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Posts posted by bodyoflight

  1. thoth,


    If you sit down and mediate on your lower dan tien while being celibate and breathing naturally the sexual energy will convert and flow where it needs to flow on it's own. You will get better control of your sexual organs and in time with a lot of perseverance you will stop the flow of semen.


    I have heard that some people can achieve this under two years.

    What is your actual goal here? To fuck your girl/boyfriend all night long or spiritual cultivation?


    Spiritual cultivation requires a lot of detachment at first. Think of yourself like a jigsaw. You have to scramble yourself and then put yourself back together.


    Meditation helps you break down everything, this phase requires detachment. Then once you reach a certain level your whole being will come together again, but with new programming. Then you can attach to the world again, but with the refined notion of impermanence which will cradle a conscious foundation of detachment.


    So during the first stage, either you're gonna fuck or you're not gonna fuck, chose one of the two.

    After that fuck all you want.


    YES YES YES !!!


    But too many human/animal egos refuse to heed the truth!


    They want their cake and eat it at the same time!

    • Like 1

  2. yes but to 'watch' them you have to stop yourself immediately acting on them don't you? That's what I meant by some kind of control ... but if you just inhibit something in a dumb sort of way then you actually increase its energy ... you could pressure cook yourself by damming up sexual energy. If that's what's meant by suppression it not a good idea. But I think there are people who choose celibacy for instance for entirely positive reasons ... its right for them ... they must go through some kind of process which allows them to release and redirect the sexual energy otherwise they become a suppressor.




    Oh to be a complete asshole ... if only ... I spend my days as a partial asshole looking up at my betters .... :lol:




    Completely agree.


    the act of suppression energies or the act of controlling energies has one very important functions..


    on the path of spirituality, sooner or later, you will visit the upper worlds/dimensions in your astral/etheric forms..


    the training of divine willpower by one suppressing or controlling sexual energies is necessary because you will be using your divine willpower to control your astral forms when navigating the upper worlds/dimensions..


    if you can't even the basic functions of suppressing or controling your sexual energies, what hope do you have in controlling your astral forms when visiting the upper dimensions?


    wakey wakey

  3. WTF, are you talking about? "Dzogchen monk is a contradiction in terms." Are you aware of the shit that you type? Every other post of yours sounds like you have some sort of grudge against any organized religion and the people who choose to live life as a monk or nun.


    Certain rules are set up not just for someone to tell them "you can't do this, you can't do that!" They're meant to be rules of conduct in order for people to control their vices, lead to mindfulness, and to essentially be in samadhi, in the post meditative state, so that they aren't "leaking" through any of the senses.


    This then has effect on the mind/body in this way:


    1. Psychologically: This means that your mind is more "pure," which makes it easier for you to enter samadhi.


    2. Physiologically: Because mind and body are "one mind" essentially; The "purity" of your mind is reflected in your chi channels, which makes them easier to open up, therefore you're able able to reach samadhi easier.


    Now, thinking practically here: For a cultivator who chooses to be celibate, usually does it because they want to "save their jing;" to reach higher spiritual states. They therefore don't let their jing "leak," through either masturbation or sex. Though if you're always having lustful thoughts, it would definitly make it a challenge in the initial period; until you learn to ignore the pull of these sexual urges to open the chi-mai and eventually to reach the first dhyana. Uncontrolled or wanton lust can not only lead to obvious problems in pent up frustration: It can lead to nocturnal emission and prevent someone in entering the first dhyana of the Form realm heavens.


    To add though: Since we're talking of lay people here and not monks or nuns; We don't have such rules against being married and having sex. There is nothing wrong with it. If you have a gf/bf or wife/husband, and you're holding out on them for cultivation reasons; that would be selfish.


    The best solution would then be to learn either Taoist or Indian sexual yoga to learn how to have sex without ejaculation. I'm referring to men here, women don't have to really worry about this.



  4. Hello Little 1,


    I am the one that posted those comments, so I wanted to elaborate a bit about them. First I don't agree with your opinions regarding the way of humans, sages, perverts, and wackos. First using the word nurturing may not actually describe what is going on in regards to sex and sexuality.


