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Everything posted by Spectrum

  1. Michael Winn, Enlightenment, Monkey Mind

    I think he's talking about a combination of ideas including the idea that humans are evolved monkeys (heart thing) ... monkey see as monkey does
  2. staying present with split attention

    Don't think of a Fresh Orange. Thought and Words are funny. Almost like a mini mirror universe. I think it's very benificial for the practitioner of Taoist arts to spend time cultivating attention and mindfulness through movement at first, tai ji, chi gung, etc; then stillness, rather then spend time trying 'not' to think in meditation alone, which can be discouraging for the westerner who is in the center of mental war zone in constant competition for attention in most metropolitan areas. By learning to direct the attention through movement and all the senses an internal kinesthetic topology is cultivated and navigated. The artistic yet heroic navigation of the internal landscape is so beautifully illustrated in poetry. excerpts ... Old Fan Li, prepared the rise of Yueh now floats with the moon at Five Lakes right and wrong forgotten fame and profit out of mind sounds the flute savors the reed flowers snowing Chang Liang helped raise the Han then cast off all accomplisment and fame now dwells in mountain blueness munching dragon livers, chewing phoenix eggs made the pill of endless life a bottomless basket full. ancient Lieh Tzu (lao tzu), master of pu Tien in a breath rode beyond the realm of dark and light called the Morning Star summoned the Dipper dreamed omens of an Empire awoke And Lang Jan Tzu changed his sack of skin to a toad of gold and flew away ghosts and spirits fled heaven and earth turned white there is a face you could not paint with any colors. my homes in the flowering mountain my jow is the purest idleness in a rush hut by a blue gotto at the end of a crazy winding path at noon I take a simple meal and when I'm full I take my staff and wander to the mountain top and gaze...
  3. Michael Winn, Enlightenment, Monkey Mind

    Addressed in true style. Zero point awareness. Dualisms United to Dissolve Illusions of Mind. Avoid clinging onto the sides of the Portal through attachments, pretend it's a hydro tube! I think they closed those because adults were breaking legs; kids have the most fun. People often doubt the power of their internal dialog especially when it's self-directed. Language and Communication are interesting topics to bring up here, how closely connected are the dynamic exchange of Words to the langauge of music to deeply and quickly shift subtle bodies. Surely Music is more closely within our origins than words alone. This assumes a de-evolution cosmology perhaps. Spectrum
  4. Michael Winn, Enlightenment, Monkey Mind

    Where is this view originating? It sounds Indian? Chinese Bhuddist? Not Chan? What is the true source of evil? I'm reminded of Shiva standing upon Ignorance. Funny the Hindu concept of zero mirrored the Nothing of Chinese Taoists. Where would we be without 0's and 1's. Back to the River for me. Humour is a good one. Love is another. Timeless passages, stories, themes, transformations, steer the compass of the heart on the journey of the soul between birth and death. Human Work - > Art - > Worship ala Ego Death - > ... ? Somatic Pattern Dissolution & Transformation - Unique to somatic disciplines and mind body practices. Be ReBorn Birthy Freshly Me Another Comment Goes Here. Is this prose from a posting on Mr. Winns forum?
  5. Straddling two universes

    First thank you for your thoughtful reply. It is very refreshing to hear this view. My comments were meant as a light hearted response to a possibly misguided perception of power, a simple way to enage in more dialog... I am enjoying rereading the last portion including "General Philosophy of Life". Spectrum
  6. Straddling two universes

    Really cool outfits. Lots of sitting, standing or moving quietly. Tea. Breathing. Refreshing Breezes. Babbling waters. Natural attunements.
  7. Wiki Taoist Yoga...

