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Posts posted by bodyoflight

  1. ever wonder why the highest masters in the world are so hard to find?


    because they have developed their degree of spiritual and psychic potency to the extent that they find it extremely distressing for the polluted thoughts of the masses to influence their energy fields..


    the highest masters are hiding somewhere in the Himalaya mountains or have migrated overseas out of asia by now..


    so if you want to search, move to countries with huge land masses and very little people..


    Tibet and Himalaysa might be good.. forget about the rest of china.. especially the chinese cities.. forget about taiwan as well...


    both taiwan and china have extremely high population densities and it is only likely that you find the highest masters high up in the mountains..


    now i am not talking about wudang, ermei or shaolin masters.. even the current wudang, ermei and shaolin abbots pale in comparison to the highest masters...

    • Like 1

  2. These so called "ancient Taoist practices" of Mantak Chia, were a result of the fang-shih Taoists and the alchemical sects that came later.


    Where do Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu etc., talk of spinning micro/macro cosmic orbits? This is a practice that came about when later generations tried to copy the accounts of masters experiences (in meditation) of the chi and mai that naturally develop when you cultivate stillness of the mind (aka samadhi.)


    knocking chia now because he is good?


    btw many taoist masters knock chia because he is revealing secrets to the world which the taoist masters want the masses to pay millions of dollars for..


    chia is doing the world a great service but i guess those who do the world a great service invariably get called down by the rest of society..


    just look at Jesus..

  3. Hello Non,


    Lets take this from another perspective. I feel you aren't entirely sold on celibacy. You say, "why not? I can't get sex anyways." Well what kind of reason is that? I don't practice Qigong, but I know people who do and I've had conversations about this with them. The practice of semen retention and celibacy are all part of the very highest level of Qigong. From what I've been told, doing these practices without the requisite experience can be detrimental, not beneficial. I would suggest, if you are undertaking this practice without consulting an advanced teacher, that you should consult a teacher about this. Forums are all and good, but you have no way of knowing who knows what. It's the same as trying to learn advanced meditation techniques from a book, you may get the gist of it, but without having someone to teach you, it can lead to bad things, nightmares, psychosis, etc.


    The psychiatric community recognizes that many people do develop psychosis from Qigong practice. I'm telling you this to scare you, and I'll admit it, because I'd rather scare you than see you harm yourself. Even if you don't agree with me regarding this, I think with your low-self esteem and issues regarding sex, that perhaps you might want to address these issues before continuing this form of practice. If you are not emotionally balanced, then the last thing you need to do is perform an intense practice that requires strict and precise emotional balance. More than one person has jumped in the water, thinking they can swim to the other side and found out too late that they can't. Take a step back, be sure of your own skill and only do what you KNOW you can do. That's the last I'll say about it, because you seem to have your mind made up, but I hope you might consider what I've told you.




    If Non is indeed emotionally unbalanced, he wouldn't begin to start unbalancing you guys with his words..


    In all his threads so far, all the emotionally unbalanced posts belong to the majority of respondents to NON offering so-called "great advice" on women and sex bla bla bla ..


    NON is now going into the deva path of existence ...


    and the animal-humans who think that all humans should be sexual and breed like animals... their animal egos are now screaming, simply screaming at NON to stop his ascension into spiritual enlightenment..


    it is like saying, "hey we are all still trapped in the grips of samsara, how the hell can you leave us here? we are all suffering like animals because we choose to so how can you choose not to suffer like an animal like the rest of us?"


    it is like saying, "we are all suffering from addictions to sex .. all of us.. the ones who are not suffering from addictions to sex are the mad, deviant, insane ones.. it is normal, psychologically normal to be addicted to women, sex and breeding.. it is totally psychotic to want to break out of the cycle of karma and reincarnation.."


    NON, I used to think you are the freak.. now that I have analyzed this thread thoroughly, it seems that the freaks are the so-called "normal" people who live and think like animals..

    • Like 1

  4. If you have truely not stimulated yourself for as long as you say, then your testosterone levels are probably very low, which would exlain the lack of morning wood. Since testosterone belongs to essence, you would be doing yourself a service to stimulate yourself in order to increase the amount of testosterone essence/jing as being a male it is vital to your health.


    to increase his supply of testosterone will be doing NON a disservice..


    right now what NON is doing is his subconscious or even his higher self telling him to break off his addictions to sex and women..


    NON has successfully gotten past the first stage of breaking sexual addictions and now you guys are all giving him bad advice on how to get back into his sexual addiction trap again????!!!!


    as Aaron said earlier in this thread, the last place to look for advice about such dicey matters is in a forum indeed..


