
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by Spectrum

  1. Secret Circus Travel Circuits www.thetaobums.com video tour? rout e Need taobum connections to complete the circus.
  2. I volunteer to drive, wait, already doing it. www.thetaobums.com tour
  3. If I'm down in Arizona do you wanna hook up for some taobumness?
  4. Sometimes lightning is unexpected.
  5. Cameron hows that martial art training coming? Did you ever choose between Aikido or whateva else bjj etc?
  6. I practice KunLun

    Been following these threads for years. Been seeking mentors for a spell longer. The below statement pretty much cuts to the heart of the matter. Spectrum
  7. "Physical" Practice

  8. Happy Birthday Trunk !

    Trunk. Enjoy bud. Look at the core undulations here. We've shared what I consider some fundamentally important information in the past. I have still been playing the whole time, and the nature of the movement rings with me. Watch the whole form from the point of view of her dan tien, she is pointing it around like a flashlight, feet lead guides like train tracks her hands are following flowing like banners in the wind, nothing out of the classical context and yet the whole form is done as light and airy as wind whisking, there is a recognizable "ease" in which the movements are performed. Bow Sim Mark : Leung Yee Chuan HZuF8kxLVSw 32 opens and ... 36goes into tip toes and... 37 drops into heels : wuji 38 condenses into horizontal plane 40-41 subtle ward off directly to a oblique vertical single whip to wardoff diagonal slant flying from archer: holy shit 44brushkneecombing mains 45stirring pot 46 shoulder 47 grasp sparrow 49 pi pa po plum i smell the blood of a chinamon 50 now its getting good cuz shes chuan transition stepping thru spacetime an shit and it cuts the angle to the 90 !!! sweet creme of 2 or 3 concepts uniting in harmony here hella spins 53 dragon stance just siiick 54hey giant brush knee i'm over here 55 emptiness i could go on but want to just say its obvious shes doing the hokey pokey at 58 it donet get more classical than that shit and she takes it into another single whip variation c'mon now sh'e startn to seem like a taoist preacher... 108 she starts repulse monkey footwork (rynning a classical line ) with core undulations using c footwork sloppy at that but sh'e s a bit dizzy after reaching chuantopia 2 seconds into the form. 115 rollback 116 wrist catch and kick step 117 damn ... 118 damn...up 119 what did she pull down there! 125 you saw that yeah?
  9. "Warriors who wished to become proficient in a number of styles would often be granted permission by their lords to travel the length and breadth of Japan, seeking instrucution from the masters of major schools..." Secrets of the Samurai pg 296 My journey will now take me down the west coast through L.A. and then Eastward... as far as I continue to be prompted to take these steps towards .. .. .. "The tiger is the mightiest but it is the chameleon who endures" Went dancing again last night while in a metro area that has clubs. The Crystal Ballrooms birthday bash. Non-scene crowd. Ok until creepo showed his slither, totally killed it. He left after no more feeding and i silently pressured him, then i had the whole floor to myself for 20 minutes...
  10. dance

    Natya is alive and well in multiple forms of classical Indian dance. Odissi, Bharatanatym, etc. The only reason why the devadasis are percieved to have turned to prostitutes was after british colonization, but not all... sTQTr1Amd24 The three major forms of indian dance were reconstructed from temple archetecture. The circle and the square of the indian arts started in these spaces of worship.
  11. "Physical" Practice

    Pranaman said it. MA practice also puts you in harmony w/ percieved "conflict"...
  12. Roll call for members attending the Kunlun seminar in L.A. Feb 6-8th? Wudang "Bing" is also in L.A. Spectrum
  13. Spiritual Adventure Tales

    A great body of evidence exists that there is a much larger story at hand... aWzyGjAan2M
  14. This site was down today?

    Confirmed : 63
  15. dance

    dance your love JMLFZcONQAs love your dance
  16. This site was down today?

    A Final Phore Knit em to fit em In Spinal Forms
  17. This site was down today?

    meanings merit does it square it? 108 IN 2 216 Fits Can you wear it?
  18. This site was down today?

    216 24eagsDMf7I
  19. Step-by-step solo cultivation...

    air conditioners and heaters have coils that circulate expanding or condensing water.
  20. Counterpoints missed the T See:
  21. dance

    you're in a good position then friend... learn learn learn u you U move move move 1nl4DtUZSmM
  22. dance

    Rolled w/ Ms. Killer B on the west coast... keep it moving She's Manifesting through classical Ballet training... go on go Also, what you Hear is Her Original Dub... listen up 8yQ9kMlLzKg
  23. dance

    ... Manifesting shit outta a different ... T I M E 9ou291N8E9c