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Everything posted by Everything

  1. Love and Relationships

    Well, you're the universe, so you're allowing yourself to bring the right person your way. From a woman's perspective, they always feel love towards a great friend, and if he's sexually attractive it will become a big crush mixed with sexual tension to spice things up. This is also the same for me personally, although I'm a man. I can also feel love towards a girl friend with whom I have no sexual interest, but this is more a sharing of happiness. Sex is the finishing touch, yet still the first factor that comes into play. First you make her horny and she makes you horny aswell, then you become loving friends who feel happy together and then you decide with your complementary intellects that you will be happy together under the bed sheets. I sense thats the one you are seeking, not just a girlfriend, but a partner with whom you will have a commitment and sexual relationship aswell. Love is a sharing of happiness. It means that your emotions complete the emotions of the other person and vice versa to form a perfect balance of happiness. A good indication is alot of smiling, laughter, alot of ping pong of vibes, enjoying even the small talk. In relationships love can also be shared between friends. Love and Relationboats. They go hand in hand. Pink makes me dizzy
  2. So, what if we are not good people?

    So, you have a strong sense how the environment treats you... Thats good. That also tends to make you bad in a way that it blinds you to how you treat that very same environment. You must find the balance between this "good" and "bad." You're doing just fine, just balance your observations with a little more consciousness on how you treat the environment before making any decision in life. Every decision should be win-win both for you and the environment. Good people loose and let the environment win, soon they will have nothing to give away anymore. Bad people tend to win and let the environment loose, soon they will have so much that the environment becomes destructive towards them. BALANCE, thats in hamrony with the Tao.
  3. Stress is good?

  4. Taoist Problem Solving Methods

    Well, this means you think that this creature is powerful and might be dangerous to you. Plus you had a fear of death ofcourse. Try lucidipedia.com Try and believe that you are more powerful then the creature, that you have rocket boots and that you can swing this snaky beast into the air. If you can do that, you pretty much solved the psychological challenge that this fear is bringing to you.
  5. Taoist Problem Solving Methods

    Some guy sits under an orrange tree with an orrange in his hands. He squeezes the orrange. He sees all the sweet orrange juice coming out. He experiences how this whole thing plays itself out. He admires the orrange for giving him food even when he is destructive to the orrange. He may not notice it, but he did experience it. This is now part of him. Then he goes back to his kung fu practice. He gets angry when someone gets to hit him. The pain gets him angry and he remembers the orrange that he ate in the morning. He gets back on his feet, gets hit again and tries with all his might and power to be like the orrange. Channels his anger into bringing something good to this world, focusing on sweetness of the orrange while being hit. He stands up with the pain and keeps trying, untill he looses all his anger... He gets hit over and over again, but stands up as if he did not even get hit. His sparring partner admires this and stops. From there on he never got angry while practicing. That is what happens when you attend the present while eating the orrange, to experience it. You become more creative, you will be filled with the power of creation so that you may create love, even while getting hit in kung fu practice. That is how the Tao has teachen me to solve problems. Trough attending the present, becoming sensitive to the infinite mysteries around us, experiencing and following the children to its mother.
  6. Working

    Anyone know the feeling of having to work on something in order to arrive at a specific destiny, not caring about the required work that has to be done. Feeling a complete lack of motivation to do the boring and uninteresting work that has to be done. Work gets so much more difficult when that feeling creeps in. Difficult and easy are abstracted from progress, according to the Tao. Living without abstracting, one would simply view the work that has to be done and do it. I have no idea how though. It seems like a torture, even without the abstractions of difficult and easy. So the work still remains difficult, because of your own emotions standing in the way. How to work, Tao style?
  7. Working

    By the way, I'm talking about all hard work in general here. Chopping wood is excersize and fun. Cleaning vegetables isn't that difficult either, neither is cooking. Perhaps thats why I don't see them as hard work. Sometimes you're facing bigger tasks that have to be done. I guess being positive can allways get more work done then being negative. This makes sense, but how do we become positive about things we feel negatively? So how would YOU suggest that we go about feeling this contentment and gratitude towards the difficult tasks that have to be done? Give me an example. Lets focus on this one. If no one will, I'll give my own examples.
  8. good guys finish last