    There is a common misconception that sexual deviancy is about sex, when most researchers now agree that sexual deviancy is closely linked to control, in this particular instance the control of people. The use of paraphilia is the way that people derive control through certain stimulus. Whether it's a foot fetish, pedophilia, or bestiality, ultimately it's not really about sex, but rather a desire to control others that is founded on deep seeded, oftentimes unconscious, feelings of inadequacy commonly associated with neglect or abuse in childhood. In particular, if a child felt helpless during a certain situation, especially during adolescence, they may later associate that situation with sex.


    The fact that these desires are carried out sexually, should not detract from what is actually going on. Someone who is molesting children may be sexually attracted to children, but that does not mean that the driving force behind their actions is simply that attraction. Rather it is the desire to gain control, to feel as if they have control, that causes them to perpetuate their abuse.


    One thing to keep in mind is that as a person suffering from a sexual deviancy grows older their ability to control their urges regarding those impulses diminishes. Using the model of pedophiles for instance, most pedophiles (that end up molesting children) will have molested their first victim by their mid to late twenties. Of course where it gets tricky is the definition of pedophiles, because not everyone that molests a child is a pedophile.


    Remember I said that some people who become celibate will act out in a deviant way, well that happens because stress can lower the impulse control of a person, in particular depression, anxiety, or major life traumas are often the catalyst that causes someone who is not necessarily a pedophile to actually abuse a child. Many times this is accompanied with alcohol or drug abuse, but just as often it happens without any drugs involved. The apparent lack of control that these people feel causes them to act out in a way that allows them to control others. Now in nearly all of the incidents where people act out in this way sexually, what one finds is that these people were not engaging in normal sexual behavior prior to the incident, i.e. they were having marital problems, relationship problems, or were celibate.


    This is one of the reason why I suggest that normal sexual release is not only healthy, but necessary. Because of the important part that sex plays in our lives, when we feel stress, but have no outlet for these desires and impulses, then we are more likely to engage in behavior that is deviant, whether it be molesting children or not listening when the girl we are with says "no". Many people who have engaged in these acts never thought they were capable of it before it happened.


    Now, although I am not an expert, I did work as a case manager monitoring sexual offenders for a few years. What I learned is only the tip of the iceberg regarding sexual deviancy, in particular violent and dangerous repeat offenders. What I can tell you is that in nearly every case once one perpetuates this form of abuse they have a very high chance of repeating the offense. It's almost like a drug addict taking their first hit. Once they've gotten that first high, they start chasing it over and over.


    Anyways I think I've elaborated enough on that, my point is that nurturing has nothing to do with what's happening here, rather it's the lack of nurturing that causes people to become deviant. In the case of the deviants that actually enter these celibate institutions, it's often done because they feel that it's the only way for them to gain control over these urges. Very few pedophile priests, for instance, entered the priesthood to have access to children, rather they entered under the hopes that somehow the priesthood would remove their impulses to harm children. When this doesn't happen, their willpower slowly fades and they inevitably end up placing themselves in positions where they have access to children. This is the overwhelming problem with celibacy, most normal men (and women) do not look at celibacy as an option. Normal men are highly unlikely to enter into an institution that will deprive them of one of the things they enjoy most in life. When they do enter these institutions, what happens in many instances is that as they repress their sexual urges for longer and longer periods of time, what can eventually happen is what I explained before, they encounter a stressful times in their life and act out sexually, by exerting control over someone else.


    Again I didn't intend to go into this level of depth, so I will leave it here and just say, celibacy is not natural under any condition and practicing celibacy, in my opinion, puts one in more danger than not. Peace be with you.




    the sexual deviancy inherent in all sex offenders including pedophiles are weak un-evolved humans with very weak souls which cause them to be psychically manipulated by psychic thought-forms and other spiritual entities into what they do..


    this is why the yogis and the tibetant/theravada monks seek to practice to inhibit the negative spiritual attacks on their human ego by these spiritual entities..


    why do the catholic and christian traditions contain a bigger number of molesters than the other mainstream traditions in the world?


    because the catholic/christian traditions have no aspect of spiritual training to control and destroy their deviant sexual thought-forms unlike the theravada or tibetan or hindu traditions..


    most researchers do not have any spiritual training and therefore their research lack the spiritual causes behind most of the deviant behaviors in this world..


    grow up boys, when ants try to attack a mountain, they will get crushed by avalanches sooner or later..

