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Everything posted by Everything

  1. What We Think We Know

    Yeah, once you become aware of a habbit, it's no longer a habbit, but a choice. That is also why all illness or disease is simply a secondary manifestation of durably allowed negative emotion. As this negative emotion then lessens one consciousness. As your emotions always perfectly indicate the relativity between your physical being and your greater non-physical consciousness of pure positive energy. And focusing in self contradiction, flowing your true nature through you, through self contradictory energetic thought patterns, causes a lessening of ones consciousness. So the best way to heal any of it, is simply positive energy in motion, positive emotion. Love. Care. Compassion. For oneself. And mostly, tending to your emotions. As when one realises that the emotion happens, due to self contradictory perspectives, that one strikes up, in the moment of feeling it, one can instantly recognize it, what they thought, that caused them to feel that way. So again, it also becomes a choice. Because that thought is not real, it's just a thought that exists within you, because of how you have been choosing to focus, your consciousness into self contradictory ideas. And then even as one recognizes that there are conditions, which when observed, causes one to feel negative emotion, one can then even blame that conditions, it doesn't matter. As long as one understands the source of their negative emotions, which always comes from within. As a perspective about something. So always, the conditions are perfectly well and good, when being capable of realising it from your true perspective of ALL that you truely are, physical and non-physical, here and now coblended, and being and becoming in full joyous realisation of all true meaning and value evermore, regardless of any and all conditions, which is all well and good. So there may be some subjects when looked at, from a self contradictory perspective, one feels negative emotion. Thus then people call it being "triggered" and so to drink alcohol, causes a lessening of your ability to focus, which means, the negative self contradictory perspective loses power, because your mind is soothed, the focus is diffused by the intoxication of the alcohol, but also you lose ability to focus, in order to allow full conscious realisation of your true nature flowing through you without self contradiction. So full allowed inspiration is not easy to flow freely through you of full allowed self realisation. And thereby feeling very good. So rather, a meditation, does the same thing as alcohol, but then, it also gives you full conscious realisation. So then when one steps back into that self contradictory perspective, one instantly feels the repulsive nature more fully, due to contrast of flowing your full nature through you freely, without self contradiction, in meditation, and thus feeling very good, the negative self contradictory perspectives will feel that much more repulsive and painful or uncomfortable, more unecessary, more aware more conscious, more sensitive and more consciously aware of your emotional guidance system, which always help you come back to full realisation of your true nature of joy. Easily and effortlessly, as simple as becoming aware of what you are doing with your own energy. In the same way that anger management teaches to count to ten. One can realise that the anger is a choice. And that it feels attractive to choose it, because that is where you have been flowing your energy. Most often. So 10 seconds is really not enough. Because it is hard to focus consistently if you've never meditated, hence people who really wish to come back into alignment are often recommended to meditate atleast 20 minutes a day, so that you can leave behind self contradictory thought patterns for atleast 20 seconds consistently, during those 20 minutes of deliberate focused meditation of releasing self contradictory thought patterns fully, for the purpose of flowing your full true nature fully through you, by letting go of all thought, and thus also letting go of all self contradictory thought, then your true nature will flow uncontradicted through you effortlessly naturally automatically all by itself. And after that, life simply flows naturally and effortlessly along the path of least resistance, in harmony with all of existance being and becoming evermore. One can even laugh about all the things one used to use as an unnecessary excuse to contradict one owns full true nature. Because one understand everything through that joy indicating your full allowed realisation of your true nature of being and becoming evermore, and also thus all true nature being and becoming evermore. As a whole fully realised being, physical and non-physical coblended, indicated by the energy motional manifestation of good feeling positive emotion. And when one feels stable in their natural good feeling nature, one can simply so easily replace all those limiting self contradictory thought patterns, automatically, because they become completely irrelevant, in contrast to your greater knowing of your greater non-physical consciousness allowed to flow fully through you in full allowed realisation of true realisation of pure positive knowing, of true knowing, of all true value. One is free to focus, and so there is no need to focus in self contradiction, when one is simply capable of realising ones true free nature of being, as one meditates to allow that realisation to simply naturally occur, as it is your natural nature to feel good, so that is also why it feels good, to be in alignment with your true full realisation of all that you truely are being and becoming evermore. To use conditions as an excuse for how you feel, is also a self contradiction. As you and how you focus determines how you feel. And further more so, understanding the importance of feeling good, emotionally. Because this is your true indicator, of how you are flowing your energy within you, into fuller allowed realisation or lesser allowed realisation, but your true nature is evermore, and so you can never feel bad enough, as you can always choose to feel worse, there is no bottom to despair either, and so one can simply easily let go of trying to contradict ones own true nature, and simply allow oneself to feel good/better. For how you feel is simply indicating how you focus in self contradiction or in full allowance of your full true greater allowed nature of being and becoming evermore here and now in greater allowed realisations of freedom and joy evermore, along the natural path of least resistance that is all of existance being and becoming evermore. So the emotions is simply a guidance from your own true nature of infinite intelligence and eternal wisdom, of your eternal being as a greater non-physical consciousness of pure positive energy, of your true being and becoming evermore. And thereby one will be supported by their own true nature of allowing oneself to be a fully realised being and becoming in full joy, one will be inspired by it fully, and thus supported by it fully, to bring everything in their life back to full allowed natural effortless joyous harmonization and natural effortless fully allowed realisation. That you don't have a problem and you never had. That everything exists for the goodness of that which it is being and becoming evermore. Infinite variety, and infinite things to enjoy freely evermore. To simply exist for the purpose of that it feels good. For the true reason of why everything exists. For what you truely love and enjoy. For who you truely are. To simply be true to who you truely are. And staying in alignment with who you truely are, for the joy that it will bring you evermore, to be true to all that you truely are, and therefor understanding everything and everyone as their true full nature of evermore being and becoming evermore aswell. Everything just begins to make sense naturally. It is no longer difficult to understand it all and what the value of it all is. It's simply natural to allow the greater understanding to naturally flow more fully through you here and now for the purpose of the joy that it offers for you, in your co-creative dance with all that existance being and becoming evermore. As all the things and variety of all the things that exists, being and becoming the evermoreness of all the goodness that it is.
  2. Tibetan Wheel of Life

    From my points of view, it's simply a limitation construct which assists/influences in the lessening of the consciousness of a free will entity, for the purpose of channeling the natural state of being and natural motivational mechanism of their life force into artificially influenced self contradiction, in order to more easily excersize control over a free will entity, from state of being in self contradiction to ones own free will, to come back into greater allowed harmony of one's own true nature of being life itself. But it also happens through the free will of an entity who may wish to understand and thus choose the idea of being completely without choice, in a negative sense. Where as the natural "no-choice" is simply indicating the great immense joy of the natural freedom of the individual, that another choice just no longer is relevant enough to even be capable of developing an awareness to it or of it. It could be an original left over of an ancient corrupted nature spirit, which again can be originated back to even further more deeper sources of non-physical energetic self contradictory manifestations. But rather than trying to understand it's value from without, rather I would suggest you find out it's value for you, from within. So what about feels good to you, as that energy motional indicator will point at the reason you feel drawn to this painting, as your greater non-physical consciousness and true nature is focused on this for the purpose of coming to a greater realisation of ones own true nature, for you, as you, with you, through you, etc. Hence you feel this relativity between you physical and You non-physical, as an emotional variance to help you come to understand fully what the value of it is to you. I often think about self contradictory energy, as an energetic knot that is in contradiction with the self. Because that is how we feel the compressed energy motional self contradiction as negative emotion. But rather, understanding that these negative constructs manifest through your free will, and it is also basically your own consciousness that you are experiencing, thus you could say it is a meaningless reflectory construct of no life, but it doesn't really exist outside of you, it's just an idea that is in contradiction with the self, for the purpose of limiting the consciousness, through your own consciousness. Your own power so to speak, being used against you, by you. And this requires a six sided pentagram? Is that the correct word? A sort of mirror idea construct, that basically keep the person in lessening awareness of choice, through these 6 aspects of self imposed negative believe constructs. To understand how these work, in my experience, is that they often tie in greatly with the natural survival mechanism of any individual person, which is activated as consistently as possible for the purpose channeling the natural motivational mechanism into self contradiction, as that requires a lessening of consciousness and that is also how you lessen the consciousness, and through that, all the other 6 aspects which keep one locked in the survival mechanism, negative aspect of no choice leading to survival, , which is indicated by a state of being in energy motional fear, or emotional self contradiction, which makes free will choice incapable of being realised or known, or even witnessed or understood or even observed or even recognized. So these negative constructs of limitation have often been related to the moon, as the moon is also infact an artificial construct in many aspects. But at the same time, to understand the true nature of these limiting constructs, one can also be liberated from it, by seeing the falacy of them. And so you see the buddha exists outside of this construct and points at the moon, to come back to realisation of the greater truth of why these things exist, and that they really have no more power than your own power, as it is your own power that you are allowing yourself to be used against yourself. For if one is simply true to oneself, and cares about oneself, one can realise, that survival is not really natural, unless it last a few seconds. Anything that lasts longer than that, is simply a self contradictory experience created through oneself, through self imposed limitations, that are not necessary to be held on to, in order to realise one's true nature or natural state of being, of peace and more, evermore. So also understanding the energy motional nature of everything that exists, including the energy motional nature of self contradictory energy. It is not that self contradictory energy is a real physical thing unto itself, as the core of it is simply energy expanding into the moreness of the likeness of it. So as the "wheel turns" so to speak, people are drawn deeper into all the aspects of these self contradictory energy motional being. In the same way, that being true to ones nature, also turns the wheel in alignment with all true realisation and true nature of being and becoming evermore in harmony with all that exists physical and non-physical, and there feeling good emotionally, energy motionally, in full realised freedom and joy and expansion, into the specificness of the moreness of the allowed natural realisations of coming back into full harmony, and into the moreness of that being and becoming in full harmony of full allowed evermore greater allowed realisations, along the natural path of least resistance, of being in full harmony with all true nature of life and more life, being and becoming evermore. That exists simply far far out there way beyond the idea of the survival mechanism construct, which can also be understood, as just a small tiny part of the whole unified fully realised coming back to full realisation of all aspects of all natures, integrated, coblended, co harmonized fully allowed natural realisation of all life and all being and becoming in harmony as all that exists being and becoming evermore here and now, including your primary nature of being source energy consciousness and non-physical pure positive energy flowing into the limitation construct, for the purpose of your further being and becoming, in natural allowed alignment and harmony with your full true nature and all true nature. So all these limitting believes, are simply, from my point of view, more unique ways that all that is has of coming to know itself from a different point of view, of being in complete contridction with the self, imposing great limitation on oneself. In order to come back out of it again, true full allowed realisation. Of full allowed inspiration, of full allowed realisation. As your greater non-physical consciousness already knows all that you need to know when you need to know it. So you allow the most beneficial knowing by being willing to allow your full true nature, to come back into energy motional alignment, by being willing to feel good, by not taking all these things seriously, and just seeing it as a game. of self imposed limitation. For often the "evil" that is being perceived is simply a manifestation of tremendous innocence, incomprehensible innocence, of pure true nature, no allowed to expand and evolve naturally in full allowed expression of being and becoming all that it truely is. So you see the wheel of death reflects that aspect of complete meaningless going in circles for the point of no point at all, like a rat race. And if one sees the pointless nature of that self contradiction, then one can simply enjoy it more fully, be more playful about it, and take it less seriously. Not feel forced to play the game if you wanna simply play the natural game of joyful life being and becoming the moreness of all that exists evermore. In the same way that people often make war, and then suddenly realising true power is in the creation, of creating rather than destroying, which gave rise to the final war of WW2. For when this power was realised, and was rising, people feared it greatly. And so they felt they had no choice but to say goodbye to all the self limiting aspects of their own choosing, in the most inclusive way possible. Including all the way to even right here and now in our modern day of age, where have almost dropped all of these self limitation games, and still continue to do so, for the purpose of coming back to full realisation of all of our true nature of being and becoming evermore. So the actual power of our true nature is more capable of destruction, even more capable than a nuclear bomb. But the point is that we simply feel no need to do that, because we see the complete meaningless pointless nature of simply contradicting the self for no other reason than self contradiction itself. Cause in the end you begin to realise you're really just killing yourself. You're really giving power to something that actually exists inside of your own mind, and you can thus also make a painting about it. These kind of paintings of coming to full realisation, is not actual full realisation, it's rather about saying your final goodbye to all self contradictory nature, and thus leaving behind a breadcrumb, to help other people come to the same realisation aswell. Before they head into the journey of self realisation, and coming back into harmony with the all that exists evermore. That is nothing but peace and more evermore. And often it exists beyond the idea of death, because death is again a self limitation construct idea, energetic thought stream of your own greater non-physical consciousness flowed through energetic thought patterns of self contradiction, that sort of lessen your consciousness, untill ofcourse the death is experience and the falacy of the self limiting constructs become appearant. One can also realise the falacy of all these self contradictory energetic thought patterns by simply meditating, and feeling good, so these things become more repulsive in contrast to you flowing your full nature through you freely. Just like two opposing magnets repell, the energy of your true being repels everything automatically that is not in harmony with your true nature, and draws everything that supports your being and becoming in full harmony with all that exists, physically and non-physically coblended and harmonized into full realisation of being and becoming evermore freely and joyously here and now, effortlessly along the path of least resistance of all true nature and effortless allowed realisation. So this is also why you feel negative emotion when you focus your consciousness through perspective that causes self limitation or self contradiction. Why this is done, is usually again, due to innocence that has not yet been fully capable of being fully realised or allowed to be and become along the path of least resistance. So it's sort of a holding back, or stopping the flow of true being and becoming, temporarily, for a reason of a great powerful realisation of a great and powerful desire, hence the buddha can step out of that, and simply appreciate it from without. To help people understand, that it's basically like a time travelling device. Going into the future, like the aspect of the moon, indicating time, natural order and balance, to understand that this construct also exists for the purpose of greater allowed freedom. It is just that this freedom is not ready to come back to full realisation yet, because that will only happen when more people step out of the wheel, and therefor be capable of assisting whatever limitation construct into full allowed realisation aswell. But it may not even happen in one lifetime. Nor does it have to, in order for oneself to allow oneself to understand and know that the intention is still the same, it is a good willed intention, well meaning, but not fully allowed to come to full realisation. As the reason is again, due to incomprehensible innocence. In the same way, you don't become afraid of a gun, and then give it to a child. And then panic. And ask the child to have mercy on you. In the same way as a gun, this limitation construct can be used in many negative ways, resulting in many self contradictory experiences. Even tho the intention might have been good, they have not been inspired by a fully realised being. And that can be seen by the aspect of death, as an illusionary non-physical manifestation of a negative believe construct. That induces consisten fear, or sort of pinches you off from your own true nature, lessens your consciousness, or ability to experience true knowing, or allow your natural coming to full realisation evermore, as every here and now moment is a new here and now moment evermore, and so death is simply a resistant, energetically resistant, self contradictory thought pattern, that is in contradiction to your full nature of fully allowed realisation of each here and now new moment of being and becoming evermore in full allowed realisation of evermore greater allowed realisations of your natural freedom and joy evermore. effortlessly, joyously, freely, etc. Also, the buddha is small, and doesn't care about it either. Buddha knows, these limitation constructs are usually perceived to be very epic and great and grand, when in reality, it is actually a complete falacy. A simple misunderstanding. That is allowed to expand for oneself due to your free will, to contradict your own true nature of being. It's not different from a child seeing nightmares, and becoming afraid. To simply understand that it's not real, and be playful about it, to reflect upon it, in order to come to a newly realised perspective about it, for the purpose of self allowed realisation, evermore. Of more clarity, and pure knowing and understanding. And simply enjoying that. You can overcome this seemingly great immense power, as simply an idea, that you paint or write on a paper. And realising thus, it's not real. Just an idea, in contrast to all the nature that exists around you, such a thing is simply an exploration of ones own consciousness. And what you are capable of coming to realise and even allow this realisation to bring to you a newly realised desire, for a newly birthed desire, of a greater more fully realised freedom, that is more fully in harmony and alignment with your true nature of being and becoming evermore. But ofcourse you're free to explore this in anyway you so wish. As you can find much value in it or joy, no matter what the conditions of your life are. And so to enjoy it is also why it exists. So not to be too serious, but more flexible, and more playful about it, for the purpose of your own evermore discovery of all the ways you can come to know all the ways that existance has of coming to know itself from all the different points of view that existance has of itself. As allowing evermore greater allowed realisation, effortlessly, naturally, along the path of least resistance evermore. However one goes about it, it's all good, nothing ever gets lost. Everything is known evermore, and your being and becoming is thus evermore perfectly in perfect alignment and accord with the greater nature of all being and becoming evermore.
