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About zerostao

  • Rank
    Travelin cloud

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  1. galaxies

    I had a galaxy all my own once
  2. Like @mYTHmAKER used to say here on New Year's I wish you all Eternsl Spring
  3. The Dao Bums Christmas Playlist

    This works better when more bums add songs. Doh
  4. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Give me coffee to change the things I can And weed to accept the things I can't change
  5. Stranger things

    Strange things happen in Ohio, all the time.
  6. Bums I am missing

    I've thought of having a thread for all our bums that pass to another dimension. I will bring it up with mods/admin. As greatly missed as brian is among all his circles here; he is received with great enthusiasm there. I heard he was hanging out with Cheya. /\/\
  7. Ashville, Western Carolina & East Tennessee

    I know that logging onto TDB is way down the priority list once power is restored after what you've just experienced and facing now; would be great to hear from the Ashville area bums, Western Carolina, East Tennessee, Also Georgia and Florida, if you've been touched by this storm.
  8. Ashville's prominence and influence of Daoist practices, thought, personalities, insights, to TDB history and origins can not be overstated. My thoughts go out to those familiar voices on this Forum from the Ashville area and for everyone there during this trial. Right now folks there are isolated as all major roads are closed.
  9. Animals, the rational animal and suffering

    You might be a .01%
  10. Animals, the rational animal and suffering

    Right, right. I think it's more useful to say which Ancient Greeks, specifically, rather than lump them all into the same pigeon hole. Euripides wouldn't give much weight to rationality. Obviously, not all Ancient Greeks agreed across the expansive world of ideas. Are we using Plato as a baseline to say Classical Ancient Greek ? The pre-Socratic Greeks, or as I refer to them as; the Ancient Ancient Greeks, some of those were exactly what so many fifteen year olds come to TDB looking for; Super Natural Abilities and Power. I've lived much of my life in the wilderness of a large Ancient National Forest. What I've witnessed some animals do, 99.9% of ya'll wouldn't believe anyways. To label them, Magical, would be a gross underestimation of their capabilities,virtues, powers,,, Especially, "possums".
  11. Animals, the rational animal and suffering

    Is using rationality in an irrational world, rational? Other mammals ain't all that much different than us. I think if we look for an animal/mammal definition of what sets humans apart is; a human has two opposing thumbs capable of grasping at straws.