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Everything posted by zerostao

  1. runaway inflation will balance the budget, no worries there. trickle down economics goes back to taft (at least) read will rogers commentary from the 1920's not much has changed, sadly
  2. Personality after death

    some of your personality will stay the same and some of it will change. "especially Religious Taoism," religious daoism is one thing, spiritual daoism is another. the Dao did not begin with lz or zz
  3. i find it hilarious that mccain introduces any banking legislation (mccain of the 80s savings and loan scandal--where he saved his own hide only by ratting out keating and john glenn, uncle dick cheney was in that mix as well) but it is good that a bipartisan image is presented, i think the gop could have found a better politician than mccain, but, oh well,,but from my pov, no confidence can be found with mccains name attached. wall street has just called a "time out" trading stopped...we americans are pretty resilient bunch,, how many frackings can we take and keep on keeping on?
  4. well kinda ralis. do not forget we the 99% are merely serfs to the feuldals
  5. "Ever look at how many of the US's recessions have been caused in part or entirely by attempted government manipulation?" deregulating banksters led to the 2 biggest. 1929, 2008
  6. Greeks are showing democracy in action,,,, Exciting times!!! or exiting times?? Both!??! Austerity disparity policies are wrong global banking vampires burning bridges Brussels is silent Future negotiations Vote no Debt deal Crashing stocks EU project is now dying Wants it all Path chosen Now what? Tsipras calls Putin ---Greece--- Putin calls Tsipras What now? Chosen path All it wants Dying now is project EU Stocks crashing Deal debt No vote Negotiations future Silent is Brussels Bridges burning Vampires banking global Wrong are policies Disparity austerity
  7. problem is the banksters and margin traders--- dare to be greek
  8. The Cool Picture Thread

    i wonder what their inflight conversation was about
  9. simplify

  10. TaoBums PotLuck

    i'd bring some 80 year old 'sang. edit> wine you say? i'll bring some walnut wine.
  11. simplify

  12. Summer Solstice

    gotta love global warming
  13. Summer Solstice

    you didnt feel it?
  14. The Cool Picture Thread

    volcanoes could conspire and just cover us all is ash and be done with us.
  15. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?
  16. apologies for the off topic post but this is off topic section i just read it today and thought abt this thread.
  17. Urine as Fertiliser

  18. A bold voice in Baltimore

    the art community has been mobilized and ready to go. yes, there will be some jobs for those who otherwise had little chance of a job. use of metaphor always works. prepare the way, creativity coming thru
  19. Saving the World & Solar Energy

    not exactly what you requested, but in the same spirit , i thinks i know a nice lady looking for a good volunteer actually in my neck of the woods, she is very fair.
  20. I don't want to own anything anymore!

    in kentucky the deed holder 'owns' the mineral rights and could sell those mineral rights if they choose. when the first person in kentucky drilled a well for water that established 'ownership' for what lay beneath the surface
  21. What are you listening to?

    ah heck, it's summertime in appalachia, blossoms blooming romance looking back at tradition past fifty years or so on my way to the swimmin hole..........