    Did someone mention my name? Hehe... Hey, dude. Whats up. You seem discontent about not having one specific girl share love with you. That seems weird in my opinion, but I've gone trough that aswell. My guesses are, you will eventually learn to attract more women, but then realize that it is harder to actually feel attraction for girls yourself then have them feel attracted to you. You will grow taste, meet better and better women. Understand people better, etc. I sense that you're one of those cat persons. You should try and learn how wolfs live, and try to get allong with a big dog, like a turkish kangal. I've taken care of a dog that was bigger then me. This kind of relationship can be dangerous and allows you to contemplate you ways of leadership and masculinity. Not only will you understand that all the surface stuff is completely insignificant, you will also see how bad boys are completely clueless when it comes to being a "stable" man. Dogs don't talk human languahe, and attraction is not a human language aswell. Dogs have extremely good instincts. Bad boys hurt the dog, and respond agressively to agression. The dogs see this as a sign of weakness and instability in the roll of a leader. They can't take care of their women, especially when their women gets a meltdown and goes dramatic mode. Bad boys don't respond well to those situation and don't understand the animal instincts that come into play. Just like nice guys don't. As a niceguy you can go learning the good qualities bad boys have, without the agression. Turn your back on agression and challenges coming from men and women. Responding with strong defenses against hurts, and remaining in a stable mindset. Allways controlling your own boundaries and realities. You can be nice to a girl, but your instincts will tell you the diffrence between "nice" and "manipulative." You will learn the same insincts that women feel automaticly. That is why experience is so important. Eventually, you'll be a nice guy who automaticly attracts women, because you can't go against those instincts. It will actually be hard for you to mess up. Same with bad guys, they will eventually "feel" how their agression comes from a weak place, not a stable and strong place. Don't worry about it. There is alot of dumb competition out there. But do respect the good ones, you might gain a friend. Especially a nice guy like you can easily make alot of valuable friends in this world. Bad guys are often workaholicly lonely. You may have something they don't, but not even realize it yet untill you meet them. I'm more worried about you being discontent in your single life. Seek to enjoy the single life, then get into a relationship from there. That sounds better of you ask me.
  9. The conscious mind is what sets goals, makes judgements, thinks abstractly. It can think in the past and future, has a short term memory, can handle a max of 3 tasks at once. It has got ~40 bits of information per second processing power. The subconscious mind has got 40 MILION bits of info/sec processing power, can remember long term and handle thousands of events/tasks simultaniously. The subconscious regulates everything in your body and is responsible for all your behaviour, atleast 90% of the time. That means that atleast 90% of your behaviour is automatic, because the subconscious mind is a habitual mind rather then volitional. It runs programs that has been habitually constructed and evolved. The subconscious mind is one that can only think in present moments. Thus, it is timeless. It cannot think abstractly, only literally. We often think that our conscious mind is running the show, that we are doing things by choice. It could not have been less true. One who declares war with his subconscious will not go far on willpower alone. It requires excessive force and is not natural. You will find that the entire universe is working against you when you do something that is not parallel with your believe systems. Changing the subconscious doesn't speak for itself. But when its done, you will find that the entire universe is suddenly working with you, naturally. Some people view the subconscious as their god. The one who receives all the prayers. The question is, which prayer is most effective, and which ones are destructive. How to change the subconscious for the better?
  10. Consciousness vs. Subconsciousness

    Let us say that every emotional respond you have is coming from your subconscious programming, even the fear of death. It might not be so, but lets pretend that it is so. How do you replace these or let go of these subconscious programs by using "trough the body techniques"? Are certain instincts perhaps impossible to reprogram, like the reptilian ones that make for fighting and sex? I've read somewhere that japanese young men are loosing interest in sex, because of cultural changes and lack of present elders in the families.
  11. Consciousness vs. Subconsciousness

    Making the conscious mind more efficient in dealing with all the conflicts when they arise from the subconscios might also be a way, yes. Like dissolving your identity taken from certain events. This does take away your reality/believe/trauma. Such times are fragile, one must remain constantly conscious in order to prevent new negative believes to creep in while you're in confusion. It requires alot of focus and repetition to go from neutral to positive aswell, just like it does to go from negative to neutral. So lets take fear for example. Has anyone here succesfully removed a fear, share it here. Or give an example of how one would change, for example, the: "the subconscious fear of darkness/scary animal or instect or reptile."
  12. Consciousness vs. Subconsciousness