  3. IMA and Awakening

    It's energetic allowed realisation of true nature of true being and becoming in joy(indicating the degree of your allowance(nature of how you flow your energy without contradiction)). Everything is consciousness and everything is energy. And you are consciousness and you are energy aswell. So when you focus freely, and in harmony with your hearts true desire, meaning, in harmony with your soul, non-physical greater consciousness, (yes powerful focus, not because you will die if you don't focus, but because the joy it feels so good that it inspires a more powerful focus, it is basically the power of your true nature of being as pure positive energy, or source energy, the energy which creates worlds.) you are simply being true to yourself. This energy is pure, because it is unconditionally pure positive energy, meaning, you experience a condition of some lack, it just inspires a greater realisation of a greater desire evermore. And that fuller greater realisation is naturally automatically allowed. As simply riding stream of your soul trajectory of your eternal and infinite nature. Meaning you realise true pure desire. We already do this all of the time naturally effortlessly. But usually unconsciously. when you do it consciously, you get to enjoy your own being and becoming more fully. So it is not paradoxical. It is just variety. Infinite variety. Existance coming to know itself from all the different points of view that existance has of itself. And the points of view are infinite. So you have to wonder, as an eternal being and infinite being. If one mistake happens, eternal and infinite existance not only no longer exist, but it never existed to begin with. Such a thing is simply forever and ever not possible. Because non existance will never exist. It will never happen. So everything is perfect and good. However, we humans, are capable, MASTERFULLY capable, of experiencing less of that goodness that already naturaly exists everywhere and in everything. There really is no point to doing that. There is no ultimate goal or depth that you will ever reach in despair. It will always be capable of being and becoming more painful for you, eternally and infinitely. Because you are infinite goodness, you create all of it. And you do it so easily. That you don't even realise often that you're doing it. You do it by focusing energy, your consciousness, into the specificness of that moreness of your being and becoming, within and without. And if you understand the suffering begins with self contradictory focus, as negative emotion, energy in motion, you realise, this guidance is very good. Not because you are ment to suffer. But because you are NOT MENT TO SUFFER! That is why it will never feel good! And that is why it will always feel better to go with the flow of your own soul. Meaning true pure desire. And the negative emotion just points at that true pure joyous desire. Not "I gotta win this battle or else" that's not pure desire. Alignment of your consciousness with your greater non-physical consciousness which already holdsyour pure desire evermore for you, unconditionally, meaning forever eternally infinitely ever MORE and MORE and MORE. This alignment is indicated by positive emotion. Now this alignment is also indicated by negative emotion, meaning the lesser allowed alignment. MEaning, your soul got some energy for you that you not allowing yourself to flow through you for your personal realisation of it evermore right here and now. So you feel negative emotion. You relax. Think I'm worried about nothing. And you remember what you want. To be one who feels good more of the time. Just the realisation of feeling good, as something that you want that already exists, as your normal natural state of being, that you can allow, simply by focusing on feeling good and better. Enjoying the thing that you want more unconditionally, internally, emotionally, energy motionally allowing the realisation to be and become evermore as you through you for you, with you, etc. Because the good feeling is simply indicating your alignment with who you truely are ALL THAT YOU TRUELY ARE, PHYSICAL AAAAAND NON-PHYSICAL. meaning here and now allowed full realisation of true being and becoming evermore. But ignoring negative emotion is not the way to go. Rather, tending to it, loving it. Healing it. tHANKING IT. THE GUIDANCE THAT IT IS. But not with the idea that the negative emotion is a physical condition. Because it is not. Negative emotion is just an indicator of self contradictory focus. So you understand where you are contradicting yourself, by feeling the negative emotion, and then you are more fully capable of doing the complete opposite. Simply allowing that aspect of your being to flow back into natural harmony with all that you truely are and thus also naturally want. RE-ALIGNMENT. Shift of energy. Readjustment. Coming back to your senses. Flowing the consciousness more freely less self contradictly. Feeling better. For example, "I'm stuck, walls are closing in on me. I keep feeling more limitted." You may look at the conditions and say they are the cause of your negative emotion. But you created those conditions. And the negative emotion is simply indicating that you are continueing to create those conditions, with your focusing of energy of consciousness, into the moreness of that negative emotion condition of energy in motion, that feels negative because your soul is not flowing energy there. So in order to allow the condition to naturally come back to full realisation, you don't need to change the condition, in the same way that you don't need to hit yourself on the head in a different way to make a headache go away. You just need to change the focus, and thus the emotion changes, you need to change the energy, the perspective, the alignment, the being and becoming, the allowing of your natural realisation of you true being and becoming that feels good, the art of allowing, and thus the condition naturally comes back to full harmonic realisation of convergence of physical and non-physical of full blown realisation of true being and becoming evermore here and now in evermore greater allowed joy and freedom. You simply allow yourself to see the goodness of it all. More fully more consciously realisedly. Effortlessly and naturally. But it's not paradoxical it's simply infinite variety. You can run away from a monster it becomes bigger. You can also turn around and it becomes a rabbit. But that is just 1 description of infinite other things that can happen. Why? Because it is about the energy that is being flowed and allowed or not. You create your reality non-physically. Vibrationally. Energy motionally. Emotionally. Through infinite intelligence. Source Consciousness. And to realise your own infinite nature, means, here and now, you feel very good. That's it. So the emotions are simply a guide. So you can never be disconnected from your full realisation. Just temporarily pinch yourself off from your true nature. And thereby feeling bad, because you can never become disconnected from your own greater non-physical consciousness. Of your true being and becoming evermore. Your infinite and eternal nature as existance as consciousness as energy motional being and becoming evermore. You see consciousness is a powerful thing. That is why you need to be careful where you focus it. Not because it is dangerous, but because you care about yourself. You want to enjoy life. Be happy feel good. And so when you see something bad, you don't close your eyes. You just focus on the goodness that it allows you to realise for yourself and thus it evermore. Because we're all in the same boat. So you just gotta look for the goodness inside of yourself. To find it outside again aswell. Because it's always there. So trying to put conditions into boxes of good and wrong. That's pointless. Because again, your soul already is being and becoming the moreness of all that you want evermore. You just need to flow with it more consciously more deliberately, meaning, feel good more of the time. Emotionally, energy motionally, which indicates your alignment with your greater non-physical being. It's not different from focusing on the infinite goodness and simply allowing it more fully to flow into your life naturally because that is how consciousness works. You focus on something you allow it. So you got all this variety, to choose from. And let it inspire you to a greater desire evermore. To simply focus for the purpose of feeling better. Ongoingly. And eventually you will feel very good and you will simply allow the secondary manifestational evidence of your realisation to be and become naturally along the path of least resistance of your own true nature of being and becoming in evermore greater joy and freedom evermore naturally effortlessly joyously. And so joy to you evermore. of simply enjoying the being and becoming of evermore greater allowed realisation of all goodness for you evermore. Cause you can understand that everything simply is good. Internally, and thus also allow its realisation to be and become evermore. And thus then as you allow so, you are more capable of also allowing yourself to realise that everything is being and becoming better evermore aswell. And so you flow with the improvement and the moreness and the joy of the eternal journey, because that is where you are looking. And how are you capable of doing so? the positive energy in motion, of positive emotion, allows you to see and realise all the goodness of true being and becoming evermore. It becomes real for you and so you can flow easily and effortlessly with it. You become it. Just like when you focus in self contradiction you become that. You feel negative emotion, and your life becomes that in real physical tangible sense of real tangible negative conditions. Not because the conditions are bad. But because you are contradicting your own creation, so that's why it feels bad and becomes bad. Cause you're not ment to do that. And if you do, you lose capability of focusing. Meaning, eventually you will just wither and die. And the suffering ends. Because you come back to full realisation of your true nature, of unconditional pure positive energy. You begin to realise all the goodness of everything. But that death can be replaced by a simple energy motional shift. Because that is what it already is! It is simply a releasing of resistant self contradictory energy. Dying is the art of allowing. Sleeping aswell(but often less conscious). Same thing. Meditation is middle path, balanced, harmony, of physical and non-physical. Consciously allowed realisation. Meditation results in conscious dreaming. But dying is conscious realisation all of the time, wether you want it or not. So it is completely meaningless, it is about as relevant as going from here and now, to a new here and now. and a new here and now. Do we say we died? Do we say "I am awakened now!" Because if you do, then you understand your true nature. As the awe of each new here and now moment. Infinite existance, becoming more evermore. So to enjoy that is the whole point of existance. And to realise that, to allow yourself to realise that, is to simply allow yourself to feel good. Enjoying the newness of each here and now new moment. Of things constantly becoming better and better evermore. And flowing with that is the whole point of your eternal existance. To allow yourself to realise all of that goodness being and becoming evermore. Doesn't matter who you are or your level of mastery. You simply realise the joy of the moment from within. And it becomes outward reflected aswell. And we can all do this, because we all feel emotion. Because we all are pure positive energy in our greater non-physical consciousness of all that we truely are, and our physical being is an extension of that, that will feel good if you allow yourself to come back into alignment, naturally effortlessly, feeling betterly, with your true soul of all that you truely are being and becoming evermore here and now in evermore greater allowed realisation of true joy and meaning and value and knowing and freedom and love, etc. But you always feel in your heart if you focus in contradiction with yourself. If you think in contradiction with yourself. So blessed be the emotional guidance system, highlighting, hey this thought doesn't feel good. LET IT BE RESOLVED. Don't try to make it happen. Just see the falacy of it. Just focus on the opposite of it. So in the sense of feeling limited and stuck. You focus on freedom. You shift the energy emotionally. Not because you need to transform some kind of spooky dark magic into light magic. No... Because your soul already is focusing on freedom. That is why you feel negative emotion of a tug of war, when you focus on limitation when your soul is focused on freedom. So you have to feel your way to allowing your pure desire to be realised by you, allowing your alignment back with your soul. So you focus on freedom, you feel good again, and then you realise why the freedom feels good, as physical conditional allowed realisation of endless physical conditional allowed realisations, of here and now, being and becoming, as all that you truely are as a whole complete one fully realised being, of physical and non-physical hand in hand, harmonized, converging, inspired, co blended, expansive, free, light, empowered, in love, in true knowing allowed realisation, etc. Because the greater part of you is always already being and becoming all those things. You just let yourself relax into your true infinite and eternal nature, by feeling better/good. And knowing how important it is to feel better/good, because that is why you exist. For the joy of the eternal being and becoming evermore. Allowing true realisation to flow through you evermore. Why? Because it feels good. And you are never ment to suffer. So all that effort focused into the contradiction with your own true nature. It never feels good. So you let go of that, by also, coming back into alignment with your true nature of joy and focusing on that instead. Because it's simply simple! It simply feels better/good. And that's what defines all of eternal and infinite existance evermore for you. It really is that simple if you allow it. No need to put words to it. Like "awakening" and how difficult it is to understand. You just allow yourself to feel better, unconditionally. Meaning, you don't care about the conditions. Because all of existance exists for the purpose of feeling better evermore. And if you feel better, then you understand all of existance evermore again. Naturally effortlessly. Harmonizedly. Whatever you wanna call it. The ten thousand things. So take your soul, and feel your way into alignment with it. Evermore. You simply stay with your heart. And enjoy your life thus evermore. Unconditionally evermore. Under any and all conditions, regardless of any and all conditions. You allow everything to be fully realised by you naturally harmonaly. joyously. Enjoyably. Feeling goodedly. Really, its not serious at all. It's like we're talking about feeling good here! To come back in alignment with the Source of All Creation. Infinite Intelligence and Eternal Wisdom at your back. Simply by allowing yourself to feel good. Unconditionally. What better gift can I offer, if I could. You are free evermore, so I say, joy to you evermore. Because you will always be choosing the moreness of your joy. Because you are an eternal being evermore. And so simply feeling good here and now, is the point of everything. Doesn't matter how it happens or why it happens. It's all existing for the purpose of feeling better evermore. You let your greater non-physical consciousness simply flow through you fully and you feel good and better evermore and you enjoy life. And life goes well for you in infinite ways evermore. And the journey never ends, so joy to you evermore. It all exists for fun for joy, that's it. And no matter what emotion you feel, you feel it, because you are ment to feel joy. So allow it. To be natural and good and better evermore. And relax into your true nature of being and becoming evermore here and now in evermore greater allowed joys of evermore greater allowed freedoms of evermore greater allowed joys. Simply for the joy of evermore greater allowed being and becoming evermore. Naturally, effortlessly, joyously. Evermore. Feeling good and better evermore. Simply, easily, effortlessly. Feeling goodedly. Relax, it's so easy to feel good. And to allow all of existance to simply be ok and good, because it already is. And you are ment to allow it to be so. And know you always deserve to be all that you truely are, evemore. Forever and ever more and feeling better more and more. Evermore. As simply as breathing in and out. Allowing and feeling better. Summoning, and allowing. Asking and allowing the answer to naturally flow and come to you. Allowing your goodness that is YOU! IT IS YOUR OWN GREATER NON-PHYSICAL CONSCIOUSNESS. PURE POSITIVE ENERGY. INFINITE INTELLIGENCE. ETERNAL WISDOM. BEING AND BECOMING EVERMORE. SOURCE ENERGY. SOUL. FREEDOM. EVER AWAKENING INFINITE CONSCIOUSNESS EVERMORE.
  4. Sounds like you are very good at meditating. That soothed awareness of physical, is a sign that you are releasing energetic resistance, meaning you are allowing your mind to quiet, meaning, you are holding your attention and awareness consistently held and placed on your object of focus. And so the deeper your mind relax, and the more fully you release resistant self contradictory energy, and the more fully you allow your true nature, of source energy, to flow more fully through you. Naturally, automatically, effortlessly. And so you allow your natural well being to flow more fully through you, or the energy of who you truely are, to flow more fully through you. Cause you don't flow that energy in self contradiction anymore, so your natural well-being naturally is fully allowed to be fully realised again. As that is what feels like life force, vitality, well-being, joy. You can also call it those things. Life force. It's a good word to describe that energy of who you really are, as a non-physical pure positive energy of consciousness. It is an allowed natural energy motional alignment with this. Of physical and non-physical, co blending, merging, converging, synchronising, resonating, aligning, expanding, flowing, allowing. And allowing this to happen, as one meditates, simply feels very good. And it benefits oneself on all aspects of their life. It's like you choke yourself, your face becomes blue. When you stop choking your self, your face returns back to its normal natural color. Healthy. So the benefits of releasing resistant energy, by meditating, is the same. You allow your true life force, of who you really are, as a greater non-physical consciousness, more fully allowed to flow through your physical being and benefit all aspects and on all levels of your life, as more fully realised and allowed to flow life force of pure positive energy, of who you really are, your true nature, to flow more fully through you. So you allow that energy of who you truely are to flow more fully through you, and it benefits you on all levels of your life. Everything naturally comes back into greater more fuller allowed realisation and harmonic convergence. Everything becomes more fully realised. Automatically, by virtue of your true self, already being the fullness of all that you've become, holding that energy for you, unconditionally, this energy naturally takes care of everything else. It's the energy of who you really are. So everything falls back into alignment, as you allow yourself to fall back into alignment with who you really are. The energy trajectory of your soul, or your life trajectory of who you really are, the energy of your true self, fully realised self, that feels good emotionally. It feels good, because you allow the full realisation, and if you allow the full realisation, you are capable of flowing the full realisation, and so you align with the full realisation, and so you harmonize and blend and converge with your full realisation, of physical and non-physical coming together and being fully realised in your here and now. And so, you feel good. As your emotions always accurately indicate the here and now relationship between you (physical) and You ( your greater non-physical consciousness). Your greater non-physical consciousness, or your life force, or call it pure positive energy, or your soul, it's all good. We physical human being, can choose to resist, by focusing in self contradictory ways, and so we feel negative emotion when we do that. And the moment we let go of that self contradictory energetic thought patterns, during meditation, your natural well being and life force is naturally allowed to flow more fully through you, because that is normal, that is the way you are always ment to be, and that is the way you will always instantly be like and become like when you stop doing the thing that would cause the lessening of your connection with the energy of who you really are. That resistance is energetic resistance to your own true nature of your pure energy of who you truely are as the fullness of who you truely are that you can realise, effortlessly, by simply allowing it to be fully realised by you, by getting out of your own way, so to speak. Withdrawing your consciousness away from the physical, to restore your natural well being. To allow your true nature to flow more fully through you. In that sense. Releasing resistance to your natural well-being, is indicated by energy motional, emotional feeling of relief or feeling better or feeling good. As you meditate, you can yawn, feel goose bums. Or as you say, the physical awareness is soothed. Some people even feel such a heaviness lift off that they cry tears of joy, in case of meditating for the first time, after having held strong energetic resistance for a long time. So you are less physically focused. It's basically coming into conscious realisation of your greater non-physical consciousness. The Source of you, as you are an extension of that energy of pure positive energy of the wholeness and fullness of all that you truely are. Sometimes it doesn't even happen during meditation. Often we don't notice the effect, untill later in the day. And often, there is also an experience if instant emmediate energy motional felt relief, of releasing resistant energy. Many experiences in meditation. But really, the most amazing effects I've heard of meditation, was when the person was focused on their breath, and they coulden't tell their toes appart from their feet. So you have this same soothed awareness of physical. I see that as a very good sign. Tho, all meditation has tremendous benefit. Even if you're focused on an airconditioner sound. Or maybe a vision, or maybe an internally voiced mantra. Can be anything. As long as you hold your attention on it consistently enough, meaning several seconds, without interuption or distraction, you will succesfully release energetic resistance if you do that, it happens automatically, effortlessly, naturally. Nothing you need to do to allow that to happen, except focus consistently on your object of focused awareness. So again, very good meditation you did. Very focused. Very consistently held and allowed awareness on your object of focus. But I really think the object of focus is not that very important just find something that you feel comfortable with that doesn't mean anything. This is how mantras are designed. They don't mean anything. Just sounds of your own voice, so you are able to relax your awareness into it and relax your mind thus also through your focused awareness and attention on it. So the next step would be, to receive and allow it to flow through you, meaning allowing yourself to feel good energy motionally, emotionally, so that the greater knowing of your greater non-physical consciousness can be more fully realised by you as pure thought, non-contradicted thought, thoughts which feel very good, inspired thoughts, fully realised thoughts that feel very good. And this is felt as inspiration. An inspired fully realised thought, that feels very good and exciting or a thought of appreciation. It's all about you. It's your own greater non-physical consciousness, so that is why it's all so relevant to you and why it feels so good, always. IT's a thought of who you really are, a thought of fully allowed realisation, fully allowed to flow as an energetic stream of thought, in the here and now moment, of full allowed alignment and convergence of you and You (greater non-physical consciousness / life force / soul). A thought that is capable of flowing your full nature through you more fully, a non resistant a non self contradictory thought. A pure thought. A fully realised thought. That is the energy of who you truely are fully realised by you. At first this energy motional alignment is felt as positive emotion, that then expands evermore into evermore greater allowed realisations, ongoingly. As you keep meditating to allow your true nature. Daily. And so you allow your true well being to flow more fully through you on all levels and aspects of your life. Allowing all aspects of your life to become also thus more fully realised by you, allowing it to naturally, good feelingly, to come into full harmony again, and full allowed realisation. So it's a fully realised thought. Of full realisation. Physical and non-physical, as a total whole being of full realised being, that feels very good energy motionally. A thought of a full you, physical and non-physical to gether. Hand in hand. A fully realised being of joy. These kind of thoughts feel very good, because they are capable of flowing your full nature more fully through you, and they are compatible with your true nature, so that is why they feel good energy motionally. They align with your greater non-physical consciousness energy being of pure positive source energy. So it's a more fully allowed realisation of the greater part of all that you truely are being and becoming evermore, more fully allowed to flow here and now. Let's say your soul, and this soul is always fully connected to Source Energy and Source Consciousness and the Source of All Creation. So it's basically the energy which creates worlds, flowing through you. And yeah, that can be described as life force. It is the ever abounding stream of well-being that is the dominant underlying source of all that exists in this physical universe. It's Source Energy, at the heart of all things, beings, and consciousnesses. And the more it is allowed to flow, freely, allowed, the more fully realised that thing is allowed to be and become. There is some resistant energy here and there, but those are really small in comparison to the dominance of well being in this universe. So resistant energy is considered like unnecessary temporary blockages due to the energy being in a knot with itself. And with meditation, you release and loosen the knot so to speak. You let go of the resistant energy and so you feel your true nature, and so now, the next time you activate the resistant energy through a thought, it will feel that much more uncomfortable and repulsive, in contrast to feeling very good naturally. So all those self contradictory negative self contradictory habbits are more fully capable of being more fully released by you, more consciously more realisedly more fully. Simply for the purpose of feeling good/better, as that is of your true nature evermore, naturally effortlessly. And you can always flow with that well being and allow it to flow more fully into and through your life, unconditionally, meaning under any and all conditions. If you learn the art of allowing your natural well being to flow more fully through you as you just did through your meditation. By virtue of focusing for the purpose of allowing/releasing resistance, energetically. Naturally. Effortlessly, automatically. Simply meditating for the purpose of feeling good/better and the rest will come naturally. As even feeling good/better, it comes naturally. Everything comes back into full realisation for you, because you come back into full realisation of everything, because you flow your true nature more fully through you as you meditate as you did. And it's so easy to do this. And so beneficial. And so wonderful. In so many way and on so many aspects and levels of your life.
