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Everything posted by Spectrum

  1. Capitalism Almost Ended

    Homeland Security is one step away from the Citizen Armies of pre WWII. Papers Please. Papars. No papers? You don't get to cross this line. If your a martial artist who wants to cross paths with others in the united states now is a ripe time, freedome of communication allows the free popstings of video media formats where we can "see" martial art, and "go" there to experience it first hand. The power of an American passport is still ripe as well, and now is the time to use it. There seems to be a great sigh of relief that we have a new president. I am not inclinded either way, but just sensing the weather so to say. The world is a big place and there is a lot more goodness going on right now than the news would make us think. Even the basic idea of learning martial art and having that extend into weapons training is taken for granted, don't take that for granted, learn how your body works, then learn how to rake and shovel and spear. The reason I am pointing this out is because I ran across some info the other day that there is to be a "sword ban" put into place in Britain. Meaning that swords of certain types will not longer be legal to sell, but as far as I know still legal to own them if they had them already. (until the registration starts) This includes Japanese Samurai style swords, etc. I don't know if any of our fellow Taobums from britain could fill us in on this a little more, but I saw a thread on it on the International Sword Forum @ www.swordforum.com
  2. Wuji Qigong and Wudang Hun Yuan Qigong

    Psychophyiological means a state that is experienced where mind & body dualities diminish into the singularity of... who what when where why. Where mind is the body, where body is the mind. Moments like this happen when life and death are experienced in the raw moment. Sometimes people get this after their emotions move. After or during sex. Other times like after an accident. Or in Love. Doing something they love, loosing time. Standing Meditation is a good catalyst for these types of psycho-physiological states. Like anything that grows into a habit, meditation included, must have "adjustments" made by a mentor in order for progress to continue to occur. This is why it's important to have people around you who care about the end result more than they care about "winning" or "losing" which is often the result in many martial arts "schools" Anyone can get into a meditative state in motion as in stillness. Consider peoples "hobbies"... this meditative state of pleasure hormone release pain/pleasure responses is what taijiquan cultivates, or fishing for that matter. As the chi flows, the dialog based mind lets go into the greater whole body mind which does not require our additional "thought" on the matters at hand... a balancing effect, a reset, a unity, alignment. A Balance of Action and Inaction. Thought = Action. Even when your not in "the zone" thoughts equal action, and this is what people locked in the box call "stress"... the bodies response to internal dialog. Thought that doesn't manifest as action is wasted energy. So forget about it, it's go time. Stop talking about it and work it out. Consider experiencing the same state of wuji (emptiness/nonattached readiness) in absolute motion as absolute stillness. When this unified state is experienced you have successfully translated what we learn (absorb) in stillness, into motion. This is "Taoist" Martial Healing Art. The idea that you can mutually cultivate a spirit of attack next to a spirit of peace is impossible, the ONLY reason why I draw a tension here between these two thought processes is because I believe stillness meditation is of paramount importance in understanding some of the deeper aspects of movement. These paradoxes that exist between the absolutes of stillness and motion is at the heart of Taoist Martial Health Culture. This is defensively offensive, offensively defensive. The whole world stands under a person who seeks peace in the moment. Adjust: How you breath. What you eat. How you move. Practice WITH. Live WITHOUT. Stand until your tuned. Move in tune. Work with other people.
  3. Sifu Jenny Lamb

    Shin, Trunk, Cam. Salute.
  4. how do you use taoism during a conflict?

    I'll speak to you about it while your trying to hurt me.
  5. Wuji Qigong and Wudang Hun Yuan Qigong

    Its easier to turn the cycle full, burn off slag, lighten the load If I flush again it'll fill again. But everyone has to shit.
  6. Wuji Qigong and Wudang Hun Yuan Qigong

    Sadly this is where the westernization and whiteness of the british get on my nerves. .royal boiling don't cut through the bones of illusion/ Keep em inside watching. Don't want people outside. What about the love I feel when I'm learning to Spade. After the basic premise is met eye to eye the gateway is open. Do what you will harm it none. But always you'll have to face the faceless. Better to learn how to speak your heart with steel. Do but better what always to learn you you'll how will have to it to speak none face your heart the faceless with steel.
  7. how do you use taoism during a conflict?

    Foolish words. It's never a good idea to attack. Afterall you have to think about it. You have a lot of wordiness about what is wordless. Theres your problem with application. Moments make prescriptions. Go ahead bring it up. This type of internal dialog is useless and full of illusions until the individual has the naked revelation of how they ripple the rings of effects around them through the cause of their consciousness. Upon this type of realization of mind soul body duality fusion communciation takes place through various screens and blinds of the mentalization of concepts that are physically right in front of us and more importantly are what we are.
  8. The Balance

    Recipe: Simultaneous Sensory Saturation For best effects load a minute and start simultaneously Decontextualized Impressions Start Top - Volume Down (mute) Start Middle - Volume Mid Start Bottom - Voume Up God-Tao Synonomous Wonder Wonka Whats at 1:08 hGfiajXw9z0 Vspd8HitDsE&NR LA_uwWPE6lQ
  9. Lucid Dreams

