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Everything posted by Spectrum

  1. The Gate of life

    Spectrum might reel silk w/ snake creeps to golden cccluck w/ a single repulse monkey to diagonal slant flying around the central axis of quan. I love combining Brush Knee each side to Deflect Parry Punch right into Chop w/ fist & Snake Lashes Tongue. If the rides not happening by the end of the 108; 216 is just as meaningful to the movement artist. I have been freestyle combining the yang long style w/ great flow results as long as i keep my feet and hips rooted and transitioning. Left & Right freestyle usually sets up an interesting field of possibilities for the concluding standing wu ji meditations. Love getting lost in taoist meditation movement... finding stillness in motion. Finding motion in stillness. Spectrum
  2. Taoist Levitation

    Oh no. Not now, not ever, not only have the thoughts rippled, the letters have left your fingers. Always and forever. Silence. Observation. Mindfulness. These are taoist practice of life. Of living. Even fighting and healing. To put words before us as any type of defintion of experience is less than. In Taoist practice conservation is often times seen as prudence. If your looking to forget at least you came to the right place; you might notice a thread run tagendentally off topic to sudden realizations wordlessly shared through the mutual dialog of physics and perception. Hopefully always spontaneous yet hazard a ritual at times, prayer and positive thinking go hand in hand w/ mindlessness and forgetting yourself into the void. Disconnecting to reconnect. The metaphysical truths taught through the study and practice of the dissolotion of subject-object connections results in a tanganble medium of workable speaking nothingness that all of everything is made. Less legends we miss myths of Lao Tzu shedding skin like a dimensional snake in classic form a cosmic thought-naught reeling silken forms formless whirling rings of inter dimensional interwoven worm reeling sealing connected paths twirling twilling flying floating; sunken flying. Oh yes it does. In stillness there is movement. In movement there is stillness. The internet lipflapattacks have meaning and the pulsing vibration of sounds carry intent although harder to distinguish w/o tonality. This dialog is occuring. In taoist spirituality the world is composed of chi. We're all like interested in chi and stuff. Hows that for anacademic tone. You have a lot of different connections to it. Source. But Chi is not God / Source. We're talking about the stuff that fills up empti space. Ideas present certain problems, thought in general does, but Ideas tend to get communicated. requiring words. Even the concepts of Taoist practice require face to face communication for 100% + transmission. Video is ok, it's just one way. Being able to FEEL what your teacher means is adepts true workshop. Arriving at a question, engaging in an inquiry dialog, realizing & learning. The most profound truths arrived at in process of letting go of preconcieved notions, not learning something new. Anyways, Words must present clear metaphorical allegory to paint pictures for the mind. Illustrate. Make Example. Your thoughts are valuable. Share them clearly with us. Chi Gung nd other physical arts practice is thousands of years old. It will continue to be practiced w/ or w/o the internet. If you keep practicing you should have some outlets for writing your thoughts down. Keeping a log / journal of your progress is smart, you can see improvements, set routines, and see patterns. Also instead of trying to forget good ideas that come in your head when practicing chi gung, write them down, then you can relax and let the thoughts drift through. Sometimes a bad thoughts come up, get em out and then relax back into sung / silence / wu ji. A forum is another way to say, "hey I was Standing Stake and I felt this cool rush when I breathed in and relaxed, then I was thinking about it and tried to do it again and nothing happened, what the heck was that?" ... or "By golly I ate a bean burrito and my all wobly now and my Tai Chi Blows..." Laugh a little cry a little and Jesus would probably say lighten up a little goliver. I would think one would want to position themselves w/ experiences with techniques suitable to accept the influx or outpouring of various frequencies of energy not immediately perceptable to everyone at this time, but to some, part of the time, and a few all of the time. Spectrum
  3. The Gate of life

    In general lower your stance, open the Kua and relax into Sung, while moving... reel silk... If you have some type of rotational forms or power generation drills like fa jing on the heavy bag or push hands these are excellent ways to tonify this energy as well. The ideas that come up immediately for solo practice are of the rotational Silk Reeling variety, Wave Hands Like Clouds Fair Maiden Works the Shuttle Snake Creeps Down Golden Cock Spectrum
  4. Seven Decreases and Eight Increases:

    It draws chi from other meridians.
  5. Seven Decreases and Eight Increases:

    1 step forward 2 steps back, 7-8 lay straight. I'll ask around.
  6. is a shadow less than nothing?

    I'd rather have rainbows & halos. Spherical Interactions w/ Orbital Stanzas, Spectrum
  7. is a shadow less than nothing?

