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Everything posted by Spectrum

  1. enlightenment

    Xeno, .... It is not that your peers do not hear you, it is that there is a certain speechlessness to the state of which you speak.... Spectrum
  2. You're right that is your jing being stoked. I will avoid trying to describe any internal circulation. These are basic sensations that most meditators experience when they start. Let go of your percieved notions of these sensations and give yourself some very basic task to complete. In a monastary y ou might find y ourself scrubbing the floor. In Yoga you might hold plank for a while, rest for 30 seconds, hold it again for a while. In chi gung standing medtation is a 100 day break in period. You increase daily for 100 days. For 100 days you get 10 in which you can stay the same. Every other day you increase by 1 minute. In that period your perception of these basic sensations will most likely change. It's very important to give yourself some solid work to do. This will ground your practice. You should consider an internal martial art like Tai Chi Chuan, Ba Gua, or others to give you a catalyst for growth. Good luck seeking, Spectrum
  3. My teacher's Six Healing Sounds

    Similar in Yang style. Heng in, Ha out. Silent vowels used to regular the breath easily without using any muscles in the torso. Just the tongue and throat. There are more sounds in chi gung forms. Usually associated with accoustics of the cavities and specific organs. Experimenting with the english vowels A E I O U is a good place to experiement. Try them after a relaxing chi gung practice. Spectrum
  4. DNA hears sound for magic

    Stretch your knees first. Use half lotus, then full. No need for all day bro that sounds obsessive but to each their own. Your on your own w that. None of us are bound to your practice. I use full lotus for extended sitting meditation. Your legs will go numb at first, w/ practice they won't go so numb and your hips / sacrum will open up more. The following day you might find some adjustments occuring at the top of your spine / underneith your skull. Chi Gung, Tai Chi, Martial Art training, the physical practice changes things subtly. Look for subtle changes daily. That is the power of longevity arts. Do not ignore the mundane. Therein lies the profound. The power of forums is that extremely motivated individuals can taste truth and get a little reflection off other seekers on the way. Spectrum
  5. Beuller? ... Beuller? ... Beuller?
  6. To illustrate a concept lets imagine a fire hydrant w/ water pressure. One inlet. One outlet. Multiple Valves. The valves near the roots are larger in diameter, the valves near the top are smaller. The water quality, rate of flow, pressure, all these qualities effect the experience of the hydrant having water flow through it. All the different valves produce different experiences. Take it a step further and say that every single combination of those quality rate and pressure attributes changed the inner and outer surfaces of the hydrant... that's us, that's our spirit shining through our body. Seeping through the seems we are all abundant w/ our natural life energy. Your language is revealing. Try, Forced. Point, Energy. At some point you were led down a path intuitively or spontaneously or methodically it doesn't matter, that produced the experiences you have. In Taoism "experience" is not exactly synonmous with knowledge. Practice is tempered with observation of the natural state. Thus inaction, produces action. Sitting quietly to FEEL around where YOU want your energy to flow, vs, where the energy CAN flow would be a basic meditation practice. Essentially looking for new possibilities instead of old habits. Even though they feel good. It's ok. There is an old practice of asthetics and health nuts alike. It is fasting. Fasting can be not just about food. It can be about anything. It is about what goes out and comes in to us. Sometimes your body makes you fast, for instance your fasting from your appetite for O's while your body recovers itself from imbalance. Or if I drink to much coffee. Water is my friend for life. Monks discipline themselves to focus this natural energy towards paths in which they can dedicate their hearts. Its striking that we're talking about practice and hearts here. In your case your practice (Heart O's) is guiding you towards the same experience again and again and again. Am i correct in this assumption? That your experience is similar each time? Is it a learning experience each time? Or is it a kind of "release of tension"? Has the experience changed at all? A meditation on the divine drama playing out in the actions and inactions of us all. Certainly the art of Love is a meditation. As the music of the body plays out to the ear of our heart we listen intently for signs. This is as much enmeshed in the maya of reality you could be, ego dissolution being the light side and ego mania being the dark. The hero's journey is not without nymphs and calling sirens. I'm just rambling now. I am wondering if you closed the windows and locked the doors to your house if the roof would blow off from the inside out. Honestly if your energy is that abundant you should not have allergies anymore. You know 90% of autistic people have allergies? Spectrum
  7. It seems very clear here. This is the point. Rejuvenation. Letting the battery charge up is natural. Sealing up leaky windows to keep the heat in is wise. This is why thoughtlessness is primary to MCO. Cycling through action is one way> cycling through inaction another. Actions that we meditate on that we give / receive energy from.... Their balance? Destiny. Ride the tide of inaction and action. Wu Wei. It's always the best that way. Breathing together like that. Spectrum
  8. This rings true w/ me. Like in wuji when everything starts going wah wah wah wah wah. All you have to do is still your mind and the rest of your universal connections literally light up. Breath. Be Breathed. Relax into Alignment. There is nothing else other than mind in the way of deepest rest and rejuvenation. This is like tuning in the bliss channel. Be Bliss. Love showers us. But you have to sacrifice your own attachments to what you think these feelings are associated with. Our associations are kinda like hiccups in the circuits. We have been "conditioned" to only see bliss in certain experiential contexts.... on the contrary, every touch can be blissful. Or painful. It depends who you are. It depends on the color of your lenses. Again, play w/ fire, you get burned. Forget about it. If you fall get back up. Know your neutralization poses for if you feel weird. Have "goto" practices for grounding and circulating. When you've got money in the bank it'll grow in potential. Interesting dialog. THanks
  9. Cat, Thanks for your reflections. I usually switch back to regular in/nose out/mouth after 3-10 breaths. The depth of breath, stillness of mind and strength of intention between breaths seems to effect the cycle greatly. forward or reverse. You are blessed women to have the perspectives to share that you do. By refining what we've been given we bless the people around us. Really. This energy is the medicine that so many seek, the elixir in a raw state. As women you have a unique perspective and position. Many Taoists spend a lifetime cultivating Yin. You girls are the natural temples of these divine pools of nourishing life. Respect, Spectrum
  10. What do you think of this?