  5. maybe they are hanging out in Greenland? who knew?! :lol:

    i dont consider being close to birds or small animals as siddhis,

    yesterday i had a couple of cardinals land on my porch swing while

    i was sitting there. they stayed a moment and probably didnt even notice

    me there. it is springtime here after all and they flew together to my hedge.

    i think if you have a simple good vibe , non threatening, then animals come closer.

    some mornings while playing my taichi form i have had a small group of deer

    standing closeby there watching me.

    my taichi is not all that . i think the deer were just wondering what the heck i was doing. i am glad they didnt want to push hands B)


    i have heard that when the yogis came down from the mountains and stayed

    too long among the population that they did lose alot of their "powers".

    and i also feel that they may be where you don't expect them to be.


    at least they managed to obtain some "powers" in the first place which showed their progress..

  6. I agree with Adept, japan and sri lanka have incredible traditions dating back thousands of say there are no masters there borders on ignorance. I've traveled extensively throughout both countries and have met incredible teachers there, I'll leave it at that.


    There are some huge generalizations being made on this thread about where "masters" might be found, have any of you ever traveled to these places?


    I have travelled extensively throughout asia during the last year or so and have met many high masters..


    but none of the masters refuse to teach me or help me because apparently they can't do so or they refuse to do so...


    so since this is the case, I am returning to a western country with very low population human density and meditate on my own till I pass away..

  7. IME, it is still best to cultivate amongst society. Ive come across plenty of self-proclaimed masters whom, once removed from these "impossible" environments, find it almost impossible to return. By the time the master is done with his cultivation he becomes so far removed from others that it is very easy, and likely, that he will become an outcast. As these societies will have likely grown and changed without him. He will likely find himself not understanding and even cursing new or different social norms that he now perceives to be "against" the tao. But then again all paths lead to the same end, and they all have their advantages and pitfalls so i think we have to be careful as to what our ego's define as the "best" way. I also think we are on the same page as far as not seeking to influence, but what im getting at is that by his very presence and mere interaction amongst others this influence happens naturally. Whether he is even aware of this or not. Be it his thought patterns or energy vibrations having an affect on those around him.


    why would a master wanna seek to influence society if that society doesn't give him any benefits?


    and even if the master becomes an outcast so what?


    life is like a dream and we all die in the end..


    the ultra-dimensional ETs are now openly walking among us..


    if any human is to become an outcast, it is because the ETs have shut off his ultra-dimensional faculties which is prevent him from using ultra-dimensional technologies and getting used to a ultra-dimensional society..


    but then if the ultra-dimensional ETs refuse to open up the ultra-dimensional faculties of a master, then you can't blame the master for becoming an outcast..

    • Like 1

  8. I felt compelled to post here today, just a few of my immediate thoughts:


    -If you consider yourself a "master" and feel you have to isolate yourself, then you are not a master. Simple as that. You are still trapped in thoughts which tell you to run from something or someone.


    -Masters seek to master their own lives and nothing more. But in mastering his own life, one finds that he has also master everything else. As the entire universe and everything in it is simply a reflection of cosm upon cosm. (Micro/Macro)


    -A master seeks to influence others, not necessarily "teach". Only the universe can teach as our words are limited.


    -This influence, in my experience, is done by his own awareness of something. Not by "him". His mere presence can completely change a situation/event. Whatever he is aware of uses his awareness to evolve itself.


    -Once a master has become one by removing "himself" from the equation, there is no need to be "found". Unless one wishes to make a fool of himself. :rolleyes: The universe if infinitely personal, simply enjoy your life.


    -By the way, there is no such thing as a master. This is separation at its finest. Call yourself a master, feel the pride, and then let it go. "Masters" in the end move beyond this and necessarily become ordinary people. If i saw myself as a master id probably be in some mountain somewhere too, but thank the universe im not. :)


    p.s. Hi Bums! First post after years of lurking, you guys are gonna love me here i promise :)


    A master do not seek to influence anyone else other than himself..


    One only moves to isolated places because it is the best place to train yourself.. Once you have trained yourself to a degree that you can't be moved by others anymore, then can you re-integrate yourself into society.


    Since I am no master yet, I aim to move to counties with low population density within the next 2 weeks maybe even by the end of this week unless the Universe allows me to meet a master where I am right now.

  9. I dont think Taoist immortals will want to review your quibble any more than I, not that I'm drawing a correlation on my present status in the least! If you cant understand the root of what's being discussed, how can one conceive of, much less speak of Q when ABC has not been experientially understood?