  5. Dealing with extreme twists and blockages in channels

    You aren't doing anything in meditation. You're just focused to release resistance. Indicator of releasing resistance, you feel better. Life goes better. And yes everything is energy. Like, if you're worried about doing something, you're not really meditating. Meditation is just holding your attention and placing it on any object of your focus, consistently holding it there. The attention and awareness replaced and held on the object of focus, whatever that is, free to choose whatever that doesn't encourage thought, can be anything like even the sound of an airconditioner. Doesn't matter. So if your mind wanders, place it back on the object of focus and hold it there. Consistently. More and more ongoingly. And very soon you will release all resistance, and you feel better, life goes better. And then when you do something that doesn't serve you, due to contrast of allowing your true nature to flow fully through you, you will be notified by it emotionally, energy motionally, even before you even do it! So it becomes completely impossible to even be stupid enough to do anything stupid. Because in contrast to feeling very good and being fully healthy, those negative habbits are no longer comfortable, they are repulsive to your true nature. Everything is energy. Any disease is simply a manifestational evidence of durably allowed negative emotion. That's it. You don't really need to do anything to release the resistance, that causes you to feel negative emotion. You just need to let go of the resistance, that's it. It's an act of non action, of letting go, releasing resistance, allowing. And so you focus, and the releasing of resistance naturally happens. The healing naturally happens. It's literally like closing your eyes, and upon opening you're healed. Cause you no longer do the thing that causes the ilness. You get out of your own way. And with meditation that's easy to do. So easy infact, you don't even do it. You cannot do it. You allow it. That's it. But you cannot let go of self contradicted energy, you need to replace it by something else. Hence you focus on anything in meditation. And as long as you do, you stand out of your own way. And you allow. You learn the art of allowing. Your natural well being. Cause it feels good. And that's who you are. You are ment to feel good. And you are ment to enjoy life. Really. You are. Don't even need to try it. But meditation yeah. It requires some initial effort to focus deliberately. But the benefit is literally infinite and eternal. No joke. Cause you come back into alignment with source consciousness. Everything that can ever mean anything to you! Wether you wanna be free of physical ailment or whatever. It doesn't matter. All good things flow to you. You learn to allow it to flow to you. And through you. And as you. Cause it feels good. And cause that's normal. And natural. And because it's compatible with your true nature it feels good. You are source energy.
  6. Tantra? and a dream..

    I just had the exact same experience today. So funny. I'm dreaming, and in my dream, I'm lying on bed, suddenly feeling very good. Pleasure flowing through my entire body. It became more than my body, so I became this pleasure more than the body. I levitated slightly phased out of my body. As a new free good feeling energy body of extacy. Felt so good and so free! I just wanted to be and DO ANYTHING! I like everything, because I felt so good! I didn't care about what, just want to do and be and do. Like run real hard. Or fly or whatever. Felt really good. I really love those full body orgasmic experiences in dreams. In reality, it often happens when I meditate. On feeling good. And I really honestly go and run or ride bicycle hard. it's so enjoyable to be fully alive, and feel and smell everything. And feel your energy flow so fully and freely through you and be so lucid and awake and conscious. It feels so good. To feel free. I remember and know a guy who always said he liked snakes and their skin is beautiful and stuff. And he told me a story where he went into the rain and just stood there and felt so free and good that he started to scream ENDLESSLY! LIKE SCREEAAAM ahahaha. He got arrested, it was hilarious. He kept screaming in extacy, endlessly. For absolutely no reason whatsoever. Wooooh!
  7. Feeling confused and lost

    Often spiritual people feel completely lost and confused and even despair, because they are emotional beings. Creative and chaotic it is said. But this is not true. Because there is actual great intelligence at the heart of all your emotions. If you realise what your emotions truely are, then you simply never feel confused and lost. And the reason is simply, because you know absolutely certain, without a doubt, of what you are feeling. You feel confused and lost. And that emotion is a guidance you are receiving from your own greater intelligence. Call it the Source of All Creation, from which you are inseperable, and your soul as the breath of the source of all creation, holds this greater intelligence and knowing for you at all times. So when you focus in such a way, you think, and you offer a perspective and hold on to a perspective, that is not compatible with your true nature, you feel negative emotion, energy in motion, as self contradictory energy, of your own soul flowing through your physical being, through thoughts which are self contradictory and this results in negative energy in motion, felt as negative emotion, in this case as feeling confused and lost. So you realise, whenever you feel confused and lost, it is not because you are confused and lost, it is actually because your greater non-physical consciousness, meaning the fullness of all that you truely are being and becoming evermore as an eternal and infinite being of evermore becoming, is NOT CONFUSED AND LOST. That is why you feel confused and lost, because you as a physical human being are focused in such a way that does not harmonize, agree, align, with your own soul's greater knowing. So you feel confused and lost, why? Because you are thinking that you are confused and lost, and your soul is not thinking that, cannot think that, will not think that, and so if you do think that, you are flowing your soul, your life force, the essence of all that you truely are being and becoming evermore, through you, in self contradictory ways, which result in energy motional discord for yourself. And so, the longer you allow those emotions, the more you will feel and become lost in your experience, not because you are lost, but because your soul is not lost, it is eternal and infinite and becoming evermore. People think their soul is some tiny light that exists within them that is vulnerable. It's completely the other way around, your soul is most closely in harmony and alignment with the Infinite Intelligence and Eternal Wisdom. And that is why you feel emotions. For if you could not feel confused and lost, it would mean, you would truely be confused and lost, and then you would enjoy being confused and lost, why? Because your soul would then be confused and lost, and so being confused and lost would feel amazing to you. Which is possible, but often spiritual people, creative people, sometimes chaotic people, tend to not realise the guidance of their heartfelt emotions, and so they ignore how they feel, and by feeling it and accepting it, as saying... I cannot change this emotion, I am a victim to this emotion. That is false! The emotion is literally a guidance to come back into alignment with your own greater knowing! You don't experience negative emotion as a punishment, it's a guidance. It's like, touching hot fire, its painful. That pain is not a punishment, it's simply a guidance. To let you know, that what you are doing is not beneficial. So people think, wait, SO I AM causing this emotion? But how? Look at these conditions and that condition in my life, I feel lost because of this condition and that condition. Nope... You feel the emotions, within yourself, unconditionally. Because your emotions are a literal indication of the relationship between you (physical) and You (non-physical greater consciousness). So the moment you feel confused and lost you are literally blessed by infinite intelligence. For how can you feel confused and lost if there was not something better than that experience flowing to you, and you are not allowing it to be fully realised by you. You don't do it on purpose, you don't do it intentionally, but you are still doing it. You are still focused in such a way, perceiving in such a way, that you feel confused and lost. And if you know you don't like that feeling, THAT'S IT. It's done. You don't like it, it's over it's done. You now know everything that is important for you to know. That is also why you feel that emotion. To help you know everything that you need to know when you need to know it. As emotions. As understanding who you really are, is more than what you are allowing yourself to realise right now. So you don't do it on purpose, you are thinking something that is causing this feeling. And if that thought is realised and thus let go of, the emotion is gone. Just like when you take your hand off a hot object, the pain is gone. So at first people are often discouraged by their emotions. They feel it to be a punishment. And if you think that, then the emotion wont go away ever. Because it's literal love that you feel emotion. If you cannot feel the opposite of love, it means you are not love. If you are love, it means you can feel a contradiction of that love, as self contradictory energy within you. So you are still experiencing this love energy of who you really are, but it is flowing in such a way, that it contradicts the self. And to the degree that there is contradiction, there is feeling worse, emotionally, energy motionally. But often to use words to describe the good feeling of your evermore being and becoming, as a fully realised true nature of all that you truely are being and becoming evermore, is not important, because words mean different things to different people. It's just important that you feel what you feel, and realise how it feels. It feels not so good, worse, or it feels better. And it's not difficult to find the thought that is why you feel lost and confused. When you feel lost and confused. Because the fact that you would be feeling that, means that thought is active right now in your mind. So you think, "I don't know what the point of all of this is." And you realise, ofcourse, I feel confused and lost. I am thinking "I don't know what the point of all of this is." So the assumption is there is no value here. Pure chaos and irrelevance. And your soul is focused on your evermore greater realisation of all the values, so you feel confused and lost because you don't flow with your soul to that realisation. However, you don't do it on purpose. And it's not the end of the world. You cannot ever become seperated from your soul, because you are an extension of it. That is why you feel emotion. So it's not a punishment, it's just a guidance. So let's enjoy this guidance. I'm focused on lack of values. I feel not so good, because my soul is focused on all the values and true meaning, and true realisation of all the true values of all that I truely am being and becoming evermore here and now. Is it easy for me to instantly just allow that realisation all of the sudden, if I'm so used to thinking in contrary to my own soul's desire? No, because you energetic thought patterns are simply where they are. If you're used to feeling bad, you will continue to feel bad, untill you focus in such a way, that feels slightly better. And so you feel slightly better. And keep doing that, you come back to full realisation eventually. That's what enlightenment is. It is your natural state of being, feeling free and light, like the light of knowledge. So keep it simple, and expand upon it. Not because you're trying to solve a puzzle, it's just that you wanna feel better, that's it. Because your soul already knows everything you want to know. And you are here to enjoy living in harmony with that, the leading edge extension of your soul, and all that it is being and becoming evermore, THROUGH YOU. So go hand in hand with your soul, that always feels better and good, and that's easy. To simply realise, you deserve to know who you really are. Because it will always feel better, and you will always become more, so you will always feel better. And the less you fight it, the more easy it becomes to feel better. You will become used to letting go of contradictory thought more easily, because you feel so good, that contradictory thought will become more repulsive and less necessary to contemplate. IT doesn't offer any value, because you know the true value is in the full realisation of your full being. And that always feels good and better. And so you think, well what is that value that will make me feel better? What is so amazing about this experience?! That I HAVE to experience it. I don't wanna experience all of this! And so? You wanna experience something else? And THAT is the realisation. If you wanna experience something else, then just experience something else. You need to find a difference. How? You feel your way, to what feels better. You can think about what you want. Instead of thinking about what you don't want to think about. And often people don't feel free to think about what they want to think about. Then you are simply focused on a lesser freedom. And it wont ever serve you to do that. Because people only force you think about something, because they want you to use your freedom in a good way. So they say, don't use your freedom to cause me pain, use your freedom to be good to me. Hey, hello! I'm here aswell! Don't forget about me! Think about me, and think about my thoughts! You cannot do that. You cannot love everything at the same time. Because as a physical human being, your soul already does that for you, you just are here to enjoy the experience and move it into new expansion of new realisation of new desires of new realisations. Sure, in love, you can relate to other people allot. So one who loves everyone always becomes most inclusive of all thoughts. Because they don't get lost in those small ideas of exploration, they don't lose the big picture just by one thought. So they can help guide you to the more full realisation of your own small thoughts, becoming more, in directions that is in alignment and harmony with your own evermore being and becoming evermore. Like someone wants to be free, you get a teacher teaching you to drive a car. Or you let your own soul teach you to walk in freedom. Whatever way is more enjoyable is the way. Including the freedom to just be where you are. And if that makes you realise you don't wanna be there, you can simply want to be somewhere else. But you will always be stuck here and now, evermore. So you true freedom is truely to allow yourself to be more fully here and now, regardless of conditions, and simply love unconditionally, allow unconditionally, and expand from within, to without. As the natural way of life. Of existance being and becoming evermore. That's simply all well and good. And again, if you experience it to not be all well and good, it's not the end of the world. That's just an experience, that helps you realise, you do want to experience it to be all well and good. And so, you will want to realise it, and so you will only be able to realise it by focusing on all being well and good. Starting small. With your own soul. As the unconditional being that you are, that is invulnerable, eternal and infinite. You can die to that, you will just become more of it. But your soul always exists and is being and becoming evermore. And the more you allow that, the more you enjoy your here and now. And the more you will realise every here and now and all the values that is holds for you. All the things you enjoy about it. It's just playful game. Of consciousness reflection. Of variety. So you are free to focus on that which you enjoy the most here and now. And that is where confusion lifts. And you don't feel lost, because you are focused on what feels the best to you. On what you truely want evemore. No need to change the conditions, to allow them to help you realise what you want, and why you are here. If there was nothing about here and now that you love, you simply woulden't be here. There always exists something you love and enjoy here and now. You just gotta feel for it, because your soul already knows it. And so your emotions are perfect. Always. All this complexity simply comes back to the center, of you feeling better, because you move with your soul again, not in the physical sense of moving. But energetic, focused, moving of consciousness. Of giving your attention to where you or what you want to. Freely. To realise what true value is for you, because you can feel it when you find it. Within yourself. You find it through yourself. From within to without. First in your self, as thoughts, or imagined idea, conjured thought that feels good. Then when you feel good, you can find the moreness of that idea and thought expanding evermore ongoingly feeling better and better. Like drawing one line that you love and so you see all the amazingness of that line and all that it could it be, and you allow your imagination to fill the gaps, to create an image. And as you realise, it doesn't feel so good, it's wonderful! Because now you also know more clearly what thus then DOES feel better. So simple and easy. So accurate, so guided, so loved, by your soul, so supported and loved unconditionally. No matter what you choose. What path in life, you will always feel accurately how you feel, and thus you can shift your focus into directions that feel better ongoingly. Endlessly. All the way to feeling absolute extacy. And full freedom and enlightenment in all the fully realised thoughts, of source and soul and unconditional love and all true nature of all true eternal and infinite being and becoming evermore, of true values of all that you love so much because all of it feels so good to you and so it's all so good, it's all so relevant and so enjoyable. So you gonna cry because you thought about something that doesn't feel good? No ofcourse not! Does the artist paint something and then see a negative unwanted aspect and then what? Die? Because they painted something wrong? No, simply erase or make an adjustment, or improve. Or even start over again into a complete new direction. Same with life. Same with your consciousness. You will always focus into better feelings. Because your soul is always being and becoming more, and always gonna call you, Source of All Creation, is always gonna become the furthest most expanded state of being and call you towards it evermore. For the joy of the eternal journey of evermore being and becoming. You are not alone with this. You got your heart and emotions. Because you are co-creating with your own soul. And you are here for a reason, to express your true being in whatever way you so wish and love to be do or have whatever you want. And enjoy that desire, being and becoming evermore fully defined by you. And just enjoying the small ideas that feel good, as they lead to more of likeness to that, naturally as natural expansion of energy in motion, of thoughts, fully in alignment with your soul, that feels good, indicating alignment with the path of least resistance, that is all of existance being and becoming evermore. As simple as a thought that feels good. And it becoming more. And more ongoingly. And also loving the thoughts that don't feel good, because they help you more fully realise all that you truely ARE about. You need to know what you are not, to know what you are. So don't hate things that don't feel good, just let it help you understand what you do love about it, approach it in a way that feels better. And often the very thing you don't love is actually something you love the most. If you find a way to look at it the way your soul looks at it. And that's why you feel bad when your soul looks at it in a different way. Like saying a airplane is a demon screaming despair in the sky. While your soul may be fully appreciating the amazing feat of engineering and the amazing realisation of humans in flying and soaring through the sky, and the freedom and rising above the clouds. You know how your thoughts feel, so you can always reach a fuller greater allowed realisation. Why? Because