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Posts posted by bodyoflight

  1. Lol no offense, but it sounds like you may be a bit confused... I'm sure you're not really gay - as liking HUGE b00bs proves it!!! ;)


    But, female >>> male???

    "Yin"/"feminine" men = gay = chick magnets???


    This entire post just shows how deeply-ingrained misandrism, male self-hate & gender confusion have become today. Just imagine if you had reversed all the genders in your that would be received here??


    But more importantly, your equations are simply misleading & inaccurate.


    You know, gay men range from effeminate to "normal" to macho. So, it is inaccurate to equate gayness with femininity. And, women only want to BEFRIEND (not f***) them anyway...just like nice, non-threatening & "asexual" "yin" guys. Friendzone =/= f***zone, buddy! :lol:


    If you were truly sexually "yin," then you would suffer from low sex drive, low virility and be poorly-endowed/performing with sexual dysfunction. Yang = big & hard while yin = small & soft. This would apply to both gay or straight men.



    So, the actual reality today is that everyone (both men & women alike) is competing to see who is the yangest and trying to out-yang each other. And, if you can't out-yang a female - then she will have zero respect for you. (The same goes without saying for men..) To the yangest goes the spoils... Yangness is the raw currency of sex now for men.


    Sure, this may or may not always change in the future...but that's how it is for NOW.


    The female energies are stronger than the masculine energies.. It is common sense.. A woman is capable of having sex with many more partners than a man in the same period of time .. unless the man becomes multi-orgasmic..


    You have no idea how many females have this hidden sexual fantasy of turning a gay man into a straight man.. If anything, this will validates the females' own sexuality and attractiveness.. It is like saying,"hey look at me now.. i am so hot i managed to turn a gay man straight."


    Men already have the intrinsic yang energy in them.. However, you do not engage in sex every second of your life do you?.. This is why yin energy is needed to balance you out mentally, emotionally, physically.. especially when you engage in celibate spiritual practices..


    I have yet to see any successful sexual close with a mad yang-driven man.. all seduction PUA games require a healthy dosage of yin energy to keep the man in control until you get into the bedroom with a chick.. then you be as yang as you can get... ^_^ ..


    Why does the man has to be kept in control? Cos the man has to keep his wits about him in order to become emotionally close to the woman.. this is where the yin energy in a man comes into play.. if you do not become emotionally close to a woman, then how are you gonna get into her pants?..


    as some have said.. balance of yin and yang..

  2. I never thought of manipulation as a form of compassion or wisdom. Maybe you mean cunning or coercion?

    The same spiritual principle applies if you want one woman or a million? Which principle is this?

    Are you the love guru? Are you actually trying to give non good advice?



    What spiritual principles are these?


    I am hardly qualified to be a guru.. just the same searcher like anyone else..


    However, these spiritual principles do exist, no different from the laws of physics. Manipulating these spiritual principles is no different from manipulating the law of physics.

  3. like I said before Im not even asking all that much.


    lol .. you don't understand what i am saying..


    i am saying there are spiritual laws governing the relationships, health, finances, popularity, etc of every person on earth..


    whether you want one woman or one million women, the same spiritual principles still apply..


    learn how to manipulate these spiritual laws with compassion and wisdom and your life gets a whole lot easier..

  4. See, this is what Im talking about. you keep thinking Im being greedy when I ask for a minimum.


    When you ask, it is already being greedy.. even if it is for a minimum..


    Are you really that desperate for sex and women, Non?


    You know, here in taiwan, there was once a man who did a sex ritual. Every woman in heat became irresistibly drawn to him and would want to have sex with him. This guy ended up having sex everyday. What happened to him in the end? He looked like a 60+ old man when he was only 40 years old.


    There was once a sorcerer in a village who used his sex magick on every woman he met. Every woman, whether married or not, end up sleeping with him. In the end, the gods sent some deities to remove his spiritual power and he died in a very ugly manner.


    There are numerous cases of people doing love magick on married or attached couples in the hopes of stealing one spouse away from the other person. I am sure some of us have heard about the infamous Thailand/SEA love magick where the woman put her menstrual fluids in a drink and enpowered such fluids. The man who drank her fluids would fall hopelessly in love with that woman forever. He would also suffer perpetual bad luck and lose all fortune.


    How about magick during business negotiations? Oh yes there are numerous magick in every country too which can put your business customer, supplier or partner under your sway. The other person in business negotiations can be charmed into agreeing to your terms if you apply enough spiritual leverage.


