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Everything posted by GreytoWhite

  1. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    Another happeh video... the blind leading the blind.
  2. LMAO anything from Happeh can be disregarded... the guy is seriously effected by zou huo ru mo and is obsessed with his own "Big Eye Masturbation Theory" and all kindsa crap. He has some video about Yin bagua and how to imagine a hand coming up the asshole to "grab" the spine and move it that way. Michael Guen, his teacher, is a cult leader wannabe that packages his OnePrincipleLiving and BaguaYogaâ„¢ as a "my dick has healing POWAH" system to take advantage of the women that come to him to learn meditation or get acupuncture treatment. Yet again, ChiDragon presents the goods.
  3. First Tai Chi Lesson

    Yep, start with and stick to the basics that he shows you.
  4. Just a question

    No, doesn't count. I started sexually experimenting at a young age and those confused feelings of having to urinate intensely with nothing to ejaculate are not at all like the meditative orgasm. Seminal fluid itself does not travel up the spinal cord but rather into the bladder during "injaculation." It's more of taking that potential orgasmic feeling and rerouting it toward the brain. One of the easiest ways to get an idea of what this feels like is prostate stimulation, try that then try not to ejaculate and best of luck.
  5. It depends on what you are practicing. You get enough jibengong and neigong in there are certain things that don't go away. If you stop practicing though certain other things certainly do go away.
  6. Tai Chi Chuan Succeeds In Full Contact Fight

    That is one thing I really like about I Liq Chuan - they get in the ring.
  7. Tai Chi Chuan Succeeds In Full Contact Fight

    Here is an alternate perspective on taiji that I have kept in mind. This is from Feng Zhiqiang. "Again, Taiji is a long form of martial art, as in lengthening. Xingyi, on contrary, is a shorter form. Even though Xingyi is a short form of martial art, they use their body to complement the strength. They use the springy, jumpy power to complement the lack of reach. Taiji is a long form of martial art. It’s like the body of a dragon. Tongbei, another Chinese martial art, is another long form of martial art, because you are always extending your arms. Taiji absorbs the strength of all these different martial arts and forms its own unique style. This movement in our form [demonstrates], it’s from Xingyi. This [demonstrates] is from Tongbei. This is from Shaolin. This is from Preying Mantis. This is also from Preying Mantis. The elbow strikes in Taiji come from Baji. Taiji is a compound of eighteen other martial art styles. Using the theory of Taoism, I-Ching, and Chinese Traditional Medicine to form its theoretical foundation, especially yin-yang theory and the meridians in traditional medicine."
  8. I thought this one might be interesting to those of us here.
  9. Resentment of Incarnation

    I was going to just put this in my PPF but thought others might enjoy the discussion in a more trafficked area. I've been working on some stuff recently and listening to my internal reel is a part of that. I have to whip out the monologue censor and delete the bad phrases repeating. The past few days have revealed multiple things I'd say to myself about how I did not want to live embodied: How dare I be burdened with this meat sack! Don't you know I'm immortal and didn't want to come here in the first place? Who dragged me here? I wanna go home! I didn't choose this! I just want to swim in the Ocean of God with the dwellers of the deep. After first realizing this was making me ill I noticed some shifts in my musculature and spine which have led to much less pain in the past two days. My C7 vertebra seems to have decided it's OK to sit atop my spine in a fashion that does not cause me massive discomfort and I've notice reduced tension in my scalenes as well as multiple loud pops in my lumbar and thoracic regions. Trying to love my incarnate body more and more each day regardless of how much pain I am in is somewhat difficult. Breaking through the Christian body hate I was inculcated with as a child has been a project for the past decade. I'm thinking of adding metta to current regimen instead of just physical practice and dissolving. I've avoided "fire" meditations for the past couple of years but can't see how metta would stir up anything unbalancing. Thoughts on metta and its possible energetic effects ala wuxing, or various organs would be something I'm interested in.
  10. DreamBliss gears up for dating... HELP!

