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Posts posted by bodyoflight

  1. Poem about happiness by master Drukpa Kunley


    I am happy that I am a free Yogi.


    So I grow more and more into my inner happiness.


    I can have sex with many women,


    because I help them to go the path of enlightenment.



    Outwardly I'm a fool


    and inwardly I live with a clear spiritual system.


    Outwardly, I enjoy wine, women and song.


    And inwardly I work for the benefit of all beings.



    Outwardly, I live for my pleasure


    and inwardly I do everything in the right moment.


    Outwardly I am a ragged beggar


    and inwardly a blissful Buddha


    There are yogis who can turn wine into water. There are also yogis who can have sex with more than a few women every night and never feel drained. And there are also yogis who party all night every night.


    However, these yogis have reached inner enlightenment inside at least. They have done years of hard meditative work on themselves in order to see the emptiness in everything.


    On the other hand, schmucks like NON have not even began the road to enlightenment yet. If these type of schmucks engage in women, wine and party every night, they will die a drained old man by the age of 45 and would not even do a single day of meditation in their lives.


    So yes, please put things in perspective and see the difference between Non and Yogi Drukpa Kunley. Both are totally different class of beings altogether.

  2. Yet you are trying to help Non, you think you have the insight to know what is good for him.


    It is a start. If you don't start, you will never reach the end of the road.


    This advice to NON costs nothing to me. What you suggested will cost me everything and will mean my death before I reach enlightenment.


    Check out my post regarding human and divine ego.


    It is only when I reach inner enlightenment then do i try to help the masses as dictated by the universe.


    But definitely not before then.

  3. Poem about happiness by master Drukpa Kunley


    I am happy that I am a free Yogi.


    So I grow more and more into my inner happiness.


    I can have sex with many women,


    because I help them to go the path of enlightenment.



    Outwardly I'm a fool


    and inwardly I live with a clear spiritual system.


    Outwardly, I enjoy wine, women and song.


    And inwardly I work for the benefit of all beings.



    Outwardly, I live for my pleasure


    and inwardly I do everything in the right moment.


    Outwardly I am a ragged beggar


    and inwardly a blissful Buddha


    You can help as many women as you want.


    Me, I am only interested in helping myself achieve enlightenment. Then once I achieve the powers which come along with enlightenment, then I will think about helping other people.


    If you cannot even help yourself achieve enlightenment or even curb your own desires, what right do you have to help others?

  4. But wouldn't you say that any imbalance, not just excessive sexual desire, disturbs effective cultivation? It almost sounds too simple but if you take excessive stimulation in modern media and counteract it with an equally over-the-top practice, such as the one outlined in the OP, you replace imbalance with another imbalance, right?


    But then the thought comes to mind that it is useful to check out extremes before you can appreciate balance.


    Just watched the movie Limitless.. The male lead was asked where he got his mental powers of analysis, clairvoyance, precognition, speed memory and other psychic powers from..


    He replied cheekily "Special Medication (Meditation)"


    To achieve enlightenment or even to access the higher faculties of your brain, you have to first destroy the human ego in order to let the divine ego emerged.


    The human ego is what's preventing us from accessing our higher mental powers, faculties, our higher selves so as to speak..


    Once you can access your higher self, divine ego and work with your higher mental faculties, then you can safely erase any sexual issues which you have. The point is how do you access your higher self especially for lust-driven animals?


    Curbing one's desires is a start. The key is to reach one's higher mind. Anything else is secondary.

  5. First off, Jetsun, how do know that everybody in the West has hundreds of years of sexual repressive conditioning to work through? Do you have the magical third eye which allows you to view the past lives of each and every person in the West?


    Sexual Lust are just energy patterns worked into your subconscious from your past lives. If you have done enough mantra work and other negative energy removal practices to remove such past energy patterns from your subconscious and unconscious, then you don't have to worry about the energies of sexual lust coming to haunt you again and undermine any future progress you make.


    There are some in here like NON who has so much problems with women that they just can't settle down and meditate in order to work through their problems. I suspect some human spiritual master or demonic entity is throwing the energy patterns of sexual lust at NON so that he is prevented from committing himself into a successful spiritual practice.


    Lots of good advice on practices have been given to NON from many, many well-meaning posters in here but there isn't a single reply from him saying he will take up such practices in order to curb his lust. I do not single NON out to punish him but there are many men like him who suffer due to their lust and I only want to heal them.


    May I refer to The Dalai Lama's Secret Temple: Tantric Wall Paintings from Tibet?


