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Everything posted by Spectrum

  1. Tensegrity and Golden Dragon/Diamond Body?

    Double Sounds like Trouble Down, Safe Bubbles for Rubbled Ground Before you Speak Intents a Leak, Listen to T-Troubled Sounds Rebound. Hearing Everafter, No Need to Sneak. Bleeding Afterever, Snot Sneaky Speak. Place the Crown, or is it Technique. Now is Never to Critique the Weak. SpeakEasy
  2. serious affirmation problem

    "She's Real Fine... My 409" One Two Three The Map in Meem In You Too See Fight Two Your-Self When Dancing Threes Slap Crack Naps Zippity Zap Traps Tippity Tap Taps Soft Shoes Worn Warn Warped Wraps Artifart the Facts Downplay Ill Raps Crap Flap Caps Getting one Over, Flash the Blinds. Hoping Ahead, not falling behind. Being free, finding confines. Jumping the fence, is signing the line. Nine fines for the Klein Da Kine Shrines Shine Kind Wording Finds Wine Aligning Spinal Vines
  3. Tensegrity and Golden Dragon/Diamond Body?

    Nice historical finds vortex. I like the essential movement dynamic contained in the first seated statue. There is movement essence frozen in time. Different dimensional manifestations of the same. Water reduces All. One produces All. Straight Lines, Curved Lines, Elemental Densities, CoreDoor Inter-Relationships. Special Nothings. Spinning Ideals, Into Twisted Silk, Nudging Somethings, Gold Surrounding Mothers Milk. Gleaming beams, Burn blemished ilk, Nothing into Something Nudging Nothing Without. Nothing Special.
  4. Self-Hitting Massage (revisited)

    Thought of some of the other aspects to the different hand shapes today is the surface edge that is doing the work and the angle you approach from. For instance you can change "Swinging Plumb Blossoms" into a kidney kindler with one breath and working surface shape (think how you would... condense energy into your hand?) or a cleaner w/ another, (think how would you... dissipate energy w. your hand?) Front of back? movement = light to dense, dense to light? These are interesting experiments to play with when all that is around you is sticks and rocks, the hands become very advance tools! Just food for thought. If you need specific step by step I can be more descriptive, but prefer to let you discover on your own so it stays with you. One Mind Style.
  5. Mer Ka Ba

    Jiminy Cricket. There is no try... or whatever.

    Standing in a spiral wearing a crimson vest and contemplating the seven stars?
  7. Tensegrity, Dreaming, Recapitulation

    Nice Analogy. Beautiful thoughts. Next time you shake someones hand feel how close they naturally let you into their bubble, the distance they set or let. Feel what happens the moment you touch hands, how both of your connections to the ground creates a two person connection. Meet eyes and introduce yourself. Hello. We are together for a moment.
  8. Full-Lotus

    By not focusing on "achieving" these various spiritual states one can cultivate natural human particulars to their fullest potential. Regular practice at returning to the most natural state, is putting yourself in a position where the spontaneous happenings of the spiritual are free to be. In my experience it is best to ground spiritual practice in physically minded training. True relaxation (sung/song) is then achieved through proper balance of tensions & compressions, (which have their psychological counterparts) and eventually experiencing these physical changes both during practice (the gung itself) and extending into daily life as the body continues to harmonize work & rest. Something and nothing. Motion and stillness. And the relationship to the final three inches of extension THROUGH the core to the physical edge. Once the core is "clear" the cross tension relationships through left/right are experienced more freely in everyday movements. In martial context this relates to understanding the difference between a jab (lead) and cross (rear), or in taijiquan the single whip (w/front hip open YCF style) and brush knee/ push. "Working" out the kinks w/ a physical practice brings about stillness as an "easy work" once the "hard work" is completed, the associate mental relaxation brought on by metabolic cycles often called "the zone", yet taoists have regularly transmitted to people how to find "the zone" without having to run the Boston marathon for centuries on top of centuries. In my opinion this is what sets the Taoist arts apart from other forms of physical exercise. There are sports psychologists who have arrived at similar ideas, but the rich history of classical arts is (I believe) a firm foundation to stand upon, giants upon which shoulders people are free to stand.
  9. Self-Hitting Massage (revisited)

    Trunk, You might try playing with the idea of shaping your hands into different shapes depending on where the location of the acupoint or shape of the cavity is. Ie for example the flat palm creates a different resonance than a loosely balled fist which is different than a tight fist. How the hand naturall curves around and through different resesses, etc. If there is a large gong or bell around in a chinese or japanese garden or something you can experiment with lightly tapping the outside surface with the various surfaces of your hand to see if the resonance of the bell changes, if you can FEEL what brings out the ring, etc... Good luck to your continued training/seeking, Spectrum
  10. Full-Lotus

    There is something about the way the lower back relates to the lower abdominals, illiosoas and flexors here w/ the 2-3" lift/support during seated meditation. Without it (sit bones flat on the floor) the core is much more "engaged" with the spinal alignment, which can be a good thing to practice for durations because it requires a conscious recognition of the engagement / relaxation of the dantien w/ each breath. These small details seem very significant because in these very SMALL spaces of 2-3" profound biomechanical alignments can occur which can significantly aid the easy in which the body changes fro one state to another. Also can aid those spiritually minded people along their path. Something similar could be said about going from an upright standing posture to wuji (sung), which is only really a postural change of 2-3", yet effects both the biomechanical weight distributions as well as the transmitting/receptivity of the bodies nerves.
  11. Mer Ka Ba