    Using magick in physical fights? Just go to Thailand and research sak yant. Thai Kickboxers are so violent partly because of the strength magick which they use.


    You said that there are some men who keeps getting women. Do you know what happen to men who keep getting women? They become haggard and look far older than their years as they grow old. Why is that? Cos they gave their essence out to far too many women instead of conserving their essence for their own self development.


    My point is behind every act in the world are vast spiritual forces controlling these acts. You want to achieve whatever material outcome you desire? Start getting spiritual and learn how to manipulate these spiritual forces.


    But in the end, you will discover all these material outcomes whether it be women, money, dominance over other men is all emptiness compared to the true enlightenment you can achieve. In the end, if you abuse your spiritual powers, you will end up with nothing, not even your life.

  5. Every act in this world is controlled by higher beings. You can call them angels, gods, deities.. whatever..


    But every act in this world.. including the act of breathing, whether we hook up with certain women or not, where and what we do for a job, what time we sleep, where we live, how much money we earn, etc etc.. is controlled by higher beings..


    Once you progress spiritually far enough on a path.. you can interact with these higher beings or energies in order to manipulate your destiny..


    Once you have the necessary spiritual power, you can choose whom you want to sleep with and compel her to sleep with you.


    I have been under such sex magick attacks myself for the last 18 months.


    But seriously, Non, is that truly the purpose of us being here on this planet? To set records of how many women you sleep with or how much money you earn?


    Wilt Chamberlain once claimed he slept with 16,000 women but where is he now? There were numerous kings and emperors in the past who controlled vast empires but where are they now?


    In the end, everything is dust.. everything is emptiness.. everything is impermanent..


    Do you know how much money and resources the Chinese emperors in the past spent on trying to recruit taoist masters in order to learn their spiritual secrets? The secrets of longevity, sexuality and power?


    Do you know that almost every Taoist master rejected all the money and power in the world from these Chinese emperors?


    Cos to these taoist masters, when you can conjure the powers of the universe at your fingertips, what is the use of women, money and political power?


    Do you know how much spiritual power is welded by the Egyptian Pharaohs?



    • Like 1

  6. Dear Non,


    The arts of energetic spiritual practices can be abused to attract women. By staying yin enough, a male can use the yin energy to get closer emotionally to a female and then abusing his yang energy to sexually close her into a fuck.


    You do need money to back up your conquests too. Who's gonna pay for the candelight dinners, movies and gifts?


    But then what's the point of having such conquests? Your soul doesn't evolve from such animalistic pursuits. You don't get enlightened.


    Rex is right. I should begin blocking you.

    • Like 1

  7. Hello Non,


    Take a cue from your own thread.



    Does anyone know of a good source or article on getting rid of the 'victim' mentality. One that doesn't patronize, and one that doesn't offend or insult. One that doesn't use hollywood memes and concepts, ie brainwashing. I'm looking for the REAL cure to the victim mentality. Not fear based conditioning.


    So... it's kind of paradoxical. To me at least.


    Let's say you really Are a victim at least, this body-mind state is going through suffering. Trying to state things objectively. TO overcome this suffering, one needs to accept the suffering. Once you accept the suffering, Aren't you then claiming yourself to be Victim? How is it then that one can overcome suffering then if one does not accept their own suffering, and thus deny it?


    I understand when the whole "being STUCK" aspect of the victim mentality. It's natural, as FEELINGS that stick with you, even when Mind TRIES to overcome them. TRIES, because then the feelings become linked to other past suffering experiences, and it builds up into a mass, that feels like you are overwhelmed, and then, your neurochemical, biological faculties become Stressed to a point that there's too much cortisol in the brain. Then you try in an attempt to overcome it by associating pleasant feelings of dopamine and seratonin and other neurochemical soups to 'accept' your pain and suffering soo that you overcome it, only to realize that it's part of your energetic body, because you have not let go, in fact you dont know how.


    It's a Biological thing as much as it is Mental. It is Energetic as much as it is physical. It is 'spiritual/idealogical' and material. Not just mental. Not just physical. Not just energetic. Not just any one of those alone, at all.


    Then why do so many approaches try to solve this issue by making one fear oneself, by patronizing, with insults, and languages. It is something that cannot be understoood. Somehow it seems that Biologically the human being is somehow SET UP for the victim mentality in it's "Natural" state. Such that it takes only someone who is above the physical material to really overcome this. So why then is htere so much misunderstanding?