    Totally! My dog has allowed me to talk to so many women.
  11. Are you talking of LSA? It's considered a precursor here so it is illegal but the plants which it can be extracted from are not illegal. It's not too difficult to make an extraction but I won't provide instructions here. One thing I just found out is that the xtabentun seeds may also contain LSA. Hell of a drink is xtabentun and I always felt far more pleasant sensations than alcohol alone would give me. A glass of xtabentun and an aged cigar made by a Mayan are two things in this life I would hope everyone gets to try. What a nice evening that becomes!
  12. Also Aubrey Marcus talks extensively about his experiences with plant medicines.
  13. Don't use fresh ground nutmeg. If you can, find some nutmeg extract it's easier on the digestive tract. The next thing I'd recommend is to be extremely careful with it and not to mix other stuff until you're used to nutmeg by itself. A nutmeg/cacao/cannabis oil space paste was what sent me over the edge into a manic psychotic break. I was already in a hypomanic state (wasn't aware of it at the time) and it forced me to integrate experiences I wasn't ready to relive, examine, and move forward. I will say that the hallucinatory experiences allowed me to feel empathy for the first time which has made my life much happier. The exact chemical process of why nutmeg is psychoactive is currently not concrete. Some believe it is an MAOi, others that the liver can metabolize it into something like MDMA. Whatever the chemical action it was certainly effective. The space paste was my third experiment with psychedelic substances. I had first tried salvia and it had little effect pre-stroke. Post-stroke salvia has started to work but is not a good trip IMO. The one intense experience I had was rather interesting. Gave me a new perspective on my life but it took me about 6 years to finally understand what that experience was communicating. Subsequent experiments mainly feel as if I am splitting into multiple universes with my spine as the axis - it's uncomfortable. Amanita muscaria was mild when I tried it having gotten them from a botanical research company in Northern Arizona. They got raided by the DEA shortly afterward so I don't know where to get them at quality now. I felt a good body buzz kinda like being drunk, was mildly euphoric but the next day was not fun - very hazy. I ate about 10g in the traditional method. Rip off the stalk and throw it away. Then rip the meat from under the cap but be sure not to take the skin of the cap. Break down into little bits and ingest. Some have far more intense experiences and liken it to a 10 hour salvia trip which does not sound pleasant to me. Also these work on the GABA system and that can cause some major issues with depressed individuals. My experiences with psilocybin mushrooms have all been good with whatever negatives I can attribute being the people around me more than the psychedelic itself. LSD must not be what it once was or my neurochemistry is so off that it doesn't effect me much more than mushrooms, super happy, feelings of warm wet movement under the skin and that was about it.
  14. Tea/Tisane

    I made that mistake once. I nearly didn't make it to the toilet in time. All those xanthines...
  15. Kung-fu Movie Stars

    Cliff Lok.
  16. Tea/Tisane

    Mate is super sensitive to preparation as to how well it tastes. Don't let your water temperature get above 175 F and you should have much less strength. Granted it all depends on which one you get as well. Many people use a half orange juice and half water brew.
  17. Tea/Tisane

    Yerba mate, smoke cured and aged for two years.
  18. DreamBliss gears up for dating... HELP!

    Sorry man, lost a huge OKCupid tips post I typed up by accidentally using the refresh shortcut instead of the new tab key combo. PM me, I'll get to it in the morning.
  19. I added my story to the Living Proof thread a couple of pages in. Here is the link.
  20. Resentment of Incarnation

    Eh? I never said anything about problems with religion but rather my own exposure to Christianity. If you have seen Jesus Camp then you have a glimpse into my childhood. While I have little fondness for most Abrahamic traditions I always recommend someone investigate whatever they feel drawn toward. Please, try to limit your own interpretation of someone's post. Aye, that fuck it, it's happening, might as well enjoy the ride sort of thing just keeps me going as more and more things come up that I am unhappy about which were not obvious on the surface. I think the gratitude practice I've been implementing daily in the past year or so has been extremely helpful. Still, I have been so tired since the stroke it's a day to day thing as to how I feel - most days I feel fine if slow. Without the diet I had when I first started energetic practice I have much less endurance and energy. Alas, I do not have the money to eat like that at this time and I think the diet may have significantly contributed to the issues I speak of below. The reason I am interested in possible energetic repercussions of adding metta is because past experimentation with xinyi fan lang jin produced zou huo ru mo that drove me to a manic psychotic break almost four years ago. I'd like to avoid as many issues as I can. Does anyone have any knowledge of metta and how it might fit into Chinese energetics?
  21. Zhan Zhuang - Suggestions for Short Practice

    Aye, taiji zhuang is necessary to truly learn taiji.
  23. Zhan Zhuang - Suggestions for Short Practice

    Try some Baduanjin if you just want to invigorate yourself during lunch break.
  24. The Scholar Sage. Online Daoist Magazine

    I think that Damo's Daoist Neigong book is probably one of the best presentations of the basic qigong exercises and Daoist theory. His material is from a variety of sources but always matches up with my own experiences. Each person is different and as to whether the "got anywhere" is dependent on the person practicing and the effort they put in. I recently got his Dragon Daoyins and was quite impressed with the material offered and his lectures.