    If you feel that letting emotions and sexuality run amok in perpetual "free expression" is going to make you any progress in alchemy...I'm sure I dont need to state how mistaken that view is.


    Your issue here appears to be at a conceptual level. Repression, Suppression, vs free expression, the equation including a preselected set of options that arent applicable to a successful strategy. Because let's face it - if you're practicing celibacy, it is for alchemical purposes. That is not the same thing as repressing your sexuality so that one can freeze and hold fast to the energy thereof!!!!



    Now, if you're talking about wandering harmoniously through samsara, that is an entirely different thing...and it appears that's about all you're encompassing. Bio 101 may have told you some things, but what makes you think that Bio 101 has a complete and comprehensive assessment of the totality of what we're talking about?


    You're wasting my time.


    As you know Joe, each human has a Divine Ego and a Human Ego.


    The Divine Ego will keep asking us to transcend.. to put out thoughts of compassion, patience, control over your thoughts.o


    The Human Ego? Just keep thinking about hunger, lust, anger, basically the 7 sins and more..


    So if one is to surrender all his thoughts, that means you are basically gonna let both the Human Ego and Divine Ego run their thoughts through you..


    and if you are an unevolved creature, the negative thought-forms of the Human Ego will drown out the positive thought-forms of the Divine Ego..


    This is why samadhi and stillness meditation is so necessary .. you have to still and destroy the thought-forms of the Human Ego so that the Divine Ego will come through the void of stillness and communicate with you..


    Yes IT IS about suppression..


    It is about Suppressing the negative thoughts of your Human Ego so that you can safely surrender to the positive thoughts of your Divine Ego


    Thank you Joe.. everything is clear now.. Thank you..

  10. But see, in my experience, TRYING to stop the thoughts is almost impossible. More often than not, it causes MORE thoughts. More tension. And more problems. People hear things like "samadhi", states of no thought, states of no breathing (! because thoughts are associated with breath, no breath = no thought, right?). And even if you manage to claw your way through, and get a second of clarity, you are worse off than you were before with all the mental and physical agony and backlash that are rebounding at you, so next time it will be harder for you and you'll get less done.


    That just doesn't seem like a very smart way to go about doing things, although some traditions do maintain that is how it is done- that when you get enlightened, who cares about what state your lesser body and mind are in? That the agony and torture you feel in your body is you lesser mind trying to fight your progress. These are instances in which repression and control start to harm you, but people have been told by various teaching that those are, in fact, "good".


    Well this stuff is all well and good for the 1 person every 10,000 years who manages to get enlightened in this way. For the other schmucks, they're screwed. They have ravaged bodies and minds- and that's assuming they have access to a complete set of teachings! What if you're just a dude on an internet forum trying to better your life? You're twisting your balls up in all these different ways, you are beating yourself up every time you think something "bad", you are ravaging your body and mind, and are you really getting anything out of it? Spiritual peace? Spiritual growth? More like just another stressful mechanism of control.




    Thoughts slowing down and stopping happens, for me, anyway, as a result of o process of self inquiry and examination, as I try to get to the root of and resolve my stuff.


    Sometimes it means looking at my thought patterns. And sometimes it means looking at my body and going "well this guy just wants to fuck.... that explains it."


    But understanding and acceptance of something does NOT equate to allowing it. It just, for me, means you aren't trying to make something it isn't before you deal with it, and instead are going to deal with what it really is. But you have to find out what it really is first.


    Sloppy I have to respond to you here..


    Have you ever tried samadhi meditation before? Where you totally stopped all thoughts and only focused on your breathing?

  11. What authoritarian determines what is incorrect or not in regards to the free expression of coherent emotions and sexuality? The religious ideology of so called incorrect views have caused untold pain and suffering. Not liberation as you believe.




    Thousands of dzogchen monks plus spiritual practitioners from every tradition have destroyed their feelings of sexuality in order to transform their beings and souls into higher states of consciousness.


    If a human does not destroy his animal consciousness, then how does his buddhic consciousness emerge?!


    Granted, there are idiots within every tradition to fail to walk the path properly but that does not mean that every single monk or spiritual practitioner who practice spiritual celibacy fail to attain liberation as well.


    Ralis, the more you post, the more immature and narrow-minded I find you to be.

    • Like 1

  12. B) Starting off squarely on the wrong foot! Driving vitality into the LTT doesnt involve suppression of sexuality, it is an expression of such.


