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Posts posted by bodyoflight

  1. I concede to everything you say. I guess they all were told "siddhis are bad" and so they believe it forever. Not much free thinking for themselves. They simply can't think these things through because their minds are imprisoned.

    But: People here on this board should think sbout the fact that threads about SEX and JOHN CHANG (who is basicly a normal guy with superpowers and far from being "enlightened") get BY FAR the most views and replies (in the shortest time). I have often laughed about that. Nobody can deny that fact (well, surely many can and will do that anyways :rolleyes: ). That shows in what you are really interested, no matter how resolute you deny it to yourself and others!

    Something doesn't disappear because you block it just gains more secret power over you. So the fear of many guys to become corrupted when gaining power is well-grounded. But they will not become corrupted; they already are. They only suppress it. They would show their true faces then and nothing else. :lol: They would no more persuit "enlightenment" but become addicted to profane pleasures and lose themselves forever!


    Yeah kids, you were right, it's really better to stay away from the matches, in fact you will definitely only burn yourselves. Don't play with fire when you are not able to handle it! :P


    Let me add one more fact of life here.


    The whole damn media and educational and major religious systems all over the world tell us to be loving and kind and to pursue the mundane path of going to college, get married, have kids and die.


    When faced with the prospect of siddhis which can heal disease, look into the future to avert disasters and other benefits of the supernatural, the media will just deny, discourage basically do everything to prevent the average person from developing his siddhis.


    The young are encouraged to go to college to study science, engineering, business, medicine .. you know the safe boring subjects.. and when a young person says he wanna study the art of siddhis, they say he is mad.. the main religious figures even say the accumulation of siddhis is DANGEROUS???!!!!!


    Wtf, you mean one cannot use science to commit sins as well? Look at Albert Einstein. Sure he created some pretty nifty inventions but he created the damn atomic bomb as well.


    George Soros.. The average person studies economics, business and accounting to run companies but SOros and Gang and their Lapdogs use their financial skills to bring lots of mom-and-pop shareholders to financial ruin..


    Engineering.. Well what can I say? Do you know that the weapons industries is one of the top 5 most profitable industries in the world? This shows what kind of evil engineering can do for you..


    Medicine.. The Pharmaceutical industries also belong to the top 5 most profitable industries in the world.. but what they don;t tell you is the plants which pharmaceutical companies extract their chemicals from HAS A SUPERNATURAL HEALING EFFECT which is NOT REVEALED TO THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA! Worst of all, they come up with FAKE DISEASES and murdered hundreds and thousands of innocent victims in the name of profit!


    So how is Siddhis dangerous in comparison to the subjects studied at school?


    If you have Siddhis, you will have the ability to heal you and your loved ones at very little cost to yourself!


    If you have Siddhis, you will get advanced warning of when some rich billionaire and gang is gonna use their ill-gained finances to wreck companies and countries in the name of profit.


    If you have Siddhis, you will learn about the nature of karma and that will prevent you from joining weapons companies which create tools of destruction in the name of profit.


    I think Siddhis will help the average person much more than a few decades of mundane life experiences and mundane knowledge.

    • Like 1

  2. I concede to everything you say. I guess they all were told "siddhis are bad" and so they believe it forever. Not much free thinking for themselves. They simply can't think these things through because their minds are imprisoned.

    But: People here on this board should think sbout the fact that threads about SEX and JOHN CHANG (who is basicly a normal guy with superpowers and far from being "enlightened") get BY FAR the most views and replies (in the shortest time). Nobody can deny that fact (well, surely many can and will do that anyways :rolleyes: ). That shows in what you are really interested, no matter how resolute deny it to yourself and others!

    Something doesn't disappear because you block it just gains more secret power over you. So the fear of many guys to become corrupted when gaining power is well-grounded. But they will not become corrupted; they already are. They only suppress it. They will show their true faces then and nothing else. :lol:


    btw, how do you search the forum for the most popular threads?


    The search function requires you to input key words. But how do you know sex and john chang are the most popular threads if you do not know what key words to input?

  3. Dear Lloyd,


    Congrats. You've answered your own question correctly simply by practicing Monk Holding Pearl regularly for long enough a time.


    You can choose to (a) mentally focus on the tan tien and natal breathing or (B) not to focus at all.