    Easier said then done, haha. But yeah, thats one way. Lets take a war veteran as an example... He's used to live in an destructive and dangerous environment. One would not survive without having learned the basic insticts and subconscious skills. How long does it take to learn those? If it would require alot of repetition, the war veteran would be dead by now... There is one thing that allows for a quick rewiring, we call them trauma's. I call them ingrained "believes" or perceptions. And idea, superglued to the emotion, valued by the subconscious and even protected, because emotional energy is connected to that specific idea. Then this believe/perception in the subconscious mind attracts more and more evidence and emotional energy, new ideas that contribute to it, new networks of believes that are similar, new tinted glasses are formed trough which you see your reality. Your identity is created, you're now 6 years old. Same goes for the war veteran, but then in a very short amount of time, all trough a single trauma. His whole world collapses, perhaps he suffers for a month. But after that, he's good for the job an entire lifetime. This trauma actually garuantees more then anything that the war veteran will perform well on in field, even more so then the training background of a newly arived soldier. Unfortunately, this also means that the war veteran can no longer function in a normal society anymore... His subconscious is still in war, every day is a struggle of willpower of the consciousness and the conflicting behaviour and emotions in his subconscious programmed for the battlefield. Even after 50 years of repetition, one might still not fully recover from such ingrained changes made to the subconscious. PTSD for war veterans cases have found that they would be emotionally more suitable in the battlefield then in a normal society. This means that they suffer in a normal regular societ and they do ok in war. So repetition is not the only way... Trauma's seem like more effective and quicker aswell. Some new trauma's might deprive older trauma's of emotional energy so that it looses its value, we can bypass the unwanted memories that way, yeah. But you can wait 500 years for a positive trauma to come knocking on your door, lol. Removing the memory is not possible either. Even trough manually unlinking the emotional connection to the idea in the trauma that is emerging from the subconscious, trough therapeutic techniques like EMDR, will not even remove the memory, the ideas, data itself. Removing the emotional connection to the idea, the subconscious believe/reality will loose its grip in your life so that you may seek for new ones. There is where the repetition comes in perhaps, when the time for change is the most ripe. It is interesting indeed how the sub-conscious mind works. Its nature. It can teach us alot about our way of praying and meditating aswell. A guy who prays for all the demons and devils to go away will find that these demons are becoming a part of his daily existance. While a man praying out of gratitude will actually feed more positive emotions to his subconscious and find that the demons are deprived of meaning in his life. If anyone thinks I'm missing another way of changing the subconscious, share it with us. Perhaps the super consciousness? Not sure what that one is. I've met plenty of faces who keep reminding us to believe in something, but never give clear instructions on "how" to exactly believe in something. How can we gain the trust of god in order to have him hear our prayers more effectively? How can we make the repetition more effective to have it heard by our subconscious. How can we link positive emotional value to our repetitions. Does repetition actually work at all in creating new realities for one self? Often I've found that dull repeating of affirmations is never sufficient to change the subconscious. Perhaps we must create our own trauma's, trough taking action. I for one have no clue on how to change the subconscious mind, how to win it over and have its powers back us up in our journey towards greater peace and contentment. I'm a over-educated fool on these matters.
  13. Consciousness vs. Subconsciousness

    Well, thanks for mentioning it. I'm not that far yet in my experiences, unfortunately.
  14. Utter Nonduality

    That site hacked my web browser! Don't click it guys. It has pop-ups. Use ctrl+alt+delete to close the entire windows. Never click on a popup.
  15. How long does a Tao bum sleep?