it's a guide. Your soul is a guide, your emotions are a guide. That's it. It's all to be enjoyed. And work hand in hand with all of who you truely are. So often people live in a small tiny reality, and when they step out of that reality, suddenly, everything thought they have had, suddenly feels completely irrelevant and no longer applicable. And so they feel lost in that. So what survives? What remains? We feel absolute fear and terror and lost, no longer capable of relating to all that we see around us. It's like the curse of freedom in people their experience. It's like a child getting thrown on the streets and left behind, and they lost their parents. Completely lost. Not knowing what to do, what to think, feeling afraid of everything and not trusting anything. Well... THAT IS A GUIDE! It's not a punishment, it's a guidance! Of unconditional love. So you think "all these people don't care about me." You feel awful. It's a guide. So you retreat and go back within yourself. Cower and hide in a bush somewhere. And thinking about good things. Of kindness. Or a savior. You think about a parent or a loving being who loves you unconditionally. Well who is that? YOU. You are that. You are focusing within yourself and creating these ideas of love for yourself. To feel what that love feels like. You know why? Because it exists. You don't know how to recognize it in this new environment. But the love exists here aswell. But you need to go within yourself to find that love, because you need to feel it first, before you can then recognize it outside of yourself. And when you do, you think, well, this bush is not attacking me. I kinda feel safe here. Most people don't attack me. But most importantly, those things outside of you don't matter that much. Because it's all new and potential. So find the love within yourself. It doesn't have to be a reality outside of you. Cause you cannot recognize that reality unless you can feel it first. Then when you experience a new version of that feeling, it will become fully realised by you. So you think about your clothes, how they care for you, as a child. Isn't the parent, in the clothes you wear? it's like that. And understanding, that your very body is the suit / vessel of your soul. Through which you experience this reality. The body takes care of you. So you trust yourself more. You love yourself more. You learn you already contain the parent within yourself. And since you contain the parent for yourself of yourself, you will then realise that the parent is not just one thing. The one who protects you from harm is not just one human being. It's the actual nature of all of existance. It stems from the source of all creation. It's the goodness and love in and of everything. And it can be recognized in so SO many things! So now, imagine realising that! From going to absolutely feeling lost and confused and afraid. To full blown realisation of ever more expanding love everywhere and in everything and forever being and becoming evermore. You suddenly feel the parent under your feet. The very ground that supports you! And carries you all of the time. Then does it matter that that there are infinite more ways that you can learn and experience the love of a parent? Or are you just enjoying the way you come to know here and now, evermore. Because you are eternal and infinite. So why wait, for something, that will be evermore. You can even wait, and still enjoy the way it is now. Then the waiting will simply no longer be a waiting. It's just allowing the goodness of what is now, knowing the the more of that goodness will be more of it one day aswell. And maybe you find your parents again and maybe you don't. But the love is there evermore, because you are made out of it. Even if your parents forget that love it is still always there, because you are made out of it. You are it. Your soul is it. And being and becoming the evermoreness of it evermore. So really, timeless joy. It's all good. And being and becoming evermore. Because you are focused on what matters the most. And so you say to the entire universe, what you are truely all about. And so the universe has no choice, but to support you in being who you are. So the reflections all come, the experiences of love all come. Because you are only focused on that which you love. And the moment it seems to go away. You don't get discouraged. You just realise, oh, I have expanded, I have become more. My soul has become more. So now the joy of going with that expansion will be THAT ENJOYABLE to the degree that you feel shocked by not going and flowing with that expansion of your soul's being and becoming the moreness of all that you truely are being and becoming evermore. That shocking experience is a great wonderful new point of experience. So you no longer need to experience it as a shock. You just trust your emotions. And realise, you feel that way for a reason, because there is something great for me to be fully realised here and now. Like someone being rude to you. You think about them honoring you and respecting you. Appreciating you. Or maybe you see a more kind place around you, more harmonious. Etc. Whatever you create, it's all good. It will always be something that will feel better for you. And you don't need to suffer that long, to allow yourself to realise what feels better for you from within. And simply letting without, to be and become, according to your nature evermore. You are unconditionally supported and loved. Always. In everything and all things and in all ways and every way. It's really about enjoying those thoughts. And finding your own way and experience of being who it is you truely are being and becoming evermore freely. And it's not difficult. It's easy and normal and natural. It's just like playing. There is no serious purpose or reason for all of it. Even the most serious of all people, like strictly religious people, don't all of their rules and strictness exist for a reason that is very good and free and beautiful and playful? Like paradise. The original creation of all of that is all through love. The words change always. Because humans come to new being and becoming, a more improved being and becoming, more fully realised, and so they look back at the old teachings, and they see a more common silver lining. And through that love they begin to unite all of their fullness of understand for and of all those religious ideas. Why all those rules were made, because they were all made with a good intention in mind. For something that is good. That they believe in because it feels very good to believe in it. Because that is who they truely are being and becoming evermore. Because it is in alignment with their soul. And the translation of that in words, is not important. It's all relative. It's the emotion that is the true teacher, and the experience of your emotions as a guide always. Evermore. You can explore science that way, religion, life, sport, whatever. For the purpose of coming to know all that you love evermore. That is where all of your understanding is fully allowed to be and become evermore. As an infinite and eternal aspect of all that exists as one and all. And as an extension of the source of all creation, as the breath of it's eternal and infinite nature of being and becoming evermore. So do you really need one word to describe everything? No... But you need to feel your way always. Because you are always fully supported by the source of all creation, of the core of all of existance being and becoming evermore. And you really are here to enjoy this experience. It's not serious or difficult at all. For that seriousness and difficulty will always simply inspire a more playful and lighthearted approach. Everyone seeks enlightenment, because their soul already is enlightened. And you experience it by finding conscious alignment with your soul. And if you meditate, and you think no thought that contradicts your soul's greater knowing, your soul's greater knowing will simply naturally, always through the path of least resistance, be and become for you evermore. Allowed by you. Simply, easily effortlessly naturally automatically. You will feel better. Because you focus on anything consistently, to let go of all thoughts. And as you do, you realise your unconditional nature. And as you do, you will realise your true nature and true freedom, that you've always been and are always being and becoming the evermoreness of all of it. You focus freely as a consciousness. Always. And through this focus, the moreness of what you focus upon will be realised by you evermore. So always focus in harmony with your soul. And how you feel is how you know. You feel better, you are focused together with your soul, into full blown realisation of all that you truely are being and becoming evermore. And to simply allow those good feeling stream of thoughts to naturally be and become. That's the whole point of your life. Nothing serious about that. It's just simply fun to be free and enjoy whatever you are here to enjoy. And there's also nothing you cannot enjoy. You are unconditional worthy being of love. You got all of existance at your finger tips. For your choosing. What to focus upon what you give your attention and what you expand upon and allow the moreness of it to be and become evermore. And this life simply helps you realise what you want evermore. It's not the end of the world if you make a mistake. Because you will always feel it instantly. And often you can feel it even before you choose it so you simply let go of choosing it, and choose something else that is different and that feels better. Like meditating. Because you are free evermore. To find alignment with your soul and your true nature. To allow that even, as it is already always attempting to flow through you naturaly as your natural allowed enlightenment. Of feeling free. Free from all conditions. Because they just exist for a good purpose and reason, and all of existance flows from the source of all creation of infinite intelligence and love and eternal wisdom and compasion. And it's all good. So you don't need to do anything to allow everything to be and become better evermore. It's a done deal. It's already being and becoming better evermore. To simply relax. And let go of thinking so much. So you begin to really receive good feeling thoughts, begin to really be inspired by your own true nature. And really experience that you truely are supported always evermore. To be do or have whatever you want. Because you are simply willing to stay in alignment and harmony with your own true nature, unconditionally, meaning under any and all conditions. That you are good. And you are known by the source of all creation. Your soul, and all of your desires is known. And it is being and becoming evermore for you. That's simply a done deal. To simply enjoy all of that. And trust it. And letting go of worrying so much. And trying so hard. To simply relax into who you truely are. And enjoy all that you truely are. And let go of worrying all of the time. Stop making a big deal out of things. To trust the good nature of everything. To realise we all are worthy. And everything in existance is perfect just the way it is. Even as someone doesn't realise what they are doing, and it may hurt you. That doesn't mean that they don't love you, at the core of who they truely are. It's just that their expression, is not fully realised by you nor them. So why blame those conditions, because they have nothing to do with all that truely exists here and now. To realise, that you may not be fully capable of comprehending something, doesn't mean it's bad. Doesn't mean we need to fight it. It just means we need to allow the more fully realisation of all that truely all of that truely is. What its true core meaning and value is for us. And we don't even need to understand! That's the most important part. We are so loved, we are even allowed to believe that we are not loved. Even the most lost human beings, who completely lost their way, they may do bad things, because they simply don't know any other way to express the desire to come to realise the fullness of all that they truely know from within. So they feel stuck in this self contradictory mode of being, and it feels bad, and so they experience bad things, and so they act in accordance with all of that self contradictory being and becoming. And then they die eventually, and realise, all is good and all is love. And they felt bad, they really didn't mean to do all those things. They did it because they knew something deep within them, of the wrongness of what they experienced, and so they seek to goodness evermore. Because they cannot stop their soul from becoming all the moreness of all the goodness evermore. So why fight it. Why fight all the good things, just because you believe you are not deserving of it? So you feel you need a way to believe in your unconditionally deserving nature again. Through the idea of pain and struggle and punishment. Why? Because you are punishing yourself. For believing that you are not worthy. That you do not deserve and you do not belong. So you need that outside reflection of punishment, to remind you, that you truely are worthy. That you cannot ever go deep into despair enough to be truely lost. You can only temporarily block your being and becoming. And then you die, and that blockage is vanished. And you are fully realised again. And all that sadness and fear and despair and chaos and confusion and lostness and suffering and pain. It's really just as simple as a tap on your own shoulder, hey, you got this. You know what is better. Otherwise this would feel very good. Don't be afraid of yourself. Don't be afraid to look yourself in the mirror, and say that you are ok, and good. There is never a need to cause suffering for yourself. Because suffering will always feel bad. Not because you are being punished. But because you are good. Eternally. And the more you fight it, the more pain you will feel, of not believing in all the good things you know to be true for yourself, because your heart feels good in all of that, so it is the truth, it is compatible with your true nature, of your heart, and your soul, which is why you feel the emotion at all, because your soul is all of that which you call good being and becoming evermore. And that is why the suffering is eternal. Because you cannot stop your eternal worthiness and goodness and loveness, and purpose and meaningfulness and value, and true realisation of true being and fullness of realisation and realised freedom of true being and becoming evermore. You just need to trust in what you believe, because it feels good. The ideas that don't feel good, you don't believe it, and you can never accomplish the believing in it, because the reflections of those things will always show you how much you truely don't trust it and believe it and how painful it is and how false it is and how lacking of truth it is, and so you can feel the lack of truth in that, it feels bad. And that emotion, is the fullness of the truth. it sums all that you need to know evermore, fully, always here and now, accurately. Absolutely flawlessly. Evermore. To realise, this feels bad, so IT IS BAD for me to experience this right now. It's not ok to focus in that way. It is wrong to think that! So you are free from it evermore! Because it is who you really are that you surrender to! You allow yourself to be who it is you truely are! Being and becoming evermore. Freely. Enjoyable. inspiredly. In harmony. Injoyably. The worst of the absolute worst kind of human. Is the most important human being. Because if you can love them. You set all of humanity free forevermore. And the love will help you recognize, that love, no matter how different it may seem from you, you will recognize it, because that is what your love is capable of doing. Because you are that love, and you are thus free forevermore, to be do or have whatever you want. And this desire, is absolute perfect and good and better evermore. And the moment you feel challenged in your love, you often begin to fight, and thereby seperate yourself from yourself. But you cannot ever be seperated, because you will feel worse if you do that. And that you feel worse, means, you are still connected fully to your soul and the core of all that you truely are. No matter what you do or say while you feel bad, it is not who you truely are. Otherwise it would feel good to you. And easy to say those things, and it would feel good to say and do those things. And to realise you cannot cause harm to another, only to yourself, by doing this. That is the true realisation of unconditional love. Evermore. That you want to do those things, because you think you will feel better if you do them. You want those things, because you think you will feel better in the doing being or having of what you think you want. So enjoy those desires, always, from within, and feel it from without. Being and becoming evermore, as all of who it is that you truely are being and becoming evermore, as joy for all that you love evermore and want, because why? Because it feels better to think about it. And as you do, you will always realise the greater more fully realised reality of whatever truely feels good and better evermore. And so you no longer think conditionally. You think emotionally. You think in harmony with your soul. You allow all of your eternal and infinite worthy nature of being evermore. As just another opportunity to love. To enjoy. To injoy. To weave with the ever weaving love of the infinite existance being and becoming evermore eternally. Along the path of least resistance, that is all of existance being and becoming evermore, that is where all the fun is and all the true realisation is for you to be allowed by you evermore. Simply relaxing into the enjoyment of all of it evermore. You don't need to learn anything special to simply enjoy being who you truely are being and becoming evermore here and now, relaxed, easy, light playful. You are worthy, you deserve everything, so let it all be good. As it always is. And you will find, you will always find your way as you will always feel your way. To that which feels better evermore. Because that is simply normal and natural. And easy. It is the most easy thing you can do. It's as easy as falling asleep, letting go, and letting god. Letting go, and falling in love. Letting go, and allowing. You do nothing, and you leave nothing undone. And you realise everything greater and more fuller evermore. As all is good, and it's all good and becoming even better evermore. So what is there left to do but to enjoy everything evermore. To simply feel good, because it feels good to feel good. Because it is who you truely are being and becoming evermore. So why fight your own true nature? Why not just let it in, and let god. And let all be good. And let all be and become better evermore. To simply allow everything. Everything that you want. And realise that you want it because it feels better and it feels good. So it is normal and natural. And so it is easy. And so it's so easy, that you are feeling so free. To be who you truely are, evermore, unconditionally. And allow everything to be and become evermore. In full harmony with all that you truely are being and becoming evermore. As infinite and eternal existance, expanding evermore. WIthin and without. Becoming deeper evermore, and more broad. And more fully realised. And more fully free. And more fully realised. And more fully free. Nautrally, effortlessly. As breathing in, and breathing out. As natural harmony of all of creation. As all of creation being and becoming evermore. As the natural flow and way of life. As the dao. As all that exists. Physical and non-physical, all of it. Everything. Fully realised. And fully understood and experienced and loved and enjoyed. And allowed. And simply relaxed. And breathing in and out. And relaxed. So free and so easy. To simply be here and now. AS all that exists, is here and now, evermore. And its all good. And being and becoming better evermore. Thanks to you. Because you are what all that exists is made out of. And you are the reason it becomes more evermore. it all exists for you. So that you can enjoy all of it evermore. In all the ways that you will always do so. For you are free, to do so evermore in all the ways you so wish. For all the ways you so truely are. Being and becoming, in full harmony and alignment with all that you truely are, that is truely compatible with your true nature, it truely feels good.