    We teeter-totter between realms. Shine on the emptiness of a shadow to reveal it's nothingness. Dim your lights to reveal who's in the room around you. Spectrum *Non-dual perspectives have a Way of making eternal dualitities known.
  8. Breathwork/Qi Sensation Question

    This process that starts with stretchhing moves your perceptions deeper gradually progressing through and through. The "fields" that practice creates often result in transofrmative training patterns through subtle reorganization of the vital fields. The phenomenon associated w/ this reorganization can result in many kinesthetically based sensations. Since the body intuitively balances itself w/ chi gung the healthy feelings associated w/ refreshed vitality and restorative essense are considered yin. The motivating and hotter elements considered yang in practice. I have experienced similar from consistant stillness standing practice. Methol type phenomenon where the heat in a given area is a cool sensation is associated w/ yin chi. Guiding your intention to the hands should give similar results as when regular heat is generated. I have had a similar experience w/ a dit dat jow that produced a very fresh rain feeling that was similar in feeling just under the surface of the skin, or mint like. There are sensations produced by mint family plants that mirror these sensations as well. The dit dat jow taken as a tea to carry over external training medicine must have stimulated the we whi *protective chi". I would recommend placing the intention in the hands when you experience a circulation type sensation in your body that you wish to see how to use. These sensations are usually experienced after a person has worked through their "blockages and a certain "flow" is experienced. The spectrum of energetic interplay then begins to play out as the adpt continues to practice throughout the days and seasons. The body is very plain, it's balance encoded in it's structure and fuction, we only need to empti our mind of pre concieved notions and observe what happens naturally. Be. Taoist internal arts which emphasis the cultivation of Yi and the Yin aspects of martial art might preserve some transmissions concerning these types of sensations. Use for healing is probably the most effective Way to cultivate it. Consistant chi gung breathwork the means. Spectrum
  9. Robert Bruce: Energy Work & OBE's

    The natural stages of growth spun into being through the continual rebirthing of form results in the ability to fall through formlessness; away from yourself; the doorway provided by emptiness is foundation for many paths through the forest. -Spectrum
  10. What's good for seasonal allergies?

    BS - Ear Nose and Throat specialists often times build up the bodies immunity through homeopathic means of introducing small amounts into the body to build tolerance, although tolerance may not be specific "immune strengthening" on a general level, increasing windows of immunity often times results in the immune system getting a rest from being constantly active when exposed to allergens. Spectrum
  11. The Mystique of Transmission

    Anyone up for a pilgrimage to Dun Huang? Who's steering the magic carpet? Spectrum
  12. Jing and the Golden Flower

    We are very lucky today to be able to have so many ingredients at our fingertips. Fortune favors us NOW. This may not be so in the future, when enlightenment will have to be filed on your income tax, and herbs will go through the FDA or WHO knows what. Always research fully and remember Less is More. Spectrum
  13. Robert Bruce: Energy Work & OBE's

    Thanks for the audio files. For those conducting internal training OOBEs happen naturally when practice is routine. Awareness of the hypnogogic states naturally develops. _Spectrum
  14. Does Thinking Stop?

    The dissolution of the subject object relationship rids the eye of the mind that observes and the body that feels through true understanding of self and others. There must be tens of thousands of dimensions of dialog, but only 5 senses. How many ways through the rainbow there are? I wonder, O wonder... Spectrum
  15. Taoist Levitation

    There are legend also that says Lao Tzu shed his skin like a snake and walked into heaven. Spectrum
  16. What's good for seasonal allergies?

    Allergy Relief: Food/Fuel or Hayfever = Different curing behaviors & Relief Methods Clensing / Detox of Physical Cycles: -Diet/Fuel -Breath/Respitory -Lymphatic Movement Food Relief Cycle: Do not eat food you are allergic too. Systamatize reactions/food combinations. Auto immune responsives = blacklist (ie mucus/skin rashes/hives/resp.) these reactions can be identical to hay fever symptoms and will definately lower tolerance if other allergins are present. -Hay fever generally involves cleaning and strengthing the resp and immune system , allergen barriers, and methods for instant relief. Many of these simple remedies also provide a shelter of relief while providing the body w/ an avenue for relearning it's roles and functions w/o the presence of toxins. Stream Rooms, Saunas, Hot Steaming Baths/Salts, Boiling Water in Sink w/ Towel over head, Cold Air, Air Conditioned Air, Methol Vaporizors & Rubs (not just what but on where). Dust Masks, Wet Towells Bandanas Accupressure/puncture Generally speaking any repeated training "cycle" involves learning and entraining firing times through observation; Increasing and decreasing the load gives your body a curve of resistance. Same goes for allergies, your looking to give your body a relief window from clearing toxins to build it's buffer zone up. A lot of this has to do w/ the bodies natural equilibriums getting swung out of alignment and the resulting disharmony effects how we "feel" on so many levels, even the food w/ eat and the air we breath.
  17. Tensegrity

    I wonder if. So... growing wings yet then? I wonder if Winn ate a cactii in the desert for his dissertation into Shamanic culture.
  18. Different kind of polarities