    The only things that are at all "suppressed" are incorrect thoughts and views - and even those arent "suppressed" but "left behind" in favor of a more productive focus.


    "When the generative force is full, there is no desire"


    Oh MY GOD! JOE!


    You put it better than I ever would!


    And with just a few sentences!


    *bodyoflight bowing down to Joe*

    • Like 1

  13. Meh... I've never had sex, nor even learned Mantak Chia's material. Although his taoist practices might be high level but from what I've read his sex practices might be unbalanced in that it focuses alot on too much "hot sex". There is also the neotantric/karezza type which is "cool-er" I guess, ie from Not to say that hot sex doesn't have it's place, if it even does but it's just not the same as karezza, regardles if it ends without ejaculation.


    For me it's better for cultivation at least the cooler type.


    I'm not looknig to repress. I'm looking to sublimate. Just becase I have encountered resistance doesn't mean I'm repressing, I'm merely persevering. I do want to seek peace, and not repress.


    As for Bodyoflight, maybe You are an ET? lol. Just a thought.


    and.. I dont know what to make of this thread how it has become..


    seeking peace.. a wide cry from your words of sorrow a few months ago ..


    you know, there is a reason why ralis and sloppy keep ranting out against non-ejaculation...


    this is because ralis and sloppy lack the spiritual willpower to follow the higher path..


    and that makes both sloppy and ralis lower than you..


    only un-evolved humans like ralis and sloppy lack the spiritual willpower to control their impulses so that their life-energies can be used to evolve themselves ..


    there are many masters who have stayed celibate and used their life-energies to transform themselves throughout the ages.. look at the dzogchen monks and how many of them have used their life-energies to transform their bodies into light and leave this earth.. and one can only conserve life-energies by conserving one's semen..


    this is why the un-evolved humans will come up with all sorts of pathetic excuses and rationalizations to tell themselves that it is okay to fail to walk the higher paths of life..


    they are trying to soothe their pathetic animal egos .. they are trying to lie to themselves that they are not lower than the masters who possess the spiritual willpower to walk the path of celibacy..


    but an un-evolved human who cannot control his impulses is always lower down the food-chain than an evolved human who has trained himself to be in control of impulses.. no amount of rationalizations or excuses are gonna change this fact...


    because to be able to control your impulses is the beginning of samadhi..

    • Like 1

  14. WEll.. I haven't ejaculated at all or masturbated for about 3 months now. I've thought somewhat of sex, and I've done some jelqing practices here and there being very careful not to lead energy outwards through contractions. In fact.. I haven't had any "contractions" so to speak in a long while. I dont do PC muscle squeezes either. I dont know if there are any health benefits to those either since I read PC muscle squeezes are for women and for males it's more the muscle between the anus and the spine.


    So.. I'm just wondernig anyway. Is it bad to not experience morning wood? It's not like I dont get erections anymore but usually I subdue them when they come around because I dont want to have to lose any jing afterwards because then it can leak.




    I wanna say one last thing before I go.


    3 months ago, I keep knocking you before you have spouted a lot of rubbish about how women and men. Can't remember what they are but they sounded pretty trashy to me.


    3 months later, now, you say you have stayed celibate for 3 months.


    NON, if you said is indeed true, then I am going to say one thing..


    You are definitely achieved much more in your life than so-called experts like Sloppy Zhang, Ralis and even me.


    It is hard enough to stay celibate for 3 days and to stay celibate for 3 months, that is some sheer willpower and really mate, I salute you for this.


    I have never stayed celibate for 3 months before and because of what you did, I am going to stay celibate for at least 3 months even if it cost me my life.


    I have always hated losing to other people and I am definitely not gonna lose to you.



  15. Firstly, if there are insults in here, anyone offended please report them.


    More importantly, it seems to me, is the chance here to draw up a practical constructive new thread in which there is some wisdom shared about

    How to tell the difference in your body and heart between:


    (i)repression of sexual response


    (ii)loss of libido due to health issues or depression or stress


    (iii)evolution in practice leading to a smoother sexual journey ie loss of objectivising women and being driven by lust


    IF you all feel you can draw up such a distinction map, then I reckon it would be valuable for many.




    Bodyoflight you might be right. The ego talk in our heads that wants to sabotage our evolution is a real factor that is so often overlooked and we fall asleep and so utterly believe our own negative talk, and it becomes the strongest voice we hear. That, or we have to tolerate inner arguing, which is exhausting. Equally it could be that he has a negative complex which is talking him out of experiencing sexual happiness and intimacy.