  8. In my experience, it's infinite intelligence, and eternal wisdom, coming together. Synchronising in such a way, that they converge in your here and now moment. It's the answer to everything that you want to be do or have. Every single here and now moment, again and again and again and again. And as every single new here and now moment inspires a new desire, every single here and now moment also has the highest infinite capability of bringing that newly inspired desire to full realisation, unconditionally, meaning under any and all conditions, always, fully, and evermore, and ever greater, and more fully realised by you aswell. And more fully enjoyed thus then also aswell. And it's really not relevant to what's possible. It's just for the enjoyment of the new here and now moment. And often, it's there's not an enjoyment, it's really just part of the plan, it's not even a plan, it's just natural nature, like, duhhhh... You're here to enjoy that, that that's also here to help you enjoy everything it more. Etc. etc. etc. And you're going towards a greater enjoyment, evermore. A greater more fully allowed realisation of all that you truely are being and becoming evermore. It's simply infinite variety, and infinite intelligence, and infinite freedom, and infinite love, and infinite joy, infinite pleasure. It's all good. It's all natural. It's all normal. It's all existance. It's all being and becoming, evermore. For me the greatest question is not what THAT is. It's what is this?! WTF is this experience where we are capable of forgetting who we really are? How is this even possible?! And guess what, the answer is the same. So you get some huge appifany like oooh so that's what that is all about! DUHHH!! It's about freedom, and experience mystery, and solving puzzles. And secrets, and exotic powers. exotic abilities. New things! New desires. New ideas. New fulfillment of ideas. New I don't know. You figure it out, you fill it all in, you create all of it, for whatever reason, for the new ideas, for the enjoyment of the new ideas. Imagine being poor, and you're hungry and it's cold outside. And so you could think about the cold, the lack of food, the poverty, those things don't have any meaning unto themselves. They're neutral things, not real things, cause eyah, nothing is real! DUH! It's all changing. But... You could think about it anyway, and you might feel bad. If you do, it means your soul is not thinking about those things. Not focused on those things. You could give any excuse in the entire universe, but your soul, is the leader of you. So if you feel bad, you gotta turn around, in your focus, in order to feel good. Focus on food, satisfaction, kindness, love, all those things you want. Sure, it might be hard, at first, challenging. Because you're in the opposite of that experience. But that's the whole point! You want the journey from this to that. So you're hungry, you want the journey from being hungry to having a full belly. And that journey is described in joy. That is the way. Joy is the accurate indication of being in alignment with the way. The way that life unfolds for you. Cause you cannot really write an entire book to describe the way that life unfolds in any particular moment in time. I'm not gonna do that, that's not my joy. But nonetheless, we could play and say well, you're hungry, and cold, someone gives you a jacket and offers you some food. And you'll become very happy. Not because those conditions matter. They are completely irrelevant. It's because you feel joy in your emotional being. It feels very good! That's the whole point. And that's also how you will feel when you find your freedom. You will feel so good and so light and so playful, and SO FREE! And that's the whole point of who you are being and becoming evermore. When you got that kind of joy in you, that you don't feel doubt, 0 doubt. 0 doubt! It DOESNT EXIST. YOU JUST EXPERIENCE THE DESIRE itself. Pure desire. Non-contradicted. Purely focused. It's like you focus on something, you focus so hard, that it becomes the only thing that you experience. Your entire consciousness is experiencing only one thing, and that thing is the thing you are focused upon. And that is called pure thought. That is the kind of thoughts your soul is having all of the time. And you can aswell, by focusing on that which feels good. And then you will experience pure desire. You will simply want something, and your focus will be so pure that it simply becomes a reality for you, because you don't question yourself. You flow with that energy, and allow it to become fully realised by you, automatically, effortlessly, joyously, focusedly. Like, non contradicted focusedly. Like looking forward and NOTHING ELSE EXISTS. That's it. However, if fear does pop up, simply use it in a beneficial way. Let it help you realise a new more clearly defined desire within you. So you may think for example, "Oh I'm gonna jump from this window and fly." And then you suddenly think, oh what if people hunt me down? ... that is not the original joyous thought, so you're sort of focused in opposition to your own soul. Cause you instantly focus on the conditions, so you give the conditions power and meaning, when they don't have those. You literally create those conditions. They literally exist for your enjoyment of them. So imagine you think about suffering. Something is wrong with all of creation, because suffering exists. This creation doesn't deserve to exist. Imagine you're god. And you think "hmmm, I agree. That thought feels amazing, wish granted, because I am unconditional love." Do the people go away? No. Everything still exists, it's just that the suffering is eleviated. Because that is the desire of your soul. It's like someone complains, and you grant them a wish, they no longer complain right? That is called infinite existance, and it's simply normal and natural. But sometimes a child, has this desire, and all the people around them are afraid of that desire. Andthe child feels stuck, like you can't say bye bye to the people around you, because many people seperate themselves from their own soul, unnecessarily. So you basically as a child, unconditionally loving. Wish to help these people. You can just escape their flawed believe systems, jump off a cliff and fly and vanish from their reality alltogether. Literally, but you have bigger desire than just that. You want to wake up to reality with a collective consciousness of many many people together. So you agree to play the limitation game. New generations already know this. My generation I completely forgot my own soul and who I really am. As eternal consciousness. Like it requires several consicous dreams to wake up fully. MEditation helps with that. To let go of thought, and allow the thoughts of your own soul to naturally come back to full realisation for you automatically. So what about this physical reality? This limitation game, it's not bad. It's actually a source creation. It's all good. Unless you suffer unecessary limitations, meaning, you focus on limitations that's no longer of interest to you, they don't align with your desire. So you focus on them, don't feel good. Cause it's literally irrelevant. So important to stay true to your heart. To who you really are. Because you exist for the purpose of who you really are. The fullness of all that you truely are. Then you can truely understand everything and everyone as simply a different version of you. A joy, that is simply a different kind of joy. A love that is simply equally as unique as your love. As all the things you love, they feel the love for what they love. However, we're still here in this limitation game, so we're all pretending to be less than all that we truely are. For the purpose of the joy of the journey. So you got something to enjoy. To enjoy the enjoying of whatever you enjoy. However, all that you truely are is big and huge. So you're gonna be here a long time, no need to worry about this joy ending, in the physical sense. Sure, you will eventually move into greater joy of all that you truely are, but this physical time space reality is simply the new leading edge of all creation. So you will always return here, because this is where all the fun is at. This place is where all the desires are being realised evermore. But you gotta stay sober. So by that, you gotta be free to focus where you want to focus. And often that focus is not necesarily the physical reality. The physical reality can only be fully realised by you, if you bring your entire soul here, your full joy here, and then look at physical reality, for all that it truely is, of why you are here in the first place. Why you even are here right now. Because you have a desire, always. The more you realise that desire, the more you can understand everything. As everything relates to that. It's not about hoping for something, it's about knowing what you want. And that only can ever happen through the here and now moment. You're not ever gonna "download" information that will be like the one and all. It's like trying to make the condition of life permanent, that's not possible, nor do you even want that. Because the desire is always here and now, as your soul, being and becoming evermore. Evolving to more fully and greater allowed realisation evermore. And the more you enjoy that desire, the more you are being here and now in the moment focused on your desire and allow it to become its own evermore being and becoming here and now for you, the more joy you feel. As all the good things you've always wanted just become realised by you. Evermore. The conditions are not important. This all is allowed within yourself. And through yourself. The conditions will reflect your own alignment with your own soul, and so, they are not important. It's all about you and You. Because there are infinite conditions and there will always be more infinite conditions. Existance is simply infinite and eternal and you are that aswell. So holding on to one particular condition is like... Not allowing your desire to evolve and become more. It's like being afraid, that you may not be worthy of being and becoming fully realised. So you make war, why? Because you feel like you are not allowed to be and become what you want to become. But that is completely counter intuitive. Because if that were true you would not even exist. So war is simply a temporary game of coming back to full realisation, that always includes the idea of realising how irrelevant that war is and how stupid and meaningless and basically a misunderstanding. Not always, but often. So you realise it's just a game. Literally just a game. It's like playing chess, someone wins, that doesn't mean they are better than you. They are just better at playing chess, that's it. Maybe they have more experience. Or maybe they felt inspired in that moment, maybe even inspired by you. Maybe they can communicate with a non-physical chess fanatic consciousness. All kinds of things. The point of the game is to enjoy playing it. Enjoy the experience. Just like life, is simply to enjoy the experience of it. Whatever that experience may be, it simply exists for you to enjoy it. And often that is more easily realised by simply thinking, "hmm, what aspects of this here and now do I enjoy so much?" How do you know? You can feel the difference right? You can focus on one thing, and feel, mmmh, doesn't feel so good. So obviously now I know that doesn't feel good, so now I know more clearly what does feel good right? Easy. You know why you exist. Because your soul always knows, and that is why you are allowed and free to forget. So that you can enjoy the being and becoming of it evermore. In this whole experience of waking up more and more to all that you truely are being and becoming evermore. And you may say "well, who was I before this life?" that's not how an eternal and infinite realisation occurs. It always occurs here and now, more fully here and now. All of existance exists here and now. Infact, your past, exists here and now. Your future exists here and now. All infinite probably realities exists here and now. This is where all of existance is. But you gotta know, it's always around you. These physical conditions. Manifestations. Changing aspects of this and that. Variety. it's just about how you've been focused. Not relevant, unless it feels good, then it is relevant. You know why? Because your consciousness is eternal and infinite. You're not ever gonna focus on something that doesn't feel good. Because there is infinite and eternal opportunity to simply be true to all that you truely are being and becoming evermore. And also, your consciousness is capable of creating all of this. And it is also capable of improving all of this. And it does do so, always evermore. And so life is always becoming better and better, for you and for everyone, ongoingly. But most of the goodness is still kind of non-physical. That's always gonna be the primary source of your being, of pure energy and pure consciousness, and pure uncontradicted thought. Just like when people say, "what happens if I die?" You don't lose anything. You actually gain everything. You are able to recreate everything instantly. It's called instant manifestation. But that's also not very relevant. Because you know what you want, so you'll always gonna realise the moreness of it for yourself. Evermore. Because you are eternal and infinite evermore. So death experience is about as relevant as walking from one door to another room. You're not gonna cry about the other room behind you. And how it's now "behind" you... That's complete madness. It's just that people need to understand that they are primarily source consciousness, they were before they were alife and they still are right here and now! So why make any physical condition that relevant? It's about who you really are. As consciousness. That you simply don't look at something that doesn't feel good. Because it's not about you, it's not about who you really are being and becoming evermore. You always focus here and now on what you can focus on here and now. For here and now is where everything exists, and all the variety is here and all the things that are good and better for you evermore exists here and now. But it happens, the creation, happens from within yourself. So this reality is like a mirror. You don't look at the mirror and then say you don't like the reflection. Just focus in yourself, on a thought, as that is the source of your reality. And the more you enjoy your thoughts, the reality will naturally be more fully enjoyed by you aswell. It's just a reflection of what you are doing within yourself. How you are being in alignment with your own soul or not. So if you think thoughts that feel bad, your reality will be experienced in the same way. And that's just not necessary. Cause you're free to think whatever you want, you're as a consciousness, free to focus on whatever you want. So it's really important as a collective consciousness to fully comprehend this freedom and understand how each individual creates their own reality, in harmony with their own soul, the breath of the source of all creation. And to realise, that there's no vulnerability, unless you deliberately, choose by your freewill to focus on something you don't enjoy, feel bad, and then experience a reality that isn't enjoyed either. Again, not necessary, and also temporary, and also incapable of even becoming relevant. Cause when you die, you're free to focus freely again, often people think they focus on something painful because there is some kind of reward in the afterlife. Yeah duhh... The reward is you realise you never had to focus on something painful. Duhh.... I am free to focus on what I do love and enjoy and be in harmony with my own true eternal and infinite nature of being and becoming evermore. Again, it's not about the conditions. They are just variety of evermore being and becoming. So in that sense, we're all dead right here and now. You can't be more dead than you are right now. Sure, you can die, and then experience your consciousness in a different way, so it's more instant manifestation, more fluid more liquid more maleable consciousness reflection reality resonance realisation. But I find death is just the shock moment before one dies. That's what people call death. So people who think about death allot, will simply create allot of shocking experiences for themselves. And as a collective consciousness we can come to know this and be more consciously realised by it, so it becomes a bit irrelevant. Because death is simply based on an idea that is why you feel that shock and fear. But if you die 800 times in one day, it wont be so shocking anymore, you'll be thinking about many other things. That are of way more interest to you. Like what do I want? You're always gonna move towards the moreness of all that you're interested in. And most people are interested in things here in this physical time space reality. For reasons that are way beyond them, while they are here focused on this physical time space reality, completely forgetting the joy that brought them the interest to begin with. So that's why death is always an interesting wake up call. "Oh, i've always been focused on things that I don't even care about. What's the point of that, as an eternal infinite being?" There is nothing bad about any condition. It's the meaning you give it that determines what meaning you get out of it. So we're here, we're still free to focus unconditionally. Within ourselves. Freely. And if you're not free, well you will realise the desire for that freedom and it will simply become more attractive, by virtue of your soul giving it your undivided attention, and so it will eventually be more fully realised by you. And the joy is about the enjoying those thoughts of freedom. And then seeing the reality reflect to you all the different aspects of the moreness of that freedom evermore. Infinite more aspects of your freedom, to be realised by you evermore. And so be unconditional about it. Because, your desire is always moving towards the moreness of all that you truely are being and becoming evermore. So there is no rush, as in fast fast do this orthat. No, simply here to enjoy the evermore being and becoming. That happens, through you. Free soul consciousness, free to give some things more your attention, cause they feel better. So you do. And so you flow more with that. And if you get caught in a negative spiral of your own creation, well you will want more peace, and it will be and become. PAtience, it is a done deal. It is already being and becoming evermore. And you are inseperable from it. Because it is you. it is your own soul. So you can't ever suffer enough, to not like the outcome. The more you suffer, the more you will enjoy the outcome of your own creation. Because you will always realise, that suffering is simply your own creation, and it's not more powerful than you. That's why it keeps becoming worse, because you create it to become more worse ongoingly. So it's all you you and you. And to feel good, to realise even one thing that feels good. It brings everything back to full realisation, because you will realise all true nature, and so you will realise you're all of it aswell. And its all of you aswell. And it's all good and it's all love. And there's really nothing serious going on. It's just for the moreness of your evermore being and becoming evermore, in all the greater allowed realisations of your evermore greater love and joy and freedom, etc. Fractals, like fractals. You focus on one thing, you get more of it. Don't be afraid of the moreness, then you will simply be focused on the negative experience of the moreness. But you cannot stop your self from being and becoming evermore. So you have to understand, your emotions is your guide. It is your soul that is the reason why you feel emotion at all. And you're always free to allow your soul to heal you again, from whatever you want. Just trust your heart that if it feels good, that's the most important thing for you to focus on. If not, then simply let it go. Distract. Or even meditate. Or sleep. Or even be free to die. Because there's no death, death is just a letting go, it's just a conscious awakening, a conscious allowed realisation. I one time let myself die, and it turned out, I didn't die. Because death was just a false idea, that simply vanished, when I accepted it for what it truely was. An idea, of something might happen. I'm gonna let it happen, it didn't happen. So to me death is like meditation. Letting go of all thoughts. And after you do that, you will always feel naturally better again. And other people who die, they are consciousness. You cannot see them, just like you cannot see your own consciousness. Just like you cannot see the Source of All Creation. It all still exists, non-physically. As an that is at the source of this physical time space reality. However, this physical time space reality is not seperate from that consciousness. This is a collective consciousness that we're looking at here. And there are infinite collective consciousnesses. So always stay true to yourself and simply enjoy whatever you enjoy. For that's why everything exists. You also know all of this stuff, because you want to, because you enjoy coming to know all of it and realising all of it and because it makes life so much easier to understand everything at a more fundamental deeper level. You don't need to convince anyone of anything. Everyone and everything already is consciousness. Existance coming to know itself from all the different points of view that existance has of itself. Everyone will already automatically come to more fully greater allowed realisation of all being and becoming evermore. But humans often, only let so few moments of their life to be fully realised by them. So the point is also to enjoy all that you truely are also when you are here in this physical reality. So you don't really make this reality any more special than it is. It's just what it is. And there are infinite more other all that isses. Like countless moments every single second. So everything that you want can always be fully realised by you here and now. And all these collective consciousness agreed upon limitations of this physical time space reality, and this amazing world, it's all divine. All these limitations exists to support you in your evermore being and becoming. It's all made from love. And it's all good. You cannot ever stop desire from becoming more. You just find more ways to get out of your own way. To allow your evermore greater allowed self realisation, more fully realised all that you truely are being and becoming evermore. That is beyond any and all conditions, unconditionally evermore, thus also infinite and eternal in freedom and joy, evermore. And can you believe that all of that infinite existance, simply existance, and all of it converges and comes together into perfect aligned form and shape, a stable reality, of a human being, writing stuff, and I can't describe all of it. It's too much. Just the awe of each new moment here and now. Being and becoming evermore. And aren't we here to simply enjoy all of that evermore? You don't ever need to affect anyone in a negative way, to simply enjoy being who you are, all that you are always more fully here and now. To simply enjoy everything unconditionally. Meaning, not be so picky about conditions. But simply enjoy the conditions that you can enjoy more fully here and now. Because that is the path of least resistance towards the path of least resistance that is the way the dao. That is all of existance being and becoming evermore. You don't need to fix anything. To be all that you already are being and becoming evermore, here and now. And to simply allow all of that. To naturally happen. As you have your own natural deep heartfelt emotions. Always guiding you back to full realisation and to the moreness of your evermore greater allowed realisations of all that you truely are being and becoming evemore. Instant consciousness downloads, is simply realising your soul already know everything. So you don't have to. So you create this experience for yourself to prove to yourself that the knowing already exists. So you realise, you always already know what you need to know, when you need to know it, and whatever you don't know, you don't need to know it at that moment in time that you don't need to know it, and when you do need to know it, you will simply know it. That's simply the natural way of life and existance. So that kind of an instant download experience is just for the purpose of getting unnecessary assumptions out of the way and trust your own soul more fully. That it knows all that you want and is showing you the path of least resistance towards your full blown realisation of all of it evermore to you, all of the time, if you're willing to listen. Meaning, you care about how you feel, and are willing to feel good so you can receive the relentless never ending stream of thought of infinite intelligence and eternal wisdom to and through you always more fully here and now. Simply for the joy of your very own evermore being and becoming evermore. Not to accomplish something. Because you're an eternal being. But the manifestations that you will enjoy, is simply a natural by product of that alignment that you can feel, emotionally, of you and You converging here and now. Physical and non-physical harmonically converging and blending and coming to full realisation, of you as your whole soul flowing through you more fully here and now. More fully allowed to realise all that matters to you and why you are here and why you exists, and who you truely are, and why all these things are so joyful to you and so wonderful and why you're so full of awe. That's allways the case. It's just that when you realise it more consciously, you enjoy it that much more.
  9. Yeah you probably are guessing correctly. Most people just want a quick refreshment of their memory. Or they want fast for some reason. But youtube can actually be run on slow motion. Up to 0.25 speed. So that is a quarter speed, or 1 second takes 4 seconds. I often use it if I wanna study something. The blessings of modern day life. Also just for the amazing experience that that offers. Of experiencing so much more, if your brain is processing slower than most people, like my brain often does. My own androids smartphone mp3 player cannot even slow down, and soon google is opening cloud based gaming, meaning you get free acces to an entire desktop gaming pc with ssd, by one click of a button. Regardless eveb if you use a 70 bucks lenovo tablet. They gonna keep it at games for now. But I already tested many personal cloud based computers. They're pretty good. If 5g passes health concerns, the future is headed there or something safer or more organic friendly holographic, cubical or crystaline/spritiual if extra terrestrials pop up in following decades. Many people are already downloading information non-physically. Meaning, matching the frequency by which you wish to receive whatever information and intent. I experienced some of that and it's pretty much the way to go. It bypasses technology by far as all of nature is simply always gonna be the most advanced technology there is, period. The most important thing you wanna do, is be clear about what you want, and staying aligned with that. Being true to you. That will automatically attract the most relevant experience for yourself. Consciously. As most of it is already happening unconsciously anyway. But the joy of conscious alignment brings with it the exactacy of full blown personal realisation of any and all things you can ever want to be do or have. In the end we're simply here to enjoy life. And going down the fast lane is allot of fun, if you also enjoy going slow. As that personal alignment with all that is of value to you will automatically speed up your process by which you enjoy the moreness of all of that, evermore. As it's not about the rush, but rather just simply being on the leading edge of all creation, living your life to the fullest. Enjoying all things you love so much, at whatever speed/rate you do. As speed is just a relative term and it will always be alignment that trumps everything. Rather then the amount of number. It's more about personal alignment with your own soul's frequency of ever being and becoming evermore,that will give you that true timeless experience,of the true eternal and infinite value of your personal unique life evermore.
  10. Building a Peace Narrative

    Peace is trusting people. Being kind to them. Love them. Being humble. And honoring. And respectful. Accepting they are real like you. They exist as an individual consciousness, yet you are all family of consciousness as humanity. All the things that make you feel very good. That's peace. Simply trusting the goodness of all. Just accepting all conditions and enjoying all conditions, and allowing the goodness in and of all things, always staying in alignment, in our heart, with our own source, of unconditional love. Evermore. Peace be upon you. Why does my banana taste like gasoline? Oh, Mysteries of the universe.
  11. Im joking with you. Ofcourse love has benefits. Way more than just being healthy. But also being healthy is also kind of the same as feeling love. So the benefits of being healthy are many. So its all one thing. Its all good.
  12. Book of Memories

    It's not possible to go back in time. Only forward. Trying to fix a mistake, actually causes that mistake to expand. Even beyond your innocence. So you literally become a mistake. The further you advance. Trying to undo anything, just reflects the attempt of undoing back at you. To the point that you can no longer escape your own undoing. Meaning, death is required, to advance. So to make peace with here and now, is all there is to it. Being and becoming, evermore. In greater allowed freedom, evermore. The freedom of allowing the fullness of this moment. Which is the desire of your soul. And it is through your soul that you allow all benefit for oneself and all else aswell. To simply be here and now. And feel your emotional guidance system. Which lets you know, wether you focused in contradiction to your soul, or in harmony and allowed alignment with it. That's it. You don't need to know everything the soul knows. You are already being given everything you need to know, always, unconditionally, meaning regardless of any and all conditions. You are unconditionally loved. And guided and supported unconditionally. Through your very heart. By your very own greater non-physical consciousness. And even the Source of All Creation. Through your heart. If you want to flow that truth more fully here, for the benefit of one and all, you simply need to allow yourself to become as it. By allowing yourself to feel better. Not to change the conditions around you. Just to feel better emotionally. That's it. If you feel that that is difficult. Just keep trying. Eventually you will understand how simple it is. And you will succeed. Because if feeling better was truely difficult, you would feel very good by trying so hard. You see, the emotions are flawless, because your soul knows EVERYTHING AND EVERMORE. You really think you are a fish in a pond? You are that which creates everything. How are you gonna allow that realisation if you don't feel very good? You can't and you wont. Ever. The emotion is the only guidance you will ever need.
  13. Sumer: the "black-headed" vs. the "red-faced"

    Did the supermarket put weed in my coffee? Or have you just literally ascended the 7 heavens by taking the 13th step?
  14. Sumer: the "black-headed" vs. the "red-faced"

    Hold on, I got distracted. WHAT THE ACTUAL F DUDE! HE'S WEARING A FKING ROLEX! O_O
  15. Are you saying that war is bad for our health? And love is for sick people only? Oh, good. Let's smoke more cigarettes. Gotta become sick to get some love in here. The gamma is linked to suffering itself. As the gamma band dissapears when the person is R. I. P. Amen amen! Mmm mmmh! Rest in peace indeed!