    These murals in this book present a host of figures engaged in the basic cycles of life or practicing Tantric meditation techniques in pursuit of inner transformation. Instead of rejecting desire as other Buddhist practices do, Tantra harnesses this intrinsically human drive and turns it into "boundless compassion." So powerful and potentially dangerous is this path to spiritual awakening, only the most enlightened of Tibetan Buddhist monks are initiated into the tradition.


    You know, in the Shurungama Sutra, it is said that in the end times, there are many spiritual masters who are demons inside. Why is that? Because they keep preaching sexual love is the right way to cultivate. Thus they fail to differentiate between love in the deva manner i.e. love without the hunger for sex and love in the asura/animal/human manner i.e. love with hunger for sex at the same time.


    Right now, I see many demons of "love" in this thread. Can you practice love for a woman not related by blood, demons, without hungering for sex with her at the same time? If you pass by Jessica Alba on the streets, can you show love for her as though she is your sister and not hunger for sex with her as though she is your wife? If not, then please do not talk to me about love as you are still in the states of lust.


    With that said, one can always participate in sexual cultivation practices of course. Provide one has had his spiritual senses opened and has progressed far enough in his spiritual path to sense intrusions on his soul by human spiritual masters or demons which will cause him to lose control of his mental faculties. One must also be able to eliminate the sexual energy patterns of past lives from one's subconscious. If you have not progressed far enough on your spiritual path but still wanna engage in sexual practices, then you will definitely fall into the lower paths of reincarnation.


    So powerful and potentially dangerous is this path to spiritual awakening, only the most enlightened of Tibetan Buddhist monks are initiated into the tradition.

  6. I think for the average person a good way to do this would be to combine it with the Inner Smile or Loving-Kindness meditation. Sending the body some love and transmuting lust that way. People have enough body issues as it is.


    The Creator, The Dao and the higher forces of the Universe (whatever you call it) created this game-system where we are the players.


    In this game, we are plagued by the ego and the need for sex but this need for sex is inbuilt in each of us so that we can find love through sex.


    This is why there are so many damn crap on TV and in the movies about sex and love, sex and love, sex and love and hardly any truths about the real game itself.


    The real game is finding love through higher consciousness. If you can find the love through higher consciousness, then you could skip the lower animal steps of finding love through sex.


    Thus the existence of the deva, asura, human and animal realms. Lower realms of life-forms have to seek love through sex but higher life-forms can find the love through consciousness alone.


    As a lama recently told me, you can avoid the game by jumping out of the loop and this meditation on revulsion of the human body is not the be-all and end-all but it is a start for lust-driven men like Non.


    Destroy your lust first and other attachments and seek love through the higher consciousness.


    That way, you can become a gamemaster instead of being a player.

  7. I was watching this talk-show a few days ago.


    A psychologist ask various members of the audience which characters would they choose to be in Cinderella.


    Most girls choose Cinderella obviously and the guys chose to be the handsome dashing Prince.


    There was one girl however who chose to be the Witch.


    When the psychologist asked her why, that girl said that it was the Witch who made everything possible for the romance to happen.


    Without the magick of the Witch, how is Cinderella gonna find the means to procure the Chariot, the Horses, the Driver and her Dress?


    It is like, regardless of how hardworking Cinderella may be, there won't be any miracles until the Witch blessed her.

  8. Stop simply aping ideas of other men. Read less, observe more. Find a way to become at ease with your own sexuality and stop projecting your issues onto other men here.

    Since you seem to be into Buddhism so much, I advise you to also listen to his own teachings on aversion and attachment and most important of all, critical thinking, i.e question "his" teachings as well. You have no way of knowing whether or not he lived or taught as you read his purported teachings more than 2500 years later.

    Take these stories with a big grain of salt.


    And yes, this is definitely an aversion towards the feminine as well since it is only in dependant relation to them that your sexual lust arises, if you are a straight man.

    I would agree with your notion that sublimation is the way to go if you want to refine your being and relation to others but the way you write seems to suggest to me that you simply took in the surface content of lots of books on Buddhism and then came here to project your issues onto others, thinking that this comes with a good intention to help others.


    But apparently, you are not open to criticism. Kind of curious considering you seem to therefore ignore one of the most important teachings of both Buddhism and modern science.


    -Your fellow Demon


    Jeez, I came here with a technique to help men control their sexual lust and you say this is me projecting my issues into others? LOL.