    As I stated very early in this thread, once you complete the breath-control sequence at the start of each of the Flying Phoenix Meditations and do the posture/movements with proper form and relaxation, the FP Energy cultivation will take place regardless of how you focus your mind. And if you choose to completely not-focus, and find that refreshing (most people do), then you've found an optimal state of self-healing.


    I repeat: while doing the FP Meditations, you can think about absolutely anything (--that isn't negative, morbid, evil, or destructive, of course) and still get profoundly energizing, healing, and rejuvenating results.


    Happy New Year!




    Sifu Terry


    P.S. Tip: if one is spiritually inclined, the FP meditative state is a fine vehicle to deliver one's prayers to the One God--be it called Jehovah, Allah, Ahura Mazda, the Holy Tao, the Buddha, the Baby Buddha, or the Great Syrian Sage.



    Hey Sifu Terry,


    A few questions here.


    1) What are the results for a celibate person practicing FP qigong as compared to a sexually active person practicing FP? I know you said there is no need to abstain from sex but I need to know if one will progress faster on the path if one is sexually celibate?


    2) What are the results for a person practicing FP qigong (most notably the seated FP qigong meditations) while doing the Mantak Chia's Microcosmic Orbit visualizations of moving the kundalini energy up the back of your spine and down the front of your body channel? And also spinning your chakras at the same time?


    3) What are the results for a person practicing FP qigong (Seated or Standing) while in the state of empty awareness?


    4) As there are too many exercises from those 7 DVDs, which seated or standing exercises are the most powerful/efficient/effective exercises? Especially in terms of activating one siddhi's powers and curing one health's problems? Say one only has 30 minutes of time each day.


    Looking forward to your answers.

  4. The whole system of life in this world is specifically engineered to deny and discourage the existence of siddhis. Even mainstream buddhism calls for the lack of emphasis on siddhis yet there are terms like mahasiddhas floating around.


    There are many dimensions of realities besides our own and one of the prime objectives of any true path of spirituality is to fully communicate and interact with other-world dimensions. Also any true path of spirituality is to fully develop these siddhi powers for the benefit of mankind.


    What's the difference between the desire for siddhis and the desire for material wealth or women? None whatsoever.


    Material wealth or siddhis or even a knife can be used for good or bad purposes. But does the fact that material wealth or a knife can be used for bad purposes deter any of us from trying to gain wealth? Does it stop us from using a knife?


    We need money to pay our rent. We need a knife to chop up our food. And we NEED siddhis to determine which politicians are lying to us and which spirits of evil are negatively affecting our lives so that we can have a better life.


    So what's wrong with hankering after siddhis now? If siddhis can corrupt your ego, then I say material wealth or women or even a knife can corrupt your ego as well.

    • Like 1

  5. There had been quite a number of movies over the last 2 decades regarding time-travel and timelines. The most recent movie being Source Code.


    I have always been heavily fascinated with time-travel movies. After watching Source Code and the Adjustment Bureau, two timeline movies in the last month, I am tempted to post this thread.


    Over the years, there is talk on the internet about changing timelines. Some claim you can use technology to view and change parallel timelines. Some say use meditation.


    What are your experiences in changing timelines? Do you ever feel that the present reality which you are in have been altered?

  6. true enlightenment has nothing to do with opening one's heart or cultivating loving kindness..


    true enlightenment has everything about cutting your mind to ribbons into the primordial awareness..


    for those who think that true spirituality is all about cultivating love and kindness and nothing else, sorry to say this but you guys have wasted your time and energies on the wrong path

    • Like 2

  7. As others have pointed out, the title of this post really assumes some things that might not be right, namely kudalini=upward=fire and kunlun=downward=water.


    There are people whose kundalini opens from the top down, or it goes up but is not experienced as fiery. And I don't see what would prevent someone from experiencing hot energy going upwards during kunlun formless practice. I think the Kunlun book mentioned this, actually.


    Then people start confusing these ideas with Bruce Frantzis' talk of fire and water methods. But when he talks about Taoist fire and water methods he doesn't mean that one school only utilizes one element or one direction of energetic flow. According to his books, both schools are trying to clear out the blockages and fully integrate a person on every level (in particular every element and direction). They just use different methods: Fire methods cultivate and circulate the "dan", water methods use inner dissolving.


