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Posts posted by bodyoflight

  1. This subject has nothing to do with your ideas, it's a completely different story.

    Let's not get our facts mixed-up. Sorry!


    Who has the right facts?


    Do you?


    You see them as flyers but maybe I see them as something else.


    Are you right or am I right?

  2. No amount of enlightenment can help you to 'subdue' these critters. It can help you stay away from them as it allows you to see them and beware. I am talking about another type.


    I almost sound like a professionist, eh? I very much FEEL that the idea is for real. I just hope to keep this thread alive for as much as it needs, to attract the opinion of someone that has a little more awareness than us, and can tell us what they 'see'.


    Up until now, the fact that most of us had little or debatable encounters with anything simmilar only goes to show our deplorable level :)


    Of course this all could very much be just a bunch of hogwash, eh?


    Go study more.


    as you said, you had very little or debatable encounters

  3. This is why I recommend living in temples and holy grounds for the next few years.


    The flyers might be powerful but not as powerful as the angels and dharma protectors.


    When you go into meditation deep enough, one might have a chance of protecting oneself..

  4. That's part of it for most. Look around. You see it everywhere. Okay, you have chosen to not pursue those things. That's fine.


    There are many species of animals that mate for life. Sex is natural - to repress it is unnatural. Sure, if you are living off the efforts of parents you don't have to work but most species of animals have to work for their survival. And those who do have to work it is better to have a career that it is to do day-labor work their entire life. You have family, don't you? A mother and a father? You are a child of their mating. That means they had at least one child.


    Brings to mind the old joke question: Did your parents have any children that lived?


    So, yes, we each make our own choices in life. I'm not saying that your choices are bad - just different from the normal. I saw earlier that you are seeking immortality. That's fine. I wish you success.


    When humans learn to transform the sexual energies instead of using it for procreation, this will be the next golden age.

  5. I've met the "swimmers," in the Amazon. Same type of creature, but water-based. I fought with them for an eternity. The subject matter of the fight was retaining sensitivity -- what they are after is our feelings, aliveness in its all manifestations, they are numb and they make you numb with their touch, and they bite pieces out of you, pieces of perceptions, of sensitivity, their teeth and claws leave numb spots on your body, your mind, your heart, your memory, your feelings and meanings. If you don't resist, they gradually turn you into one of them -- numb all over, seeking to do this to others, hungry for sensitivity forever.


    If they wanna take anything, just give them!


    Afterall, you can always create more stuff out of yourself by sheer visualizations.


    Imagine a huge beam of celestial light coming into your soul and spreading in all directions.


    Visualize yourself giving and healing all beings with this healing light!




    Btw, this is only a very basic preliminary practice!

  6. Alright, enough of my rants against the material world in favour of the spiritual..


    I wanna start a new line of thought..


    We insignificant human beings have been controlled by the Gods and Higher Beings and Controllers, ET, Human or otherwise for millennial..


    However the movie the Adjustment Bureau gave a very important message.


    The main character was supposed to be the president but he must sacrifice the love of his life in return.


    In the end, he threw away his chances at presidency in order to chase after the love of his life.


    Members of the Adjustment Bureau, a organization with special powerful higher beings/angels, keep putting obstacles in his way but the hero keep destroying all the obstacles until he forged a new destiny and a new timeline.


    I wanna ask each and every one in here.


    If the Gods, Higher Beings and Controllers, ET, Human or otherwise, have a specific destiny for us but we seek to avert that particular destiny by choosing a even higher, different destiny or timeline..


    Are we "insignificant" human beings ever able to persuade the Gods, Higher Beings and Controllers to give us a better, different destiny and timeline?


    Just like how the main character in the Adjustment Bureau changed his destiny and timeline?

