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Everything posted by Spectrum

  1. daoist poetry, anyone?

    Haiku'd it to a T That's where it's at for me Was it thatattat at 11:33?
  2. daoist poetry, anyone?

    Fuller wa a Fu'ster. His trail name was Bucky. Coined the term "synergetic". Inventor of the geodesic dome and tensegrity. Bucky was wordy, yet meaningful and collected. ... "No More Second Hand God" Buckminster Fuller (an excerpt from his personal prose & poetry) ... "for the fleeting revisits of paradise are intellectual integrity flown missions instrumentally permitted within the almost static-free omnirange navigation directionally oriented and accelerated by spontaneous or reasoned humility, love, dedicaiton, tolerance and faith and the instrumented revisits to paradise show it to be a comprehensively co-ordinate, dynamically equilibrious earnable vantage ever tuneably tenable amidst the reciprocable complexities of evolutionary, wave-frequency patterning growths; and man is as yet but fractionally informed regarding those complexities, and the fractional information is furnished only by those wave frequencies which are directly apprehendable exclusively within mans very limited sensorial spectrum frequency bands- tactile, olfactoral, aural and optical- and these sensorial frequencies in turn occur only as miniscule trace zones and only at the middle ranges of the now partially explored, obviously vast and inferentially extensible electromagnetic-frequency spectrum and the break-out of mans pattern-apprehending processes from within his directly tuneable sensorial spectrum limits and his break-through to apprehension of patterns occuring within frequencies infra and ultra to his naked, sensorially tuneable, perceptivety limits first happened when man aquired micro- and macroscopic lenses and saw organized patterns clearly existing too small or too large for previous apprehension by his unaided optical faculty and after this optical extension, man became progressively excited by his aurally dominant sensorial experimentations and discoveries in octave step-ups and step-downs of tonal-frequency-patterning transformations lying within a variety of schematically tuneable harmonic scale frequency patterns each with minor and major mode frequency patternings whose key and mode frequency-patterning relationships were intra-transposable by mans consciously disciplined modular co-ordination both of which transformations and transpositions he found to be transcendental to and secondly derivative of his already long-developed co-ordinate abilities in frequency modulation of cadenses all of which disciplined co-ordinate articulateness in respect to complex harmonic relationships was implicit in frequency phenomena and was discovered but not invented by mand while he explored entirely within the sensorial freqneyc spectrum limits of his innate tuneability ranges and the beckonging zones of tonal-twilight and pattern-fade-outs occuring at the indefinable limits of the various sensorial-to-nonsensorial terminal frequency range experiences unique to individual men were combined and compared and eventually furthered mans curiosity and thereby, his developed success in the intuitively formulated experimentations through which he progressively discovered for instance, with tuning forks that the step-up and step-down frequency transformations and schematic transpositions were equally permissable between the sensorial and nonsensorial frequency ranges, or even directly between the nonsensorial spectrums octaves and keys, as within the exclusively sensorial tuneability limits, and mans experience-excited explorations, ever opening with the intuitive formulations in respect to the gathering glimpses of new pattern-integreties, led to Hertz discovery of the omnidirectional, omnipermeative, exectromagnetic wave phenomena and the fonfirmation of Maxwells experimentally- informed mathematical generalization of the operational laws governing these infra and ultra as well as sensorial integrities of natures wave-frequency patterning and thus did man discover that physical principles are utterly abstract behavior relationships existing only as reciprocal-event patternings which persist independently of any instruments which man may or may not employ to tdetect chart, measure, and harness their unique characteristics. furthermore, man discovered that the integrity of the utterly abstract "physical" principles existed independently of either the sensorial range or of the nonsensorial range frequency events whose familiar patternings are interrupted by the super-imposed unique patterning of the thus discovered reciprocally permitted and purely abstract yet communicably identifiable "principles" of energetically regenerative reformulations and transformations and the identity of the purely abstract and superimposed unique patterning of principles interweave or overlaying other principles may be consciouly communicatd to self or others by means other than mathematical formulae for instance, by the visual cognition and "operational" desciption of the patterning of circularly regenerative waves ever propaged by the dropping of a stone into