  16. The Magus of Seattle

    Brazilian martial arts changed ufc from day one. So much so, that ufc is actually kind of half brazilian now. In my eyes atleast. They brought the venusian arts to the martial arts, in such a way, that still today no one can do what they did at the first ever 3 seasons of ufc. Not only win championships, across ALL weight divisions, on low weight, but literally freaking doing all of it in one single day. Instead of now, they try to do it over several years and still fail. And I'm not even from america. I'm not even from this planet. I am a reptilian monster hahaha muhahahaha! No, I am actually a chicken, who screams loud fire at the rising of the sun, haha! Mwhahaha. You will never take me alife! Bukaaaak!
  17. You are so intellectual. Can you take the 9 and nothing else. Just 9. Now you got acces to infinite 9's. You can do whatever you want with it. Can you now take the 9 and make it into something else? However you will, just try it.
  18. Oh yeah, I ment D. I miswrote f/g. f and g are just closely related to c major if you wanna shift notes, but this is all relative. You can make any note anything you want it to be. You see, everything in existance is relative. And the most important relativity is always here and now, you physical, and YOU non-physical. How do you define the relativity between those two? Emotion. And as you say, when we feel love all the time, as a humanity, then the two are perfectly blended. And so we basically experience being in the 5th dimension all of the time. It's similar to conscious dreaming, but while being awake, in my experience.
  19. Sumer: the "black-headed" vs. the "red-faced"

    Lmao the last picture looks like he got caught stealing something. Like "I was gonna do this thing, but whaddaforaya looking at me like that?" The lower leg muscle and shin looks like an eye of horrus. Anyway continue! He dipped cone in water and? It became a monster tree and ate him or her or it?
  20. Sumer: the "black-headed" vs. the "red-faced"

    I hope for a better future. Or like many people, I hope for some kind of miracle. And I see allot of those epic events happening, but it doesn't seem to change much. Sure good change, but not epic change for the better. It's stable and steady big improvement, but slow from my point of view. I see the soul constantly ahead of the planet, and planet very slowly coming back in alignment, and slowing the soul down tremendously, so there is still the vulnerability, that we may just need a global reset. Cause people keep ignoring their own emotions, out of ignorance and arrogance. So for me, it is alnist invisible. I cannot even comprehend the kind of self contradiction going on, if it were not for the fact that I do it aswell. Cause all the good people keep dying. And people seem to enjoy that. So I guess, they will also enjoy a global reset. As another epic offering of relief. Let them bombs fly. Like atlantis. What can I do about all of this? It should already be all good. Life should simply be good. As it should really. Honestly. Literally it should. We are suppose to already be in the "paradise" we keep pointing towards. Yet feel so slowly in our realisation of it all, as we keep pointing at this life and all the irrelevance we find here. That has nothing to do with our true nature, which is comoletely lost and forgotten, and people are not even interested in searching anymore. Cause they literally got no idea what they are looking for anymore. Just acting for the sake of acting, doing for the sake of doing. But looking on the things which are improving, sure, we can say, we are moving in the right direction. Even tho sometimes a decline happens, it is atleast a decline that doesn't reach a point as low as it would have reached a while ago. So even in the declines we experience, it is becoming less. Like a baby learning to walk. Falling less. And yet, it feels wrong to say, we are all babies. Because where are the parents? If planet humanity is a baby. Where are the parents? Probably very few of them. If not, mother earth the last remaining one. Probably, even parents who have their own problems aswell. As above so below. So here we are, waiting for our parents to get their sht together, as we also try to get our sht together. So to speak. So no big improvements yet. Maybe behind the scene, maybe internally here and there, few individuals, here and there, always behind the scenes. For even the in front of scenes champions of this planet, are nothing but complete clueless idiots. But still, entertaining, while we wait for a big realisation. Always searching, but not yet finding big answers. Infact, if we do find big answers, it's still realised to be not very relevant after all. So really, looking at conditions in life, is not very helpful. Because most of the conditions really offer no real satisfaction. We create the satisfaction through our own internal understanding of our true nature. And it really requires allot of people, to be ready for a big change or shift. And those things are happening. But still not as noticable as most would like it to be. But internally, for sure. You can see, children nowadays are less likely to lose hope. So their life was somewhat better. And it keeps going on every generation. More hope every generation. Of more well being. More harmony. More freedom. And truth. Greater realisation. Small bits at a time. Every generation, more capable of retaining more truth, just a little bit more, and again, and again. Less likely to fall into ignorance, a little bit less likely, one after another, again and again. So slow, stable and steady improvement. So much is being done behind the scenes, by individuals which are literally not even physical. It's an energetic exchange, that's happening most of all. Allot of releasing of discordant energy, all over the planet. And the manifestations are ugly. And the clean up is good. Good work. Really, it brings us back to peace. As after the release, and ugly manifestation, we finally realise we are ready to let go of it forever. Done. We no longer need to experience that, and we know it, so we clean it up. Its done. Over. We let go of it. No longer need it. We now know what we rather want to be exploring, rather than that ugly thing of discordant self contradictory nature. So less pushing against. But still not quiet there. Still people feel drawn to protest. Instead of becoming a voice for something good. But more people are determined to follow their hearts joy and simply lead by example. No longer caring about blaming and pointing fingers, you know? Rather use their fingers to point at the path of least resistance towards the improvement. Allot of good people. But the bad people, they simply suffered allot, so ofcourse they become bad in a powerful way. That's what pain does. It amplifies your focus and consistency, even if it's in self contradiction. And yet, it all well intended. Sometimes even so well intended that people don't even realise the benefit of their own value, untill they die. They realise, oh, I did all of that for the benefit of all. I just didn't realise it yet, as I had no way of seeing the benefit for all. I forgot it somehow. So now all that I did, will be influencing people in a positive way. For otherwise, I would not even want to be physical in the first place. Yet, I didn't realise all that I want in my life. Only tried to. But now, I know what I truely want. And I understand everyone wants it. In their own unique way. Peace. Whatever that means. And the better version of it, evermore. Evermore greatly realised. To simply accept life, in whatever way it exists. And trust the goodness of it. For the goodness it inspires at the very least. Then how hard is it, to let go of all things not wanted, if we know the thing we want? We already contain it, because we want it from within. We know we want it, because we are it in ourselves, we contain the knowing of it, the realisation of it, within ourselves. So the more people give up the fight, the more people will advance in peace. Does true power fear the opposite? Does true power prepare, for anything at all, ever? Does the invulnerable ever say, you are not capable of being loved? Does the true power not love everybody? Then why do people equate power to beings who act out of fear? Because they themselves know not true power. Because they have not realised it from within themselves. Often it happens through another individual, which simply causes them to feel absolute disgrace. To be so out of alignment with the very thing you have been wanting all of your life. That you just fall into shameful sorrow and grief. For no one can be like jesus, it seems. But atleast we try. To be a force of good. Not even knowing what that is. So we look underneath the sand, to find the dust of what was once a good long lost. People look inside their own dna. Too complicated. They look at the trees, and find pure life. Maybe the last remaining good thing. Of unconditional love. Not many of those either. So people meditate and seek more elemental consciousness to guide them. As water. If that is left still. So they retreat back to their soul. And meditate, to find the joy, that is eternal and infinite. As the breath of the Source of All Creation. As consciousness itself. And struggle is no more. Only unconditional love. And unconditional service to all. As a whole fully realised being, physical and non-physical, working hand in hand. Everyone finds their own way of life. No one really wants to suffer. No one really wants to be in pain. Sure physical pain can be a bit offering of relief for some people, but no one really wants to suffer. So we're all good in our nature. So simply enjoying your life in whatever way you can, for why else would we exist. If not for the joy of it. You can think otherwise, you'll just be suffering then. Cause if suffering was really our purpose, it would feel very good.
  21. I have been trying to understand this for a while now. Thanks for mentioning all this. I also found a musical key signature that has no label as in minor or major. But it exists in between both, in the neutral zone. C major = A minor but in between exists a F/G which makes them both neutral. So they are understood through this center point. They relate to it and come from the center. That is why they are not necessarily opposites. Because again, what do two absolute opposites have in common? They are both the exact same opposition to eachother in exact equal same way. So they have that in common, and are thus brought together. So it's not a duality, it's a trinity. So the two opposites still come from the same center. So it is a trinity. And through the trinity, or 3 as you say, relating to the 2 opposites, there is a triangle. A 1 whole complete thing. It takes 3 points to make a whole 1 thing. 3 is the minimum for one whole thing. So you can as a non-physical being of consciousness express everything through the triangle. Which is 3 9 6. So in numerological definition, the 6 and 3 are opposites of yin and yang, and if 6 is positive then 3 is negative and if 3 is positive then 6 is negative. Further more so, 3 and 6 constantly flip and fluctuate and vibrate, 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 and 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 3+3=6 6+6=12=1+2=3 3+3=6 6+6=12=3 But they both relate to the never changing 9, which is 9 9 9 9 9 9 9. 9+9=18=9 18+18=36=3+6=9 9+9+9+9+9=always9. And this can also be done in many other ways than just adding. And even done to the physical numbers if one places them in perfect 2 dimensional shape of the vortex. originally created by marko rodin, vortex mathematic and rodin coil., through which he unifies all sciences and advances them even further into greater realised sub sciences, more specifically solving problems and unifying greater realisations on all aspects of almost all subsciences. And it is through 9, that we can align with the center of the physical numbers of 1 2 4 8 7 5. 1 2 4 on the right side 8 7 5 on the left. So 5 crosses to 1 and vice versa and 4 crosses to 8 and vice versa And as they cross, the lines meet in the center point of the physical wings, right underneath 9. And it is through this center that is the heart of the toroidal vortex field that defines infinity, physical and non-physical relating to the infinite, the highest, coming into full physical realisation, meaning the physical and non-physical are unified as one whole thing 396 124875 So if you take music and make the notes their frequency, it is easier understood. But just listening to the sounds of what feels more negative or positive and neutral. The trinity can be understood that way. Just like the non-physical soul numbers of 3 9 6 have a neutral positive and negative. And a neutral harmonic, which is not minor nor major but in between, more neutral sound would sound more like this: It's not c major nor a minor, but d neutral. But what you are doing is just 1 step more advanced, and one stepp less simple, for the purpose of being free to enjoy more complexity. So what you do with c f and g is if you take c major, then you can move upwards or inwards into an inbetween frequency that can be realised through the f and g, by adding By adding the sharps and flats and replacing them with the most often used notes of abcdfg. This happens naturally, if you focus on f and g more, because they still sound most similar to major scale in relationship to c major. But not yet fully realised. So you have to add a sharp or flat to fully realise the f and g major scale. So to change a c major to f major is easy. Changing C major into G major is easy. They are most similar. But I just take all the notes on one scale of 7 notes of abcdfg and just shift home key to A, and it's minor, shift to C and its major, shift to D and it's neutral. That's it. Those are the 3 points. And it can be found on any frequency relativity you can so want to apply it to, the letters will be named differently, but in essence, vibrationally, it all relates to positive-neutral-negative, 3 9 6. And there's also in between, minor and neutral and in between major and neutral. Shifting home key to B or E is somewhat minor. And shifting to F and G is somewhat major. So shifting from A minor to B or E minor is easy, as they are most similar, requires adding one flat or sharp. So you just need to add 1 flat/sharp to shift A minor to B/Eminor and 1 flat/sharp to shift Cmajor to F/Gmajor That's why I say, if c is major and a is minor, then D is neutral. Cause they all use the same notes. Simply for convenience. And the shift happens how? You focus on one particular aspect of the fractal, and thus you call it your home key signature. So it's all due to focus, that has been done and allowed now, and how to focus now that determines your experience. So we all know, what do we truely want? What is the best focus? The highest most perfect sound or name of god? The infinite and eternal way of all ways, ever expanding evermore? As it relates to the vibrational set point of the individual. As everything is vibration. And we feel this energy in motion as emotion. It is our unconditional guidance. The emotion is the most accurate guidance we have, from our greater non-physical consciousness. It is an unconditional infinite and eternal aspect of our physical being. The emotions helps you know where you are focused. If you feel bad, you're focused in opposite, out of harmony and create inbalance for yourself. So there are allot of false notes. And comedians like Mozart, are so full of joy, they actually use the false notes to create comedic funny musical jokes, as in , WWHooops, ! Still joy! Still major. But if you allow the false notes to cause inbalance you go into chaos of fear or despair. So full realisation is not fully allowed, of full allowed aligned harmonic convergence of synchronisity of joy and true allowed knowing of infinite intelligence. And again, the moment you realise, you are focused in opposition to yourself, you let go, and natural emotional guidance ensues. So people used to call it in religion as the faithless ones. People who have decided to believe in false perspectives which created painful emotion of despair for them, they kill, and then, they are stuck in that discord, like a seal being placed on their heart, they feel it as rust in their heart. Like jim carrey says, a low key of despair, that is constantly present. The way to unlock it, is by god's grace. Forgiveness. And mostly finding a way to forgive yourself. Because God's love is infinite and eternal and expanding evermore. So forgiving yourself, by first realising the mistake you've made, is the way to freedom. Accepting the wrongness of what you've done. But death is also a release of resistant discordant vibration. And meditation is also a way to allow the full realisation without being fallen into despair, after allowed realisation. To the physical numbers, left and right, also relate in the center to the 396. There really is not seperate between the physical and non-physical. So we actually got acces to infinite intelligence and eternal wisdom, through our own heart emotional guidance system of finding alignment with the greater part of all that we truely are, and we can flow it's inspiration thus then also through our creator minds mechanism. If we learn the art of allowing alignment and releasing resistance. Such as meditation + appreciating. Then you can joyously follow the neverending ever abounding stream of inspiration and ever expansion as our natural state of being in alignment with and flowing our greater non-physical consciousness more fully and freely through us, to take that energy of our soul for the purpose of joyous being and becoming here, to express it and act on it to the best of our ability, with zero expectation or insistence on any particular outcome, as insistence=resistance is a literal law based formula. But when you say, non-commutative phase logic, I think about our soul being unconditional, and so we are unconditionally loved. Meaning we are guided through the hearts guiding light, as it relates to our soul, in our left heart, which is the actual center of our physical body. No matter what we choose. No matter what path we take. So dao as the source of all creation, we are connected unconditionally, eternally, infinitely, and we are an extension of it, forevermore. Meaning, nothing we choose or do, can ever disconnect us. But we can create temporary inbalance, through our physical form, but we are still always connected, we just pinch ourselves off from that connection temporarily, meaning, we are still connected, but not experience much of the connection, like being in despair/fear, and ignoring the heart's emotions. Because that guidance is still guidance. And only accepting the pain of the emotion, it naturally guides us back to our natural state of being in alignment with the vortex, of being in joy and allowing our natural full realisation. And it is a golden spiral as you say. It is actually a vortexual spiral. As everything exists as such, and can be understood through such. This fractal is actually a foundational field of the physical time space reality. Groundwork layer, or structure, of our consciousness. Resonating withinitself through this fractal, we focus a small part of our greater non-physical consciousness through this lense, of this fractal pineal gland, pine cone reality. We need the fractal, as a consciousness, in order to create a physical time space reality experience. And we come through the pineal gland, being shapes like a cone, or pineapple, it is a vortex aswell. And as we come into alignment with the vortex, everything falls back into natural harmony. Everything is and can be understood and known by us through this vortex. Everything is based on it, from elemental 2 dimensional consciousness to all life forms, we are all connected in this vortex, which can relate to any other aspect of itself through itself. So all existance comes to know itself from all the different points of view that it has of itself, as all of us, all beings, all of existance. And again, the vortex is infinite. Just like a fractal is infinite. It connects us to dao. And we feel this clear guided allowed flow of being and becoming, as joy. as our hearts translating this physical and non-physical in perfect alignment and harmonic blending as joy. guidance of our greater non-physical consciousness, translated through our most sophisticated sense of translating energy in motion, into the sense of emotion. If you say dao is not a fractal, then you are not yet found alignment with the vortex. Through which you can be in alignment with the dao and its infinite nature, then you say, dao is infinite, and life is but a fractal of the whole. One is all, and all is one. You can experience the infinite 9 everywhere, it is like the structure of existance, to simply exist. To be. And through this highest 9 everything exists. Even time. So 9 also gives shape to the yin yang symbol. It is the S curve in between the yin and yang. See how subtle it is? It is as subtle as existance itself. As the "I am" meditation. So People seek the original name of Dao or God, and some say it is Dao as in the WAY infinite and eternal. Because it cannot be named according to daoist, because it is infinite and eternal. Or some seek a more accurate name resonance for it. Muslims say the original name is Allah. And christians say the angels are singing halleluyah in praise of the highest one. However, they don't understand, the halleluyah halleluyah is actually arabic for u ya allah, u ya allah! which means "AND OH ALLAH, and OH allah!" As in praising the highest one, as in "and OH allah, and oh allah, and Oh Allah!" And oh infinity and oh eternity, and oh all the good things and better things evermore! And all the highest most high names of God becoming higher and greater evermore, as infinite and eternal ever expansion, through this vortexual alignment and natural allowed realisation, evermore higher into the 7 heavens of all dimensions and ever more subtle and high frequency realisations of being and becoming, of evermore greater and specific and broad and deep. As the most expansive, highest, broad mercy and the deepest mercy, most absolute, the furthest most expanded state of being of all of existance as ALL THAT EXISTS, and is being and becoming evermore. But then there are the bahai people which say the original name is not Allah but Abha, and bh being pronounced almost as a W. awah. Abha. So there is some fine tuning constantly going on. In terms of language, for western language, because everyone has a different point of view. And further reaching into greater clarity and more precise understanding and knowing. As all people reach for greater clarity and understanding and knowing evermore. But for language, I do not know. But numbers, are simple and easy to understand. 