    One of the first spiritual principles which i learnt is that you have to cultivate your body, mind and spirit at the same time.


    There are several authors who talked about the different spiritual planes. The astral, the psychic, the etheric..


    I am beginning to understand now that the fire cultivation methods of kundalini seem to be focused on opening up the energy centers and meridians of the body and the water cultivation methods of inner dissolving and ego-busting seem to work on the mind.


    What then of the spirit component of our work?

  8. Oh, bullsh*t, that. Sez who? Give me your argument, not just an isolated quote. Make a case. <_<



    Mahasiddha (Tibetan: གྲུབ་ཐོབ་ཆེན་པོ; Wylie: grub thob chen po; or Tibetan: ཏུལ་ཤུག; Wylie: tul shug; Sanskrit Devanagari: महासिद्ध; IAST: mahāsiddha, maha meaning "great" and siddha meaning "adept") is a term for someone who embodies and cultivates siddhi of perfection. They are a type of eccentric yogi in both Hinduism and Vajrayana Buddhism. Mahasiddhas were tantric practitioners, or tantrikas who had sufficient attainments to act as a guru or tantric master. A siddha is an individual who, through the practice of sadhana, attains the realization of siddhis, psychic and spiritual abilities and powers.


    bottomline you can't achieve enlightenment without siddhis

  9. The larger context of that quote is people on the Dzogchen path thinking they can skip right to the level of spontaneous self-liberation. It doesn't really make sense to apply that quote to paths that utilize different methods.


    As for siddhis and enlightenment, siddhi means accomplishment, i.e. it does not necessarily mean whatever particular super-hero ability that tends to be associated with that word. A certain degree of accomplishment is necessary to proceed on the path, would you agree?


    and how do you measure accomplishment if not by the amount of siddhis you have realized?


    siddhis are just your reports on how far you have travelled down the path

  10. There was a recent thread explaining the various differences between fire and water cultivation practices.


    In that thread, examples of fire and water cultivation methods were given.


    I.e. kunalini is a fire method and stillness meditation is a water method.


    That thread seems to have disappeared though. Can the mods help me on this?

  11. I don't know but I would start with Water because the downward flow will ground you to the earth stabilising you so you can release some of the larger blockages, rushing into fire with lots of nervous system and emotional blockages could just drive you a bit insane


    so what happens when you practice fire kundalini cultivation and ego-busting obstacle-busting blockage-busting cultivation at the same time?


    superspeed attainment of siddhis and correspondingly, enlightenment?

  12. To quote Max directly "one hour of Kunlun is worht more than a hundred years of any other practice :lol:


    yes there is no doubt Kunlun is more special than any other practices in Max's eyes


    although Michael Winn has explained that .. if you only follow in the water style, this can lead to very slow progress at times. Sometimes you need more fire to transform your life or a situation. Only doing water practice can lead to stagnation and holding of water in the body. Physically, this results in overweight condition; psychically, it can result in unnecessarily slow spiritual progress.


  13. Suppose killing gives someone pleasure and happiness. Even if he is insane (most serial killers are not), can he be considered a taoist if he believes in its basic premises?


    can a government sanctioned prison executioner of criminals be considered to be a taoist?


    afterall, he is executing the dregs of society

  14. I think this is a great insight. I've had a similar experience myself - I've been training "traditional" Japanese Budo inside the Bujinkan organization (which teaches 6 schools of bujutsu and 3 schools of ninpo) for several years now, and recently I realized that all the "inner" or "deeper" teachings are reserved only for instructors - 5th dan and higher. For a long time, I even thought that Bujinkan doesn't teaches about energy at all, because no one ever mentioned it. Then I spent a year in France, where I attended classes in a certain Dojo of a quite famous Bujinkan teacher and realized, that it actually is a part of Bujinkan teachings; it's just reserved to only very advanced students.


    Bujinkan is a Japanese organization and I've been told that this is the way the Japanese want to have it. But I found it strange all the same - not that some stuff is reserved to advanced students per se, just that most beginners are not even aware of it. In my Dojo, a lot of people (not the instructor, of course, but some fellow-students) are even making fun of the whole "energy" idea in general, as if it was some kind of fairy tale. I've been doing Qigong for a year now and when inside the Dojo, I mostly keep it to myself. But I don't want to leave Bujinkan, for I find the traditional Budo fascinating and effective. It's just strange sometimes, like living in some kind of lie.


