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Everything posted by Spectrum

  1. how do you use taoism during a conflict?

  2. Dragons, Pearls, & Phoenixes

    Needle at Sea Bottom Yaksha Searches Sea Snake Creeps Down In the classical yang 108 third section, 7 stars is immediately after snake creeps.
  3. Can the Mass Media be an Energy Drain?

    Follow through.
  4. Can the Mass Media be an Energy Drain?

    Everything that is rhythmic has the possibility of entrainment. THere is a symphony dancing around us, tv lends to a very small range of human sensory experience, but it is the story that people follow along with that relates ... Sensory range speaking tv only covers a thin sliver... so it's actually sick how easy it is to entrain. FOllow the story you'll get to the point. Once your aware of the circuits running in around and through you can run them periodically to clear tonify and strengthen them. THis includes mental dialog. For every thread of information that builds you up or leads you to a realization there is someone who wants you to be free to discover as a child the world hidden from the eyes of ordinary western ergonomic habits and culture.
  5. How many Kunlun workshops?

    Nuff said. I volunteered.
  6. Cam - I wasn't planning on going anywhere, I just started driving down the road towards more fu people, really, and then someone said SIfu Jenny was going off in Colorado a couple weeks into Feb. I'm headed to Vegas after I visit Bing in L.A. later this week, Trunk said Yo i'm in L.A. and Eric said Yo I'm in Phoenix and when I thought of Sydonia, your saying you would want to car pool to the Lamb Feast. If I hook up with all you lucky charm muthers before apple cam jennys not gonna jump right on the stick.
  7. Would love to cruise through phoenix, pick up you and Eric, and make the trek to boulder. I'll have to drive back down to Vegas, less I get stranded in Boulder and have to work my way out.... i guess we'll find out. All I really have is a little chuan to go, it's like, on the side, but it go's w a paddy melt.
  8. Dragons, Pearls, & Phoenixes

    good stuff. reflecting.
  9. Ok so who wants to carpool. I may end up sitting outside w/ my face pressed against the glass, but I'll still follow along.
  10. Have chuan will travel. How many days will it take to drive from Pheonix to Boulder? I think I should be down to Phoenix by next monday or tuesday at the latest if we're going to do this....
  11. The Tao Bums Know-it-Alls

    rollback-press forums are a invaluable tool for free dialog and research. These priceless words reinforce and comb our practices. It is the mind that needs the most grooming, the body will follow, if you can understand something first in your mind, if even for a moment, you experience something or... ahah you get it... then you can do it, because you have the impression in your mind. I have not been gifted with the ability to repeat instantaneously movement that is shown to me, I have to i guess "feel" my way through it to understand it, I have been around people recently who can repeat a movement the first time they see it, even on a dv-freaking-d... and this is surely a useful skill for the movement artist... but there is also the mind dialog, if your dialog "holds you back" then it is useful to engage in dialog that is progressively guiding and leading you towards your goals.
  12. Overall not a bad slide into home. Fall forward not backwards. Heaviness is the opposite of lightness, riding it on my own, still feels different then before, more lightness than heaviness. Even the yin/yang survaces of my vehicle feel different after this last encounter with teacher. Prepared a curry rice w/ a coconut pineapple taragon corriander chicken for my hosts last night. She seemed impressed sharing these culinary ideas. I was impressed with the Spice selection!!! Ate and Ate and Ate. After living off nothing the last year it seems I can force myself to absorb a LOT of food in a cold environment when I'm consistantly active. Taking in some Harry Potter movies I missed in the last few years. Sprinking in rope dart videos through out the day. 3 major tricks, 3 transitions, basics, l/r switches, loop and bundle questions... reflecting. Orange Blossom Tea. I feel Kala in China asking a question or wondering something. We might want to help support him soon, he'll have access to grass roots imports that will be superior. He speaks Chinese. I spoke w/ him before he left and he is very adept at identifying quality training tools. Just thoughts. Eric is in Pheonix, this enables me to take some safe steps beyond Vegas which I had no plan for before. Perhaps this could continue to happen all the way to connecticut where #1 brother is. Love binds us all together. More later.
  13. Cam - I been in contact w/ Eric23 down in Phoeonix, I'm arriving in Vegas within the week, via roadtrip. This might be good timing yes? Spectrum Chuan Crusade Charades Thread
  14. Was going out to find another floor. Decided I needed to process the lactics from previous day instead. Got drunk after trying a triple orange liquer. Ate all kinds of junk food. drempt about rope loopings. woke hands cold warmed upo w. progressive chaining of 2 tricks. l/r basics. 8's. bird bends branch.
  15. Erik, I'm heading towards Vegas where my first teacher is. Dreaming of Sedona as I've never had the honor. Phoenix? After the last few years on dialog, why not? I have my teapot with me. I'll be needing to stop in Vegas to replentish my funds w/ work. If you have leads in Phoenix I will gladly inquire.
  16. dance

    btt. Interesting dicotomy here between what is considered/practiced as dance and what is martial. Martial MUST have applications else it is only dance... I am discovering some crossover space here. stroking imaginary beard.
  17. how do you use taoism during a conflict?

