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Everything posted by unmike

  1. Meditation Technology

    It would be lovely to see more people flesh out the ideas behind scalar/longitudinal/Tesla waves and how they apply. Has anyone read anything by Tom Bearden, especially his theories about how dipoles are wicking energy from the time domain via virtual particles and broken 3 symmetry? This stuff really helped me to start wrapping my mind around some of the stranger experiences I'd had during intense Chia lovemaking and the literal dynamo inside my abdomen. Great picture! Need more!
  2. Dr. Lin's Anal Breathing method

    The cold may be due to qi flowing from the genital region toward your tailbone. Energy leaves a space > space cools As for the method, this really takes over once you get qi down to the genitals and beyond, so it's more of the next step after whatever you do to get it there, not where you start, trying to inhale through your butt. As for the squeezing, gentler is better, and you're aiming for subtle control over these complexly interwoven muscles. The tail wagging exercise people mentioned recently, finger on the tailbone contraction play (to suss out which muscles are the correct ones), and sacrum wiggling are all wonderful ways to assist you in learning this control. I cannot stress enough: gentle is better to begin with. This is powerful stuff.
  3. Human Anatomy- The Spiritual Perspective

    Scientol Oops. My bad. He was an embezzler, arsonist, illegal wiretapping fiction writer working to win a bet. Boy, did he win.
  4. Human Anatomy- The Spiritual Perspective

    I said nothing of hunting, only the mechanics involved in our locomotion from walking to running. We possess incredibly efficient locomotion from an energy expenditure standpoint. The musculature of animals is different than ours. The 100 pound chimp from my previous post is many times stronger than a normal adult male, and would presumably rip his face off in a fight. Humans really don't need the extreme strength and physical ability, which is why we tend to be fairly lean. This all paves the way for us to spend our energy on what really is our prowess: grey matter. Our thinking, problem solving, creative abilities are what we were born to use.
  5. Human Anatomy- The Spiritual Perspective

    Upright vertebral column, perfectly balanced pole of posture, these are not detriments to locomotion, as you seem to think. We are perhaps the most efficient machine on the planet, a true engineering marvel! To wit: The human body is a giant inverted pendulum. When your center of gravity resides within the column, forward locomotion takes incredibly little effort. Moreover, we can quickly adjust our direction and stability in any direction, something many animals have difficulty with. A human can walk tremendous distances with very small energy expenditure. A 100 pounds adult male chimpanzee requires something akin to 6,000 calories per day. We are super savers. None of this, however, is the kicker. We were built to run. With a straight posture and gradual run-up, a human's inverted pendulum nature is amplified. It starts with a gentle lean. The force of gravity pulls our center (now in front of where our feet reside) down, providing the impetus for locomotion, and a leg plants while the other begins to fall. The miracle here is again pendulum based; each leg is one in double! With slight effort from some of the biggest muscles in the body, the leg is lifted slightly and the fall action takes over. The top half of the leg falls forward, while the lower half follows slightly behind, allowing it to clear the ground, as well as accumulate extra momentum and stretch for what comes next. The foot hits the ground just behind the center of gravity (not in front of, as you see most adults do-each time it brakes you, stresses every joint involved, and destroys the efficiency of the system by forcing energy input to be much larger). With each motion, certain muscles and the fascial trains/meridians stretch, providing reciprocal spring action to help retract them on the next step, enabling more efficient motion the better one becomes at relaxing properly. As the first foot pushes off the ground, almost all of the energy is converted into force in the direction of travel, and the second leg performs its fall, starting the process all over again. We don't force; we fall forever. Danny Dreyer does a wonderful job of explaining the mechanics in Chi Running, and a wealth of material exists on youtube about it.
  6. How To Improve or Heal Your Immune System

    Both refined sugars and dairy contribute to mucus production and inflammation of sensitive tissues involved in the allergy response. If you want to shore up the immune function, eating raw foods and, at that, in smaller than normal quantities will help immensely. Even eating cooked foods is better than what you're doing, so long as you avoid refined sugars and grains, as well as dairy. Fruits and veggies are what carry the important antioxidants your body needs to repair itself. The big one everyone knows about is obviously Vitamin C, but zinc and a host of others are equally important. I was plagued for years by a lowered immune system and tremendous allergy issues. Diet was the culprit one hundred percent. Fixed that, never had an issue again. Good luck and let us know what you try and how it goes!
  7. Dark Energy Is Real, New Evidence Indicates

    The paper deals not with the quark binding force, which seems to work in the opposite fashion as gravity, getting stronger the farther the "elastic is stretched apart", but the force overriding electric repulsion between the positively charged protons. This paper, while not widely supported yet in the academic community, perfectly mirrors things experienced in the thrall of the deepest meditation I've been party to. Based on the inverse square dynamic of its strength, it functions much like this diagram, but in reverse: What this shows is how, as distance between the attractors is reduced, the area force is spread through decreases exponentially, dramatically enhancing the strength of the effect. An atom is roughly a single angstrom in diameter. Of that, the nucleus is but a tiny speck in the center. If the nucleus is enlarged to the size of a basketball, the electrons would be 20 miles from it! The scale we are dealing with is insanely small, which is what leads this force to assert itself in such a manner. Mainstream adoption yet? No. Does the math check out? Yes!
  8. What is magic? How does magic work?

    Threads like this are why we love Taobums. Many thanks to Taomeow and neiye for the elucidation. What classic and modern resources can you point us toward to further our understanding of ganying?
  9. dark nigth of the soul? enlightenment?