    • Like 2

  7. Even though I am a fierce advocate of free speech, I think you should be banned for what you said to her. I reread what you said and it is you who are twisting what you stated.


    well what do you want me to say?


    that a recovering alcoholic should find love in another recovering alcoholic so both of them can understand the demons plaguing each other?


    i am sorry mate but the truth hurts and someone gotta say the painful truth sometimes even if it is not politically correct..

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  8. How does that bother you? The fact that I say I know nothing absolute? My standards it is I am presenting? I have never, as far as I know, stated that "my way" is the only way. Of course I have my opinions and understandings. Don't we all? I have no fear of presenting mine. Even if someone disagrees with me it good because they might be shining a light on something I was to that time unable to see.


    Would you feel better if every time I say something I prefix it with "This is my opinion and understanding:"


    So what do you know absolute? Care to share?


    Look, I do know some stuff that you don't ok?


    This is why I am looking at things differently.


    There are also lots of stuff which I do not know.


    A lot of people do not know what happens to the soul after death.


    I know cos I spent too much time connecting the dots and I know how to get out of the prison. The answers have been quoted in my posts far too many times.


    We live in a prison and there are controllers, human, ET and otherwise trying to prevent us from leaving the prison.


    This is one of the most important facts of life which everybody must acknowledge.


    There is a way out and a number of people know this way out.


    Now I am choosing the best way out for me and it might not necessarily be the best method in the world for me but given the current resources and information and contacts at my disposal, it is the best road.


    Some of you might have even better roads than me. Some of you might already have masters living in the same city as you and you are satisfied with that.


    Well I don't have nothing and this is why I am moving to the Himalayas because the number of teachers in the Himalayas and the skill-level of such teachers far outstrip the teachers found in major cities..


    And even if the teachers in the Himalayas refuse to teach me, I will meditate there till my death because the energies of the Himalayas will help me reach my destination much faster..

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  9. Have to agree, you have not spent a single second in her shoes bol why on earth do you think you know what's best for her? it's just arrogance in the extreme


    I have already said I would not do the same thing if I were in her shoes.


    I have also said that it is her life and she has the right and freedom to do with it as she please.


    Please re-read the post again. Cheers!

  10. I agree, no realization is permanent. Flush buddhahood down the toilet.




    You can't find joys in daily life. So now you chase after spiritual bliss thinking it will lead to salvation. Gold is right, you are trading one fear for another, one goal for another. At heart, it's no different than compared to a man chasing sexual pleasures. You are seeking states, seeking pleasures, seeking powers. How are you any different?


    There's absolutely nothing wrong with either! Be ok with suffering and death. Accept them totally. When you are in struggle with them you are simply creating a reaction, a polarity that strengthens their significance. Everything simple comes and goes, just be at peace with the world.


    No I am chasing after something .. a prize greater than money or sex or family or children..


    I am chasing after immortality itself...


    How is that any different?


    Because the powers gained when immortality is given will give you the new freedoms of creating any reality which you want..


    including the powers to benefit others and relieve them of suffering and ignorance if you wish to..


    as long as you are only hankering after money and sex and family and children, you will be extremely limited in your capacity to create new improved realities..


    Chasing after immortality and enlightenment is vastly different from chasing after money and sex and family and children..


    Please do not put both groups in the same basket.


    The only fear I have is wasting time and energies on useless activities eg sex,money family, children while ignoring the main goal of life which is enlightenment and immortality.


    I am totally fine with death and suffering as long as it is death and suffering endured while chasing the CORRECT goals of life.

    If I have to suffer and even die in vain while chasing immortality, then so be it. I am totally fine with it. My suffering will not be in vain and my death will serve a higher purpose!


    What I detest however is to suffer and die in vain while chasing after women and sex and money and family and children. This will totally result in useless suffering and useless deaths!

    • Like 1

  11. Where did you find all this extra time to start concerning yourself with my life? Don't you have enough problems of your own?


    It would be greatly appreciated if you just allow me to be me and I assure you, I will let you be you.


    well you were the one saying these..

