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Everything posted by Komako

  1. Hola, For my Methodology of Yoga Instruction course I'm leading a guided meditation in shivasana at the end of the class this Thursday (4/10). It will be 10-15 minutes in a darkened room. I was hoping to share some sort of Taoist meditation with my fellow instructors-in-training. Do you have any recommendations/links Taobums? -Koma
  2. Good Meditation to Lead?

    Thank you very much for your suggestions I will check them out before class.
  3. "Heaven and Earth have no preference. A man may choose one over another but to Heaven and Earth all are the same The high, the low, the great, the small-- all are given light all get a place to rest." There are many ways for water to reach the ocean, yes? You are on to something friend!
  4. How did you get here?

    When I was fourteen I slipped into some sort of altered consciousness. I felt that I was everything, and everything was me, and that there was no subject-object dichotomy. There was nothing particularly unique about my day that day, only that I was walking home from a fairly average time at school. I would like to feel that again. Tao.
  5. It is good to note that history is not a progressive course towards technological advancement, but instead a series of civilizations that rise (and fall). Let us not forget the Dark Ages. Without the revived Greek texts I doubt there would have been a Renaissance! Or isolationist Japan--they were trading a third of the world's silver before the Tokugawa Shogunate. Remember it was Ghandi that argued for a return to simplicity! Furthermore, Islam has fallen far from the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires: once the center of the academic world, now we see that Europe is the 'developed' world and the Middle East is the 'undeveloped' world. From chaos to structure; from dust to civilization and civilizations to dust; the Sage sees all and overcomes the cycle. The Taoist must see wide to become small. bright blessings, Koma
  6. What will be the future earth society?

    We will see how fiat currency functions in the 21st century. I am in school for economics now, and everybody is quite convinced that Keynesian economics is still well-functioning, but I keep an open mind. (The professors think I am a little bit crazy when I bring up RBE economics) bright blessings, koma
  7. I think I just experienced enlightenment

    That was in response to the local Buddhist expert comment ;-) Sorry if that seems confusing from a Taoist perspective! Bright blessings, koma
  8. The double standard of religious acceptance

    It is best to release one's pride in this situation. Sometimes it is not welcome to let others know you are a follower of the Way, and silence is key. Or simply say: "I am not a follower of Christ, but I understand his teachings, and I too wish to be compassionate and generous to all."
  9. The Tao manifests itself in mysterious ways. Things are as they are.
  10. The Highest Psychic Power

    Know powers; refuse powers. The Tao prevails.
  11. Compassion and Taoism

    When you see that All is One, and One is All, compassion is the Way: to be compassionate to another is to be compassionate to the Self. There is no subject/object barrier, but 10,000 illusions dividing the "I" and the "You." Tao is the origin of the ineffable: it is this origin a Taoist seeks; remember it is One that begot Two, and Two that Begot Three, and Three that Begot 10,000. A Taoist returns to that which Begot One: such is "Te."
  12. Wikileaks - Thoughts

    I used to admin a server of around 500 so called "Anonymous" members. This really isn't so much "cyber warfare" as a number of targetted server raids that aren't hard at all to pull off. The media's jargon is completely off base here =/ not every person on the underbelly of the internet is a hacker, much less a "hacktivist!" The government's corruption is no new news; the documents Wikileaks has released are easily available online if you know where to look (zoklet? 4chan?). Unfortunately it's been a few years since I've been connected with that community and I'm a bit off base. The charges against Julian Assange are false, bright blessings, Koma
  13. Happiness - what is it?

    For a complex discussion on happiness I recommend the Happiness Hypothesis. Happiness is a divine union of the unmanifest and manifest. Bright blessings, koma
  14. ReishI Mushroom, Ling Zhi

    What literature recommended this? Curiosity strikes.
  15. Why are you here?

  16. The purpose that can be reasoned is not the Eternal Purpose The name that can be named is not the Everlasting Name
  17. Good day!

    Upon meditating tonight I returned to this forum to browse some discourse. I am Komako. It is a pleasure to meet you. My current studies include reading the "Chronicles of Tao" by Deng Ming-Dao, as well as Mantak Chia's discussions of Taoist sexual practices. I am interested in furthering my studies and practices. Many blessings, Komako