    Use reality checks to induce lucidity backsnaps Use still meditation to check mind at the station b4 falling behind your sleeping self less you snapbacks This is a portal to many realms mental spiritual dream land vibratory states peircing the veils movement as thought as movement 360 degrees up is up down is down side ways play
  10. Wuji Qigong and Wudang Hun Yuan Qigong

    Hear Here. Give the man a cigar on not getting sidetracked from the central focus of ALL taoist practices in either still or moving meditation, that of WUJI... and from what i've seen I agree with you. There are charactaristics to balanced movements that are universal. Taiji and chi gung are no exception. I recently posted a bow sim mark video up in trucks bday thread that impressed me with a centralized movement of the dantien that is easy to see. A;sp check heck out Bing in L.A. www.youtube.com/wudangbing I'm going to visit him this month. I had this funny dream I went down there and was hanging in a park w/ him and his students practicing our chuan and he was like smoking cigerretes and had this look in his eye... The thing is when you take what has manifested even in a breif moment finding "wuji" and apply that to a form of movement, or a weapon, dude... you fly... imagine finding wuji in every movement, floating... so sick... there are some who do it better than others, in absolulte movement we find stillness, in absolute stillness we find fine ass movement...
  11. Capitalism Almost Ended

    I've given up everything meaning my "stable" job and home and am traveling across the country to find other chuan people true to the music. I can work anywhere. The time to cross the world for pilgrimage is now. If your not where you want to be, move there, get there, crawl there, fly there, fall down there, or die right where you are. If your not teaching and practicing age old skills the time to start is now. Live it. Be.
  12. dance

    As soon as you stick it in to a single plane it's martial art... and he's doing a very good job at that... concealed strength.
  13. Demons

    Systematical Organix
  14. how do you use taoism during a conflict?

    308: right on. a train station. different train stations have a different number of connections and routes. good journey to you
  15. Reconciling life and death

    In reference to "the men of old" they breathed through their heels.
  16. Wuji Qigong and Wudang Hun Yuan Qigong

    I have been very :focused: in what I have produced in video format. I have honed my artistic endeavors into the 1st section using music that I have only been present for in live performance, and heeding the correction and progress of my own form as the catalyst of the medium. In this way I have not produced videos for others "entertainment" so much as a mirror, al beit a creative one, for learning. I can vouge for the energetic qualities that change as the form and function of the "forms" have transformed the physical body, as the physical is rooted in the energetic... in this way there has been a unification of previous dualities that the practice of taijichuan, chigung, and martial art has catalyzed. As this has happened the practices are no longer primarily physical, but are primarily energetic, manifesting physical energy as a benifit. Seeking "WUJI" is at the core here. That is the point. Wuji. Many forms claim wuji, but until you see and feel the psychophysiological state of wuji, it's all smoke and mirrors.
  17. Help me

    Iron Ox Plows the Field
  18. physical rehab

    good work pranaman. your doing the firedrills cleaning and building your body and channels. Keep going! when you return to class sifu won't be dissapointed he'll be able to tell you been working.
  19. I practice KunLun

    Actually Max has never engaged with the Taobums forum in direct dialog. Regardless, claiming martial traditions is a touchy subject which requires certain types of "testing" that combine "feeling" with "action"...
  20. <sigh> 220 Freedom from... ones own.... (he's not sure) 240 control reality to the degree you can control your own mind (sidhi) 620 original circuits 825 true breathing 955 mitowowow friends 1108 it FEELS 1128 electromagnetic dynamo 1150 they don't teach this. (maybe not where you been) 1300 bindus 1355 stabilization of clear and open (he does not address keeping them open through practice DUH) 1640 emptispace is everywhere, lets hero worship some more 1700 "our"training 1710 thats right you should cough when you say that 1730 white people asking those questions 1750 hit it again 1925 finally talking about something worthwhile the zero and the one 2023 universal definations 2040 kunlun mentioned 2100 merging dualitites from sides to central. not unique to kunlun. 2114 unifying bliss and emptiness 2122 amature 2130 like your doing right now? 2148 reabsorbing projections? (illusions are dispelled the mind is set free) 2157 the opening of... what time is it? 2222 awake awaken wake. normally asleep until that moment when... what... where... 2238 reset. practice. grow. reformat. change program, transmissions 2304 center is key. 2323 no complicated manuvers. 2340 cultivations of original circuits 2400 kundalini is only ONE frequency. many frequencies in the spectrum 2422 white people always getting hung up on the power sex thing juar can't let go, fix the hair. 2444 primarilly energetic... not physical... 2530 bull shit on needing the transmission 2614 emotional circuits mind letting go of ALL outcomes 3232 cascading .... moving up and down sidhis seekers "control" the dream 3356 fingers
  21. "Physical" Practice

    So I think we're all trying to tell you it's not gonna hurt your spirit to sweat some of it out.
  22. Animal Forms

    I enjoyed the coreography of this snake style. Not as fluid as some, but not as choppy as others... 77eUHvCYO5I