Fire Dragon

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Everything posted by Fire Dragon

  1. Intestines/Sensation Problem?

    Do you often have headakes?
  2. Cultivating while keeping it in my pants

    Hello I have a suggestion to you. It is also a practise that is adviced by Mantak Chia, I think. Have forgotten if it realy was he that suggested it or somebody else. But I think it might help you! Find an older woman as a partner. An older women is less physically atractive than a younger women. An older women has a less tight vagina, so it might be easier to keep your retention practise when being with her. Stay away from all other women and porn and keep a longer relationship with this older woman. perhaps for many years. I think in my system they say that it takes about four years to learn to practise the retention while being with a women. If she is wery interested in yoga or qigong you can also learn to practise together. This was one thing that I come to think about. And there is alot of woman interested in yoga that realy want to have a male partner that is interested in retention, so it might not be hard to find someone you realy like or love to! FD
  3. Hello from Sweden...

  4. head spinning when i follow the breath

    Hello Ohh please explain what you mean by "orgasm" practises and from where you have learned. Do you practise anything else except meditation and since when. If it is Mantak Chias stuf then I know some, have been practising it for more than ten years. Short answer: You should not take up energy to the head wihout enough preparation, and you should not keep it there, but take it down in the front channel, that should be opened before you learn to take the energy up. So yes from what you write I believe your feelings comes from moving up sexual energy to the head. The practise you do is if I am right not good for you, but I want more information and then ohters might also contribute to this. F D
  5. "100 Days" published in China

    Well published in china I of course mean! FD
  6. "100 Days" published in China

    Congratulations! What about Master Mantak Chias books are some of hes books also bublished, do you know? FD
  7. Hello My main practise since the last ten years is Chias and Yudeloves and also some from Hsi Lai. Of course the energetic feeling of cool Jing is the most important in this exercise. But there is absolutely a possibility to learn to lift the testicles without moving or tension in any other points. Today I can separete five different points in the anus. The connection from the perineum to the anus. The perineum and also different parts of it I think. The gate that is the urogenital diafragm. The lifting of the testicles. The tip of the penis. All of this points are possible to learn to use in the practise and it is possible to differentiate between them. All it takes is practise and some real good long and puposeful relaxation between the times you squeze any of this points. The relaxation is the most important thing between the squeses and the relaxation is the thing that learn you to differentiate between different parts. Do a squese of any of this points and then make a long effort to relax all areas around before you squese again. And when you not are able any more to relax all areas around and the are you are squesing stop the practise for that day, even if it only is two or three squeses before you are tense. Then practise regularly many days each week with some days without practise, and you will improve in this area quite quickly, according to my own experience. The most difficult of this points for me is the tip of the penis, and to squeze it withouth any contraction at all in the rest of the penis, particularly difficult is it to relax the sides of the penis during that squese. One quite funny exercise I did with the anus, and its five different points was that every time I saw a beatiful woman I did squese the point of the anus in that direction she had to me. If she was on my left side I did squeze the left side of the anus a few times and so on. All for the fun and variation of the practise I practise testicle brething quit regularly this days in combination with my retention practise. The energies involved in this practise can be quite strong and it is of some importance I think to be able to do the practise enough soft so that you not heat up the energy. The unaroused male sexual energy is cold and the aroused is hot or warm, and this exercise is for the unaroused cold Jing energy. I think. Some thoughts on the physical part of squesing. I think it could be a good idea to be able to do the squesing of some of the different parts of the genital area before you learn the testicle breathing, according to my wiev of this practise. Why hurry with such practises? Why not learn them step by step to avoid problems and to be able to do the exercises more correct and with more comfort! Fire Dragon
  8. Yang transfer overkill

    Hello Perhaps you to could benefit from dual cultivation! Exchanging energies with eachother. FD
  9. How can I increase my learning capacity ?

    You're welcome That stuff works well for me! FD
  10. How can I increase my learning capacity ?

    Hello There are alot of methods out there. It depends realy on you yourself which one that suits you. Here is one based on repetition. It could be combined with mind maps or similar teqniques to fasten up learning and to shorten the amount of information pages, but that is not totaly necessarily. It is based on how the memory works and based on scientific studies on the memory. It is about finding the optimum repetition time, time where you read true the stuff again. If you use this repetition scheme you will remember some more than 80% of the stuff each time you read true it again, and then each repetition of the material will go extremely fast. This is how it works: Read true a material for about 30 minutes, take a 10 minutes brake were you relax the brain. Start the next 30 minutes session with a read true the material you did read the session before, It should take from about 3 to 5 minuetes, make shore you understund everything, and perhaps abit more than you did the first session, then you continue in the book, take a brake for 10 minuetes repetition of the thing you read the session before this and so on. Each part you read you make a repetition of according to the following modell: Read true it the first time First repetition after 10 minutes Next repetition after one day Next repetition after one week Next repetitioni after one month Next repetition before the exame During the repetitions you might work with pencils alot, they can be of different colors, you might use every artistic skill you have, bad or good it doesn't matter, not exact pictures that take time though. Underline or ring in forcefully important stuff, make notes and make summaries in big letters over a page. After some repetitions you migth just looke at the sumaries you have made to remember the stuff you read. This is the fastest way to use your memory, according to this model, you save alot of time, beacase each repetition will go quite fast. Each day you start with the day repetition, then the week repetitions, then the month repetition, and then you start reading new stuff. Mark each part you have read during the 30 minutes and make a note of the day you read true it, and make notes of your repetitions 10 for 10 minutes D for day w for week and M for mounth and X for before exame. You can also learn ways to increase your memory capacity true authors like, Tony Buzan and Harry Lorraine. It is possible to increase your learning capacity by about a factor 5 or 10 with this methods, but they might take some time to learn, so that they became effective. The method with repetitions should be easy to start emidiatly and then yuo could read something from the authors I mentioned to get the hint of the ideas and use some of them in this study. Good Luck Fire Dragon
  11. Kundalini

    Hello I remember that there was at least one person on this forum that have been written some books about kundalini awakening from hes own experiences. Was it Ghopi Krishna?? Or somebody else? Look that old thread up, search for kunalini awakening. FD
  12. Out of your 20s, into your 30s

    Not realy an asnwer to your question but: I have heard the following but forgoten the sorce. Lao tzu? The problem with tao is: When you are young you don't understund it When you are in middle life you have no time to practise it When you are old you understund the need for it, but you no longer have the energy to gain from it. F D
  13. 8 Extraordinary Ch's Confluent Acupts

    Fine, it is a good book, I think. Have not read it completely jet. F D