    "Beam me down Scotty..." Reality settles things. Sure thang you can take your gold. Then Warmup w/ a hundrewdips. 40+ SunSalts. 20+ squats and some cap'n crunches for breakfast. Nothing but right now. Wuji for lunch. Light forms before work. Be original. Feel more like yourself everyday. Talk is cheap. Eating together is better. Ever after fortune favors the flavor saviors. Visualize on the bridge of life and death, what you see is what you get. "It's dead Jim... It's dead..."
  12. serious affirmation problem

    "$13.50" Merits carrot goes before the horse Closing doors you open, par for the course Infractions actions settles the score From one life to live to reactions of the poor "we all die" yet in-deed we live whispering from the shadows "eye to eye" revive ... relive examples sample is ample dues belly to belly it's one, not two the door folds within without it through one by one to the whole damn crew know not us its you who knew anger anchors subtle angles subdue "chachange chaching chagrin" having nothing is winning from within forgive again forget again begin again "we all die" in deed ... "to cry again"
  13. Full-Lotus

    Thank you for your reflections from Lotus Land drew. I am submersing myself in crowds after three years of selective sensory deprivation. I've managed to coax a job out of my current situation in which now I get paid to help manage people while listening to very loud very live music. It's both very fun and very scary. The truth is really putting one foot directly in front of the other. Walking a very thin line between very subjective realms of existence. Developing zero point awareness and circulating in a crowd is IN-DEED very profound considering the nature of other humans as zero point transmitters, functioning as a mandalinguistic whole w/ the group... it be true, we all do dance... with the I in the you. It is to my surprise not outside the disguise most people confide to wear to the steeple... these people, encounter moments w/ the divine, act out malign. Intertwining the design. What really happens when you "drop everything" surveying in selective silence the "rising up" of emotive layers... in objective silence... laughters lance Pin Points moments of decisions precision, peeling back layers... of earlier prayers, visions ... revisions.
  14. The History of TaoBums

    In-Deed. History in the making.

  16. serious affirmation problem

    "Wind, Fire... All that Kind of Thing..." - Egg Shen in the ending there is no pretending i've shown my hand from the beginning made the choices required for blending charities rarity is discernment vending cigars slip betwix the guitar bars bizarre stars not ours flow from afar calling cards the hallmarked guards golden thread for friends with scars timing space and place for mending One Tongue bridges the Art unending coiling up the Serpents Loss fending whisking clean the mirrors offending around the Unbent Crosses ending "... if one uses discrimination he will fall behind. One needs neither loyalty or devotion, but simply to become desperate in the Way. Loyalty and devotion are of themselves within desperation." -Hidden Among the Leaves
  17. Mer Ka Ba

    Schools w/ heavy emphasis on visualization are usually replacing what should be experienced as gung or work. With that said, it is not outside of the experience of some practitioners to see lines or shapes inside or out, but again the need for visualization is null if proper movement and stillness practice is cultivated with the aid of a mindful teacher. Visualization is replacement of experience. In my experience the "learn and forget" attitude has been most beneficial. "Hangups" are avoided this way which hinder "physical" progress in the arts, which is the super-real goal.
  18. ,

    Thank you greenchild. Peace and health to you.
  19. The History of TaoBums

    evolutions solution to the problem of delusion entertaining complaining waned training confusion language dissolution solidifies truthful revolution trying to push on the rope of history folding in upon perceived polarity hanging upon a noose of mystery blown in the wind of one mans charity sing song sayings for a man spraying slayings may peace flow within akin skin straying play sways praying stays begin again gaining these are the days reigning arcane rains
  20. Combining Hatha yoga and Thai Chi

    Using the Sun Salutation Sequences for neutralizing any lower back or flexor tension caused by extended periods of stancework or moving practices of taijiquan is a good option for most people. Esoterically those sequences can also be used as ways to clear the front and back (Con/Gov) channels for meditation.
  21. What is your focus right now?

    Livability of Dreams
  22. serious affirmation problem

    Egg Shen : "It's Time for the Medicine !!!"
  23. Mer Ka Ba

    When you spin a top there are both inner and outer surfaces synergetically balanced. The Art exists in knowing (through real experience) the inter-relationships of the 8 pointed star to the inner/outer edges of your circle/sphere. This is done through living contemplative meditations in both stillness and in motion. These words are simple to say or type, but require long practice to embody and live. Ultimately a "merkaba" is a projhextion of something mindmade, simply put, when you fully "let go", you need not imagine these shapes, you live them. They are everywhere, yet nowhere.
  24. Mer Ka Ba

    Standing on your Own Two Feet Turn Around Sounds of Deep Spindles Turn, Pivots Pass Fires Burn, Snakes in the Grass Axially Edify Eddies Form Waves Defy Definition Denies Entry A Sentry For Unknown Entities Heel Biting Dictums, Who Cry for Victims Angels Sing on Halycon Wings Silently Wringing Ideal Kings Pulling the Strings of Choice Made Rings Rise Above Smoke Twills Trivialities Realities Tonality Provokes Gold Vitality For the Sake of Life and Mortality On these Halycon Wings We Dance We Sing We Love We Worship We Christen you to Gleem