    Thanks for your simplicity fatherpaul. How many privatives do we embody at the same instant? Stillness and Motion are the basic powers that you have within you to work with. No-one can take these from you. You can only polish or tarnish your own jewells. What if every intellectual realization inhibited manifesting that privative that was previously an instinctively concealed jewel, the next moment laid open w/ the scapel of mind, no longer to function in body. Suddenly to think about moving forward means to only move backwards. Thinking of moving fore and aft one only bobs left and right. Swinging around reduces you to only a vertical axil... until finally... you are still in your absoluteness of being. With every directional possibility before you. How many directions can you go at once to get to the same place? How many paths through your house? How many paths through the park, forest or neighborhood? How many ways around? Around the ways of how many? Polishing the unspoken windows of the mediums in which seekers travel only benifit those wishing to peer into the drivers seat. What you think are cryptic mudras is the driver desperately trying to wave you off his hood!!! I believe Master Usheiba taught there are 8 forces that make up creation. Movement - Calm Release - Solification Retraction - Extension Unification - Division Spectrum
  19. Does Thinking Stop?

    Missed this one earlier. Nice insight. Done the same myself. I would add that after an extended time meditating on shape a kind of overlay occurs in which you start seeing shapes through suggestable lines. A nice approach to a geometric education. http://www.sacredcircuits.net/gallery/main.php?g2_itemId=301 Spectrum
  20. Different kind of polarities

    I wonder where her consort is. Spectrum
  21. Different kind of polarities

    The Classics are nice because they solidly express Unity Concepts. Arguing over black and white dualities comes with that territory. Duality is just one level or frequency of dialog. From the 3 comes the many. Asking a question leaves an answer shaped shadow, by proposing opposites attachment are avoided while every duality strikes a chord whos 3rd note is harmonically mean. What does this mean? From perceived opposites a 3rd choice is created, a three strand cord is not easily broken. E Pluribus Unum. From politics to healing it's not difficult to see Ancient Concepts in action today. Thinking does not have to be caught up in the stories of human measurement of self w/ the gods. Mundane tasks maintain their mythic proportions if your backs not hurting when you get up from Your Chair. On a practical level chi gung taiji and gungfu are the simplist ways to mindfully engage in a multitude of polarity exchanges in a very short amount of time. Cultivation of many other arts only act to sooth the mind in my opinion, although no less masterful, the hangtime manifested in quality taijiquan or other meditative movement traditions is far more valuable to those engaged in the psychonautical navigations of the most current curvatures of space. Wu Ji has womanly shapes, yet mainly manly in means. Spectrum
  22. Does Thinking Stop?

    My first mentor emphasized the importance of the single pointed mind meditations unity w/ body, the complete application of will through activity that require both body and mind. He considered this to be cultured development, and called it Cultivation of Yi. It was the basic prerequisite before other training. It is a kind of a combination mind/body unity wuji exercise using a small 2lb barbell weight. This is the way the mind entrains to experiencing chi flow w/ thought/intent/action. Coupled w/ push hands a person can learn how to keep their mind clear fairly quickly w/ the biofeedback loops the body naturally provides. W/ this Zeroed Compass if you will the adept then sets off on their own journeys through the forest of life. The importance of establishing solid physical connections when training chi gung can't be emphasized enough. Weather health or martial, a feedback loop provides a load which you generate a growth curve in response to. Your mind is just riding the down and up cycles. Rooting the mind in emptiness provides the neccesary sensory boundaries needed for many many different types of "gung". Having WuJi as a common reference point allows for an endless multitude of formless variations. We grow all over the place, we so naturally tend too cultivate. Spectrum
  23. Jing and the Golden Flower

    "herbs can be effective IF they are picked at the right time and prepared properly." Once you get good herbs take the right proportions at the right time of day. Spectrum
  24. Does Thinking Stop?

    Stare at a wall until it blacks out. Relax, your mind. Relax, the eyes. Relax, body. Focus, on letting go. Let go, of Focus. Relax, into focus. Breath in; focus. Breath out; relax, into letting go. Fixed point perriferally receptive. Letting go of the neccessity of thought. Something and Nothing are free to dance before you. Its what you are. Breath. Spectrum
  25. avoiding sugar and milk

    When I first started Chi Gung training in 1994 one of the first things to flare up in my old system were the perrenial effects of refined sugar & flour, and processed milk. Chi Gung not only made me "aware" of these imbalances, but supplies the medium in which to guide towards balance. Like my first mentor said, to have a solid foundation for later practice we must unlearn/relearn where we get our chi from. For that is the true source of health and healing and movement & defense. How we manifest our chi to the surface from within. Walking, Eating & Breathing were my first lessons. How does a cat walk, how do animals eat and breath. When needed Accupuncture balanced things out. Continued practice engrained changes. Daily "habitual" routines that we take for granted like walking, eating and breathing need to be examined deeply to effect deep change. The systematic principles found in chinese meditative traditions are suitable for these processes, regardless of an individuals praxis for health or defense. The foundation for success being emptiness and observation. Spectrum