    Btw, didn't I say that the highest buddhist lamas do engage in sexual tantric practices? But that is only AFTER they cut off their lust for sex.


    Cutting off your desire and lust for sex doesn't mean you can't participate in sex.


    It simply means you are having sex without the hunger in your mind and loins. So how is this an aversion to femininity?


    Apparently, you are not wise enough not to look at a gift-horse in the mouth.


    Don't criticize without first understanding the game. And judging by your remarks, you understand very little indeed.

  9. I like to add some outlooks on lust from a gnostic forum.



    Samael teaches that if the image of a beautiful woman (or man) were to reach the mind (impression), to imagine the woman growing old, wilting and dying, just as the beautiful flower wilts and dies. Our bodies are contructed from, and composed of, the matter of the four elements of the physical plane (Malkuth) and will return through the process of decay like any other physical being...this deserves reflection.


    One can take this a step further and reflect on the body itself both internally and externally. For instance, if the woman (or man) in your dream was to have all of the skin peeled off of her body, exposing all of the muscles, blood, etc. you may be less likely to identify with, and desire that image.


    Gotama Sakyamuni, Nagarjuna, Santideva and others within the Buddhist traditon give powerful antidotes for dealing with lust and transforming the images and impressions associated. These meditations are designed to reflect on the body as it is, within and without.


    Some of the teachers describe the body as a sewer filled with excrement, snot, urine, etc. Reflecting on the body this way in meditation can dispell some of the ignorance that lies at the feet of lust. Reflecting on the body in this way, when confronted with images and impressions of "attractive" bodies or bodies we desire is repulsive.


    Repulsive is defined as, "to drive away or repel." In this case one can "drive away" lust and identification by reflecting on the body as it truly is...

  organic sewer made of the four elements that produces excrement, urine, and snot that will decay into mud....


    Obviously, if we are identified with our own bodies then we will be identified with other's bodies.


    Additionally, if we are identified with the physical plane then we are subject to the associated ignorance and its consequences. (See writings on SOL and awakening the consciousness)


    If we are identified with images as realities rather than representations or reflections then we will suffer the consequences of our ignorance, the sleep of the consciousness. (See the Dream Yoga course)


    The impression that triggered the lust must be comprehended also. The relationship between external event (impression) and the internal state (reaction) is a must know. This reminds us of the wonderful teachings of dependent origination. (See Karma course)


    One must also comprehend Kant's "the exterior is a reflection of the interior," in relation to internal states and so-called "external" events. (See Revolution of Dialectic and others)


    One must comprehend sight, smell, sound, touch, and taste. Meditation on the 5 senses is necessary to transcend physical identification with images, forms, bodies, and is the ground work that leads to not identifying with internal images as well.


    "The clairvoyant falls into error when he or she takes the image for reality" - Rudolf Steiner


    The Buddha, in the Sutra on the Four Foundations of Mindfulness, goes through meditation on the body's repulsive parts, meditation on the four elements, meditation on the senses, as well as the Charnal Ground Contemplations associated with death and decay of the body. These teachings and meditations are essential...and beautiful...and absolutely practical and effective.


    I have found that egos associated with lust and identification with the body don't like it when the antidotes are applied...which is a good sign. They will resist, tell you stories, and generally make it feel uncomfortable to do so. Therefore it is important to expect and calculate the inevitable resistance.


    Lust has roots in ignorance and identification.


    The seemingly harmless manifestations of lust that you spoke of:



    Should I instead begin meditating on the more seemingly harmless manifestations of lust, like perhaps looking at women or thinking about them?



    ...are feeding the egos of lust that are associated with the near falls and falls in the night. The reactions in the three brains caused by those impressions need to be photographed and then cancelled. We can't afford to allow them to linger and waste energy or perhaps strengthen existing egos. We obviously fornicate emotionally and mentally with those impressions.


    Additionally, the impression that triggered the lust must be comprehended. Therefore one must comprehend sight, smell, hearing, touch, and well as memory (untransformed impressions).


    Those impressions need to be transformed before you go to sleep.


    Do not allow the sun to set on your lust.


    Samael states in the Revolution of the Dialectic that, "One is devolving if the digestion of impressions does not exist."


    I suggest studying the book Revolution of the Dialectic, particularly the chapters on rest therapeutics, transformation of impressions, and the mental stomach. Samael's writings on Awakening the Consciousness and




    (as in Perfect Matrimony, Lamasery, etc.) are also a necessity for the transformation of impressions, with respect to comprehending identification, fascination, and sleep the of the consciousness, as well as awakening and non-identification.