    I have no idea what happens with our soul and spirit when we die. I haven't died yet so I have no idea. I do know that our body will return to Earth.


    But just because we don't know what will happen to our soul and spirit when we die shouldn't have any effect on how we live our life while we have a body to live with.


    this is why I said you know very little and yet you keep pushing your standards on how to live life on earth on others..


    Do you have any idea what the winters are like in the Himalayas? We are not talking about kiddie play. Even if you could live off the elements, that would take years to master and tummo is not easy.


    Expect to have giardia, parasites, dysentery and a host of other medical problems.


    Stop twisting what I say! I never said those winters would bother me. I said you have no idea as to what they are like.


    you are already showing your fears about the winters and diseases in the himalayas..


    i am not twisting what you said..

  13. If all is impermanent, then realization is impermanent. If any realization is permanent, then ALL is not impermanent.

    This is the trap - to believe Buddhahood to be the one permanent thing, Buddhists cling to a goal of attaining it.

    Even that must be let go for us to approach liberation.

    I think this is addressed by the koan - If you see the Buddha in the road KILL HIM!


    Now I'm not a Buddhist, mind you, and I'm not at all well versed in scripture and doctrine and metaphysical debate so you can argue circles around me. But I believe this is a critical and subtle attachment that many Buddhists get stuck on.

    And I don't mean to imply that you are stuck on it because I really don't know you at all, but I think many are.


    buddhists talk about enlightenment all the time


    but is there a difference between attachment and dedication?


    the dalai lama talks about enlightenment all the time..


    but is he attached or dedicated?


    i think there is no one human in this forum or on the face of the planet who have the credentials to judge if a spiritual practitioner is truly dedicated or attached to spirituality..


    i have different goals from you.. i judge life differently from you..


    why should I live my life according to your expectations and standards?

  14. It's funny how life trains us for the very things we're talking about.


    I have chosen to live my life with a man I met in AA 28 years ago. He is a recovering alkie too; but in his case, when he drinks, he is a skid row wino. He hasn't drank in 20 years, but the first 8 were hell. Pure hell.


    Not only would he periodically fall off the wagon, he would crash cars, he would grow a long pukey beard and be out panhandling change for bottles of Thunderbird or a short dog. It was during this initial 8 year period of time that I learned to live with one foot on a banana peel and one foot in hell.


    Alanon taught one thing only, after everything is said and done: Stay In Your Own Lane. No matter how painful it is, seeing your partner laying face down in a parking lot next to a dumpster. There is absolutely nothing you can do to change it.


    As a result of this, I have two sides to me now. One side is totally entrenched in love for everything and everyone. The other side of me is like a switch I can turn on and off; an instantaneous ability to get to the Here and Now and absolutely pay no mind to what's going on around me. It was a survival technique that I learned, but I didn't realize how very spiritual it was at the painful times I had to do it.


    Even now, although he doesn't drink, his bipolarity creates the same situation occasionally. I have to use the same technique to have a nice day for myself and not buy into his negativity.


    Yes, life does remove things swiftly. All we can do is stay grounded, stay in tune, embrace the change.


    It's like we're the projectors showing a movie to Spirit, that's all.


    you should never have fallen for a man you met in AA..


    you were already suffering from alcoholism and now you wanna get together with another recovering alcoholic?


    no offense.. but if I were you, I would never have done the same thing..


    it is suicide mate..


    but then, hey it is your life.. do whatever with what you will

    • Like 1

  15. Yes, I understand what you are saying. I have been with you here since your beginning. I know that you have work to do. And that is my point - you need to do that work.


    My life wasn't always a bowl of cherries. I have had many down times. But I refused to let any thing or any one keep me down. I always got up and tried again. Mistakes? Sure, I have made, Oh!, so many. But that is the past. Everything we do, everything we think is already history by the time we realize it. Every moment is a new moment - a chance for a new life - an opportunity for awareness - an opportunity for a meaningful life.


