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Everything posted by Spectrum

  1. maoshun traveling hands

    Spirit Ape. For some reason I am drawn to read your posts. You write with fevor. You have a martial spirit of truth testing that I enjoy. I am compelled to draw a distinction here between the theoretical, and physically going through the question answer process with the body as the medium. Quite the contrary. Weights (bearing a load) are useful, we have to give our body "resistance" in order to feel what "coordinated" strength is. With that said, the "method" of how you use weight is important, as weight training can make the body stiff and muscle bound, i prefer core sets (for basic health and core development) that use body weight, and after that I use weights in combination with movement training that only add "resistance" to how I move naturally... ie you will fight like you train. Thats why sparring is important, it is the mental resistance of sparring that allgins the mind and body with the application of strength. By training weights, and experincing the bodies response to the load, you are forced to relax, using the more effiencnt line of muscles (supportive balancing muslces) Using weights in the traditional way isolates muscle groups into short lines, but you want to develop using longer strings of muscles connected to the frame holding you effortlessly upright. Thats why standing meditation is actually good, because it's a basic load bearing rubber band system that holds us up... when you remove the load, you have ... adjusted... your connection to the earth... so you "feel" the better mojo... the cleaner connection, like the lungs opening up after a good jog, or the pores opening after standing for a few minutes... the "lightness" after removing the load... this is the wave to ride. Like standing in a doorway and pressing the back of the hand against the frame for 60seconds, then releasing and "feeling" the muscle memory lifting the hand... or walk around w/ weights on the feet all day and then see what happens when you work kicks that night. so in a nutshell, yes, bearing a load is good, when it's used in a way that springboards you closer to your goal.
  2. The power of Internal Martial Arts

    More examples of living in an imagination world.
  3. Your own videos

    Paradoxial Challenges Beautiful Work.
  4. 37 Form Taiji Quan - Various Apps

    Thank you so much Lin. This is the type of motivation that will spread the arts. It is so easy to talk the talk, thanks for your work towards walking the walk. High Regards, Dave aka Spectrum
  5. What a Tosser!

    Yes. Really there is no such thing as internal or external, because in application power manifests where internal and external harmonize. That's it. Where your power surfaces and releases at the right time and place. In a punch, in a kick, anything. To "master" fitness breathing power and stamina, you need to know how to relax (sung/song) while your body does work (gong/gung). The paradoxial thing here is this can be done by practicing at full velocities, OR... very very very slowly. Those guys don't fight in rings. Approach him and ask to touch hands. You see, he's driving like a 72 Chevelle, and BJ Penn is driving what? One of them cruises the neighborhood, the other is down on the strip... I agree that many "interenal" stylists do not understand the application of their form, by this I mean how to get "power" to leave their body in the form of a punch, a kick, etc, but you guys are being silly here... you do not box a boxer, you do not grapple a grappler. someone said "try to redirect any of that" in reference to quick hands... but think outside the box (ing) of conflict my friend... you do not redirect this way. U use a kick. This is true to the music of the classics of muscle and tendon changing. Soft is balanced by hard. Motion by stillness. In order to understand how to relax, you must do so (initially) by bearing a "load". Ultimately though, when you overcome the load, your body information changes, THIS IS KNOWLEDGE. Knowledge is not something that is in your head in the form of words. KNOWING requires WORK. Here is a question, what if you took the 5 basic punches of boxing, and blended them into your taijiquan form? Or any form. What would that be like? Better yet, do it with 5lb wrist weights on... then balance a book on your head.
  6. What a Tosser!