    NON, whatever you are doing, do not engage in physical exercises and take only vegetarian meals for another 9 months.. once you have drained all traces of emotional, sexual and mental baggage from your system, then do you start a regime of exercise ..


    how do you know you have drained all traces of baggage from your system?


    when you don't feel guilt or anger or lust towards women and sex anymore.. when you feel neither repulsion or attraction towards women..

    • Like 1

  5. Interesting yea but doing it masturbatorily at least dry only leads to excessive stimulation and congestedness in the genital regions at least in my experience. I guess it's best to learn how to acheive the automatic pc muscle contractions without using your hands. Im not talking about the consicous voluntary contractions butt he involuntary ones wchich occur before orgasm...


    move the energy or feeling of stimulation and congestedness up towards your head and out of your head..


    or towards your third eye into a flame burning at the third eye region..


    at the same time visualize your navel chakra spinning..


    i guarantee you.. you will experience a bliss a million times better than sexual orgasm..

  6. Hi Non.

    PC contractions, when happening outside a final orgasm doesnt lead energy outward. On the contrary they can rise sexual energy it is a known fact, and it is called in yoga mulhabandha or asvini when done repeatidly. If you had coccyx bend and other bandhas you will increase the rise of sexual energy into higher centers.



  7. As for the masturbation thing, I prefer to put everything on one "sexual spectrum". Celibacy on one end, full blown sex on the other.


    In between you have many things- masturbation (solo), making yourself look attractive for the opposite sex, holding hands (in a romantic sense), kissing, caressing, masturbation (together), non intercourse sex acts (like oral sex), etc.


    ALL of these are expressing different aspects of sexuality. Each of these can EQUALLY be respected and disrespected, treated with care or abused. Having sex with a partner is not automatically "better" because you're with someone- if more people would just masturbate instead of using someone's body for a senseless release of sexual tension (let's not even get into the many NON-sexual reasons people partake in sex acts), the world would be a little better place.


    Humans are sexual. To deny that is to deny your humanity. To avoid masturbation because you think it is inferior to something else is to deny your status as a human.


    There are certainly many ways that masturbation can be abused, and lead to a state of non-health. But the same can be said for every other expression of sexuality, so to deny masturbation on those grounds would be to deny everything else, and that's not what either of us are trying to do.


    Masturbation can be a healthy way to explore and express your sexuality. When it is time to do it, don't be afraid. When it is not time to do it, it won't even cross your mind.


    But if you are so worried about it when the time IS right, and you try to push it out of your life, it WILL push back, intrude in other aspects of your life, and make you a very unhappy person.


    And btw, I remember the post where someone mentioned the whole bit about animals only masturbating when in captivity, and in periods of intense stress and stuff like that. And all I have to say is 1) those are animals 2) those are extenuating circumstances 3) those are extenuating circumstances for animals


    I've been around various forums where the talk of masturbation started, and a lot of people started swapping stories about discovering masturbation as children. So, I dunno, to me that just screams "natural occurrence". It's only AFTER they grow older that so many sociological and psychological overtones get draped over a natural discovery of their body.


    But that's just me.


    brilliant zhang,


    now you are comparing humans to animals..


    i guess in your mind, humans are no better than animals aren;t they?


    humans are sexual creatures? only those of the animal realm.. only those humans who behave and think like animals my friend..

  8. well it's just.. I can't get sex so what else can I do? I dont want to lose energy so Im trying to find ways to be celibate, and benefit form it rather than go crazy..



    bravo boy, now stop dicking around with us noobs and tell us what kind of secret spiritual practices which you are engaging in right now?..

  9. For me it all has to do with naturalness. There are times, during intense work, exercise, or cultivation, in which sexual thoughts and urges, physical or mental, just don't occur. In that case, there is no point or desire to engage in sexual activity. Just do what you do.


    And during times when you're really ready to go, going with it can lead to some very positive, healthy releases- much more so than trying to hold it all in because of this or that.


    My experiences with strong spiritual, and even mundane, motivating factors have give me a glimpse into how one can live an extended celibate lifestyle. But in those instances, there is a drive towards some goal- spiritual growth, financial success, increased physical ability, etc. Those things happen and celibacy FOLLOWS. There is always some goal. The objective is NOT "hey, I'm going to be celibate!" instead it's "hey, I have a goal" and sex just never enters the picture. And those factors have to be so strong that they dominate all of your life- to the point where you just don't think about other stuff, like sex.


    I feel like many people join orders, such as those that impose celibacy, for reasons other than having some goal, and in doing so must then conform to some dogmatic codes, and in the process start on an unnatural path that, if it were up to them, they would never have even done.