    I was under the impression a dark night of the soul connotes something akin to a crisis of faith...
  10. Dao within the Dao

    Spot on, as per usual. Great insight!
  11. Dark Energy Is Real, New Evidence Indicates

    And just to keep the conversation lively and controversial... Some new research suggests that the strong nuclear force is really just gravitational interaction, as a product of the inverse square law. Since it gets exponentially stronger as distance decreases, at the extremely tiny scale of the inside of a nucleus, gravity manages to greatly overpower the electric repulsion. They didn't just unify forces, they show (perfectly matching both predicted values) they do away with the supposed "strong nuclear force" entirely.
  12. "Junk DNA" is an incredible and disappointing misnomer. Instead of being worthless filler, the truth is that the bulk of our code is actually storing data constantly. Research has found that it possesses grammar and syntactical structure akin to our present languages.
  13. Body armour, trauma, David Berceli

    In his efforts to undo the traumas associated with being struck by a car at 70 mph while on foot, Bob Cooley realized that fascial tissues, not muscles, are responsible for our flexibility. Because of they way collagen fibers shear, they often store the myriad physical stresses we endure from impacts great and small. His system is predicated upon the idea of learning to apply great amounts of force in specific direction in order to thin the excess "scar" fascia, resulting emotional and physical release. It improves upon existing stretches by adding in the fundamental resistance in the opposite direction, generating the forces necessary to sort of tear things into alignment. There is also an additional massage component occasionally performed by practitioners where the tissues are kneaded with the feet to accomplish something similar to Rolfing, though as I understand it in a somewhat gentler manner.
  14. My anthropology professor did much of his field research studying paternal relations across a number of cultures, but much of it in Fiji, where tribal life is in many ways still very natural. After being back in the states some time and having children, he was out with colleagues who began to argue about how often they modify their children's behaviors. There was a great amount of back and forth, but eventually they agreed to keep an accurate count for a day, but all modifications from verbal to nonverbal, positive and negative conditioning, and any feedback cues they gave counted, as these all lead to the child in question learning and modifying future behaviors. Even his friends who thought they were easygoing and lenient or hardly corrected their children were taken aback at the sheer number of times they influenced their kids, especially unintentionally. Any response, especially to a smaller child, is conditioning, soaked up readily by that sponge we refer to as a brain. Between the lot of them, they averaged 1,200 modifiers a day. Wowza. Think about how much a toddler learns from that quantity of cues. What about an infant? What about an unborn? Those with siblings to observe from the outside? - - - Thinking today, I realized that children from five on are subjected, daily, to eight hours of desk time per day for most of the rest of their lives. Much of my research and personal experience suggests to me this posture is not only emotionally stifling but physically stresses the spine and various organs. After years of forced school attendance, fluoridated water consumption, and the school/labor system, the body, mind, and spirit have all been effectively handicapped in ways no one should have to deal with. Here's vowing never to subject any progeny of mine to that bullsh nonsense. Great thread, Blasto, as per usual. Keep it coming!
  15. Energy Vortexes on the Earth?

    Drawing a straight line around the Earth various certain directions seems to cross conspicuously many ancient sacred and significant sites. High likelihood that these center around energetic vortices of an incredibly powerful nature.
  16. An excellent explication of the interplay between our consciousness and the way our future reality is shaped. edited to repair link (thanks Non!)
  17. Major component of evolution theory proven wrong

    All that is sound, reasonable, and completely true, but totally irrelevant. What really matters is the fact that the present is a convergence of waveforms from the past and the future. The present moment, at a quantum level, we are literally calling what is necessary to us, and evolution functions through this resonant principle.
  18. Excellent article! Many of us have noticed the intense correlation between traditional Taoist and shamanic practices of the east with those of the Mayans, and we're eager to learn more. If you have any further resources to share with us, it would be wonderful and greatly appreciated.
  19. . .

    To be fair, there was something hidden within the apparent emptiness.
  20. . .

  21. Seth Ananda please teach me about kundalini

    Seth, you have consistently been a boon to this forum for my entire tenure herein. This was incredibly helpful!
  22. Effectiveness of Mudras

    Really helpful link describing some of the effects of many common mudras. Enjoy!
  23. Seth Ananda please teach me about kundalini

    My understanding is that cobra breath is a practice best learned under the guidance of someone with experience, though the only places I've found with any decent information on the matter all suggest a very expensive retreat in order to do so. If anyone has anything to share on the subject, there are many of us eagerly listening.
  24. salvia divinorum

    Not only is a much higher concentration recommended to feel the effects of smoked salvia, but a few other tips will also help. First, use a bong or some other large chambered piece. The more smoke you can draw, the better. Cooled water or an ice catcher also helps ease the harshness so that a proper sized hit can be taken. Second, a torch lighter is a must. Regular lighters simply don't reach the temperature required to vaporize the chemical. Third, if you're inexperienced, consider having a sitter, as someone in the out-there state can do some strange things when they begin to float down far enough into reality to regain motor control, but not full reasoning. All in all, BE SAFE, take it slow, and learn as much as you can about what's going on and your own limits.
  25. Michael Lomax

    The workshop was wonderful and Monday's medical portion was fascinating! The next 100 days are going to be very interesting. Special thanks to Michael and all the senior students for their help with my broken collar bone. I'll keep you posted on the healing process.