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Everything posted by GreytoWhite

  1. It would help us if we knew where you were going to be.
  2. You walk in circles during sitting meditation? Damn, someone must be very adept at shikko.
  3. Cut out caffeine intake if you're haven't already..
  4. I sit like I was taught as a kid in Aikido class. I can sit full lotus and half lotus but find that sitting seiza works best for me and feels great on the knees and thighs. I cannot recall where I read it - the article mentioned that historically lotus and full lotus were introduced from the Buddhist tradition's influence and that the seiza position as practiced in Japan was more likely to be used by old Daoist. Sitting seiza and breathing through the heels is much more difficult and rewarding to me than lotus or full lotus.
  6. A Wild Clown Ninja Appears

    Welcome back.
  7. Mo Pai Discussion and Vote

    I voted no to the subforum but yes to unsearchable if it does come into being.
  8. 30 Day Challenge for Slackers

    I have become so adept at nap fu my friends and family check to see if I am still breathing because I will be sound asleep with my eyes wide open and completely unmoving. I call this Awakened Master, Sleeping Statue.
  9. Yeah goods forbid you have a sufficiently robust medium for the current to run through.
  10. My friend has started a non-profit to help dig a well for the Raramuri tribe of Northern Mexico. The nearby town of Creel was victim to a cartel-fueled massacre in 2010. There are various items she can procure for you and the proceeds will be donated to provide people with clean water.
  11. Art for Agua: Non-Profit to Benefit Raramuri Tribe

    Three weeks left on this but only 12% of the way! This campaign is to help save lives of some of the world's most elite non-professional athletes and their people.
  12. I miss rain

    Asheville was the only part of North Carolina I could say I liked while I lived in the state.
  13. HELP!

    I have two certificates saying I was crazy a few years back... haven't been tested since.
  14. I miss rain

    We had a bit here in Sacramento in the last few weeks but not much. I would like more but considering that I am used to Arizona I still feel this is rather moist.
  15. What are you reading right now?
  16. What are you reading right now?
  17. Dantein

    LMAO! Perfect response sir!
  18. Art for Agua: Non-Profit to Benefit Raramuri Tribe

    Thank you! Anything helps, my friend is having a hard time finding donors.
  19. Superbrain Yoga/Qigong balances brain hemespheres!

    If you know what time it is and the sun is out you have a compass...
  20. What should one do/think of while walking?

    Same here. Unless you integrate your daily actions into your practice it will not progress as it should considering few of us work manual labor any longer.
  21. What are you reading right now?
  22. ran some upgrades and now...

    After the most recent Windows Update I couldn't get IE to do much of anything really. No big deal though, I use Chrome pretty much exclusively.
  23. More Affirmations

    Didn't Minnesota also elect Jesse Ventura as governor?
  24. What are you reading right now?

    Never read Moby Dick but I agree that the books have been disappointing. I think Baxter did the majority of the writing in these and he is not that good when he tries to keep it light. Baxter's best writing was always the dark and gritty stuff. I hope the progressing Alzheimer's hasn't damaged Pratchett too much.