    The Buddha Sakyamuni terrifically walks us through these issues and antidotes in the Mahasatipatthana Sutra, or The Greater Discourse on the Foundations of Mindfulness. He is teaching non-identification, mindfulness.


    Santideva speaks simply and directly about this in A Guide to the Bodhisattva Way of Life.


    These resources and reflections have assisted me greatly...Perhaps they will be helpful for you.

  10. As Jetsun mentioned, these are archaic practises that were likely meant for a specific part of the training of Theravadin monks to attain "access concentration", as it is often called.

    But more often than not, this is an elaborate way to suppress natural energy patterns in your own body, leading to either stagnation or perversion. I suppose I don't not to put up references to rather scandalous behaviour found in all manners of Ashrams and Monasteries around the world.


    When you no longer desire woman, you simply move on. My understanding of true renunciation is that it must come naturally, as part of your learning process. If you try to force renunciation with these kind of crude practises, you are just asking for trouble in the long term.


    Scandulous behaviour were found cos the priests and monks are too weak to withstand the demonic forces of sexual lust.


    Sexual energy can be both benign or evil. It is only when you turn sexual energy into kundalini energy for cultivation then can true enlightenment be attained.


    This practice is a practice to turn wasteful usage of sexual energy into kundalini energy for cultivation. Including sexual cultivation if need be.



    This book is about how the highest levels of tibetan lamas practice tantra sex in order to cultivate. But before they engage in tantra sexual cultivation, first of all, they have to control their mind and their basic animal lusts. Otherwise, their human ego will take over and they will become mad.


    Ie this practice is to help you control your sexual energy instead of being controlled by it.


    Any aspersions cast on this wonderful practice of cutting off the demons of sexual lust is akin to demons calling down buddhist practices, I am sorry to say.



    If you imagine everyone as a skeleton, it can work immediately. But it is a deliberate coating of your perception that just covers up inherent issues with your sexuality.


    If it works for the monks, it will definitely work for other humans as well.


    I strongly recommend that you refrain from any further criticisms which the gods might look upon as demonic.

  11. You can deceive yourself into a particular mode of thinking and claim that it "works".

    There have been extreme cases of Men who would refuse to even look at a woman's face.

    Do you think that is insightful behaviour?


    This is not a practice of aversion to women. This is a practice about eliminating sexual lust.


    You can deceive yourself into thinking that being controlled by sexual lust and achieving enlightenment at the same time is possible.


    Do you think this is insightful behavior? Or are you going to call this theravada practice a demonic practice?


    You know, when the buddha meditated under the bodhi tree, a host of demons tried to interrupt his meditation by throwing stones and sticks at him.


    You sound very much like one of those demons.

  12. These practices can be found on bloody wikipedia which means the masters have deem it suitable practices for the general public.


    They are meant to cut off the uncontrolled desire and lust for sex.


    If you can control your desire and lust to the point where you can increase or decrease your lust just by thought and willpower alone, then these practices are below you.


    A true enlightened master can and will eliminate lust when it is not needed for sex. On the other hand, he should be able to turn on his sexual desire again for dual/single sexual energy cultivation when it comes to that.


    Sexual energy is nothing more than kundalini afterall.


    In essence, a true enlightened master is suppose to turn on and off the sexual lusts and desires as easily as a tap.


    BTW, I have tried using this meditation for the last 30 minutes while walking on the streets and it works wonders! I felt immediate revulsion instead of attraction to the woman's body.

  13. I have just watched the Adjustment Bureau. Found it to be quite a spiritual film. It is a film about a politician fighting against some angels/ETs who are in the business of controlling the destinies of humans in order to get together with the love of his life.


    The male lead is destined to be the president of the united states and the female lead is destined to be a world-famous dancer/choreographer but if he gets together with this particular woman, both of them lose their pre-planned destinies.



    1) Came up with a taoist-like riddle for you guys.


    Which character in the film would you like to be?


    Is it the male lead, the female lead or Harry the angel/ET?


    2) Another taoist riddle would be..


    If you are David and destined to be the president of the US, would you give it up for the love of your life?