    It is an insight which can be applied to all areas in life including spirituality and magick.

  15. As a third-degree black belt in karate, having trained daily

    for nearly nine years, I went to study in Okinawa, the

    birthplace of modem karate and tae kwon do. Both

    because I met the minimum ranking requirements and because

    of a lucky personal connection, I was admitted to a

    select special research student program in karate via the

    Shorin Ryu karate system, called in Japanese kenkyusei. Here, the innermost

    secrets of karate are introduced to future teachers. Weapons

    training, night fighting, and special breathing and martial techniques not

    taught to most black belts were essential parts of the course.


    After a few months, it became obvious that many of the most "secret"

    techniques were ones I had already learned in my first two years of basic

    training in the internal martial arts of tai chi, hsing-i, and ba gua. Many

    karate people had to wait five to twenty years before being taught the

    sarne material in Shorin Ryu karate. This kenkyusei situation was quite

    similar to what was happening at the time with other karate styles in Okinawa

    and Japan. My instructor in Okinawa was the senior black belt after

    the elderly master of the style. I asked him how it was possible for me to

    have leamed these things from Chinese masters in Japan and Taiwan that

    he himself had not leamed?


    Besides being an exceptional karate man, this instructor was also a

    jazz musician. He was much more open-minded than the average

    Japanese or Okinawan karate master. He answered more frankly than one

    in his position normally would have to a foreigner. He said I was right. He

    had sparred with martial art experts from Taiwan and he had been both

    confused and beaten by them. He also acknowledged that the Chinese

    martial arts knew how to efficiently combine traditional Oriental medical

    principIes with martial arts training in ways that were mostly absent in

    karate. The Chinese martial arts, he admitted, also had a better medical

    knowledge of the body than was present in karate. He further said that

    the martial art material in Taiwan was of a higher leveI, although the Okinawans

    did have powerful and useful techniques that worked extremely

    well, which was true.


    I then asked him why he didn't go to Taiwan, which was next door to

    Okinawa, and learn more. It was obvious that he loved karate and martial

    arts in general, and his jazz background had given him a fondness for

    experiments that would expand his abilities. His answer was typical of the

    ongoing Asian battle between orthodox conservatism and new frontiers

    of knowledge. He said he knew that the martial arts in Taiwan were better

    than what he did. (This was quite a statement considering this man was

    about as good as karate people got.) He then emphasized that he was an

    Okinawan and, as such, would never consider learning from the Chinese

    because this would cause his style of Okinawan karate to lose face. It was

    a matter of national pride. Most importantly, however, it was a matter of

    "face." Years later, my teacher in Beijing, Liu Hung Chieh, would

    comment many times about life in a Confucian society, "You can go for

    one of two things in life, to be happy or to save face. It is your choice."


    This sense of competitive face has plagued the martial arts of Asia for

    hundreds, ifnot thousands, ofyears.* This attitude causes people to

    invest incredible status and pride in the specific martial art they do,

    rather than investigate how to expand their already existing body of

    knowledge by seeking new possibilities. Consequently, existing knowledge

    of martial arts stagnates and tends to be lost because of misplaced secrecy

    and pride. This situation is fortunately changing in the West. There,

    practitioners of karate and other martial arts take advantage of an open

    society in which they can freely adapt what is useful from other styles

    without experiencing a sense of betrayal to their own.


    This experience in Okinawa caused me to take a much more open

    point of view regarding martial arts than many of my colleagues at that

    time. (From the 1950s to the 1970s, the idea of borrowing from a martial

    art that was not one's own was unheard of.) It also firmly moved me in the

    direction of the internal side of martial arts, which I admittedly favor. I've

    observed that, if one wishes an investment to pay off in the long term, it is

    wise to be open to other proven, higher yielding investments, even if your

    feelings of possessiveness and previous accomplishment must

    temporarily be put aside.

  16. Personally I'm at the point where most dicussion on this forum is meaningless; most of it is just blah blah blah except for a few things every now and then.


    The buddha equals trash to me. I take a crap on all the religous icons and figures of the world whether it be jesus, buddha, gandhi etc.


    It does not MATTER what Buddha said or what they did. Almost all argument here on this forum is irrelevant. It is masturbation.