    NOBODY REALLY WANTS TO BE SUFFERING. Don't EVER think anyone ACTUALLY does. Their BODIES might, their SUBCCONSCIOUS might, their BRAINS might be wired in such a way. But REALLY ACTUALLY put them through torturous pain and then LOOK INTO HIS EYES AND FEEL THAT THIS PERSON DOES NOT WANT TO BE SUFFERING. Because IT HURTS and it makes YOU suffer to see this person the same way also.


    Again it seems paradoxical.


    Same with changing beliefs. Change your beliefs right? HOW!? By changing my belief that I don't need to know how? How? By not needing to know how? HOW!? What if I go back to the same thing. How?



    How? Is there is magic button you push in your mental facilities that makes your subconscious beleive something or not? For sure I can see there are no pink elephants in this room right now.







    thank you for participating in my experiment.

  8. I guess nobody here understands, that sexual inadequacy or being a virgin up into the late 20s and 30s etc, is perhaps the most self esteem diminishing thing a man can go through, so much so in fact it can be very permanent. It makes him question his sexual identity, his purpose his spirituality, his yin or yangness, etc. A person can go through suffering but of this type there is usually no turning back, and even if you go through extreme suffering, couple it with this and it indefinitely seals the deal especially the longer you stay this way. It really becomes a vicious cycle too of always subconsciously thinking you will fail, and failing to attract the opposite sex. You give up and nothing happens, you stay that way, you die or commit suicide. You are considered to be the lowest of the low, lower than any criminal who has had their history of female attraction, lower than any peasant or homeless man who perhaps got something in his past. Lower than a mindless consumer who also got something. Make a man go through incelibacy in the very same way and he will indefinitely go insane. The only thing that could help is some type of hypnosis which is extremely risky, or some chemical methods which are also risky... or basically just getting that which would change his thoughts of himself: a good and loving understanding girlfriend who sticks by him through thick and thin and in which HE CAN GROW and be the man she wants.. But she needs to give him a chance first... but that is highly unlikely because these types of men are SO out of the "norm" that nobody cares to think he might actually need that, or would even try to be attracted or help.


    And when you see that the majority of women go for the really negative types of men and that life is just animalistic forms of socially accepted rape fantasies and subtle co-ercion etc. Just look at the animal kingdom, males and females abuse each other. All the time. It's never sane, its just pure insanity. Cats dominating their mates/prey, it's painful. Black widows killing their males. Fishes who turn from male to female because it can't get any. Split gender races of giant males and small males. Territorial wars, etc. All violence is due to sex or procreation in some subtle or explicit way.



    Most people judge this type of person. Women will always judge a man like this. That's why he'll never see the day of light. She never stops to try and understand him, and be unconditional. It's either judgment or ignorance (as in she just fails to recognize his existence in the first place). It's very hard to recover from this, and it's only a very few. It's like those poeple who are lifelong celibates, or people who are incel up until their late ages, etc. They are like 3 percent of the population if not now even moreso for the males.


    These are truly the lowest of men. These men BECOME MORE YIN by simple virtue of ending up an incel until the later years of his life. Then he becomes the joke of the place, he is always dominated, he becomes insane. Becomes a criminal even maybe. A pedo, a rapist. Or just a parasite the rest of his life. Maybe sometime in his childhood he was more yang. But by simple consequence of his incelibacy or not getting the chance to express his sexuality, it messes him up...


    Women go through the same thing but they are more accepted in society. On the other hand men like this are seen as parasites, spoiled rotten like children, complainers, pussies, beta males, wimps, crybabies, un-macho. UNmanly, etc... a sure way to make him truly become suicidal and unconsciously or consciously self harming.



    You should check out this article.



    Another thing I’ve noticed is that many men of power, including myself, have a tremendous amount of respect for “woman”, as far as their spiritual development and capacity - all men of power use the way of “woman” whenever possible, because any man that understands knows that the way of the woman is a thousand times more powerful than the way of the man. So as a result, he uses the way of the woman. And when he needs to use the way of the man, he uses it with precision. And the moment it’s no longer necessary, he falls back into the way of the woman. Conscious men do this willingly with great ease and finesse. Other men who cling to machismo and deny the way of the woman have no idea how much they hold back their own spiritual development via their denial.


    You have false pride in you.


    There is no real status no pride in being the most popular man on the block or having the most women in your life.