  14. Hello Iam reading this forum more than 4 years, but I didnt wrote anything until now.I have to ask something to everybody in here. Years of meditation practice, and lot of pain I endure, I finally give up.The problem is I dont believe the gods good nature anymore, and I dont believe spiritual freedom anymore.even you enlightened one day, and become extremely high level god, doesnt matter degeneration is unescapeble. you will fall one day. how many times you can rise ten,hundred,thousand at the end one day you will corrupt so badly you will never get enlightened.Some of you gonna say why do you thinking far future so much and not live in today ? Iam not thinking future I dont fear death or sickness, the problem is no heaven even the highest one dont deserve to endure so much pain. why do I have to play this stupid good and evil game forever? Why dont I have a chance become nothingness (soul destruction) ? yes there is soul destruction for fully evil people, but its very painfull, and it takes aeons to your soul the dissolve. even they are fully evil where is your heavenly mercy now ? why dont I have option to become nothingness, why I must play this stupid game forever until I become completely evil , or enlightened ? I dont want neither of them, I just want to become zero, Nothing.... why commiting suicide evil ? because youre destroying the destiny that god create for you (he or she who is responsible about your destiny) ... Like I care, I dont see any evil in here but you create enourmous karma. yea yea ı know hurting human body is one of the biggest crime.for someone else yes I agree but why I must live like this? why I must live the painfull destiny of that god choose to me ? I dont care ıam a serial killer or something in my past life, where is your unhumanly mercy,compassion why dont they let me become nothingness before ı become corrupt, why there is no freedom in spiritual world like in our world. Nothing is different.. in my knowledge gods create this world because of their mercy and give fallen gods one more chance to become enlightened. I think this is the greatest trap of the gods, because in higher realms when you fall , you fall because of the selfishness, and little bit jealosy. lust,killing,rape,drugs everything that creates enourmous karma is in this world. so If they destroyed me before I came to this world , its probably less painfull and much shorter.I have a question who are in here can make astral travel , or enlightened who can contact with heavenly beings..

    1)If I die or suicide do I have chance to choose that I want to go on or become destroyed? or they just send you the realm you deserve instantly without you have chance to open your mouth ? (Iam not thinking to suicide, just angry to there is no freedom)

    2)Is soul destruction painfull and takes aeons to finish , or If I ask to the gods there is a instant way to do that ?



    sorry about my english, I can understand perfectly but my writing skill isnt that good.Because of my lack english some people think this is teenage deppresion, but its not, Iam never a person who wants earn money,have sex,buy house car and earn money , have more sex. I dont like football,basketball anything I hate smoking, I hate alcohol, only thing I loved is meditation, and that love left me. I dont know how can I describe it is not depprision but like something left me , I dont want to do anything anymore.



    first off, there is a huge world of difference between soul disintegration and the death of the physical body.. soul disintegration can occur even if you are bill gates or george bush.. the more evil deeds you do, the more evil your soul become, and the more your soul will disintegrate..


    disintegrated souls are normally reborn as animals or in environments of much suffering...


    secondly, i will rather be a servant of the gods than to be a slave of men.. as far as i am concerned, no man in the world, regardless of how rich, how intelligent or how spiritually powerful, has the authority to command me to do anything against my wishes..

  15. As a "lurker" of this forum, I have to make an exception and post just to say that Non, your posts are a breath of fresh air and I have a feeling that other people are silently grateful for your contributions here as well. Let me be the one to suggest that you DO NOT seek "professional help" to be made "normal" haha!


    Krishnamurti said, "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."


    Anyway, aside from chi kung, I find that good therapy is listening to Eckhart Tolle lectures (they can be found on most bittorrent sites), which has really helped me with "being present" and being at peace with the dysfunction of our culture, a dysfunction, one could say, of which the male-female relations issue you describe is only a surface-level symptom.


    I've never been able to relate to women very well, though I always felt a deep love for them that would be expressed through eye contact. There were many painful times in my late teens and twenties when I was around women in different places and would make some pretty intense connections with them just through eye contact. I could rarely think of what to say or how to talk to them, and when I did it almost never led to anything more than a simple conversation. I was unable to "build attraction" and was completely incompetent at "flirting".


    All that time I thought the problem was my own shyness, and I blamed myself for all the "lost opportunities".


    Then I got into chi kung and meditation. After a few years, I began to realize that there was a very good reason I'm not good at flirting. Because flirting is fundamentally based on deception. It may be "innocent" most of the time, but it's not truly sincere. It's about posturing for social status and playing ego games, sometimes more subtly than others.


    So I was determined to figure out how to express my desire in completely straightforward, sincere, and unapologetic way. The chi kung helped me get over my fear of what other people think, which allowed me to develop a "practice" of approaching women that turned into a fascinating social experiment. I realized that the most sincere way I could express desire without resorting to theatrics or games (like "PUA" stuff) was to just go about my day, and if I saw a women that noticed me and gave me what I called a "green light", which is prolonged eye contact, smile, etc., to basically go up and ask her if she's single.