    I respect jesus, buddha etc only as so much as launching points for a way to true self discovery. After that they really are like my urinal, my toilet. Couldn't care less.


    Why would I care what the Buddha said? Why would I care what anyone said?


    When you are a true bird when you are kicked out of your nest you will certainly fly. A true bird does not need flight school.


    When we make somtething sacred; we cling to it. We create our own pain and suffering. Most of us are not strong enough to be true eagles. We refuse to burn our own bridges. we refuse to burn our books. we refuse and cling to that which we think is true. we're so afraid of discovering more, we cling to that which we really shouldn't.








    YOU ARE NOT your "lineage"!



    YOU ARE NOT the words you speak!





    A beginner or a person who has not explored the depthness and intricacies of the mystical path will always adhere to a certain dogma and argue for one thing over the other incessantly. Vajrayana, no! Taoist! no! Jesus! Any true master will at some point upheave and turn and walk his own path and disgrace and forsake everything up to that point. Beginners are stuck on dogma and what is and what isn't.


    You have to take a look at the people whose paths you are following. Christianity. Jesus would piss on everything and get crucified all over again if he only saw what we did with his supposed "teachings". He was against all the stuff we continue. It is so ironic that we are following those who were the rebels; but we ourselves are not strong enough to do what they did.


    ALL true masters were nonconformists. They all broke all the rules and they didn't give a damn. The Buddha mastered several different traditions and felt in his gut it all wasn't enough. You see, to him it wasn't about what one master said over another. It was that which was within himself which told him that there was something more. Did he listen to his previous paths, masters and lineages babble on about what they thought? No. He cut ties and did his own thing.


    I have to laugh at people who espouse certain teaching over other teachings; they miss the point entirely. All true masters make their own paths; and those who are not strong or resilient enough, end up repeating everything that they say like sheep. Its funny when you see this from a certain perspective, because mostly everyone starts to look like little children arguing about whose toy is better.


    A true master will throw out the book and just wing it upon reaching a certain point. Hell, the buddha did it, why don't you? I have to laugh at people saying it's this or it's that.


    It's only the noobs that are the bookies; the beginners are the ones who are always stuck on that which can be summed up in words. You have your cultists, your priests, anyone who labels himself anything, or attaches himself to a dogma or creed. Only sheep follow masters.


    To be a true surfer of the realms of the formless, YOU HAVE TO LET GO OF WORDS. You burn your books and burn and piss on every single thing you know. You have to let it all slide away. You naturally stop caring who is right; you stop arguing one point over another. You simply don't care anymore.






    Your truth becomes that which is unspoken, because to the one who truly sees, that which is spoken is worthless compared to that which is not.


    books are just maps.. some maps are better than others.. but in the end, the best map is within yourself..


    EDIT: the best map is the map within yourself compiled of data from other people's maps...


    you have to analyse which parts of other maps suit you and use these separate bits and pieces to compile the best map for yourself..

  17. Over the years I've accumulated waaaay too much written material on Taoism and Buddhism.

    I've got hundreds of PDF's on my hard drive, books, magazines, cd's, vids, mp3's.

    And where has it got me ?

    Absolutely nowhere. I'm probably more mixed up now than when I first started my search for the answers to life's big questions.

    This week I was forced to face life head on, where all the teachings of the long gone masters and sages had no impact or relevance to me whatsoever.

    My wife had a miscarriage. It has been a terribly upsetting week for us and our family. Something that has changed me forever.

    My heart goes out to anyone who has to experience this awful tragedy.

    I started to question and re-examine everything I've read and learned.

    I read some of my older posts on the forums and the replies I've given to others when I came across this post by Kali Yuga.

    Something clicked straight away.

    I really need to 'burn all my holy books' once and for all. Not literally of course. I'll give them away or sell them on.

    I need to strike out on my own and forge ahead on my own path, and not rely on the words and teachings of others.

    Back to basics. The simple things.

    Qigong, Zhan Zhuang and Meditation. No books, no scriptures, no talks, no videos.

    I need to find myself. Not another's interpretation of it.


    sorry for you loss but there are books and there are BOOKS


    but in the end, no book is gonna help you overcome your human ego and it is your human ego which is upset at your wife's miscarriage


    it is not that books are useless.. it is becos you have not found the right books yet and still fail to realize the trappings of the human ego..\


    separate the wheat from the chaff