    Well, it depends on age. If you're growing: less then 8 hours is not sufficient.
  16. How to keep warm/cool

    Hey, peepol. Another cold day, freezing hands and ears. I always try and keep my body warm but fail alot at that. After seeing Wim Hoff/the ice man in ice and stuff like that I've been wanting to do that aswell. He can sit in a hot summer day without sweating and run miles naked in north pole. He has been doing those stuff since a young age, so that might be one thing. Secondly, he mastered the Tummo meditation. I have no clue how he does it. He says it is because of the veins trough which his blood flows, extracting/subtracting bla bla something like that. The muscles in all of his blood veins grow and become smaller on his will? Well... How can we do that?! All I know is that it already happens automaticly, and that you can't achieve this trough meditation. Taking cold showers the veins become small, hot bath or sauna it become big. You can then see the veins pop out on your hands or arms. I've been checking topics here but have not found satisfying answers. The way I do it now is visualizing warmth trough my body and flames... Doesn't work all the time. I've had one time on a bike, on the coldest day of the year, my right hand being warm and left hand completely frozen. No idea how I managed that trough visualization but I did something good. If I could do that with my entire body it would be awesome. Mainly my hands though... I always run and stuff like that to keep me warm. But my hands stay frozen, no matter how many gloves I wear, lol. So, I want your help, if anyone got any information about this. My goals are very low! I just want to stay warm with all my clothes on! Not naked, like wim hoff. One time I got so confident, I thought that I could just ignore the cold and ignore the shaking of my muscles. I would just ignore the cold and move along as if it was a hot summer day, relaxing my muscles. Lol this was hilarious... So easy to do that, but then the next day you wake up with a flue. So now I'm scared to do it again, but yeah thats one way. I can easilly withstand the pain of cold, that is no problem. Having my core body temperature stay high is the problem. Oh, and my hands ofcourse. I don't want to want to get permanent injuries. Already had a minor injury on my toes for weeks just because of one cold day with the wrong shoes on.
  17. Attraction

    Women do laundry and have several laundry lists. They actually make laundry lists for men then men rejects laundry lists, and women forget the laundry lists for men. Then women throws away laundry list and just goes washing everything her self. Then she get frustrated, seeks some alone time, grows spiritually and from that journey takes a new inner core essence as her lifetime treasure. She now does laundry with this treasure always by her side. We men just do laundry then realise that there are some inner treasures to be found along the way.
  18. Meditation makes you dull

    Hey guys, I've kinda been thinking about how meditation is effecting me and others. I'm not sure what its positive effects are, still. I just noticed a better concentration on my part and less emotional responses to things like stress or whatever. This makes you tranquil, its a nice peaceful state of being. But it seems kinda dull of emotions. Boring almost in a way... Sure we can reach happiness better from there, but how? then you become happy and instantly become all emotionally sensitive again. I don't get how meditation will raise your geniun happiness. First you joke and laugh with your friends, then you meditate, then you're silent.... Then what. lol. Its kinda boring to my friends when I've in peaceful mode.
  19. Q: Meditation sleepy

    Hey, guys. Got a quick Question here. When I'm meditating, sometimes I may feel sleepy. Like when I'm sleepy during the day, for whatever reason. Is it best to refrain from such meditations when feeling sleepy? I've found that it is perfectly doable and that your awareness will not be compromised when your focus is good enough. I may fall asleep sometimes, so perhaps I did it wrong. This raises questions for me. Does anyone meditate when you're sleepy and its bedtime? Why don't people do meditations while sleeping? You got full 8 hours of time during bedtime. Why is it better to do it during waking daytime? I mean meditations require your eyes closed and body in a comfortable position anyways. Or will it mess with your sleep? Thanks in advance, love and wisdom.
  20. good guys finish last

    I wonder where he heard that! Infact, I would actually say that mating more you would have passed on your genes and are no longer needed, bye bye. But from an evolutionary standpoint, even if you mate alot, living longer will allow even more offspring. So no, both live equally long. Hump along! Or whatever...
  21. Meditation makes you dull