water which cicularly propagated waves though circumferentially expanding outwardly around earths water surface and away from the stone-into-water contact point do not involve circumferential expansion nor radial motion of the individual water molecules for the molecules are only locally displaced moving only inwardly and outwardly in respect to earths center thus, to progressively accommodate the "apparent" circumferential growth "motion" o f waves which being only apparent are purely abstract synergetic motion-patternings for they are not the individual motion patterns of the separate water molecules taken by themselves bu are motions of the co-operative pattern of sequence events of the aggregate of separate, local, nonsimultaneous, in-and-out, molecule displacement events and the complex information regarding the integrated sequency of co-operative local events is relayingly communicated to the observer by an entirely separate, aggregate set of event-patternings other then those upon which he is prone to concentrate his attention and upong which he bases his spontaneous exploation of the apprehended experience for the synergetic pattern information regarding the circularly propagated principle of enterly abstract waves thereby, apparently generated in water is only relayed to the observer by the patterned interruptions of the observers optically tuneable spectrum of discernible frequencies for instance interruptions of the optically tuneable, integratingly scanned, blues of the skies and browns of the ships mast or wharf pilings whose reflected frequency patterning "serenity" is interruptingly distorted to report other frequency scanning patterns for instance, of the brown groups of frequencies of the visable or bounced off the mast of pilings and ricocheted again off the waters surface into mans eye lens and snakingly scanned amonst the water-reflecting blue frequencies refractively sieved by the atmosphere and known as the "sky" all of which complex of interrupted frequency-patterning sequences synergetically chart and report the progressive phases of the precessionally regenerative abstract geometry of wave-circles expanding cicumferentially, in apparently visable principle only amongst the only in-and-out-bobbing water molecules. and the total complex of wave-relayed information is never "seen" directly by man and would remain optically unapprehended and utterly uncomprehended by the potential observer were it not for his light-wave-frequency receptivity which fact is proven by "night" who sound-frequency patternings as a "word" means that the optically tuneable spectrum ranges of electro-magnetic wave phenomena have been totally interrupted until further notice during which hiatus no water waves can be "seen" though their splashings can be heard at "night" equally as well as in day and the complex of information-relaying by means of a series of patterned intettuptions which step-up and step-down the relative velocity of cyclic wave travel of the interference propgated and angulately modulated new wave series patterning is known in the aggregate as a "carrier wave" relay and this complex of pattern transforming is superficially and erroneously apprehended by man as consisting of "normally" and "natually" continous behavior of various "solid things" some soligly wooden, metallic or crystal things he finds to be effected and interelated by a great deal of what he concedes to be inherently-nonsensorial "stuff" ergo, to his "solid thinking" requirement inherently "incomprehensible scientific phenomena" which are in some ways both traveable and manageable through incomprehensable mathematics and so vividly does man imagine that "solid" "substantial" finiteness to be implicit in his tangible experiences that he very readily participates in the "reality" of a nonmoving "moving picture" though his apparent motion is itself only the ever-recurrent principle of a non-man-appreheded "carrier frequency" in this case of static frames of light sieving patterns separetly viewed but at the periodic continuity frequency swifter that the cyclic frequency of visual module tuneability which sieve-carrier freuqneyc-sequence in turn intercepts another non-man-apprehended carrier pattern beamed as a radiation complex in the man-visable (but non-message-carrying) spectrum ranges which two separate carriers of joinably meaningful frequency patterns men combine periodically to produce new synergetic interference patterns thus to report to man, upon a tuly blank wall yet in familiar moving "picutre" recalls information regarding mans illusion vulnerability without, however, stimulating mans frequently processed realization of the signifiance of that report and the compounding complex of relayed illusion and the conseuqnecy misapprehended is cheifly caused by the relative incompatability between the ultra-high frequencies of the optically tuneable light-wave apprehensions and the tactically manipulated apprehensions for the optical frequencies are vastly accerlated in respect to the frequency of encounter of individual-memory-differentating experience as apprehended only by mans primitive and dominant tactile faculties
  3. laying a foundation