    Chi Gung is commonly known in some circles as Chinese (or Taoist) Yoga. Dao Yin is refed in the entry as the root of Taoist Yoga? If there is anything that is related to Dao Yin it's Chi Gung, which was coined such during Mao's cultural revolution. There is a lot of misinformation on that page.... also a lot of mis information on the connected page w/ the sun salutation information. (1929 origins? hah... ref: temple art) A tip: research from as many angles as possible concerning single subjects. Next time maybe you can consolidate your post w/ multiple research links instead of a single tangent. Kinda like Pietro did. Spectrum Also... Enlightenment is kinda tiptoed around here:
  8. Whiskey and beer

    Less is more. You will be known by the fruit of your practice. It doesn't take to many mis-steps on the path to find how much medicine is poison. Observe what is natural. The Yellow Emperors manual has some interesting notes on when to take specific formulas, it's funny taoists are known for spending so much of their time in these transitional periods... i wonder if they didn't embody the internal dissolution of day and night. Alone and Drinking Under the Moon by Li Po Amongst the flowers I am alone with my pot of wine drinking by myself; then lifting my cup I asked the moon to drink with me, its reflection and mine in the wine cup, just the three of us; then I sigh for the moon cannot drink, and my shadow goes emptily along with me never saying a word; with no other friends here, I can but use these two for company; in the time of happiness, I too must be happy with all around me; I sit and sing and it is as if the moon accompanies me; then if I dance, it is my shadow that dances along with me; while still not drunk, I am glad to make the moon and my shadow into friends, but then when I have drunk too much, we all part; yet these are friends I can always count on these who have no emotion whatsoever; I hope that one day we three will meet again, deep in the Milky Way
  9. Straddling two universes

    In similar comparison; where various mediums allow sound to be seen, I wonder what mediums exist in which dimensional dwellers are revealed... SpecTrum
  10. staying present with split attention

    Interesting. Chosing your focal point of awareness, especially sensory awareness becomes a bit like tunnel vision, my wife would of coarse point out that women can experience these multi-point awarenesses more easily then men, although it is possible, but in my opinion more uncommon for men. Focal choice sounds lovely when compared to uncontrollable mental tangents. Spectrum
  11. The Teacher

    <grunt of approval towards taomeow> O Mysterious Female ;o)
  12. ho shou wu

    Hey bro i remember seeing a thread here on TB about that... Yin Tonifying? Sp
  13. Whiskey and beer

    That is great <big grin> Thanks Charlie! Spectrum
  14. 13579 ? sounds like lost to me...
  15. Single Points: start on the point that's tender, light circular motion, back and forth, up and down then connect to next points on the line. Lines: A general mixture of circular, back and forth, up and down until the line feels smooth. Most of the time I find myself working on sections; ALTHOUGH, i got two st. bernard sized tennis balls from the pet store: Think about 3-4inches in dia. tennis balls! Trunk you need to try this: BIG ones, excellent for doing the whole back at once... Again thanks to Sifu Fong (YiQuan/PDX) for cluing in ANYONE off the street on this simple massage technique.
  16. Whiskey and beer

    From the text : Taoist Drinking Songs Chou Wen-Chih when peach blossoms open in the court oh, happy, joyous drunk when lotus blooms perfume the pool oh mornings, evenings, drunk when golden asters cluster by the hedgerow path oh falling, tumbling, drunk and when the wax-plum on the mountainside first blooms to herald the spring oh coming,going, drunk getting drunker, getting drunker drunk and sober; sober, drunk * in spring I search the scent of bamboo flowers by a stream, and drink in summer sail through lotus blossoms by a willow-shrouded shore, and drink in autumn climb the aster path to sit within a maple grove, and drink in winter snuggle by a rosy stove in cozy hall, and drink oh happiness, oh happiness all four seasons, lovely scenes and suitable for drinking.
  17. Lost is a great show. What is the meaning of a rainbow? Let go of the outcome; observe what is natural...
  18. Energy Circuit info

    C'mon darbak you scared him away.... (holds up a cup of tea in gesture)
  19. Curing Bi Polar?