123456789. And 0 literally does not exist. As the function of non-existance is to not exist. So non existance literally by its definition, does not exist. So that which does exist, cannot ever cease to exist. In other words, you can say, in the practical sense, the universe is infinitely efficient. The structure has to be infinitely simple, or otherwise the entire structure would collapse under its own weight. That is why allowing everything is not difficult, but rather the most simple and easy thing one can do. And to understand how simple it really is, is the most difficult thing for a human. We are often used to complicating things, that is the function of our creator minds mechanism, to create limitation for the purpose of further exploration, as existance coming to know itself from all the different points of view that it has of itself. Why create limitation? Just because you can. So all that despair you talk about, of the soul rebels, it actually is not an evil. It is actually such a high innocence, that it cannot be understood by any human ever, only the highest one can understand it, and that is also why there exists such a thing called "day or recomenpense." Because on that day, we meet the highest one, and we come to receive the full realisation of the soul rebel, and so we become creators ourselves. As the ever despairing one already knew, but this was not the original plan, but that's how it played out. And God knows best. So that is why people despise the faithless ones, because they are not ready to bring it to full realisation. So it is a blockage of their path. A forbidden fruit. And you may think you are ready, but you'll just burn yourself in truth, for you are not. No one has been able to do it yet, bringing a soul rebel consciousness into full realisation. If they did, they'd instantly ascend the seven heavens. And day of recompense would instantly errupt. For all being in all of the universe. So marko rodin, simply teaches the absolute foundations, to children. That's it. It's that simple, as the rest of what he discovered, can be discovered by any human being all by their selves, and each one can be their own unique benefit to the whole. As everyone and everything belongs in creation. But we are here in this lower dimension, because we need a way to integrate the moreness of all that exists. It is not a permanent place we are here. And yet, the eternal nature and infinite nature can be allowed by us. And so we accelerate through this allowed realisation of joyous being and becoming through the path of all that exists, as the natural flow of ever more and greater and better being and becoming evermore, for the purpose of joyous being and becoming. Every moment we experience is actually eternal and infinite. The reason we experience change, is because we are actually changing perspective of the 3 foundational laws of existance, 5 billion times per second. So we experience this ever change. As every single here and now new moment, is truely unlike any which has ever been experienced before. You call that the non-commutative phase logic, it is simply the fullness of here and now, which can be experienced as true infinite value in every single here and now moment, uniquely for you, for everyone in full realised relationship to the all. So this absolute uniqueness is what truely allows our natural expansion in full harmony with the all. And that is translated through our most sophisticated energy motional translating mechanism sense of all senses, emotion, of joy. Indicating energy motional alignment of the physical and non-physical. That indicates you are in the vortex. In alignment with it. Flowing with it. Allowing yourself to be and become as it. As all that you truely are! 1. You exist. 2. All is one, one is all. 3. What you put out, is what you get back. 4. Everything changes. Even change changes into the 3 unchanging laws of existance. This is basically a fractal. Everything's a fractal. But that doesn't mean you are stuck in one mode of experiencing only one aspect of the fractal, that is just self imposed resistance and limitation, that exists only through pure innocence. Just like soul rebels. Or the draconian race which base their entire actions on it often. Not because they are evil, just bause they are innocent. Not yet fully realised. Destroying is not powerful, it takes true power to create something new. And thus, your love to all is unconditional, because only through the soul rebels can you ever create something new. Only by finding a way to releasing resistance for the soul rebel. You cannot choose for another, but you can inspire influence. And thus, the greater your love, the greater your ability to give freedom, and offer freedom, because you are the moreness of all that freedom, and thus through your freedom, the soul rebels are no longer soul rebels, but your unique "soulmate" through which you will be able to create infinite and eternal creation evermore. Still fully suported by the source of all creation, and becoming like it. But that is something far faaaar away, not even in this life time. You are always connected to and inseperable from the highest one. As all that is. So you always got full acces to all that exist, or to your own eternal and infinite source of all creation. Or source energy. Energy which creates worlds. Just need to find alignment with it, be of likeness to it. Such is true prayer, through appreciation. As the angels praise the highest one evermore. Or their infinite nature. They remain perfectly in the vortex, evermore. They are perfect in everyway, and yet also ever expanding, through the source of all creation, always becoming better, also due to our living our life here, that Source becomes all that we ask for. Literally becomes it, and so all the new generations, new souls, come from that new energy, and so life keeps improving for all on this planet. But further more, we are guided by our own soul, greater non-physical consciousness which also becomes all that we ask for, consciously or not. We want something, our soul becomes it. And the more we align with our soul, the better we feel, the better life keeps going for us, ongoingly. For our soul is the breath of the source of all creation. And it flows ever expandingly. It keeps being and becoming ever more. All you gotta to allow the soul realisation to flow through you is to feel better, that's it. That's the communication, the guidance and the allowed realisation of it. Our ever abounding stream of well being. Through the neutral state, we find greater capability for allowed realisation. Allowing higher more fuller allowed realisation to naturally take place. As that which simply feels better, evermore. People call it transcendental meditation, because most people are transcending their negative focus habbits, which prevents them from realising their natural state of being in joy, automatically effortlessly naturally, joyously, and thus in alignment with the whole of all that you truely are being and becoming evermore. And so you flow naturally, easily, effortlessly and joyously, with all of that fuller greater allowed realisations. As being in the vortex, it's called. Being in alignment with your soul trajectory, energy motional stream of thought, of our evermore greater allowed realisation and inspiration from our soul, being in spired, in spirit, in spiraling. In the vortex. That is how a human becomes god realised. As marko rodin drawn perfectly in vortex mathematics image above. The compass is 3 9 6, and it penetrates the physical marker where they cross in the center. And out of that center, we feel god realisation as joy. And that is called being in the vortex. G in the center is for God. That's it. Being in alignment with your true nature. As an extension of that which we call god. We already are it, but we have to allow that to be fully realised for us to enjoy our life with all the good things and blessing of the infinite and eternal of our true nature being and becoming evermore, along the path of least resistance, that is the path of most allowance, of being in the vortex. That feels like joy. And love, and true knowing, and freedom, and appreciation. So you say void is yin yang. You are simply referring to the 9, the highest one, which allows us to expand evermore, as the Source of All Creation is expanding evermore. It is simply to allow yourself to be existance as existance. It includes everything. And so we are capable of integrating everything, as unconditional love. That allows the full realisation of the true forms of all that exists evermore, in evermore greater allowed joy and freedom evermore. And the illuminati are nothing but a small group of elderly which do bad things to children. That is why feeling fear, is completely idiotic, and therefor you give power to all lesser truth's, which prevent your own fuller greater allowed realisation. Just because someone feels fear, and ignores their emotions, thus they are sealed in their heart, like rust, they can only come back into alignment by accepting the falacy of their being, and thus capable of releasing it, and how will that happen? Through individuals such as your self, who are capable of following the path of least resistance, towards all things wanted evermore. Including the peace, we all seek. It is the minimum requirement for full realisation. Because when one dies, there is only peace and more, evermore... But when one meditates, the same thing is realised in physical form, and that is the whole point. So that you can truely CONSCIOUSLY DREAM THIS DREAM. To be here as you intended before you came into physical form. And realise the FULL MEMORY and realisation of all that you truely are being and becoming here and now evermore expandingly, which then is capable of being fully realised by you through joy. For without the accurate emotional indicator of joy, good feeling positive emotions, you're not translating the true path, just a lesser allowed resistant perspective of it, and that is the guidance, of your emotional heart, the true center of your being, through which god realisation is allowed to flow. And so, nothing can make sense ever, unless you are capable of finding alignment with the true realisations evermore. Of doing nothing, and leaving nothing undone. Of unconditional alignment. Unconditional true knowing. True realisation of true being and becoming. Unconditionally. Meaning, you care so much about how you feel, that you focus unconditionally into alignment with your greater non-physical consciousness, or that which you call God or Dao or your Soul even. Meaning, regardless of any and all conditions, under any and all conditions, you be joy. You be all that you call good, and your focus is on it, unconditionally. You praise the highest one, unconditionally. And you always act fully in spirit. Inspired. And staying in alignment with it, at all times, to achieve that which millions out of alignment cannot. As the true compass always pointing forward, like the 9 9 9 9 9. Which flows in evermore beautiful ways. Like the S curve, always in spiraling motion. Of full allowed realisation and integration of true knowing of true joy and love. Unconditional love. Meaning, unconditional full allowed realisation. Deliberate creation. True being and becoming. evermore. And why do i say all this? Because it is simple. To help people understand, that to feel better, is all that is required. No matter how bad you feel, emotionally, you can always find alignment back into full realisation, by simply feeling better, even slightly better. As that is the emotional guidance. And that is the path of lesser resistance and that is the path of least resistance. Then in no time, you will feel good again, regardless of the conditions. Because you have your emotional guidance system, unconditionally active. For even if you feel neutral, you can still allow full realisation, by allowing yourself to feel better. You simply exist here to enjoy life! That's it! How you do that is all up to you, and unique to you. But we are all blessed. And all unconditionally loved. And all fully supported in all that we want evermore. Just gotta trust your emotions, so when you find a perspective that feels good, you can trust it and thus allow it to be more fully realised. And when you feel bad, then simply more easily let go of the resistance, that causes you to perceive a resistant perspective. You cannot change the conditions of your life. You are also not here to create the conditions. Your greater non-physical consciousness does that for you. You allow your cocreation through joy. Through all the things you love evermore. And if you allow joy then simply guide you unconditionally, then you will realise, every and all conditions for yourself. Of evermore greater allowed being and becoming, of evermore greater allowed realisations of joy. And then you will understand, whenever you feel bad, you are simply misunderstanding. So blessed be negative emotion. It helps you know! You got something to allow the realisation of it, and feel joy thus evermore! No need to worry that joy is not there. It always is. Just waiting for you to allow it. However you will. So take your hearts emotion, and let it speak about you alone. How you perceive. Not how things actually are. Because you create those conditions, only more, by perceiving them the way you perceive them. But if your perception feels bad, then you will not enjoy your own creation, ever, because there is resistance. Then simply find a way to look at it that feels better, ongoingly, untill you do feel good, and then you realise the whole of all that you truely are being and becoming evermore. Because the full allowed realisation is flowing to you at all times. How you allow it, is how you realise it. And when you focus in resistance, you cannot allow it, so you feel bad. Then you know, time to release resistance. Not surrendering who you are. Allowing ALL that you truely are. You surrender the perspective which does not allow you to allow your natural realisation of all being and becoming evermore in joy and freedom. And thus that perspective feels bad, so you reach for a perspective that feels better, and thus you allow it to come back into natural full allowed realisation.
  22. No worries, if you enjoy the truth you're focused upon. Non-commutative phase logic sounds like a cool thing. First time I hear it. And you seem passionate about it. That's all good. Also the experiences you shared with your meditation seems very good. I also feel such clarity and full of life force when I meditate. Life goes well when I appreciate every moment.
  23. Ok talking about the 5th dimension, or soul resonance as you say, you are talking about our soul or our greater non-physical consciousness. You say we enter our consciousness here through an extra low frequency VEHICLE that you call ELF, extra low frequency, which is the step down fractal transforming vehicle through which we withdraw our consciousness from the physical time space reality, and rise up to a higher dimension of greater allowed realisation and awareness of 5th dimensional awareness or realisation. This ELF called Extra Low Frequency is actually infact, EXTRTEEEEEEMELY EPICLY MAJORLY TREMENDOUSLY OVERWHELMINGLY HIGH FREQUENCY, from my perspective or my experience of it. 7 hertz, is what I counted. Cause I can count the rythm of it, and calculate the hertz thus by counting seconds. I averaged it on 7 hertz. Now if your entire reality begins pulsing, ALL OF THE COSMOS, begins pulsing in your experience, your walls, your body, the ground, the sky, everything begins pulsing powerfully imposing 7 hertz, that will be experienced to be extremely overwhelmingly fast. For me atleast I experienced it to be very fast. It is infact the fastest frequency that I can still, as a physical human being, experience as a rythm. So anything above 7 hertz, it no longer feels like a rythm, and begins to sound more and more like a tone. It's the edge of rythm for me. If a drummer were to play 7 hertz, then you get my point of how fast that truely is. I find the number 7, being the edge of physical touch experience / rythm. funny. Because it also relates to the idea of the 7 heavens. Which is a funny synchronisity. Which is like the greatest thing we human can realise in physical reality. But I think this experience is often allowed consciously through meditation, as it releases resistance. So it becomes fully capable of being consciously realised. As actually, we experience this every single time we fall asleep. And also when we die. Dying being more fully conscious ofcourse. Sleeping often not conscious. And meditating, being the perfect balance of the best of both worlds. So it makes sense that you were capable of integrating true meaningful translation from the 5th dimension, after meditating for 7 days AND FASTING? That's amazing. I have heard someone say the 4th dimensional time space reality or 3th density is like the hardware. And the 5th dimension or 4th density being like the software. So as one can integrate the software it updates the hardware. It is like a fractal step down transformer that we are, human being, like an antenna allowing the greater cosmis energies to flow through us into this physical time space reality. For our own evermore greater allowed being and becoming evermore. For the purpose of joyous life experience. I'm not sure what the point was of my experience. But it does feel very good to experience an out of body experience. But trying to meet a middle ground, for physical and non-physical to meet in a truely meaningful co-creative way. Cause I only dream of meaningless things it seems, and when I do dream something meaningful, I am not capable of remembering it, or translating it fully into a meaninful way. I have resistance in my being, so I am not capable of flowing this high energy fully through me for full blown allowed realisation. Tho, meditating more often, I feel like I am moving closer towards the eventual full blown allowed conscious and retained realisation I seek to have. The best realisation I've had so far, was conscious memories of atlantis. And that also obviously didn't end up well. But it does help me understand why things are the way they are, and so I am capable of understanding the bigger picture of things. So now often I dream about such big pictures, so broad in scope, that I cannot find any meaningful way of translating it, only very vague. Like hypnogaugic light patterns which move in our consciousness, being the joyful or blissful realisation of the highest consciousness of realisation. I'm not sure what to do with this idea. Except I can relate it to fractals and the infinite nature of it. And then finding one which is truely infinite in nature and expansion. Trying to find the highest God. Or Source Consciousness. Through this fractaline light patterns in our consciousness naturally allowed to arise, without blocking it with self contradictory thought patterns of fear. But simply fully allowing the infinite realisation to be realised by us fully in our fully allowed being and becoming. In the end, it just seems like another book made out of light, that was left as a trace or fingerprint of god. Like all sacred geometry. As fractals is a way through which our consciousness resonates within itself to lay down the foundation of a physical time space reality grid so to speak. So we enter through our pineal gland, third eye, as a consciousness, and the pinecone being like the ultimate vehicle for consciousness to come and go. I understand that. But it still doesn't make me feel free. Like, I have to meditate a long time to go into non-physical, and if I do, as you say, I become catatonic due to love, and I can't flow the love through my physical body. So I feel like I am an antenna out of alignment. I am not capable of fine tuning to allow full flow of greater realisation. I may have to meditate 7 days for sure aswell. For the kind of energy thought stream of realisation I am truely seeking to consciously realise for myself. No other way, I will simply have to do that, and choose to become in alignment with the energy I am truely desiring to receive. I guess I want to become a non-physical being of radiance. I mean, it feels like that everytime I dream, it feels like I am dying. It's that powerful. But this experience may also simply be resistance I have towards the experience, cause when I allow it, it simply feels normal and natural, when I release my resistance towards it and simply relax into that high frequency energy which feels like love and freedom. But whenever I try to do anything, I instantly feel worse and become more and more limited and more and more physical. And then I'm returned back into physical awareness. It's almost like an addiction to physical reality. Like "Oh look at this thing, I know this thing, is so nice and physical. And boom, trauma here and there, self contradictory human thought forms, self contradictory physical time space realisation and experiences. And back into body. I really want physical and non-physical to come together, and the line of seperation simply being lessened and even vanished if possible for myself. I simply can't find any other way to do that, as you did, except through meditation. Maybe unconditional service aswell. Cause otherwise I got no reason to flow those greater realisations through me. I don't know what we are becoming. Sometimes I think we'll just become quasi physical humans made out of radiant light. In permanent meditation or something. Like what is the point if we cannot fully realise physical reality into something that is good. Not bad. But simply the moreness of all that exists. But hopefully one which is in alignment with our own true infinite and eternal nature. Not something we are suppose to break free from. That's like tipping toe in bathtub, and running away, and closing the door forever. I would rather have God Consciousness fully manifest in physical form for ALL human beings. Why do we feel we need to go into the 5th dimension to fly for example. What is so bad about flying as a 3th density physical human being? I see no reason why everything has to be so strict and serious and limitted. Like why can't we just be free to come and go, instead of having to commit to one entire life. For what? To suffer? Suffering wont ever bring about any realisation except it being completely irrelevant. So what the actual hell is the entire planet earth waiting for? Like what is the point of all of this. Everyone says, oh you will know when you die. So where are the nuclear bombs? Let them come then. All those people make no sense. They all contradict themselves. We all do. Even I do. Even right now. I am contradicting myself. I am saying I want to fly. But am I jumping out of my window right now? No... Cause then I will simply fall flat to my face. But why do I want to fly then? Why do I have this desire, that feels good, and then the reality. I am here to flow that energy through me. So I should do what? I can go far far and far away. And then I wanna go back home. Because I become tired. And life is heavy and difficult. I can pretend I am free, more and more. But I will always just simply want to SIMPLY TAKE OFF AND FLY. So why can't I just simply just DO THAT? IT's really weird.
