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Everything posted by Spectrum

  1. For those of you still chasing "abilities"

    Those who talk, don't know. Those who act, know. Rain thank you for taking action when/where your heart leads you.
  2. The Max Christensen Facts Not Fiction Thread.

    All these words dedicated towards an artform that exists without them.
  3. The Right Path of Yiquan

    Thanks Pranaman. Good find. Invaluable. We always practice both sides stance and hands. Actually teacher always said to practice left first when learning something brand new it will shrink the time it takes for it to stick to your kinesthetic memory. We also balance hemispheres through a simple meditation called Lotus Hands, this is usually performed after chi gung practice.
  4. Good Eye Mal. This might take longer than initially expected. Scheduling and Postiions dictate how often I am sweeping up.
  5. Any more thoughts on the pearl? ?
  6. Spontaneous Movement : Form and Formless

    The Tandava: the interaction between the creative and destructive(musical)elements of the body interaction between circle and square within without:turns inside out front side back stunts about interaction between music and body is 4 part: beat drone melody harmony: feet hips hands feet interaction between body and terrain is 4 part: outofway redirect technique setup: perfect move The structures presented in the various classics present a kind of guide or map for the initiate to experiemtn From my e3periences: The Chinese and Indian classics educate through the gross embodiment of aesthetics
  7. Spontaneous Movement : Form and Formless

    Yes. The Tandava. The Dance of Creation and Destruction. This is the translocation of the body temple through space. Music as medium the body is mediums music.
  8. eating for qi

    RJ ate peaches IIRC
  9. Boiling Energy

  10. is reserving jing even necessary?

    Even after drinking the blood of a virgin?
  11. Kunlun San Diego and assorted musings

    fell in love long long long ago. falling further. That is the poiint. Play. Get over it. It has to do with fighting to heal. Is there spontaneous movement without generating controversy? HonestT ForMeTable DoNutDisturb
  12. Who is /are Max's Egyptian teachers?

    That is the poiint. Play. Get over it. It has to do with fighting to heal. Is there spontaneous movement without generating controversy? HonestT
  13. Pointless Mental Gymanstics

    The Classical Structure equips the practitioners with a framework to continually progress through practice. By first observing the natural order and flux, and then gradually learning (unlearning) by scholastically moving and resting in harmony with ones cycles of growth and death. breath by breath. step by step. perfect move through perfect move. like learning the scales, learning to site read, playing by ear, or playing jazz. solo or in a band? slow to fast. fast to slow. dizzying movement stilling center. vertigo stillness moving center. one feeds the other. the other feeds the one.
  14. Unbelievable. Practiced at the Cinder Cone. balanced iNSIDE Out. Worked same position as two weeks earlier. Surprised at what I found still stting under the stairs... so so so... what does love taste like? smell like? I heard a voice ask me a question when I got home. Auditorial hallucination? I doubt it. I put the perle under my pillow wondering what I would dream about. To my surprise I was unable to fall asleep. Just lulled into a resignated resonation...
  15. Pointless Mental Gymanstics

    Mental Focus Games Forms of Classical Art Contemporary Formlessness
  16. For those of you still chasing "abilities"

    a still center resides within a circulating tornado
  17. IMA vs. MMA

    Have you seen the look on someones face whose never been cavity pressed? "What really works" is "the perfect move" nothing more nothing less. every highlight video ever reveals this. The perfect move is: 1. Get out of the way 2. Redirect 3. Technique 4. Setup (for the next perfect move) Every move in taijiquan follows these principle. Every move in boxing follows these principles. Every hole in one. Every home run. Every swish. Every one. What is the difference then? What defines effectiveness? Training methodology and application during sparring. Knowing how to issue an effective punch (physics + timing), knowing what it's like to be punched or kicked, only through these experiencing can you "shake it off" and keep going. Thus is life. internal and external meet where people come together. internal transforms where it is externalize. external transforms where it is internalized. there is no such thing as internal or external training when it comes to application. either you are opposed to your opponent or you are a part of them. Fight to heal, heal fights.
  18. tao meow meow story teller mao bow wow wow Since this happened BEFORE I posted this experiment I will respond to your pearl post first Tao Meow and then keep on sweeping the floors for a week ... the pearl dream is significant to me. Maybe this is just a way intelligence at large is ciphering? Maybe this confirms the connection speed of mind being outside of linear time as we know it... 11A Mysterious Old Theater 22A Big White Glowing Pearl This was an intense night. It stands out in my memory. Very active 2 stepper hardcore pit. Probably 5-6 fights. Learned something every time I laid my hands on someone. More to be said here. <resv> Fight to heal. Heal Fights. 1. kid kicked another kid in the back 2. accidental elbow throwdown 3. kid crosshairs another and attacks 4. making the pit bigger doesn't mean body dropping on innocents 5. 6-8 person pigpill kickathon bloody mess and big fatso can't keep his balance to throw one I found and moved it (the huge pearl) from behind the stage doors, down the hallwall, to under the stage stairs About 2 weeks ago? 33Theatrical Make Up - taste up down across magic square dross see saw sauce
  19. When your partner has an O and this runs through your gv and concp and you feel satisfied without ejc this seems a madder of considered cultivation? what are the implications of doing this and having the heart involved? perhaps a heartless person would be brought back to the origins of their heart? energetic implications of the spirit? pulling on heart strings here.
  20. IMA vs. MMA

    win first fight later
  21. Wayfaring - Anyone Else

    I'm traveling through these extremes as well. Solitude for 4 yrs to clear my head. wrk 3 days then 4 days off. Coastal Range Mountains. Beaches, lots of practice, lots of good places to practice. healing progress. inspiration and wonders. I gave up on my corporate job at that point to follow my dreams. Currently I'm on the other side of the extremes... in the metropolis. Total saturation working in a very active music venue. performers. crowds. dancing. pits. moshes. fights. heroes. large amounts of people experiencing an altered state simultaneously. An ancient rite every night.
  22. Kunlun San Diego and assorted musings

    fanfuckingtastically qouted Noq youwe gfoinag tu pahihte really
  23. Wayfaring - Anyone Else

    The firing process dun huang manuscripts classical passage of oral knowledge