered it recently.
  24. energtic "flu"

    Loss of apetite could be due to the heat. Unusual circumstances in life?-(listen to the detective manitou )is a good start. Secondly,is your general health good? If yes than,is there something that is bothering you,some deep unsolved issue?Something you were meant to be doing and you just never did,or some realtionship that never healed,or is there something you keep on putting up with but you would rather not?(of course I am not expecting you to answer that becouse it could be deeply personal) This is what I would ask myself in such situation. Food ,are you sensitive to some foods,if yes certain foods could have a negative effect that shows in many ways(one of my big problems)? Sometimes detox does go deeper and deeper,so you never know could be that,even if you have detoxed loads already. Get better soon !