    Don Juan had teachers/allies.
  4. the way with a partner

    It's important if you have an established practice to make it up front right away. If this is something that you have gotten into while in the relationship, it might be time to start getting up earlier in the morning to practice before anyone else is up. Also defining your boundaries when you want / need silence is important, another reason for early morning or evening practice. Also if it's something new you might be able to get your partner to engage in practice w you which is always enjoyable. Avoid being a 'teacher' w/ your mate; sharing what you love. Good training to you, Spectrum
  5. spirt guides yes or no

    We are not alone....
  6. I think the main thing I'm trying to say is that although visualization will work, in times when the mind is being it's monkey little self, chattering away, it will be more important for the practitioner to have the ability cultivated to silence the dialog, then to visualize something on top of the chatter, now the question arrises, can you drown out chatter w/ dialog? Perhaps this is why Wu Ji is associated w/ Sung (Song) the psycho-physiological state of mind/body relaxation found in Chinese meditative traditions. Wu Ji isn't a visualization exercise, it's a physical state of being. Now here's an interesting paradox : can you visualize silence and emptiness w/o thinking about it? If visualization is thought, and wuji is no thought, then visualizing emptiness is thinking about not thinking... I think I'll not think about thought like I thunk that.... Spectrum
  7. The Teacher

    Musashi didn't figure anything out about strategy until he was 50. Nuff said. Students work. Guides help. Mentors nudge. Masters (AND peers) push and pull you out of your comfort zones so you can grow. If you're mind is open to the truth, you will learn from many teachers.
  8. Question: Did you visualize this flash of light? Or did it happen spontaneously during practice/meditation? From the sounds of your post it sounds very spontaneous, perhaps occuring in a place between wake and sleep (on your account of the jerk)... please expound. I think the center was there before we thought about interaction w/ it. I'm sure we observed something about it to. That is the basis of Taoist meditaiton and chinese medicine; observation of what is natural. The watercourse Way. Observe first; then Guide. Observe what happens naturally in your body when you are breathing quietly. Of coarse it's ok to engage in breathing practice, but observe your practice. What sense does it make to create something you have not had the honor of observing first hand? See what is initiated by the nondoingness of mind and doingness of body. This is a basic dichotomy of thought in many forms of meditations, and assume some debate of coarse. After the quiet mind is cultivated guiding through visualization is easy. I quoted in another thread "What is mind, no matter; what is matter, never mind." Nice to hear the fellow seekers are keeping the internal inquiry process alive and well. Spectrum
  9. daoist poetry, anyone?

    Chou Wen-Chih when peach blossoms open in the court oh, happy, joyous drunk when lotus blooms perfume the pool oh mornings, evenings, drunk when golden asters cluster by the hedgerow path oh falling, tumbling, drunk and when the wax-plum on the mountainside first blooms to herald the spring oh coming,going, drunk getting drunker, getting drunker drunk and sober; sober, drunk * in spring I search the scent of bamboo flowers by a stream, and drink in summer sail through lotus blossoms by a willow-shrouded shore, and drink in autumn climb the aster path to sit within a maple grove, and drink in winter snuggle by a rosy stove in cozy hall, and drink oh happiness, oh happiness all four seasons, lovely cenes and suitable for drinking.
  10. laying a foundation

    In the delicate state of mind/body awareness, i would suggest as clear of a space as possible for your breathing practices. Imagine that by practicing you induce suggestable states of mind/body consciousness similar to hallucinogenic space... practice w/ the goal in mind is good; realize that when you practice sometimes your insides and outsides can become interchangable; the impressionability of the 'blank slate' should be guarded while cultivating treasures. Good training to fellow seekers alike, Spectrum
  11. Defeating Your Enemies (pt.2)

    That avatar is hilarious.
  12. Defeating Your Enemies (pt.1)

    Excellent post. So often human are reinventing what they have forgetten. Some of the most profound seems locked in the most simple, sometimes learning is about forgetting what we thought we thunk we knew. Spectrum
  13. daoist poetry, anyone?

