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Everything posted by zerostao

  1. simplify

    big sur
  2. What is the Deep State?

  3. Cannabis Legalization Movement This is how we roll in Kentucky: you want to reopen the govt? first, leave the weed smokers and growers alone and second, let the weed bizness folks use banks like everyone else. Tell ol' Beauregard to put that in his pipe and smoke it. They call Kentucky the Blue Grass state for a reason
  4. Talk HRC

  5. Watching The Birds

    harrassed by crows?! surely not seems strange this next one 2 crows encounter 2 cats. the crows seem to know bagua as they use circling footwork strange goings on
  6. Its soooo hot ....
  7. simplify

    pancake 31
  8. Talk HRC

  9. simplify

    adam & eve
  10. simplify

  11. simplify

  12. simplify

  13. simplify

  14. Bums I am missing

    and the adventures of tinkerbell
  15. Hawaii, False Alarm ?

    Any resemblance between the characters in this picture and any persons, living or dead, is a miracle. When 'they' only have a few minutes to come up with a cover story, holes are easy to find, which is sad on 'their' part since they have been at this so long. I want to introduce a historical film to the thread, it doesn't have anything to do with Hawaii, I don't think. However, it does show the deep state in action, pre- WWII
  16. simplify

    Civilization and its Discontents
  17. Watching The Birds

    Somehow a fox sparrow (i think) found its way into the house today. It wasnt panicky as some birds will get, it sat on the corner post for the rail of the staircase looking at me. so, I opened the front door to allow it out. It looked at me like you've got to be kidding, yeah it's that cold here now. Last I saw it flew upstairs. Not sure how it got in the house although I did have a couple of packages delivered today and had the door propped open long enough to get the packages in.
  18. simplify

  19. simplify

  20. simplify

    tree of life
  21. Bums I am missing

    sun in my eyes cat mythmaker and many many others that only posted a short while here and I miss some of the same ones already mentioned and encephalon, sloppyzhang, songsfromdistantearth, Vaj I think I got that name right lol plus a few I have not mentioned because I think they still come around without posting
  22. Hawaii, False Alarm ?

    Today Japan had a "false alarm" of an incoming missile. @joeblast maybe we can move these posts to a new thread? conspiracy thread, including former conspiracies now accepted as fact. I know you experienced some blowback from a previous attempt at a similar thread, maybe we leave papa john out of the new one. but a thread to dump conspiracy theories and such would be useful imo
  23. Talk HRC