  24. Very good, you fall into specific capability of realisation, due to energetic thought patterns, which are potentially resistant in energy/vibration in their essence of being self contradictory, so they contradict the self. This causes a lessening of your conscious, due to lessening of your capability of flowing this universal life force or chi or cosmic energy or mind or consciousness or beingness thourhg you. It flows, but in self contradiction, so you feel negative emotion, due to entertaining self contradictory thought. It is all the breath or soul of the source of all creation, and through this we create, through our own soul, we create, our own life experiences and all that matters to us and all that we come to know we want, it all is known by our own soul, and it's creation is handed off to our own soul, which allows its being and becoming evermore, as us, for us and through us. And as we meditate, let go of all thought, we naturally fall back into alignment with the realisations of the creations, being and becoming, evermore, as our soul, through us, and for us, and as us. Because when you no longer think, you no longer offer contradictory vibration or energy, which block your self realisation. So it simply naturally... HAPPENS. Just automatically effortlessly. Joyously. Because you feel better, and now the self contradictory thoughts feel even worse in contrast to how you are normally suppose to feel, so you are less likely to entertain them now, and so you feel better ongoingly MORE AND MORE and so you realise better feeling thoughts, untill eventually, you begin to find true SOURCE THOUGHTS of INFINITE INTELLIGENCE AND ETERNAL WISDOM! PURE BLISS! Now when he talks about cosmic mind, this is very important to make a distinction between human thought forms, and thought forms of our own soul, or thought forms which are supported and flowed by the Source of All Creation, which have the energy which creates worlds behind these thoughts. Because every thought that has ever been thought by human, still exist. But those thoughts do not necessarily always have Source Energy flowing behind them, and how do you know the difference? You know by how you feel! And so that is why he is teaching, suggesting and examplifying positive thinking. Why? Because if your energy is not lined up with the Source of All Creation, you simply wont receive Source Thought! You wont ever get to perceive the world through the eyes of Source! So this clearing our mind, meditating, and thinking positive, good feeling thoughts, it's really the only way to be on the same wavelength and thus receive Source thought. And why is that so important? Because all of creation is being and becoming through that energy which creates worlds. So ofcourse you want receive that, be aligned with it, flow it through you. First of all, it feels very good, you will feel very happy with those thoughts, but your entire body will simply become very healthy, it is a powerful energy that flows through you of pure life force, and secondly, your life will flow naturally into the direction of all things wanted, naturally effortlessly and joyously. Why? Because your soul knows, and the source of all creation, knows everything that you want, infact, it knows you are the reason of that realisation! You are inseperable from this Source of All Creation! Your desires is what puts the eternalness in eternity! And so ofcourse you have no choice but to eventually come back into alignment with this source energy... But it is way more fun, in this here and now life, to do it consciously, deliberately, without waiting untill you die before you do it. Cause when you die, all humans, that is a vehicle through which you withdraw your consciousness out of the physical experience, coming back into full realisation of all that you've truely become. You cannot feel negative emotion, more like feeling of relief, or if you've been in alignment most of your life, it will simply feel like a mere walking from one place to the next joyous place of eternal becoming. But the negative emotion comes from flawed perspectives, misunderstanding, self contradictory thoughts of us humans, which are not necessary and can be let go of easily. With some deliberate focus, on any of your senses, like meditation, to let go of thought, therefor naturally feeling better. So again, you are not surrendering who you are. You are surrendering all the self contradictory aspects of your self, in order to allow yourself to be and become the evermoreness of all that you've truely become and are being and becoming evermore. To allow your natural good feeling nature of all who it is that you truely are being and becoming evermore. in full joy and freedom. You are coming back to full realisation of all that you truely are. That is what that meditation and letting go of thought really is all about. And then when you feel good, and you realise suddenly, good feeling thoughts, those thoughts will allow everything to come back to full realisation for you, because those are YOU! Your thoughts, of your own soul, thoughts which harmonize with your own soul! That's why they feel so good emotionally, because they are compatible with your true nature! So important to know how you feel, and let go of thinking in ways that feel bad. Unconditionally, under any and all conditions. Because all that you want is already a done deal. 99% of it is already been created, and being and becoming evermore. But to allow those creations, non-physical, energetic, to come into full manifestation, physical. You have to allow them. Someone has to allow them. Doesn't matter who, but eventually everyone will allow them, because it is OUR creation! That's the whole reason why we are here. To flow with the new being and becoming that WE came to realise for ourselves of what it is we truely want! Because they are truely in alignment with our own true nature, good feeling nature. Resistance free nature. Of evermore being and becoming evermore. As they are becoming evermore. So there is no vulnerability. Thinking bad thoughts will just create temporary bad experiences, and they wont manifest instantly, only when you hold on to them, as you ignore how bad you feel, then a physical manifestation comes to let you know you are not in alignment with your own soul of evermore being and becoming. So you can now do something about how you feel. To come back into alignment. And the benefit of such an experience is helping you know, that you have control over how you feel, and thus you can always find your way back home towards your own eternal and infinite nature. You may not be capable of feeling super good just instantly on the spot, when you are feeling very bad. So this negative emotion, it amplifies your desire, and thus it gives you power to focus. When you can focus then, with on anything that quiets the mind, and therefor dissipates the self contradictory thoughts, like in meditation, then you can simply naturally effortlessly, feel better. And then when you feel better, you can deliberate feel your way, deliberately thinking, in the direction of that which feels better, ongoingly. Untill eventually you do find those Source thoughts of true realisation. They will FEEL lighter, they will feel enlightening. RELIEF. Emotional, energy motional, relief. Because everything in your life experience is about this relationship between you, physical, and You, non-physical. And as both meet, in the here and now. That's where all the fun is, that's why we are all here. For the joy of the eternal journey. Of all that matters to us. And when you think positive thoughts... Now, how do you know? You know by how you feel. If you think a thought that doesn't feel good, feels worse, let's call it a self contradictory thought, you feel negative emotion. As you allow this thought, continue to focus upon it, you continue to feel worse, and more thoughts like that come to your mind, and eventually, physical life experiences, which are like that negative emotion, will happen in your life. So you instead, stop the thought, early. You cannot stop the physical reality from being and becoming evermore. So you stop the thought, before it gets that far. You stop the negative thought, when you feel negative emotion. By focusing elsewhere. On something else. On something that feels better. And usually, when you already feel very bad, it's kind of too late, so the only thing you can do, is simply reset your energy field, by meditating, letting go of all thoughts. And starting fresh and clean. And then simply reaching for a better feeling thought. Now you don't have to try so hard to accomplish this. All you gotta do, is focus less on things that don't feel good to you. Not because they are bad, but because your perspective of them is self contradictory! So it isn't helpful to continue thinking those things, untill... You are capable of receiving true joyful Source aligned thought. Because then, it wont feel bad, it will just inform you, allow your evermore greater realisation, along the path of least resistance, effortless and joyfully. So all you gotta do, is simply focus elsewhere, anywhere that feels better. And neutral thoughts, like in meditation, are also helpful. Because when you think no thought, your ability to realise fully aligned source thought, which feel like tremendous positive emotion, which feel like tremendous relief, emotional, energy motional relief, will be effortless, automatic, natural. Way easier, infact, very often almost the only way, you can ever receive those good feeling thoughts. As we humans often have picked up allot of resistance in this physical life experience, so we have the tendency to block our own greater allowed knowing and realisation for ourselves. So simply thinking no thought, skipping our habbits, focusing on anything that quiets the mind, then simply meeting your own inner being / soul / source, and allowing it to flow fully, without resistance, feeling very good, for our own natural self allowed, effortless full blown realisation, of true aligned thought which feels very good. So you are not creating your own reality on your own. You are co-creating it with your own soul. And that is why you feel emotion. As the true communication of your own soul, you translate that energetic thought stream of realisation as positive energy in motion, as positive emotion. Of a fully realised being. Physical and non-physical hand in hand, co blended, co harmonized. Fully allowed flow of evermore being and becoming evermore. And anything less than that, is really not relevant. It wont ever be satisfying to you. And once you experience this, you wont ever be satisfied with anything less than all of that. Because this is who you truely are. So you are unconditionally, meaning under any and all conditions, regardless of any and all conditions, worthy of flowing the total you through you here and now, and therefor feeling good, emotionally. Flowing with the ever abounding stream of well-being, of the entire cosmos. To be do or have anything you can or will ever want to be do or have. Cause you realise it for yourself, and you flow with that realisation because it feels good emotionally, because it is in alignment with all that you truely are being and becoming evermore. As your evermore joyful journey to your evermore greater allowed freedom of allowed being and becoming evermore in alignment with all that you truely are being and becoming evermore, of all that you thus also truely want to be and become evermore. Flowing with and in alignment with all that you truely are being and becoming evermore. That feels very good. Because it is the true realisation of all that you truely are. It is what people call the enlightenment experience. Because it simply feels so much lighter, so much better. It simply feels so good. So free. So worthy. So loved. So true so resonating and so expansive with all of creation. Why? Not because you are speaking words, but because you are truely realising that love for yourself, from within as an allowed alignment with your own true nature of unconditional love, emotionally. Literally. Energy motionally. Meeting your own soul, for the purpose of your joyous life experience here, where a part of your greater non-physical consciousness is flowing, here through your physical time space reality experience through the lens of your physical body. So you allow True realisation of what true love feels like. Why? Because your experience shows it to you, 24/7, all day and everyday! Of why you are here! What your purpose is! What feels so good about here and now! Because this is in full alignment with all that you truely are being and becoming evermore here and now. Through all the things that feel good to you evermore, as the path of least resistance for you, to your very own evermore greater allowed realisation of all being and becoming evermore, in full harmony and alignment with the Source of All Creation, The Energy Which Creates Worlds. That is flowing through you, as your own soul, as the breath of the Source of All Creation, as the life force of all things which exists. It all flows fully through you, and so you are always fully capable of allowing yourself more and more to be and being more fully in alignment with it evermore ongoingly, being and becoming evermore. And your life experience is one of evermore greater allowed being and becoming of evermore greater being and becoming of evermore greater freedom and joy and love and all true knowing and realisations evermore. And you are ment to feel that way all of the time, that's why you are here and that's the whole point of all of existance. Because that is who you truely are, as you are an unconditionally worthy nature, and so you allow all those conditions to come back to full realisation for you effortlessly! Meaning under any and all conditions. You simply release all energetic thought patterns of resistance, and everything falls back into harmony, so physical and non-physical meet and synchronise and resonate and align, and flows into your evermore being and becoming in and as and for and thorugh you. As all that you truely are. Being and becoming evermore. Simply for the joy of the evermore being and becoming. So again, you don't need to fix anything that is broken. Because all is good, you just need to let go of insisting that things are bad. And then, when you do, you allow your natural realisation to come about fully for yourself. Unconditionally. And you come to know the physical time space reality around you, through the eyes of the source of all creation, in full joy, and so your very presence becomes a beneficial one, because it brings everything back into full harmonized being and becoming, full realisation, back into full realisation. Just your perspective of someone. They do not have to allow that, remember, they are always free to contradict their own greater allowed being and becoming of their very own everore greater allowed self realisation. But that doesn't affect you in anyway, and also, you are of no benefit to them, if you contradict your own true nature! So the greatest benefit you can offer, is always, to be your full self. Because all healing is simply done, by offering the state of being where one is already healed. They are already perfectly good in their normal natural nature. And that is also why they feel so good, as they allow themselves to be all that it is, who it is, and what it is they truely are being and becoming evermore. And so through their leading example, so too can you, find your way back home to all that you truely are being and becoming evermore. releasing resistance, one step at a time. Emotional relief, after emotional relief. Into full blown realisation of all that you truely are being and becoming evermore here and now. Feeling very good. Enjoying all life experiences. Being and becoming evermore. In full harmony with the whole of all that you truely are, in full alignment with your very own greater non-physical consciousness. As all that you truely are. You simply can only know it, by feeling better emotionally. As your natural energy motional allowed self realisation, feels very good, naturally.
  25. Now here is a question worthwhile asking. Did he lose the Qi energy because he ejaculated, or did he lose the Qi energy, because he had a habbitually practiced energetic thought pattern of self contradiction, whenever he ejaculated, which then led to the knot, the energy contradicting itself, thereby blocking the nature flow of his life force. So often, humans look at conditions. And they observe it, and call this bad and that good. Not knowing that all these self fulfilling prophecies is not a true expression of where your true power is. It is always helpful for everyone to observe their own energy, by feeling it, being sensitive to it also always, as you are capable of translating energy in motion through your most sophisticated sense of emotion. And always know when you activate resistance for yourself. Because the emotion will always be in response to a perspective that you strike up, and begin to offer, that contradicts your own energy. Now instead of trying to fix the very thing you are looking at, being the mirror, just fix your own perspective, by molding it into a better feeling one. The perspective has no power, it's just that you replace a self contradictory perspective, with one that feels better, because it is LESS self contradictory! And because words don't replace your energy, always important to experience it for yourself, how you feel, and proof to yourself that you can feel better, regardless of what who how when why, UNCONDITIONALLY, regardless of any and all conditions, under any and all circumstances, regardless of any and all circumstances. As chi is the breath of the Source of All Creation, consider it your soul and the soul of all individual things. So why would you say, this conditions is bad and that condition is good. It is all good. Some conditions, some manifestations, do not allow the chi to flow fully through them, so they are less good, as long as the blockage or resistance continues to exist unnoticed. In other words, IF YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT HOW YOU FEEL, YOU WILL NEVER LET GO OF THE RESISTANT ENERGY. So no one can do anything for you. They can force the chi to flow more fully through you, as a leading example, and when you are in their presence, you may feel like you have no choice but to surrender your resistance if you do wanna feel good, cause that energy will just amplify the pain of your resistance that you are holding on to, so it becomes conscious, and your letting go of it, will thus also be way more easy... but then you may succesfully let go of the resistance, that which is holding you back, but then soon again, you will reactivate the resistant energy as an energetic thought pattern of resistance, why? It's simply habbit and the habbit usually is, Because you haven't worked through it yourself! You haven't fully let go of it, yourself. You haven't found out for example, that you are holding on to a negative believe, because you believe that it will serve you to keep doing so! So you need to find out what that believe is that is causing this negative energetic thought pattern of self contradiction to simply return to you and be chosen by you deliberately, contradicting your own life force, in the process, believing that it is the better end of the stick. Believing that doing so, is better. Believing that if you feel worse, eventually it will be better for you to choose this path of self contradiction. Because of an underlying fear, that you haven't consciously worked through and released or let go of fully yet. This is no problem, so when the fear comes up, then you can let go of it. No one else can do that for you. You gotta realise that those self contradictory thoughts which feel like negative emotion to you, are truely flawed perspectives. That you thus can effortlessly and easily let go of. For example, the individual may have had a thought that they are unworthy of being a father. And as soon as they ejeculated those energetic thought patterns which are self contradictory in nature simply came up. Why? Not because he did something bad! Because he contradicted his own evermore being and becoming. His own true life force, his own true being and his own source. So then you simply work through that, let go of it, replace it by a perspective that feels better, or simply realising that the idea or thought is completely flawed and unnatural because it feels worse! It causes a lessening of your own life force and your own consciousness and your own being and becoming. Ofcourse you will then simply rellish in the guidance of the negative emotion, that helps you consciously let go of that whatever that is which no longer serves you. For your own evermore joyous life experience, of your true being and becoming evermore of all that you truely are being and becoming evermore. Along the path of least resistance that feels like joy, as energy motional alignment of you, physical, and You, non-physical, co harmonized into full blown realisation of all that you truely are being and becoming evermore. In alignment with your own true full total nature of all that you truely are being and becoming evermore, and therefor feeling very good emotionally. You gotta explore your perspective and feel your way through it, enjoy the negative emotion, that lets you know that you are doing something energetically, you are doing something with your own nature, your own energy of your own true nature, and flowing it through self contradictory believe systems of energetic thoughts patterns which are self contradictory in nature, therefor allowing you to feel negative emotion, so you can simply let go of doing that, consciously. And therefor also consciously enjoying the positive emotion, as a result of lettinggo of flawed self contradictory perspectives, which doesn't serve you. So blessed be your emotional guidance system. And then when something comes up that doesn't feel good, resolve it. Simply reach for a perspective that feels better. And if you're truely stuck, often it is because you believe it serves you to stay in that resistant energy, rather than let go of it, because you have another believe tied to this one that says, if you let go of this negative believe, then something ever WORSE will happen, so you simply wont let go of it, because of another flawed fear that you have, so often the underlying flawed perspective or negative believe can easily be found, by asking yourself, what is the WORST that could happen if I allow myself to do/believe this thing that I truely want, and then the self contradictory thoughts will simply show themselves to you, and you will realise them as they feel very bad, and not natural to you, because they are not compatible with your own true nature, and therefor they are simply not of your true nature, they are not true, they are flawed perspectives, self contradictory thought patterns, which simply vanish, if you realise the flawed nature in them, you can even understand those perspectives feel bad, and therefor realise they no longer need to be entertained. It's not any different from taking your hand off a hot object, because it simply hurts your hands, and so your hands will burn if you keep your hands on it, in the same way, those self contradictory thought patterns feel bad emotionally, and they will cause a lessening of your own life force, if you continue to entertain them. in terms of your self imposed resistance to the chi or life force. No one else can do that for you. Adn you will always want to feel better, because you always are ment to feel good, as that is who you truely are, in alignment with your true nature of being and becoming evermore. So all this can be simply become conscious or made conscious by simply feeling, staying mindful of your emotions. And be honest, obviously, you know how you feel, and you know wether or not that thought feels good. And no matter how bad you feel, you can always feel better No matter how good you feel, you can also always feel better. And if you feel negative emotion, it's simply helpful to let go of resistance here, that causes that negative emotion. If you're simply honest. Pain is not suppose to feel good, discomfort neither, and dis ease neither. So don't let it become cancer, before you admit that. And simply let go of it, loooooong before even a thought comes up that can even lead down a path towards any self contradictory experience which is in contradiction with its own nature. You simply let go of it, and flow with the ever abounding stream of wellbeing of the entire cosmos, and you naturally feel better again. As simple as letting go of a thought that doesn't feel good. And also letting go of the thought that says you have to hold on to it, which also doesn't feel good. And then you're free to feel good, to think thoughts which don't block your life force, and so your life force will simply flow more fully through you, because you wont have any self contradictory habbits. You're just simply consciously enjoying the evermore being and becoming of your own evermore greater allowed freedom and joy evermore. Because it is simply so much easier to be honest about how you feel, and what your true perspective you're holding to is now. You know why? Because those perspectives are not greater than you! It is not a shame if you hold on to a flawed perspective or self contradictory perspective. Sure, sometimes shame can help you let go of a truely flawed self contradictory perspective, like "I am not loved, I am not worthy, I am not supported by the source of all creation." Yes, then you should be ashamed to think those thoughts, because they are so far from the truth. So then it can be helpful to realise how stupid it is to think that. Because it is not a real physical thing! It's just a thought, it's made up of your own chi, but the thought is simply bend in such a way that it is contradicting itself, so your own energy is being contradicted by your own energy. And it's simply never helpful to do that. So easy to let go of doing that, and so natural, and normal for you to do so, and that's why you exist in the first place, because you are loved unconditionally. Ofcourse you wanna be aware of that, and honest about it, because otherwise, how are you gonna celebrate the joyous conscious release of that fully consciously identified flawed perspective and self contradictory energetic thought pattern. So enjoy your emotions, always guiding you back to all that you truely are being and becoming evermore. Meditation can also help your chi flow more fully through you, which result in your feeling very good, as you let go of all self contradictory thoughts, and therefor, you will be less likely to think self contradictory thoughts. Because they will feel that much worse, in contrast to your natural feeling good. And as you are feeling good, you will simply be in a place of allowing more fully realised thought to flow more fully through you, for the joy of all of your evermore being and becoming in evermore greater allowed realisations of evermore greater freedom and joy, within and without.