    I'm just going to start wearing a t-shirt that says "it's all real".
  11. I was just curious if you've brought it up and over your head and back down. This would be a reverse breath. Ie. Aspirated In through the mouth, (yi up front). Aspirated Out through the nose (yi down back) In- Tongue does not touch pallet. Out- tongue touches behind tongue. In- Yi up the front to 3rd eye or crown. Out- Yi down the back to pc. It's a Tonic breath. Spectrum
  12. Cat from my perspective that's a reverse cycle. Up the front. W/ reverse breath up the front cycling is a good tonic when ill. No (*direct) point stimulation needed, just breathing and Yi. The worst poison. The best medicine. Spectrum *edited to add direct, using your mind is stimulating a acupoint.
  13. There was a story I heard recently from a fellow Chi Gung student who was training in Chicago relayed to me. She was reflecting on a story her teacher told her. In this story the young whipper snapper of the village had worked his way to the top of the pack and sought a master in another village to dual. Upon his request the dancing master of the neighboring village came forth. For three days they dueled, each time the younger mans points were struck he felt immense pleasure instead of the usual pain he was accustomed. The dancing master laughing and dancing all the time. After 3 days every point on his body had been struck....and the dancing master fell exhausted. "You have defeated me" the master said. "Please except me as your disciple" the younger man said. "I am unable" the old master said. "Then let me learn from one of your students! Your art is wonderful!" "My disciple... he will have to teach you..." "Please... take me to him" "You are him"
  14. Supernormal Powers from Internal arts?

    A Misunderstanding of my Intentions. It's all true. I'm sorry did I miss an attachment? Emotions are a good way to clue us in as to our connections in this realm. Obviously you feel passionate about your quest. Good luck to you. Spectrum
  15. Supernormal Powers from Internal arts?

    Missing the inspired point must count for something. Forget about it. ;0) What do you feel right NOW when you practice? What personal experiences prompt your inquiry into feeling the "supernatural"? Keep asking Question. Even this is Practices. Forget me Knots, Spectrum Keep Even Forget Question Practices Knots
  16. real benefits of the HT System

    Edited because I think you should experiment.
  17. How many ways, there are none.
  18. Supernormal Powers from Internal arts?

    Go practice and forget you ever asked these questions.
  19. Traditional Chinese Clothing

    Ahh... yeah, same thing in India. NEVER mail anything in the regular post worth while. I have received things from china in good shape using airmail w/ custom claims marked as "gifts". This was from specific exporters though that might have used reliable/known channels to ship. I remember the boxes were simply marked airmail, and had customs declaration tags on them. Is DHL or other worldwide carriers out of the question due to increase in shipping costs? I'm basically looking for full length jackets w/ pleating/lining for the winter months coming up here soon. Spectrum
  20. Traditional Chinese Clothing

    Curious about the followup on this thread. Still very interesting in some 3/4 length cheongsum. Would LOVE to get some pleated / lined for the winters up here. It gets COLD! Let us know! The long robes sound perfect for practice/meditation in the winters around here. Thanks again. Spectrum
  21. Supernormal Powers from Internal arts?

    It's not impractical at all. There are many channels on the radio. It's just if your tuned in, or tuned out. ...breath & ground... Nice contribution to the thread freeform.