    Ch'iao Chi Admonishing Myself sit in the clean breexe sleep in the high white clouds no one can spit in your face when you're there hum a tune, and laugh let the rest of them yoke themselves to millstones hide in a hole, with peace, and joy east? it's within me. and west? that too. clouds may be thick or thin windows may be dark or bright take it easy, you can break the poor old dragon's jaw by pulling teeth for "meaning". stumble along, as upright as you can and don't be avaricious. who tries to hold what flashes in the worldly storm, will drown. flow and you'll fill the forms stop, and you'll leave a hole doing? within me. and hiding? that too. pretend to be stupid, act like a fool pretend to be deaf, to be dumb what can a man make that's lasting? hum a few phrases, pour out more wine dream white clouds coiling your green mountain pillow see everywhere embroidered white with peonies. flourishing? within me. and fading? that too. The uses of not Thirty spokes meet in the hub. Where the wheel isn't is where it's useful. Hollowed out, clay makes a pot. Where the pot's not is where it's useful. Cut doors and windows to make a room. Where the room isn't, there's room for you. So the profit in what is is in the use of what isn't.
  14. Kalydoscopic imagery when meditating

    "What is mind, no matter, what is matter, never mind" It's a form of perceptual change based on your partcular circulation/cycle of chi this season. I believe my first encounter with this form of perception change was when practicing fixed point meditation w/ eyes open. By allowing the eyes to completely relax on a single point on the wall, distance, etc, the mind gradually stills as you disattach the reflexes associated w/ peripheral perceptions. The most telling part of fixed point work seems to be when the mind moves, the eyes move. ref: nlp Remember Taoist meditation does not get distracted by phenomenon; ride it, learn from it, let it go, go w/ it. Spectrum of 03cents
  15. "you have to create the Dan Tien, before you can feel it. " W/ some folks abstinance for 3 days is enough to "feel" it. No mental creation neccesary. Just control where you put your minds eye. Emptiness is basic prerequisite to mco. You must observe what happens naturally... because the MCO is NATURAL, it's not a manmade concept, however else HT or other systems would have you believe. Pay attention to how you FEEL when the mco happens spontaniously in life... observe... however carefully, the waterway coarse of LIFE. With Respect to your Seeking, Spectrum
  16. Coffee, Tea or Me: Tea it is!

    Thanks for all the input guys! Initial report; slight headache cut w/ leaf tea; 3 day in general increase in energy, w/ no "downers" after teatime... very nice change. Biggest thing I noticed was coffee killed my appetite, and I was drinking it before I would practice in the morning; definately qualitative differences to practice. reminder: fasting is good; with everything! Even air! Fast from air for a few seconds everyday! Taoist wisdom? <chuckle>
  17. The front and back of the body (ren and du) have an inseperable interconnection. Practice actively opens tunes balances and closes main and lesser gates. Specific Asanas for elongating and compressing the entire spinal column. Inversion / Spinal Decompression / Etc. You might consider an art like Tai Chi or Bagua for connecting the dots. Actually even if you know a basic chi gung form like the Holding the three circles after Tai Chi, you could technically freeform this into a wei dan if you are familiar w/ the physiology of chi gung practice. (ie the physiological process of opening / closing the body transcends specific styles, less we would have no convention of truth seeking here at taobums)
  18. question about the microcosmic orbit