    Have you touched hands with any of these fat guys your talking shit about? The ONLY reason I bring this up is because I really enjoy reading first hand experiences, as there is nothing really unique about internet armchair warriorship. We can all go to bullshido and read up, but on a martial healing level the classics, and those who practice in any fashion might have something of value to offer, even if it's only a peice of the puzzle. I could sit here and judge these guys, really, but when it comes down to it, until I (or anyone) touches hands with them, you do not "know"... What I'm trying to say is "careful you don't throw the baby out with the bathwater." Your motto for success? This is how you've learned to cultivate "qi"? Yi (mind) leads the Chi (applied energy), to Li (physical principle).
  7. how do you use taoism during a conflict?

    back to top
  8. The power of Internal Martial Arts

    Humans express. Groups entrain. If you can entrain to the point of expressing original thought/movement (100th monkey) that is the goal so yes it's a type of collective expression... perhaps One set of problem solving techniques that reflect universal concepts? Perhaps... the brazilian flavor of wrestling? As a cultural phenomenon... wrestling is very old, even on egyption pottery. puppies and kittens do it. It is a primary abc even some might say an initiatory means of conditioning mind/body that prepars one for furthering their understanding of the bigger picture, which is far bigger than fighting amongst outselves.
  9. The Rainbow of Reality

    Much Aloha Brother. Much Aloha.
  10. Survival: No air - 3 min No shelter - 3 hours No water - 3 days No food - 3 weeks No love - 3 months Know how to make shelter from environmental conditions, this includes making fire. Know where your natural water sources are in your area. Learn how to find water. Know how to obtain food from original sources. Learn how to gather or hunt. Learn how to love the land and the people it supports. Most people are many steps away from their primary food sources. The goal is to reduce those steps, and if need be function at a rudimentary level of production and process. This might mean learning how to make bread from wheat you've ground yourself instead of buying bread. Also, as a primary means of transfering information, talk to as many friendly people face to face on common ground as possible, if the electricity goes out, there is no such thing as tv, it was all in someones head. There are many examples of the ferocity of depravity that exists when the masses are not fed. Live together. Die alone.
  11. The power of Internal Martial Arts

    You should know how to travel through and be comfortable in all ranges. grappling is a range, not a style. styles are impregnated w/ culture. in the moment, no such thing as style, only human 3expression.
  12. maoshun traveling hands

    It is not unique to kunlun, once you start clearing out the wasted mental space it's a process of awareness evolution, like the way different foods make you feel once your body becomes adjusted to processing healthier foods, as you adjust the wave of jing that enters, and regulate your mind through mind/body practices, the natural seems that exist between states of consciousness can elongate and provide windows of perspective not previously experienced... especially between wake and sleep. Its best to practice early morning after a nap or evening before sleep. Remind yourself to relax when you feel like your falling. Normal chi gung and taijiquan practice, anything that brings the mind to a unified state, is condusive to this form of travel. Simply get in tune w/ genating your movement w/ chi instead of muscle strength, as you fall asleep, your body naturally paralyzes the physical, your ability to generate movement w/ chi is most benificial in this state. At least that's how it was explained to me many years ago, and has proven to... stimulate... some interesting experiences including oobe.
  13. The Connection between Taoism and Mountains

    Cat, There is A Difference Between Ash and Pollen Seeds Between Seem Fallen When Where and Why, What and How Who Dip Low, Fly High, Rock Water Fire Metal and Sky The difference is the means, the mean the measure. Naming a pile of shit a flower, doesn't make it a treasure. N5WVnrSaEPc SYRST7XaVGQ
  14. Silat

    Those russians. Gotta love the big bears! Silat seems obviously designed by the very small.
  15. The Connection between Taoism and Mountains

    Buddhist Practice Up High Way MSAu_y6H81s
  16. Silat

  17. What a Tosser!

    Thank goodness for free speech! This is probably the coolest thing on his channel I found so far. KfyAHoQAu1o
  18. Jing Questions