    Now, just because you are messing up right now doesn't mean that you are messed up, it just means that you are trying the wrong things for 'you' and your conditions. If we keep making the same mistakes it is pretty much a given that we are doing the wrong thing.


    Expand yourself. Right now I would likely guess that your ego is in your way. Possibly also that you are placing your expectations on life and your expectations are not realistic.


    And as much as I dislike saying this (hehehe), Buddhism is an excellent means of getting rid of the escessive ego and your expectations of the universe.


    Go for a trip into outer space and realize the meaninglessness of everything and then come back to Earth and find all the meaning that life provides.


    Best Wishes!


    Non's life will always be in the dumps until he wakes up and adjusts the way he looks at life's priorities ..


    you know, in taiwan last year, there was this very famous and cutey-pie faced female singer in her late 20s.


    she was in the prime of her career and was scheduled to get married late last year..


    then, disaster struck in the middle of last year.. she was involved in an accident involving fireworks and she suffered 1st degree burns all over her body..


    she walked out of the hospital a few months back but she will never be involved in the show business again..


    when i saw her making her first press conference after the accident, she had short hair just like a monk and she looked really worn-out and tired..


    she looked like someone about to go on a pilgrimage and it was certainly a far cry from her heydays of being a cutey-pie faced singer with flowing long locks of hair ..


    I have always felt sorry for her and I wished her all the best..


    but you can't deny that this was a life-changing experience for her and i have a hunch she will really go on a pilgrimage someday soon..


    The gods will hit NON continuously without fail until he wakes up and realizes that the love between man and woman is always fleeting and insignificant compared to the love between a human being and God..

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  16. I need a smilie of a guy smashing his head against a brick wall.


    The Manifest, the physical aspect of Tao is just as real as any other aspect of Tao.


    Stop with this 'everything is illusion' crap. It gets you nowhere.


    There are processes. Our body gets old and we die. Sometimes a person will die before they get old. I have no idea what happens with our soul and spirit when we die. I haven't died yet so I have no idea. I do know that our body will return to Earth.


    But just because we don't know what will happen to our soul and spirit when we die shouldn't have any effect on how we live our life while we have a body to live with.


    yes you know very little but others know a lot..


    stop flaunting the fact that you know nothing, alright?



  17. Interesting... one would think that its precisely these things that increases the desire for people to want to seek enlightenment? The very reason why you are trapped under the very same delusion that you think the wasters are confined by? You just happen to frame it differently, but fundamentally, its still influenced by dualistic notions.



    i prefer to look upon it as self-improvement goals..


    i will do the necessary spiritual work and let the Universe decides my future without being attached to the outcome..


    to aim at the target without worrying about whether the arrow will hit or miss..


    pure "intention" in taoist terms?



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  18. Apparently you can't even sacrifice since you keep spending your time here instead of meditating.


    It will be much more interesting hearing your absolutist statements in four, five years when you return from your Himalaya-voyage. When are you leaving? Do you have the money? If not, why not work and save money instead of spending time here and distracting your self from your goals?





    i have meditated for about maybe 2-3 hours today..


    didn't keep track as i kept losing consciousness..

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  19. I didn't say that.




    That's true. But does dad get upset when his kid asks to sit on the lap in the car and pretend to drive the car? Or does the dad go "awwww"? :)




    It's better for you to call me Lord. :) But you're a free being. You can do whatever you like.


    You are hardly sitting on your dad's lap and pretending to drive the car.


    You are just like the rich man's son in the playground who tried to bully other kids by proudly showing off how rich and powerful your dad is.


    In the end, you get trashed by the bigger kids and it turns out .. the fathers of the bigger kids are even more powerful and richer than your dad..





  20. I am only speculating, in the same way most of what you write are - you keep assuming the gods do this, that and t'other... so i am merely trying to communicate with you at your frequency, is all. You dont like this mode of relating? Then please refrain from throwing up so many assumptions eh?