    A lot of times bi polar people have a lot of energy which falls prey to an amplified version of the natural the swing of balance. Often some type of activity which focuses the individual into some type of routine outside of the daily grind is helpful. Specifically physical activity will focus mind through body, instead of letting the body run the mind when it is imbalanced. Also Diet (sugars, hot spices and refined carbs) can play a major role in controlling mood disorders. A good balance between activity and rest is probably the best long term. 5htp is good for sleep and regulates carb cravings and provides a mood buffer, but is all natural, a precursur to tryptamine. Spectrum
  20. Coffee, Tea or Me: Tea it is!

    TaoBums, I'm going to fast from coffee for a spell. Lets say 28 days. I think the high acidity is taking it's toll on ph balance! Anyone have any favorite chinese/japanese teas they wish to share? I'm reading up on wulong (oolong) teas and am enjoying the nuances so far. Please share your favorites, for taste, aroma, tonics or otherwise. Thanks in advance, Spectrum
  21. Energy Circuit info

    Relax and look for the Right place to meditate; relax into it; I enjoyed Compass Center Directions, truest to original teaching i recieved; You're on the right Path w/ Song ala Sung. Done from proper Wu Ji you breath from the heals. Up and Down, no thought no sticking, cycle after cycle, asking where your going after practice 12 hours a day is much like Alice's surprise after eating her eat mes and drinking her drink mes. I wonder where the rabbit hole goes indeed! Welcome. Spectrum PS - Wei Dan forms often prepare the practitioners meridians by opening or turning on, clearing and tuning the system before standing (neidan) or sitting meditation which only after stillness is cultivated is there circulating. Do it right away in positions outside of wu ji is a crash coarse in navigating psycho-somatic-space. It's a rush, but there can be some extreme experiences for the initiate/adept.
  22. Thanking other beings and calling on them

    Same thing here, except it was staring at a thumbtack on the wall until the wall was gone. Thought it was crazy of coarse. Utterly mind wrenching while I figured out it was impossible while thinking about it. This was probably one of my first learning experiences about what it means to 'still the mind'. I am grateful for the man who taught me, he retired and went on to live out his dream of selling his boathouse for a grand sailboat and sailing around the world. Thanks Phil, your simple words of wisdom have kept me warm on cold nights. Spectrum
  23. Atlas Axis

    Do you mean changing the environment like floating in salt water? Swimming always does wonders for me when it comes to loosening and releasing tension. Spectrum
  24. "I am just weak, incapable and pathetic." When you compare the small steps of the very start of anything, to the distant stars, your goals will seem very far away. The interesting thing about chinese martial arts, particularlly the methodology of their exercise, mental and physical; is the routineness of small things. it helps to recognize where you are at, your position, after accepting it, moving on takes only a few small steps to start new processes, starting new routines, you only need a few of those "a-ha" moments and new pathways are burned in your brain for good. Taoists studied the mind for thousands of years under the context of mystic union w/ the tao, keep researching there is lots of information out there. Off the cuff: start by getting off your ass and go to a conditioning gym or martial arts club where someone will keep you in check, or a personal trainer, or buy a new dvd every week and practice something different until you find something that INSPIRES you and then seek out fellow humans! One thing martial arts and a physical routine does is help you focus on the goals of the body, and start a consistant physically growth oriented routine. This is paramont to not only a regular "training program" but will result in a consistant and healthy feedback loop for you to FEEL the differences. Good luck. Examine teachers teaching and performance. Dont put up w/ (i cant use this cuz it will kill you) practice with people who fight like they train. Spectrum PS - Your comment about tai chi is sharp; perhaps mistakenly so; yes, tai chi practitioners have to work very hard to maintain motionless in their body while they move through their form; sometimes 8, 16, 37, 88, 108 moves... then they work very hard to maintain motion in their bodies while they are motionless. There are many paradoxes consistantly presented to the practitioner who studies these forms and methods of training, most representitive of puzzles present in the perceptions of mind/body duality. The good thing about martial art training is the transformative unification process that the daily work brings.