    I think is cool, Non, that you are looking at what your body is expressing. I wonder what just directing love and acceptance at your sexual body and your sexuality will do for you.


    Do you want morning wood? When you get it, do you love your body and it's ways.. or just find it problematic. Maybe your wood wants an invitation and a welcome when it shows up.


    Love your body.


    where i come from, there is a saying..


    before a king can leads his own army, he first fight his own battles and face his own demons..


    before NON can engage in sexual intimacy and happiness, he must first control his sexual addictions which to me, seemed very heavy 3 months but now seem much lighter by comparison.

  16. Now you are wanting to change your posts and by extension your beliefs about what you post. Exactly, what do you believe?


    ralis, i have posted all i wanna say on the subject and because you have posted nothing of value which I can reply to, I prefer not to engage in sheer rhetorical debate out of respect for the mods.

  17. Jeez, bodyoflight. I have a feeling that you're going to read what you posted on this thread and go back and edit out your responses, which seem like the responses of someone drunk or on something. Just saying, my impressions. Flirting with an insult ban, too, I would think.


    which ones of my replies are insults? send me a PM about them and i will explain them to you.. if you are not satisfied i will change the posts..


    if it is the one about taoist demons who keep preaching about love and falling into hell.. well i can even quote the page number of the Shurangama Sutra by Ven Hsuan Hua to you.. this is precisely what he said..

  18. Where do you get off? You have taken this idea around sexuality and made it into something it is not. Now you have aliens conspiring against Non to keep his third eye closed for what purpose? Non must be some high and mighty master and aliens are out to disrupt his enlightenment. :lol: You believe that sex needs to be overcome because it is some limiting and addictive force. Why on earth do spiritual seekers belief such nonsense. The Buddha said so, my Lama said so or it is written in some ancient text. There is absolutely no proof that ridding oneself of sexual urges brings one any closer to enlightenment.


    The best writing on the subject of sexual suppression, is Wilhelm Reich's 'Mass Psychology of Fascism'. Reich discusses the nature of sexual suppression as coming from religions that are advocating some higher cause and the only way to that illusory sublime place is through suppressing (sacrificing) one's natural sexual drives and doing what you are told! The punitive measures of failing to do so are myriad in number.


    Historically, Reich examined mass movements and the psychological makeup of. Reich wrote the first edition during the Nazi's rise to power and was able to observe forst hand what suppression can cause. Hitler had an obsession to rid Germany of anyone that did not conform to the higher cause of creating the perfect Aryan race. The perfect race excluded by default anyone with homosexual tendencies or the expression of. Hitler had Ernst Rohm killed because Rohm was gay. Even though Rohm was responsible for helping form the 3rd. Reich and bring Hitler to power. That did not stop with Rohm. Anyone exhibiting sexuality outside Hitler's idea of, was to be put in concentration camps and done away with. Conformity and book burning were enforced by jackbooted thugs goose stepping as a display of rigid character armoring which would be responsible for the deaths of millions.


    According to Reich's research, character armoring and the rigid personality types that are the result of, are caused by various forms of child abuse. Child abuse creates various rigid structures in the fascia, muscles and therefor creates a limitation in physical expressions of sexuality, creativity, inhibited breathing and freedom of expression. In other words, neurotic and psychotic personalities that will do the bidding of authoritarian personalities. Germany, Stalinist Russia and the Cultural Revolution are the most current examples.


    For more information; Alice Miller and Alexander Lowen are well worth reading from a therapeutic point of view. For an historical account, there is none better than William Shirer's 'Rise and Fall of The Third Reich'.


    you know.. no wonder in the shurangama sutra, Venerable Master Hsuan Hua keeps saying that in the final age of darkness, there will be demons of love preaching love love love and in the end they will all descend into the hell of love..


    fact is, the love which you are describe is radically different from the non-lustful compassion practiced by buddhists..


    you have to cut off your attachments first before doing anything else.. it is only by destroying your attachments of lust and greed then do the gods grant you siddhis..


    i once thought NON is a troll looking for attention and this is why I banned him..


    it seems to me that the spiritually dangerous advice which some of the posters in here are dishing out is far more polluting and far more dangerous than whatever crap NON is posting..


    taoist demons indeed..