  18. the tao bums map

    btt. researching west coast bumness.
  19. The Tao Bums Know-it-Alls

    pranaman, phore, spirit ape. lets do 4 person push hands. on mahfah poles.
  20. Dantien and other places

    Heres some thoughts on that subject... of the attention being drawn to the throat.... Consider perhaps your attention draws to your throat as internal dialog builds and you are subvocalizing. This might explain why as "thoughts" are coming up from emptiness, why the eye of attention changes... as the throat is the plac ein which the breath is regulated, use it as an opportunity to subvocalize primary sounds of breath regulation and sink the eye back to the dan tien in the process. we regulate chi gung breath with Hen/Haa shaped draw, which shapes the wave in/out, if your talking to yourself, your rippling the wave... if your singing to yourself, your rippling the wave also. Ever heard a sick person groan? Makes me wonder. THis is why standing is so good because the bodies metabolic changes that cycle during gung brings the mental dialog to a pause/stop and you can really get a good clean deep breath outside of the mental/physical box so many have put themselves in. ONE breath frm the dan tien when your boiling in a unified field will give just as much as an hour massage. Shoulders drop, people cease "holding" themselves, etc... the fundmental differences between these arts and western atheletic culture are profound.
  21. btt West Coast Bums I'm traveling down 101 before I head inland in the next week. My forte is Yi Quan (Yee Chuan). I practice the classical yang 108, a wei dan/neidan chigung set, and the all aspects of kung fu as it applies to self defense and form work. Current weapons I am working are a Fan Set, RopeDart/ChainWhip, and ... a few other things. ;o) Spectrum/Dave
  22. Zhan Zhuang and Push Hands question.

    When you find someone who "flows" spend time moving with them. It's important to balance personal form with with partner practice. Don't overdo it into a contest, but sparring is important. You always have to balance learning with conditioning, but ultimately cooridination and harmony is the goal. You don't get a good sound playing an instrument as hard as you can. You want it to resonate correctly.
  23. More thoughts on this after a few months. Isnt' free dialog awesome! There has to be a balance between movement and stillness. There are days that I know if I am not still, I will not have the motivation to move, and likeways, that if I do not move that day, and I mean... outside the box... there will be not enough stillness to even fall esleep. Other times there is so much movement going on inside stillness, that that in and of itself is the workout of the day, like an internal water circulation system that is heating, cooling, menthing, tingleing, washing, charging, cycling, abosbing, squeezing, rolling, undulating, and orbitting through us... the human "vehicle" I guess we could call it is a kind of house for an electrical conduit system that connects us to a much larger "body" of information.
  24. the tao bums map

    OH Holly Shit... Craigs on Baseline... So sit right back, and you'll hear a tale, a tail of a fateful trip, that started on this tropic port, aboard this tiny ship. Baseline is the Baseline in the Original US Navy Geodetic Survey. Baseline Lines up with the Willamete Stone. The Willamete Stone Lines up with the Natural Landmark of Mt. Tabor The line it follows is called Hawthorne St. Hawthorne was formally Asylum St. Mt. Tabor is one of the only Ancient Volcanos inside City Limits in N. America J.C. Hawthorne was the founding Doctor of the Oregon State M ental Hospital The original Asylum was built at the foot of the first rise of the Mt. Tabor Volcano. The Old Asylum is now a Seminary. There are service tunnels that run between the Old Asylum and the Sunnyside Masonic Lodge. The Sunnyside Masonic Lodge is aligned Beautifully into the Natural Landscape, drawing convergences with Mt. Tabor, Willamete Stone, The Joan of Arc Circle and whatevers north. Inside this 1914 Lodge there is an accoustic ampitheater, a bar area w/ tongue and groove hardwood floorboards w/ a very large ennagram / walking circle in the floorboards, the main entrance on the south side has a type of marble condensing cube that is squared to be a type of accoustical field condenser, and the staircase thats tuned into a waterfall. Yes, a type of falls... Upstairs is a huge ceremonial banquet hall. White pillars and red carpets. Secret hallways and all. There are whole streets in the surrounding street grid that are bent for perspectives sake from inside that lodge. The Three Stripes of 37th. In this place I crossed a bridge that challenged me to apply "martial" art to the movement of every demographic of people in the cities ancient connection to live music. I pushed off that line a few days ago. I grew up there. It took me the last 8 years to put the topological peices of the puzzle together. It's not just inside. It's in outside. I'm traveling south. I'm looking at maps. I look back over my shoulder and who do I see right on Baseline, Craig. Maybe that means something. Maybe I'm suppose to say, Hey Craig! Look West along baseline... Caves! 42.5 deg parrallell! Who else cares? Geo Cachers? There might be a time we're not allowed to go in naturally occuring caves, cuz... well... why not go now instead? mt. tops too. Your art works were you are.