    Not to make small talk first, because in my opinion small talk is just noise to "fill the space" and pretend there's a reason I'm talking to an attractive woman that doesn't have to do with my being attracted to her. I shouldn't have to "beat around the bush", again it goes back to honesty.


    And I found that they almost always say no. See I was thinking that if I could find some kind of "magic bullet" to cut through all the BS, it would snap them out of their little trance and they would be like, "ah, finally a guy who is sincere, somebody I don't have to posture for and expend all this effort putting through tests!"


    But sadly, they seem to be so stuck that they actually found ways to adapt their flirting patterns to my sincerity. For example, one girl I asked a few years ago who worked at a grocery store I was frequenting said no, she's not single. I happily said OK, smiled, and walked away. Then she said "But HEY, props for askin!" then proceeded to draw me into conversation about the bread! I realized that it was all just part of her "game", which really felt kind of yucky, because here I was trying to be sincere and she sort of threw it back in my face. Anyway, as I continued shopping at that store, I would give her a brief nod and say hi if I saw her, which is exactly what I do with any person I recognize anywhere. She would often look away and pretend to ignore me. I felt a bit sorry for her. Then one day I was at the deli putting some food in a bowl, and I hear this loud "HOW ARE YOU!!!" right in my ear. It startled me and I spun around, and there she was standing inches from me. I said something like "great, how bout you?" She just stared at me goes "GOOD!" I looked at her and she just stood there staring at me. The look on her face was actually a little creepy! I eventually turned around and went back to getting my food. Sure, most would interpret that as "she was obviously showing interest", but why couldn't she have just been upfront and said, "Hey, remember when you asked if I was single and I said no? Well I am now," or, "I was scared by how direct you were so I lied, I actually am single." That would have been a beautiful moment of honesty that I would have totally appreciated. But she could only do what she was trained to do by society, which was to throw out clues without being direct. Of course, if I had made another "move", she probably would have backed off again to draw me into the whole flirting pattern.


    I've done this "are you single" thing to well over one hundred women in the Portland area (I lost count around 40) and I could tell many similar stories. The bottom line is that the evidence has shown me that people are living in fear and they are stuck in useless scripts that society programmed them with, probably during the public education system (I don't really buy into the evolutionary psychology explanation that they're trying to select the best genes or whatever).


    I did actually get one date, with a 19-year-old model haha!! (I was 29 at the time) Of course, I could barely relate to her and she kept getting distracted by text messages on her mobile phone, so that didn't go anywhere. Everywhere I go people are mesmerized by their techno gadgets, which has added another layer of unconsciousness to our relationships with one another.


    Anyway, my experiment is winding down and I don't ask the question much these days. I have enough stories to fill a pretty hilarious book. I've pretty much resigned to the fact that most women aren't ready for that level of sincerity and directness. Like Non, I wonder if I'm destined to be a celibate monk. I also wonder if my experiment had some kind of impact on the collective female psyche, and if so, maybe I'm close to some "hundredth-monkey" kind of threshold that would lead to women breaking out of these patterns on a wide scale haha but that may be just a delusion of grandeur! The problem is that, while this experiment was a lot of fun at the start, it's become rather depressing, and I don't know if it's appropriate to continue. Also, I'm starting to think this is mainly women's attitude problem, that it's their own responsibility to work through it, and that they will have to actively seek out men like me if they want a change. As a man, all I can do is learn to be at peace with what is.


    Ultimately, the women all seemed to really appreciate what I was doing. A couple of them actually told me that they thought what I was doing was great, though they weren't single, and then they proceeded to try to flirt with me afterward! But almost none of them could bring themselves to let their guard down and just simply say, "Yes, I am single! Are you?" Is that really so difficult? They seem to think that having their guard up will filter out all the unworthy men, but does it ever occur to them that the good guys aren't interested in wasting their time trying to break through the defenses?


    I once heard some girl who was sitting with her friends, who overheard me do my thing, say, "OH MY GOD, DID YOU GUYS SEE THAT??? THAT WAS SOOOOO SWEEET!" I thought, yeah, it looks sweet when you witness it from a distance but when you're being asked directly you get weird and scared. Silly girls!


    You do not know how to read the energies of a woman and how to say the right words to invoke the positive energies of intimacy.