    Thanks for responses, all. I can't respond to everyone personally. I'll just try to talk in general here. The post was big, but I know what you are saying. It is you "believ-system" or perception of the world. An idea superglued to alot of emotional energy, so it is hardwired and valued. A threat to this perception/believe"(hell some people even call them the sum of all trauma's, lol) is a threat to your existance. That is why the wise don't speak in a crowd of strangers. They have an unique world view and it is paradoxical. The believes or inner voices you're talking about are indeed not always coming from our selves. So yeah, it is important to change them if they are limiting you. I've actually done that in the past and it changed my life alot. From being a passive boy who never talked to girls much, I would suddenly have 2 dates on one day and try to pull myself through that. But somehow, these things drained me even more... It felt fake and painful. It is very dificult to change your inner voices on such a short notice. I don't recommend it to other people. Especially if you're not sure what to believe in in the first place. It will also cause alot of trouble in your personal life. If you believe in your newly affirmed ideas so strongly, outside threats to these inner believes will become very apearant and painful aswell. You can't just go about pretending you're superman. FT asked me if Tao is maybe not for me? Well, this is exactly where the Tao comes in. I've found that the Tao has one of the most profounds believe systems, one that you can relie upon no matter what. It is painful to change your inner truth all the time, but the Tao is unchanging. Till the day of today, it has given me great comfort, courage, joy, etc. So yeah, the Tao is surely for me. About meditation and your well-being. I've noticed that daily excersize, fasting, eating more raw, etc. can all contribute to a better well-being. Daily routines aswell. But I'm not really good at meditation I would say. I'm just interested in how it keeps your brain healthy, reduces stress and allows for better awareness so that life seems more vivid. Also, I'm getting alot of lucid dreams when I meditate at night, so that can't be a bad sign.
  22. Meditation makes you dull

    The reason I actually started this topic is because of some weird moment in my life. I was on a bike and, what seemed like, an old "wise" man with a long beard, with his hands together behind his back, walking slowly and looking at the ground was crossing the path where I was cycling. He did not look up while crossing to the right side of the path. He stood still, I thought I would go left of him. Then I was confused, he aswell. He looked up to me very slowly with those eyes... A long gaze, followed by confusion on my part. Suddenly I was so close and decided to go right and he did aswell, then my heart pounded because the man was old and slow and seemed very dull. I thought I would really run him over and be responsible of his injuries... At the last moment, the old man with the long beard in a robe jump backwards so quickly, like a serpent and continued to walk in deep contemplation, just as dull as before, looking at the ground while men ahead where in groups, drinking coffee and laughing loudly, making conversations. The man reminded me of myself, when I was a small child, walking my way to school. I always thought so much, looking in the ground. This was me. I had entire dreams while walking, walking seemed like hours. Then on a day, someone told me to put my head up high while walking, because that ment you're confident and not scared. I thought: "I am not confident indeed! This is true!" And walking would never be the same, and I never wanted to be dull while walking, I did not want to seem like I was wandering... Instead, now I AM wandering with my head up high. This reminded me of how the old wise man who meditated on prayers also seemed dull, thought it might come from meditation. Thought to my self I didn't want to meditate and become dull. Hehe. Nevermind, I was wrong.
  23. Meditation makes you dull

    Thanks for the response everyone. Astral, your one spoke directly to me. I don't mind meditation at all, I like it, it calms me down and keeps me stable as a person, to be dependet upon. I think you're right about the dullness of the emotions. It has nothing to do with meditation itself. I either get too little excersize or are cut off from my emotions by neglecting them. Only about happiness... I actually find that only outer stuff can cause my happiness, rather then inner stuff. Well 50% outer stuff, 50% my inner perception of that external stuff. Or is this an ilusion? I can't just be happy, because of the emotion itself. My happiness is always related to a confident state of mind and one filled with well-being aswell. Positive thinking tends to make me happy, love for everything as "one". Stuff like that makes me feel less, more stable and balanced. This may seem dull for a begin, but I'll have to start somewhere in order to have a more stable happiness, right?
  24. good guys finish last

    If you become older you will see how "good" people are just as bad as "bad" people and otherwise. Your mind is tricking you. About finishing last... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usain_Bolt He's pretty good and he did not finish last. What you mean is passive guys finish last, impulsive guys finish too early, lol. Passive guys don't die early at all, though. Who told you that? About sex? Here is the biggest nerd, introverted passive nice guys on the planet, virgin till age 21, playing dungeons and dragons all the time: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mystery_%28pickup_artist%29 Erik von Markovich or something. He's now getting more laid then any other person on the planet. He still has butterfly's in his stomach when he meets girls lol, what a nice sweet guy. Pfff... yeah right
  25. NASA Warns of Super Solar Storm 2012

    Roflmao. OP posting 2 contradicting video's on one topic Respect