Hi Non! I'm new here but I'll give it a shot.
So "INvoluntary celibacy and isolation" basically means lack of a partner/sex and friends right? Hey, everyone's been there! Also, 23 and virgin, who cares? I honestly see nothing wrong with that.
Forget for now about working so hard in finding a partner or friends. Focus FIRST on enjoying life and doing things that you like. Some suggestions:
1- Read: No, not books about dating. Books about seeing life in a different light. How about "Stop Worrying and Start Living" or "The Magic of Thinking Big". Those seem like a good start. You may even read them at a nice library or coffeeshop, forcing you to leave your house.
2- Travel: Yeah, travel just by yourself. Is there a city or place you always wanted to visit? Well, plan the trip and go there! You will have a great time and will come back feeling great. Trust me!
3- Volunteer: Helping in charities is not only a great way to help others, but also a good way to put things in perspective and stop taking things for granted.
4- Meditate: Nothing much to add here!
5- Some Eastern Philosophy: I'm not an expert at all, but here I go: Try to work in harmony with those difficulties and problems life is throwing at you. Do not use your fight-or-flight response. Instead approach those problems with compassion. Approach your negative thoughts with compassion as well. Practice mindfulness, focus on the moment. Check out the book "The Mindful Way through Depression", good stuff there.
Hope this helps