  19. Yes I did say that.


    Powerful beings not interfere with personal affairs,

    how much compassion they maybe they must obey the rule.

    Else the godly deity, the buddhas, the arhats would undone our pollution

    and our problems, but we not learn to solve them ourself and act out of self-responsibility by the already existing open resource teachings.


    This rule also are in use in matters of

    Aliens, Demons and whatever have to obey themselves

    else they would conquer this planet and take the resource and wipe us out in an obvious way.


    Human beings have to learn to a certain degree before they get support.


    Maybe they not teach but offer us their teaching

    and we just not respond.

    They send dreams and we forget.

    They send their presence and we ignore it.

    They test the awareness and find none.


    In a loud world the one who is in stillness is the most loud one.You can not discern the loud people but they will recognize someone who is long enough in stillness.




    so suppose i go still.. go deep into delta theta stage.. and request the universe to help me find the highest teacher in the world.. that might work...

  20. for you, NON.. check out the underlined words..



    As a long time student of Taoist forms with ties to Maoshan, though following a somewhat divergent path, I would like to express what are my own feelings and viewpoint regarding how I view spirit fighting. My views stated here are related to free will, the opposing spirit of oppression, the idea of responsibility, and the potential dangers of irresponsibility. I cannot position myself as a spokesperson for anyone else, or for any art, but do know through personal experience of the existence of forces which are benevolent, and forces which are not. I have had close encounters with both, which have caused me to be committed to one and to vigorously resist the other.


    From what I think I know about Maoshan, it has never been popular. It has been feared in the past. Today, many would rather ignore or even ridicule some of the concepts that I believe motivated its existence. The tradition of Maoshan is one of Spirit Fighting. My view (and experience) of that aspect is pretty straight forward, following the old adage “The simplest explanation is usually the right one.” Whether the spirits being fought are embodied spirits like us, or disembodied and addicted spirits seeking control of bodies that do not belong to them, or never-embodied spirits with worse issues, or our own personal demons with which we have become all too familiar, the practice of Spirit Fighting is designed to strengthen our individual spirits and provide tools and weapons for self defense. It is a fierce art in which attacks are not blocked, they are attacked. Even an attacker’s will to carry on the fight is targeted. Ideally, those who are stronger become defenders of those who are weaker. Those who become adept often become teachers of those who want to learn. Those with sufficient vision tend to want to assist others who cannot see their own issues clearly. Students are taught to help them achieve their potential. That is how I view the spirit of Maoshan. That is the ideal. The reality is that in this imperfect world, fighting invisible enemies is difficult whether they are twisted people (posing as friends), twisted spirits, or twisted ideas. The unprepared rescuer can easily become another victim.


    Trust is important in life. There is a truthful spirit of benevolence that can be found in all things. This can be described as a vibration, a light, a force, or any number of descriptions depending on the viewpoint and philosophy of the individual. When we look within ourselves for guidance or truth that is what we are looking for. When we seek to be “at one with the universe”, that highest of all vibrations is the one with which we seek to be in harmony. It is trustworthy.


    Though we are all surrounded by and filled with this completely trustworthy force, we ourselves choose whether or not we can be trusted. Trust is important enough that we sometimes give those we love more trust than they deserve, hoping that they will rise to the level of that trust. That is exactly the situation in which we find ourselves on this planet. We are trusted with a lot, and some rise and some do not. Though trust is important, it can also be misplaced. Not all mean well. Even well meaning people can mislead. Anyone teaching that everyone can be trusted should not be trusted.


    Just as we cannot and should not trust all of the embodied spirits (people) around us, and just as those of us spirits who are embodied cannot always be trusted, those of us who are no longer embodied, or are for whatever reason not embodied, and especially those who do not wish to think of themselves as part of “the family” of man may choose to be unworthy of trust. Even well meaning spirits can mislead. Anyone teaching that all spirits can be trusted should not be trusted.


    The spirit of Maoshan as I see it is to better master one’s own spirit and one’s own body. It is also to overcome and help others to overcome any and all spirits who seek to dominate and enslave. This can be internal dominance through fostering personal weakness or addiction or external dominance through fear, bullying or other manifestations of the spirit of tyranny. It is no wonder to me if it is indeed true that this art was targeted, dispersed and all but destroyed by a tyrannical government. The spirit of Maoshan is to fight for personal freedom from such tyranny. This is also the spirit of any true internal martial art. Victory over self is a big part of the battle.