    Chi gung will definately change how you "feel". That is one of the main focuses of chi gung is feeling during practice. Getting out of your head is another way to put it. Kinesthetic another. Taoist mytisism did a nice job of preserving a healthy optimism towards observing the most naturally occuring things. Especially not thinking about anything. Chi Gung practice is renowned for adjusting and balancing biorythmic energy cycles on many levels. One of the first breathing exercises I learned was to elongate and lengthen the breath cycle. The idea being that the body in turn adjusts the mind to be in tune w/ the rhythm. This in turn lengthens and suspends the space between the breaths. The longer and slower the vibration the smoother the ride. This seems to have a certain dialating effect on awareness, say from central to peripheral. A good time to practice is morning before tai ji or chi gung or evening before sleep; one subjective result possibly being a ride into dream lucidity. There is a wide scope to draw from here in relationship to what your energy is being used on. After I was convince chi was real simply by slowing down my breathing, the next series of primary lessons were to learn to tune and adjust the basic ways Chi enters and leaves the body. I thought huh? What about the Gung? But the most basic practical approach is done in a most simple, and so very Chinese! Through methodical Breathing Exercises, Diet, and Health Movements done in perscription or routines outside of the habitual. An example of these basic evening talks from a chance encounter over 10 years ago now is coming directly into play w/ my relationship w/ coffee... 24 days to go. So it was Chi and the Human Body 101: Air Chi, Food & Water Chi, Other Sources of Chi (Meditation/Chi Gung/TaiJiQuan/Gung Fu) After seeing how super duper good food and water makes you feel after opening your pores w/ chi gung or yoga or whatever gets your chi flowing, some type of personal form of PrOgressive-Creative Art are great release valves. For me it naturally fed into the Martial. Overcome through yeilding. Taoist approach to combat. By defeating the opponent inside you can respond to attack clearly. Something like Y0da would say. Exercise #1: 2lb barbell weight: hold it up 45 degree towards a corner in the room. Look through the center into the corner, breath naturally. With the gung going get ruff; breath naturally. When your arm burns, breath naturally and r-e-l-a-x, do not under any circumstance "quit" before making a stream of adjustments to continually float yourself in the center of wu ji. Consciousnly choose to return your arm to it's resting position in time w/ your breathing. Switch sides. Exercise #2: Place hand on a table at rest, preferablly after exercise #1. Raise your hand 1 inch off the table. Relax and replace it on table. Repeat reducing the height in half. Repeat reducing the height by half until your hand is not visably moving. COntinue to reduce movement by half until it's just the intent. Reverse the exercise. These are exercises you can do to help develop a proper wuji foundation if done daily. Longevity Arts are Accumulative. These are also examples of games to play to put the body into various metabolic states. Chi Gung is the study of riding the edges of the various states of routine metabolism including regulation of heat and energy conversions. It's a brilliant tradition with the whole history of traditional (folk not TCM) chinese medicine as it's foundation. Listen to your body. Opening / WuJi / Trinity Postures / TaiJiQuan in 2nd or 3rd depth stance. Chi Gung or TaiJiQuan done very slowly w/ progressive resistance load + punching and kicking slowly shaping and conditioning hands/feet through continually good alignment Gung Fu "Moves" & "Weapons" "Standing Meditation" Learn what you can, in todays my way right away ufc world we are living in days where pre-cultural revolution masters are still alive and are teaching, by the end of our lifetimes they will be gone, and hopefully they will pass on as much cultural wisdom as possible in order to preserve it. I even heard it called Ancient Technology. Preach it brother, preach it! Uh Huh!
  19. Trunk, Am I correct in assuming that one of your goals w/ using the various sizes for both large trunk and smaller channel type work is to have clear front and rear central meridians (ren/du) in which to practice Taoist mco type meditations? Regards, Spectrum
  20. Am I silly for this or have I found something?

    Some of the things Joseph Campbell talked about the heros journey could be of interest. Universal themes of relationships found in... Maybe the power of story can evoke some type of informational themes stored in that memory field... or something like that.
  21. Coffee, Tea or Me: Tea it is!

    "semi exotic" is good!
  22. I love chi gung because it's so much based on R-E-L-A-X-I-N-G, and feeling good and experimenting. I fell out of a tree as a kid, tree gung doesn't scare me even a bit now. It's the same set of balls they were as a kid right? You'll notice Trunk has a variety of sizes and shapes and textures of balls in his assortment. Life is painful if you do not choose a path of physical integration. I think Trunk has done a brilliant job of listening to his body, allowing a natural selection process to occur w/ the result being a variety and spectrum; of small to large soft to harder, squishy to firm, all the most simple bodies which to relate to, all providing a valuable information loop for the kinesthetic sensations, lines of force/relationship (meridians in navigation and chinese medicine... hmm) Laying over the back of a couch seems mysteriously wonderful suddenly. Regards, Spectrum
  23. Coffee, Tea or Me: Tea it is!

    Nice touch w/ the limes. Ginger would be so refreshing. This is going to be a great opportunity for an expansion of my taste and palette while an old pattern transforms into a healthier cycle. In the spirit of the TaoBums tea gung fu: Ox Boy Coin Teapot Reflections over tea anyone? Spectrum
  24. What is most important...

    Some are some pretty big marks someone left on the landscapes of europe. Beauty A?