    Celibacy as it happens naturally- healthy, and rarely, if ever, involves elaborate practices to make sure you stay celibate.


    Celibacy as dictated by some rule- usually leads to the opposite of health, and is a path generally undertaken for a variety of reasons, usually because of a deep seated issue the individual is not facing.



    So Non- why are you trying to be celibate? If you aren't trying to engage in sex, and don't want to engage in frivolous sexual activity (you told me that in a past thread), why are you always so focused on sex? Celibacy is supposed to take sex out of the picture (though as I said above, successful celibacy happens AFTER you quit thinking of sex), but in your case, your attempts at celibacy make you more attuned to it.


    the real goal of being celibate is to drive your kundalini uptowards your brain and achieve bliss..


    NON is probably not telling you all everything here.. he is probably engaging in some secret spiritual practices which involve the usage of kundalini energy..


    all these talk about sex and abusing women is probably his ego trying to talk him out of such beneficial spiritual practices..

  10. Morning wood has less to do with repressed or unconscious sexual desire, then it does the retention of urine. It's easier to hold it in if you have an erection. I wouldn't worry so much about morning wood, but as others have said, understand your normal and natural urges. There is nothing natural about celibacy, just check with the holy orders that practice it. Where there is celibacy, normally there is a high degree of deviancy, regardless of the religions institution. What the psychiatric community is finding is that many of the people that choose to go into religious orders that practice celibacy, do so because they suffer from some kind of deviation that causes them guilt and they believe that by joining the order that it will remove or help them to control those deviant impulses.


    I want to clarify that not all people who practice celibacy are deviant, but one thing to keep in mind is that even those people who go into these institutions without suffering from a deviancy, will often tend to fall into deviant behavior later on. What this tells me is that frequent sexual release is not only normal, but healthy physically, emotionally, and spiritually.




    yes yes yes i guess that means all the thai and tibetan monks are completely deviant..


    yet in exchange for their "deviant" "impotency", lotsa monks have managed to develop siddhis.. including the siddhis of magically obtaining an erection and even increase your penis size if need be..


    i caoll that a fair trade..

    • Like 1

  11. How many places like the following ones exist in Taiwan today?





    The whole movie can be watched on YT.






    This is serious spiritual practice.




    A real teacher will show you the path to master yourself. Watch this:





    LOL.. I wonder if there are similar places in taiwan without the corruption and pollution found in Mainland China.. I wonder indeed.. LOL


    It is a real shame the majority of tao bum forummers lack the ability to read and listen in chinese.. their search would be much easier then..

  12. You don't think a 90-year-old man surviving a brutal beating by the red guards undefended, with only some partial-sight loss to show for it, isn't a siddhi? I think taking a brutal beating without even responding to it shows a pretty high level of attainment.


    It's pretty impressive to me. While I'm not a true pacifist myself, there's something very powerful in nonviolence that in my opinion should be greatly respected.


    If that guy is good enough, he will not be injured in the first place.

  13. Hsu Yun has been credited with some "miracles". One of them was that he was beaten very badly by the red guards during the cultural revolution, when he was around 90 years old. He was in meditation and did not react. When he "woke up", he had lost his sight partially, but he managed to live another 20 years in an overall good condition.


    This scared the red guards themselves. Also, the communist authorities became "more tolerant" on buddhism after that.


    About siddhis in general: I said that before, beeing in the Tao is NOT about getting special powers. However, it may happen (most probably) that some "weird" things happen in the process. There are some things, such as telepathy, that people consider "supernatural", I consider it just a natural thing more developped within people who have empathy.


    Back to the original question (Taiwan or China): my experience in China and Taiwan indicated to me that Taiwan was more respectful of Chinese culture than the Mainland. Some disagree; I cannot make an argument here, it depends on how you see "traditional Chinese culture". Also, the mainland is huge, it differs very much from one place to another.


    if that guy is good enough, he would have gotten away with using fa jin to push away or withstand attacks..


    fact is, i have no idea who your man is..


    there are many levels on the true path of spirituality.. many tests which you have to take which one can only pass by using his siddhis..


    the masters don't talk about these "tests" too often.. hehehe...

  14. A lot of people knock mantak chia ..


    Now although chia is not one of the highest masters out there.. i don't think he can walk through walls or heal people's cuts immediately.. but he is pretty high..


    how do i know that? cos i have seen his face and felt his aura..


    he is like 60+ year old yet he looks 40+ and you can feel the reservoir of chi he possess..


    you can tell a lot by just looking into a person's eyes and feeling his soul for his level of enlightenment or power..