    There are many who seek “bliss” in dangerous ways. Drugs promise bliss, but often deliver addiction and personal slavery. Many of those still seeking bliss in that way will be resistant to those attempting to warn them of the dangers.


    Likewise, those attempting to “open” themselves up to a spirit of bliss may not be aware of those spirits who may offer bliss as a lure, but whose true motives may be far less benevolent. “Control” is sometimes criticized, but loss of self control can be dangerous.


    Maoshan as I have witnessed it is very direct. While many avoid the concept of death and the existence of spirits in the world around us, Maoshan seems to accept these facts and strives to deal with them. Some fear the number 4 because of the similarities between the words for 4 and death. It has been given the name of Tetraphobia. Maoshan seems to embrace both the number and the concept as very relevant and important aspects of life. Overcoming fear of death is a source of great power in life. An out of body experience can be part of a more advanced level of training. Although I have had at least one out of body experience, it came to me long before I ever heard of Maoshan. It was more the result of foolish choices than a spiritual goal, but it was nevertheless extremely educational. I will never look at death the same way again. In fact, I have never been the same. But I also almost died. It is nothing to trifle with.


    Those who practice and understand Maoshan are serious about the concept of “Spirit Fighting”, though they may interpret it in different ways based on their experience. I for one speak from experience when I say I am for very good reason skeptical of any invisible force which will seek to jerk or flail or move or restrain or injure or abuse my body, or in any way cause dormancy or replacement or “surrender” of my own free will, even temporarily. Spirits seeking such involvement will have their own agenda. Even a “well meaning” spirit may open up channels in students which can be abused by less well meaning spirits. It is also nothing to trifle with.


    Spirits, embodied or not, who wish to dominate tend eventually to introduce fear, hate, or other negative or even twisted emotions which can be used to increase an individual’s loss of control. Such emotions are commonly used to gain further control or dominance. If we are out of control, we need to give some serious thought as to who or what is in control in place of us. When students seeking bliss, or any other peaceful outcome begin to complain of feeling intimidated or dominated by fear, oppression, or other negative forces, it is cause for concern.


    We surrender or offer our free will (or dedicate our actions, if you prefer) to the things we worship or follow. If we surrender our will hastily, unwisely, or to unworthy things or spirits, we will learn through regret. Learning the hard way is at least still learning, but some things are best avoided. Those who teach an art of surrender need to be very aware of the potential dangers and pitfalls, and safeguard their students. Teachers are responsible to prepare their students for dangers they may face by following their teachings. Sifu means Teacher-Father. Most of us will look after our own children. The most responsible of us will also look after other people’s children when we see them in danger. This responsibility crosses family and “art” boundaries to include a much broader family. I see many commendable examples of this in this forum.


    Challenges are good for us. Life is part of a great plan in which our choices play a vital part. If we have ever wished that we could live in an amazing adventure story, the reality we face is better than any story ever written. Part of the challenge is simply to break free of the limited vision that we may have come to accept regarding our own lives. I sincerely wish you all a successful “fight”. I urge caution to anyone who is in any way surrendering his free will to any substance, thing, person, spirit, force, or idea which is not absolutely worthy of that surrender. That which is worthy will consider your freedom of choice precious above all and will never attempt to take it from you, or endanger it. Your free will is the essence of who you are as a spirit, and it is worth fighting for.

  21. Eh? The hightest masters would not even look us with the ass.

    You want search them? They make you forget them. They will camouflagge. Look not interesting. Behave like shit and do everything not masterlike.

    They have no time for babysitting. Still no mastering any basics in concentration and stillness by an average teacher and want reaching the stars. If it is not their buisness to teach as universe not told so, they would not move a finger.




    so what are you saying?


    that the highest masters are so in tune with the universe that they will only teach as the universe directs them?


    and if certain masters refuse to help us, it is because the universe tells them not to?

  22. Bodyoflight, is that a bizkit in your avatar?

    I wouldn't worry about your egomania that much, each of us had it, like the measels in childhood,you'll get over it. Maybe even get to feel embarassed about the stuff you wrote. Hang in there, dude, it will pass...


    feel free to ignore me if i shake your rattlers..


    if my words did not hurt your ego, you wouldn't have responded with sarcasm trying to protect your fragile little ego in your very first post to me..