    I think, Non, that you are out of the "norm" and you should seek help. I have never seen someone whose consciousness has fallen so far down to the level of animals that it is frightening.


    This is why the real spiritual masters do not want to come out to the world to teach.


    Because too many lay-men has so many spiritual afflictions and mental problems like NON here that the real spiritual masters' consciousness will be adversely affected.


    I have never thought about being celibate and staying away from women before but now I realize that in order to go full speed on my path.. I have to stay celibate and stay away from the mundane world.

  9. Seriously Non, you gotta get out more :lol:


    The more women I've gotten to know, the more I realized that they are just as varied as guys. Some are very chill, some are very tightly wound, acting out whatever social roles they want. There are a lot of different women out there, and they all have different personalities.


    There's just no way to generalize. I've known a lot of attractive women who used their looks to manipulate people, and I've known a lot of attractive women who were actually very cool and non-judgmental, who really wanted to connect to others, because all their lives people had just been treating them as "the hot chick" and not really getting to know them.


    So, you know, it runs the gamut. You can't just generalize about "the majority".


    And, again, being a nice guy doesn't mean being a doormat. If you never express interest in a girl, she's going to think you aren't interested and moving on. So, you know, if you're the "nice guy friend" who listens to all her problems, maybe instead of keeping your mouth shut and hopes she one day realizes how much you care for her, maybe you should actually get together with her in person and be all like, "hey, I like you, you should dump your jackass boyfriend".


    You can cry all you want about social norms and stuff, but I've found a lot of girls will give a lot of not so subtle hints, who will bend over backwards, just to try and bait the guy into making the move, because they feel that, for whatever reason, they can't/shouldn't make the first move, so they'll do everything in their power to get you to make the first move.


    And guess what?


    If you don't, they'll think you don't like them, and they'll stick with their jackass boyfriend who is at least capable to tell people what's on his mind.


    Being upfront with her about your feelings and about what you want is in no way being a jerk, and will in no way mean you are no longer a nice guy.


    I have had my share of PUA hunts too and they are a waste of time and energy.


    Sex is suppose to be a meditative experience and it must be done with someone of a deva consciousness.


    If you have sex with someone who has an animal consciousness, you will be in effect absorbing the negative emotional, mental and spiritual traits of that someone into your system, thereby pulling your consciousness down.


    So one must engage in sex with people of deva consciousness and you must have sex that is meditative, that is how we evolve.


    Otherwise, a seeker on the path might as well be alone than to be with people of animal consciousness.


    P.S. As I said, we live in a matrix world where the media plays a very dangerous role.


    If we do not destroy our attachments to the wrong things in life, we will end up being trapped in samsara.

  10. Although a depressing subject to dwell on, I notice that the "there is someone for everyone" and "everyone has a soul mate" beliefs appear to influence peoples perceptions quite a bit in these threads.


    Let's consider that, in a given geographical locale, we have the following mathematical setup:


    105 men to 100 women.


    90% of men, through a combination of their own choices, willful emotional repression and conditioning by society and media, have some level of false yang, ranging from being workaholic dullards to outright assholes.


    5% of men are more yin or balanced.


    5% of men, due once again to a complex combination of their own choices, conditioning by other influences or sheer heartbreak, have very severe yang deficiency and are quite yin (but not in a good way)


    80% of women, through a combination of their own internalized thoughts, habits, and conditioning by society are mostly attracted to the 90% of aforementioned male assholes.


    5% of women are very strongly spiritual and balanced and are attracted to the 5% of balanced men.


    15% of women are a bit better off than the aforementioned 80% but sort of on the fence. When push comes to shove, they would rather settle for one of the assholes than the 5% of men with severe yang deficiency. Some who have their own issues which might put off men (obesity) may not have any partners among the 90% demographic. They may settle for the 5% of those who are yang deficient, but it may not work out very well, and they may avoid such a choice altogether due to their own sense of personal dignity (totally understandable).


    Result: many women are with men they don't particularily like, while the 5% of yang deficient men go without any partners and thus their loneliness and other problems are worsened. Even many of the more balanced men may have a hard time finding someone due to there being more men than women.


    The above ratios are purely theoretical, obviously, but as can be seen when you have more men than women, along with skewed ratios for whom is interested in whom in this scenario, some people in a certain geographical locale MAY SIMPLY END UP ALONE. PC brow beating and pointing to your own success isn't going to help them. It's a plain mathematical fact. Keep in mind as well that in many areas of the first world countries, there are more men than women (in third world countries it is frequently the reverse).