  15. I agree with Adept. If powers become too important you may end up with a teacher who's a caricature of a cartoon. There may be a level where you gain Siddhi's, but seems to me the great ones push past it and become pretty regular people. The poor ones stay at that level and grow ego's til they burst.


    Chop wood, carry water, do the laundry. The most impressive teachers I've seen would be dismissed by someone looking for a story book master.


    I recently took a seminar with Ya Mu. He looks like he'd be at home at a Southern truck stop. Middle aged, excessive poundage, quite ordinary. But looking beyond that, bright eyes, excellent breath - deep, long, he moves strongly, excellent balance. He's studied with masters and put in countless hours on the mat, also Medical Qigong is results oriented. He doesn't doesn't fit the stereotype, a quick look would not reveal the mastery.


    Its good to be skeptical, but beware of setting standards based on false assumptions. Starting a relationship with a teacher by asking them to 'show you a miracle' is a quick way to get thrown out, whether they can perform one or not.


    Looks can be deceiving.


    there are many ways to test teachers without "asking" them to show miracles.. even if a master refuse to show powers, there is a way to test how high they are..


    particularly when one has developed some power himself..


    here's a tip.. you can feel the aura or energy of a high-level master..


    everybody, even the non- spiritual ones, has low-level siddhis one way or another but how many masters can walk through the wall?..


    some of the highest masters can walk through the wall or heal a cut immediately or levitate..


    fact is, everybody thinks that the path of spirituality is one straight path.. however there are many different paths and most paths are a waste of time and energy ..


    the real path of spirituality is an applications-based path.. if you can't see yourself developing siddhis on the path, then what you are doing is a waste of time and energy..

  16. True masters











    None of these performed 'miracles'


    yes those "masters" are famous but were you there to see them perform "miracles"?


    truth is .. when a true master has something worthwhile to teach, he has to prove that he is the real thing and not just another fraud out there..


    siddhis is but one way of testing a master

  17. So what !

    My master is better than that.

    When he's hungry, he eats. When he's tired, he sleeps. :P


    a true master is able to perform miracles .. that will be the mark of his true progress..


    the rest are just bs actors

  18. I've found a better teacher of the Tao here.


    chia is one of the best in the sense that he is willing to evolve and improve ancient taoism cultivation methods


    no practice should always remain stagnant.. they should always evolve continuously..

  19. Hi


    I would say China has more chance but still its a big haystack.


    A few things do u speak Chinese?


    I live in Taiwan and I am not very gifted at Languages but it is a must if you plan on getting in touch with any thing other than what is put out there and advertised to make money.


    Obviously there are exceptions but on the whole you need the language. If you have it already great.


    If not then I would get on a course in the mainland and learn, this will give you opportunity to research within the country and get an informed opinion first hand of where to go.


    Good luck.


    If one really wanna go to china and learn the chinese arts, then i would suggest going to bhutan or the himalayas mountains.


    The chances of one finding a great teacher is higher in these regions than in the rest of china.


    Or better yet, skip the flight times and go get mantak chia's stuff. His works represent the highest teachings in taoism. You would hardly find a better taoist teacher than chia.

  20. btw i am not sure if the taiwanese are higher than the mainlander chinese


    but i can tell you for sure that there are many thai masters who are more powerful than the taiwanese or mainlander chinese..


    take for example this Lersi below..



    he is able to meditate in a pot of boiling oil.. can any taiwanese or chinese taoist masters do that?.. i hardly think so..

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  21. Taiwan is a place where Chinese tradition has been much more preserved than in Mainland China, no doubt about it. Also, it is a much better place to live, in my opinion.


    However, as others stated, the Taoism there is more from the "Tianshi" scool, which means more "magic", rituals etc. than self-development. In contrast, Mainland Taoism is more "Quanzhen", or self-cultivation oriented. So that depends on what you're looking for when you say you want to study taoism.


    What's the difference between "magic" and "self-cultivation"?


    Do you think anyone is gonna be able to perform "magic" if he doesn't "self-cultivate"?

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  22. Well, when I banned some folks I got 6 + points from members and this time when I locked a thread I got four. So I guess I felt encouraged by this.


    Seriously I am doing what I and the Mod Team think is best for the forum - if anyone has a constructive critique of what I am doing I am willing to listen and learn. But if you are just going to hurl insults like 'weak, cry baby and spoilt brat' then farewell and good luck.




    I know i shouldn't ask this but what's the reason for banning some members?


    More importantly, why were some threads banned? Please give examples of banned threads so we can learn to self-moderate.



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