    I know that the higher beings whom I am trying to contact with said this..


    "Humans on earth has very little chance of enlightenment because they waste all their time and energies on sex, money, religion, war, family, children."


    It is very clear from this one single sentence what kind of existence higher dimensional beings lead.

  21. Healing with bare hands is something I do myself, but not instantly and not arbitrarily either. In other words, what I can do depends on many conditions. I provide an influence and it can sometimes be a powerful enough influence to help things get better, but sometimes it's not enough.


    As for meditating in a pot of boiling oil, no, I haven't seen such things. That's not to say I believe such things are impossible. I just haven't seen it for one, and two, I've never really went out of my way to look for such things either. I've meditated with the pain of heat briefly, but not anything extreme like sitting in boiling oil. I've put my hand on a surface that's very hot from the summer California sun for say 10-20 seconds and contemplated the nature of pain. I've done similar things with very hot water coming out of the shower. Since I don't focus on the power aspect, I don't do these things in a persistent manner that's required to develop an impressive power. I focus on the wisdom aspect. I want to understand more than I want to control, at least at this point in time.


    I'm much more interested in what I can do than in what others can or cannot do.



    I am talking about healing open wounds with bare hands as well as performing surgery on patients with bare hands.


    Are you saying that there is no master on earth who can do that?


    You have already shown you do not know about such masters yet you can go around implying that the Himalayas is full of scam artists?


    Such arrogance!


    Not at all. Just keep your eyes open is what I am saying. It's very easy to get fooled especially when you have strong cravings without equally strong wisdom to protect yourself from silliness.


    Your arrogance is showing once again. How do you know what I know? How do you know what kind of wisdom and protection I possess?


    Do you think that I am revealing everything about myself in just a few posts?


    He did no such thing. Trust me. If he intends to disappear, he will disappear. He has plenty of influence over his own situation to be able to do that. As a matter of fact, one good way to do so, is to expose oneself as a scam artist (even if one isn't!) just to get other people to lose interest. Then go back to the city and live like everyone else on the superficially observable level. That's just one of the options.


    trust you? lol.. to say that he is a scam artist when everybody can see he is not.. i.e. meditating for long periods of time w/o food and water..


    only a fool would trust you i think..


    Money is OK when it's earned honestly, without scamming people.


    yes buddha boy is scamming a few dollars off people.. what a great sin..


    Lying about one's lifestyle is what's wrong. He's no Buddha for one. Two, the problem with money is not always so much money, but what kind of environment it facilitates. He's facilitating a tourist trap where many people are scammed without any benefit.


    he has never forced people to pay him.. they do it of their own accord..


    If he earned his money honestly, he can have all the hookers his peepee can handle. In this scam, you should check out what his handlers/helpers are doing.


    what his handlers/helpers are doing have no connection to what he is doing or what he is..


    your so-called "wisdom" isn't wise enough to let you discern the true state of things..


    I'm not actually against you moving to Himalayas. I just don't want you to experience disappointment and to be ripped off. It's like I am not against you being drunk, but if you drink and drive in my presence, I will do what I can to prevent that.


    I think you can pretty much do nothing to prevent me from moving to the Himalayas..


    Nor can anyone else on Earth prevent me from moving to the Himalayas for that matter..



    That's kind of the meaning of my name. You're one of the few people who really gets it. Gold weighs us down. My name is a reminder of that.


    But it's not only the physical gold that weighs us down. The spiritual gold weighs us down as well. Abilities, powers, secrets, lineages, societal position (like a form or informal ranking and association of Gurus/teachers/masters), all these things are blinding. And I am not against abilities or power, so don't get what I am saying in the wrong way please.


    To be very powerful you have to be very stable within yourself. It's impossible to be stable when the slightest spiritual display gets you to change your place of residence in a very passionate manner, with huge outbursts on the forum justifying your move, while simultaneously verbally spanking everyone who isn't moving together with you.