    YeeChuanTao aka I Quan Dao
  19. EMF pollution protection

    faraday screens
  20. Jing Questions

    I was taught that the quickest way to cultivate the three treasures is by coordinating them into harmony through practicing chi gung and gung fu. The reason why is that there is a ...spectrum... between the very slow *or even still* and the very fast , or absolutely speedy.... so chi gung is like learning the abcs and how to tune the strings of an instrument(chi, then playing scales (forms) and then freestyling (jazz). This is where classical structures support build and grow each part of the symphony and organic inter-relationships that make up the complete human being. Yes, we're actually looking to get MORE of the -a-hah- moments we call realization, learning, and a functional flow that redefines linear sequences into circular answers to multiple questions, internal and external. The first way shared with me to cultivate jing is by changing (en)training the food you eat, the air you breath, and the way you move. The first way shared with me to cultivate/circulate chi was a standing posture in which you hold a 2lb barbell weight in wuji, upwards at a 45deg angle towards the corner of the room. Imagine you are hanging the weight on a hook in the corner, fix your gave through the center of the weight into the corner. The first way shared with me to culviate shen was to practice gung fu in conjunctions with natural chi cycles.
  21. Thank you rain. I left the first winter snap by sailing one way back to kona. On a little of your lubricating wind you sent under my wings. I'm such a haole. I don't have any wheels. I have been hanging out doing fu with my kung fu brother kala. Last night we practiced on the beach. This morning its rope dart in sifus driveway. slept in the car. didn't want to clutter Sifus space and it's so warm outside. I need less sleep here immediately. I left 25deg in PDX it's 75deg @ KOA and 'cold'. I sleep 5 hours and feel fresh in the cool morning air. Kala's life is kung fu. He is going to China in January to train w/ Wudang people. We're crossing paths at a pivotal time. We first met in 2001. He is living life on the island here since he was 17 living in his car. He is rich in my eyes. He has a giving heart and is in love with seeking the path. We have great conversations and in only 12 hours I feel like we've been able to share so much that was already there but just waiting to be joined with the whole. We went and visited a Sensei Curt who is an old judo player turned softer style guy who lives up high on the mt. here. We pushed with him a little. He's a drawling texan with an appreiciation for good movement and a great photographer. Kala's game feels like clouds marveling among peaks. Feels like it's the people around us who fill the space we're looking for in ourselves until we learn to fill it ourselves. I am humbled and blessed. I'm lucky I have survived my attempts at answering my own questions surely it is not us who save ourselves, but meeting on common ground to share personal loves, gifts and interests, in selfless expression we find the who. Everyone says no jobs here. Sensei Curt is interested in working w/ Honey Bees. I'm drawn towards water purification or treatment. But I need to find a job immediately... I see a couple computer jobs but don't want to approach work from the same angle. The peace sanctuary seems like a good option after doing a 9 month rock & roll war zone. They need a caretaker groundskeeper three days a week in trade for a room. It seems peaceful. I will introduce myself today. Ultimately I need to make money for food... harvesters get paid by the day, coffee pickers, etc... another option, work the mainlander out of me yeah. transportation doesn't matter so much if there is open space to practice nearby. And I'm finding out there is a lot of that here... work exchanges, I'll know more by friday on their livability. Kala and I are suppose to go visit a Sifu Lee a 60yrold+ teacher who is Phillipino Chinese here on Big Island. He teaches BaGua and XingYi. We went downtown and visited another Yee Chuan practitioner. A lot of shops are closed or closing. No money for tourist junk. I have $77. Rice and Starches stretch a lot further here than that cold place I left behind. No turning back Now. This is Forward Progress. The beach is the same wonder. Beautiful and vast. Colors Rich. I am nothing. That's the point. one step at a time. rope dart. I have a couple weeks to absorb as much as possible from Kala. Sifu is probably laughing under his breath at me, I'm so hungry like a beggar searching for crumbs. Rope dart is amazing. Kala and I are dreaming of being a part of a sustainable organization for traveling practitioners to sustain themselves through teaching and planting schools.
  22. Boulder seems rushed. Spoke w/ Cam this morning to set expectations. Adventure will probably take me down 101 through N. Cali and to L.A. to meet up w/ Trunk, perhaps we can visit Bing together. Looking at Phoenix after I reach Vegas. Perhaps my first teacher will accompany. After that, Eric and Cam are down Phoenix direction, looking forward to doing Sedona for the first time, or being done, whichever.