    If you are good enough, just looking into the eyes of a woman will reveal everything about her. Social cues are just the icing on the cake.


    This is why I keep saying everyone should learn but nobody here is paying attention or at least those that do anyway are keeping their mouths shut. Wise men they are.

    • Like 1

  16. You are being contradictory here. YOu're saying that there isn't a such thing as "normal" yet there are normal social cues which shd be memorized, or even picked up on?


    FIrst of all, most of the theory that says "if a person has his arms crossed it means he's closed off" bs is truly BS. Those theories are overgeneralizations. Not all people who cross their arms are closed off,mad, etc.


    A woman flips her hair, uncontrollably like an unconscious dog, touches her hair, etc. Or maybe she's doing that on purpose because, only an alpha male can sense that a woman who flips her hair constantly is unconsciously wet.


    Yea, I do know "subtle social cues", I've read all about these things. I probably haven't gone through the most complete list available on the MARKET but I have some familiarity with them, have noticed them in some people, haven't in others.


    Sometimes it makes me question if this or that. It's really trivial, sometimes it is true sometimes it isn't. Im not going to question every single detail.


    Am I supposed to "unconsciously" pick up on social cues? Because I'm alpha male, I'm supposed to pick up on subtle pheremones being secreted out of a woman's vagina in the general area? or see that a woman who's constantly sticking her ass out really wants me to notice her, etc. or she just does that on purpose etc.


    yea I do take notice of these things but Im not dumb enough to uncosnciously make generalizations on every single subtle detail.


    Can't women just be direct or atleast be honest or do they always have to communicate through subtle cues, and CONSTANTLY making new ones, for the "alpha male initiates" they choose to circulate through?


    Like for example: red dyed hair. That's become popular a few times in the past. What does this signify? Am I supposed to populate that this woman is freaky?


    Ok another one: plastic breakable wristbands in different colors that signify sexual acts she would perform on strangers or people in the same social circle of initiates who know just wtf it means, and only "alpha males" would know.


    Ok.. body splashes of different smells signify how horny she is. BOdy splashes that have pheremones mixed in.


    Tight latex pants, telling men she's ovulating and wants to be looked at but only by dominant alpha males that know about her "signals", even though it's commonly considered disrespectul.



    ok... she's wearin a long dress and you know that such a sexy woman doesn't wear long dresses to signify she is conservative but perhaps is not wearing panties or is actually a freak underneath.


    Black nails, black jeans.


    Camel toes which show she's not wearing panties, or skimpy panties. Thongs which show over her jeans. Low cut jeans. Commonly considered disrespectful to look at but only alpha male dominant men or men who are confident enough to look at them because they are inherently disrespectful, they show that they want to be done hard and roughly in bed. So they will accept disrespectful acts in communication. She acts like a bitch most of the time because she wants to be put in her place like a little girl dominated by big daddy. She wants to be treated like a whore because she wears whore clothing. She wears NOTHING like a whores clothing because she wants to appear reserved when really she's not reserved underneath. She looks like she doesn't take care of herself because she always ready to be sexed on the spot, she doesn't waste time with makeup. She WASTES time on make up because she wants to be done so roughly that her make up goes all over the place she looks like she's been abused but she likes it because it makes it seem like she was dominating by a FEIRCELY dominant man and makes her feel like the center of the universe in knowing she was dominated by the most dominant man who was SO uncontrollably horny that he couldn't control himself or just couldn't give a shit what she or other male would want to stop him even if he was hurting her. Accepting abuse makes her feel on top of the world and other men who were afraid to abuse her, because only men brave enough to abuse her show that they really have power.


    The need to come up to her overtly and whisper in her ear because she has a bitch shield which wards off men who are afraid of invading her personal space out of nowhere from behind.


    Oh well these are uncosncious? They're not all unconscious I'm sure. If they are, are they retarded? And to see when men go crazy because THEY MAKE MEN GO CRAZY. IN FACT THEY WANTED THEM TO GO CRAZY!?


    Only those men that fall prey to animalistic lusts and behave like animals go crazy over a biological body which is vulnerable to the ravages of time.


    Once you visualize a woman defecating, i wonder why any sane man would wanna have sex with that woman, irregardless of how beautiful she is..


    However some men would have sex with animals anyway but that is another story.

  17. Did it ever occur to you that YOU are being the rude one? You understand that people are doing what they are trained to do by society, you understand that most of them do not have a handle on straightforward honesty, and then you FAULT them for that? YOU are actually being quite insensitive to THEM, because YOU are acting like, "oh, well I know the real truth, this is how you should live your life, this is how you should meet people, if you can't conform to my standards, then you don't deserve to be in a relationship with me."


