Jack Runner

The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by Jack Runner

  1. Has The Tao Bums become (B)anal?

  2. The Templet

    Watch and discuss.
  3. Lots of Phoenixes

    The stars must of aligned just right for my ass then to learn. hahahaha. (ya I know that sounds pompous, I feel very privileged and lucky for real though) But ya man, follow your gut; if it doesn't feel right to you look for another school/linage. There are more than one ways of learning Nei Kung, and more than one type that's for sure. Do some soul searching and your answers will most definitely come to you.
  4. Spirit Fighting Training

  5. Hand ninja

    http://www.break.com/index/asian-chicks-awesome-hand-ninja.html why wont this work?? (follow link just tried to edit this like 8 times)
  6. The first yoga mats?

    No it makes you practical. I use a tan cotton OM yoga mat.
  7. Masturbation and Carburator repair

    Give Non back his crack rocks.
  8. free kunlun teachings?

    When I come to Aussy in 2011, we should totally train together. I'll be learning as much as I can while I'm in LA here getting my passport/visa etc, but I'm planning on traveling soon, and Australia is on my "go here now" list.
  9. The Cool Picture Thread

  10. Kunlun follow up poll

    I have, got to a point to where my astral body was trying to adjust itself. (a vibrational shifting) You feel like you're moving in an earthquake, but you physically are not moving. But thats as far as I got, I've seen more stuff, on RP than anything.
  11. Kunlun follow up poll

    I'll take that into consideration. Thank you.
  12. Kunlun follow up poll

    I'll agree there, I changed my last response, but I'm seeing you're pretty damned either way on this stuff. I'll keep in mind in the future to just keep myself very far of away from all of this, and refrain from adding my two cents. Why winpro deletes his post are starting to make more and more since everytime I come here. I'll just wait for winpro to make that one thread, and post about experience's there. I really wish people would get off their high horse with the whole "more advanced" bs. Cause I in all honestly could care less how much someone has does a practice more than I have, but asking them to leave their personal shit in PM isn't telling them how to live their life's. It's a simple request of curiosity of people who are just here to get information, not to see the dirty laundry of the students behind the practice.
  13. Kunlun follow up poll

    Edit: I agree with you there creation, got caught up. Thank you for the 3rd party incite. Last thing I need right now is to deal with bullshit. I shouldn't even of gotten involved. Lesson learned. Moving on.
  14. Kunlun follow up poll

    No one ever said you didn't have field experience and I personally don't know what you do, so I cant say it. What i said was simply in the context of a "saying so to speak" much like the sayings such as; "You Can Lead a Horse to Water but You Can't Make Him Drink" and other such classics as; “Those who do not read are no better off than those who cannot.” But I can now share in your feeling of being misread now it seems. Btw I was actually thinking about buying a high hat, but with that comment I might just stick with another fedora, or maybe a Top hat? I already own a cowboy hat. Hats are awesome. I end on this proverb (should not have called them "sayings"); “He who knows not and knows not he knows not: he is a fool - shun him. He who knows not and knows he knows not: he is simple - teach him. He who knows and knows not he knows: he is asleep - wake him. He who knows and knows he knows: he is wise - follow him.”
  15. Kunlun follow up poll

    Oh and in the words of my facilitator when I slipped and called her Sifu jokingly. She lovingly and firmly affirmed me to not call her sifu because although she is trained to be a facilitator she her self is still learning and she encouraged me to learn more. She was very open about who she was, which made me feel so comfortable learning the exercises from her. It's about being honest with what you feel comfortable doing, and then being honest with the people you're doing the training ->with<--key word. We're all learning this together, and not just Kunlun, but ALL things. Hive mind people, although we're individuals we are one collective of consciousness. We should be sharing information, not our egos. We all already own one of those. haha.
  16. Kunlun follow up poll

    *looks at thread*. WTF IS GOING ON HERE!? Taomeow: You can study in a book how to use a sword as much as you want, but in the end it's the actual ability to wield it on a battle field that makes it of any use. People learn by doing, not learn by knowing something then never feeling comfortable to share what they learn, even teachers are forever students. You're a smart woman, you know your s**t, I respect that about you very much so, but CHILL. It's one thing to correct someone, it's another to braid them with "look how much I know about such and such" Sometimes knowledge is much more useless then field experience. You're to pretty to be pompous dear. Fiveelementtao & Scotty: Do I need to stop this car and take off my belt? I'll do it! Scotty apologize to your brother! Now everyone put their egos away! *backs away from thread slowly then burst into a cold dead sprint*
  17. Kunlun follow up poll

    It's from KL, it's been happening to me too. I only sleep like 4hrs now.
  18. Kunlun follow up poll

    Dude when it's posted I'll explain what happen to me last night, and that title will make A LOT more since. (Already does to current KLers I'm sure)