Astral Monk

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Everything posted by Astral Monk

  1. An attack on our DNA

    I think the idea is that there is a very limited number of people pulling the strings, and the rest are managed through leveraging of greed, lust, and ignorance--the usual. But yes, these people are people, and so, theoretically, if they are leading us in bad directions, we can help them see the error of their ways, just as those evil dooers have helped them become confused and misguided. 8)
  2. An attack on our DNA

    I was reading about this the other day. The idea that these T-rays can 'unzip' DNA is, of course, troublesome. But not surprising. We are, after all, a body of coherent energy, and any kind of 'wave' penetrating our body will have ample opportunity to affect that coherence. A really interesting concept out there is the idea that our DNA is essentially crystaline in nature. Crystals, of course, focus and re-focus light and are used to create lasers and holograms, and are sensitive to resonances. Gives new meaning to the saying of 'crystalising an idea'. Perhaps your very thoughts are being transformed into structured patterns of activity within your own body. I'm reminding of the concept of morphogenic fields here. A field of energy that creates a physical system through predictable laws. 8)
  3. Namaste

    No, not yet, although I've read a number of your posts with interest. It'll be on my list of things-to-do while browsing the forum, for sure, cheers, 8)