    I see this attitude a lot in the posts that are like, "I can't get along with the rest of humanity, I just want to go away and be a hermit" and blah blah blah. It's like, what happened to compassion? What happened to connecting with fellow human beings? What happened to helping one another?


    I've found that while, over the course of my practice, I have found myself changing a bit, I've also found myself understanding the mechanisms by which other people behave, because I disassemble the ones that govern my actions. And when I do so, I can't hold contempt for those people, because I know that what I'm experiencing doesn't even cross their mind.


    Rather than giving up on them, I instead make an effort to interact in such a way that they'll understand, to help them see another way of living and acting through their lens.


    I am not suggesting that anyone take part in deceit. I am not suggesting that someone compromise their morals, or compromise the integrity of another person, just to get laid. I am suggesting that people get down off their high horse, see how people are actually living, and see how you can connect to people IN THE REAL WORLD!










    And given that through various means of socialization, people have gotten to a point where being direct can be, at the very worst, wrong, and at the very best, highly uncomfortable, you've got to be able to relate to them, and make them comfortable.


    Even if the person likes you, if you rock their world too much, they're going to feel uncomfortable around you, they're going to feel like they can't get a handle on you or the situation, and they are going to pass on you. Take their feelings into consideration, try to see it through their perspective, and act in such a way that it makes them comfortable to ease into the situation.


    You are being a hypocrite here.


    If a person likes being a hermit, disconnected from the rest of humanity and just wanna live out the rest of his life in peace, what is wrong with that?


    Who are YOU to dictate how anyone should live his or her life?


    Does it ever occur to you that you are being rude too by criticizing the life of those so-called "hermits"?


    Everybody has his or her own version of how the world is right now and how the world should be.


    If some guy says this world is fucked up and wanna live on an island disconnected from the rest of humanity, I say this is his choice and no one here, not you not me has any right to criticize his choice on how to live his life.


    Otherwise you are no different from the very rude hermit who thinks that the world does not conform to his standards and thus the world does not deserve him.


    Cos you will just be as rude as him in trying to conform others to your own biased standards and way of living.

  18. The only reason why some souls choose to become monks or become celibate is because it is much easier to destroy your human ego than if you are married, have kids or have a partner.


    As you progress higher and higher on the path, the negative spiritual demons will throw more and more obstacles and problems at you including creating problems through your spouse/partners/kids..


    Look at you, non, all your hang-ups about who is better.. men or women.. about how some men is going to be left alone.. all your worries seem.. so ... laughable..


    As I said before, someone who knows how to tap into the forces of the universe to bring happiness into his life ain't gonna worry the least bit about women.. cos they know how to get women anytime they want to ..


    But that is not the name of the game nor is it the true purpose of life..


    Anyway, i know your ego is twisting you inside out so you can't grasp the full meaning of my words.. but that is alright.. some souls are meant to be trapped in the cycle for eternity..

  19. Right here and now, I AM immortal, so I guess I'd be posting on TTB :lol:


    there are several levels of immortals.. infinite levels actually..


    when you get to become a level 1 immortal, you will definitely wanna progress to level 2 .. and when you are level 2, you will want to progress to level 3..


    enlightenment is a never-ending road..

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  20. There are obvious ques here about why you don't get any girls. You focus on being a loser. Yielding doesn't mean being a push over loser. Why regret standing up straight for a girl. Love kindles all Fires. Experiment with actually expressig yourself in a comfortable way to the opposite sex Face to face and I bet you learn more about energy in 5 minutes than weeks of reading.


    This farmer had only one horse, and one day the horse ran away. The neighbors came to condole over his terrible loss. The farmer said, "What makes you think it is so terrible?"


    A month later, the horse came home--this time bringing with her two beautiful wild horses. The neighbors became excited at the farmer's good fortune. Such lovely strong horses! The farmer said, "What makes you think this is good fortune?"


    The farmer's son was thrown from one of the wild horses and broke his leg. All the neighbors were very distressed. Such bad luck! The farmer said, "What makes you think it is bad?"


    A war came, and every able-bodied man was conscripted and sent into battle. Only the farmer's son, because he had a broken leg, remained. The neighbors congratulated the farmer. "What makes you think this is good?" said the farmer.


    Morale of the story.. cut off your lust for happiness but at the same time avoid rejection of happiness..