    One of the biggest "gold" that weigh us down is pride and arrogance. And you have displayed plenty of that in this forum.


    I am moving to the Himalayas to conduct a siege..


    Any fool who thinks he is strong enough to "influence" me in the future is very welcome to try to slug it out with me in the Himalayas..


    Just a tip though.. the highest spiritual being in the universe has his home base in the himalayas..


    and coincidentally, I am the spiritual son of that specific spiritual being..


    do you think you or anyone else still have a flea's chance of stopping me? Can't you even feel the energy in these posts of mine?



  22. Depends on who's doing the living, i guess.


    Btw, even the gods and beings from the outer dimensions have procreation. Not sure if they have 'families and friends' the way we understand the concept, but certainly, from what some people have said here and elsewhere, they appear to demonstrate a desire to inter-mingle. I suppose they would also have the desire for power and other impermanent things - otherwise why would they even bother to make themselves known to people, like yourself, for example?


    I am thinking whether its possible that when you make contact with these beings, whereby they agree to give you a pass into their dimension, if you will also find dissatisfaction and a lot of unease happening among the majority of these folks? Sure, they would have their own sages and saints (which i am sure you will get to hear of), but who knows, when you get there, you may have to again seek for another 'Lost Horizon' to meet these so-called higher masters, only this time, it wont be as visible because of the different dimension of time/space. The reason i am speculating in this way is because you seem to have carried over some gross karmic attachment from a previous existence in a different plane to come to this one, only to begin your search all over again. Does not make much sense, does it?


    As a friendly reminder - Of all the different realms of existence, its only in the human one that awakening can take place, because its only in this realm that past karmic tendencies have the potential to be diminished by doing the right practice, thru following the correct path that leads to the cessation of ignorance and suffering. Not saying that beings in other realms do not have the same privilege, its just that they have to bide their time and ride out their past karmic accumulations, whereas only as humans can work be done to speed up the process.


    How do you know what the outer realms and dimensions are?


    How do you know beings in other realms can't destroy their own karmic tendencies too in their own dimensions/realms/planets?


    Thing is, in Himalayas you'll learn how to deal with the Himalayan kind of pain and suffering. To learn how to deal with the worldly suffering of the kind you're running away from, you will need to return from Himalayas and dive in once again, so you can transcend that which you swim in. So your training in Himalayas is going to be productive, but at the same time, if you think everyone who is away from Himalayas is wasting time, that's a huge mistake on your part.



    My training in the Himalayas will be far more productive than training in the city.


    Matter of Return on Investment.


    Extremism is mental clinging to one end of the spectrum, often as an antidote to another end. Of course extremism is a poor antidote because it doesn't lead to balance and harmony, but instead it leads to crazy pendulum-like swings of the mind.


    I don't call it extremism.


    I call it a matter of strategic planning.


    Simply going to Himalayas is not in and of itself an extremist intention. What makes it extremist is how you frame it in your own mind, or at least, how you explained it to us here in no uncertain terms.


    Thank you for calling it not an extremist intention because lots of people have trained in the Himalayas before me.


    You will be making yourself out to be a fool if you call all those other people extremist too.


    What action is that? If I am prepared to punch people, should I start punching every passer by to prove I am serious? Who am I going to convince? Them, or myself? Who is the important person to convince here? Who are you trying to convince with your important actions?


    I am trying to convince no one here.


    However you are trying to convince me that you have no problems living in the Himalayas..


    Prove it.


    First of all, that action will not necessarily prove anything to you. If you like, you can continue to have doubts as long as you want. And at the same time, why should I be seeking to prove something to you? Are you going to Himalayas to prove something to someone else?


    Then you are just merely talking when you said you are prepared to lose everything else in life.


    I do not talk. I do.


    So you have a vicious streak, don't you? You enjoy the suffering of others?


    I enjoy the destruction of the human egos caused by suffering. Not the actual suffering itself.