    Obviously though, people can change over time, and looking for a partner in a locale with better ratios is a possibility as well. :)


    What's funny is that people get all these hang-ups about being alone.


    Does it mean you are less worthy as a man or a woman if you end up being alone?


    The highest spiritual masters attain enlightenment by not having a spouse or kids to drag them down.


    I don't mean that enlightenment is impossible with a spouse and kids but enlightenment is so much harder with a spouse and kids.


    You spend so much time and energy with a spouse and kids that you scarcely have time and energies with anything else.


    So I can safely assure everyone in here that NON will have a near zero probability chance of attaining enlightenment in this lifetime unless he destroys this animalistic attachment/clinging to the notion of having a spouse and kids.

  11. I agree there is truth to this. Females can be very petty. They can be so concerned with power and controlling men. Often petty squabbles are more important to them than living as productive of a life as possible, and achieving as much as you can.


    Women will spend all their time trying to "change" a man, and it's just a power game to them. Once the man has changed for them, they are no longer attracted to him, because she sees him as a "wussy" for letting her change him.


    Another problem.....I'm sure this is a common story we have all heard.....The classic story of the woman who is attracted to "bad boys", "cocky humor", and guys who are aggressive or considered "cool" or "edgy". For some reason women just get turned on by negative personality traits. Then, and this is the worst part, they also like to have guys they see as "weak" or "nerdy" as friends. But of course "just friends". I personally think this is a type of stereotyping, and it is awful. It hurts a lot of men. Now the man who is her "friend", of course, actually likes her and wants to be with her. It should be obvious. Men are not as silly about putting people in categories or stereo typing them.


    So what does the woman do? Well, she spends hours, wasting his time, talking to him about what a jerk her "cool" and "edgy" boyfriend is to her. How he is mean to her, doesn't treat her well, cheats on her, etc. The "friend" guy hears this and keeps thinking, "oh, I have a chance with her, she will eventually realize this guy is wrong for her, doesn't deserve her, and that I'm actually a nice guy who cares about people". So he keeps wasting hours on hours talking to her on the phone, consoling her, giving her the attention she wants. The problem is, that's ALL she wants from him. To waste his time and get attention from him. The problem is, she sees him as lame, uncool, unaggressive.....she can't be attracted to someone she has all these preconceptions about.


    Then just when he thinks she has seen the light, she goes back with her "cool" jerk boyfriend, and then afterwards goes and cries about it to her "lame just a friend" guy.


    Another thing, is that women always make judgements in an instant. I've had so many women I go up and talk to, and maybe they think I'm cool....but sometime they are like, "who is this guy? why does he want to talk to me, is he desperate or something". I just try to be interesting on my own, then she goes off and forgets about me. Then another time, maybe I see her when i'm with another hot chick, or she finds out something about me she thinks is cool that I never told her about.....and she will be like "how come you didn't tell me you did this or that, or how come you didn't tell me lots of hotties want you? that's not fair!" and I'm like, it shouldn't matter, I don't want girls liking me for what I've done, for what I have, or because they just want to compete with other girls. I never tell anyone everything about myself, I don't need to.


    you know, the lord buddha and many spiritual masters once stated that there are devas, asuras and animals living in this world too..


    some of us possess deva consciousness


    some of us possess asura consciousness


    some of us possess animal consciousness


    the women and men whom both you and non described belong to those humans with animal consciousness..


    the animal or human ego is much stronger than the deva or godly ego.. thus both men and women display the traits of animals.


    Change your consciousness and you will attract those of the same consciousness as you..


    There are many women in the world who possess deva consciousness and many of them live in the west too..


    And there is huge difference in lifestyles between people of deva consciousness and people of animal consciousness


    ***to mods, the term "animals" is not an insult.. it is a reference to the animal realm of the 6 buddhist paths***

  12. all woman could ever do was torture good men as long as they have existed. all they do is take and take and take from good men, take their lives and leave them with nothing but pure suffering.


    Just look at nature and you see that either the male or the female abuses men. It is always men who are left out.


    both men and women are left out


    ever notice how women age faster than men?


    ever wonder why?

  13. I agree that our core struggles are usually self-esteem issues. And until we resolve these issues, we will be enslaved and driven by them like puppets... This all ties in with Byron Katie's method of self-inquiry..


    I'm curious what Caroline's method is, though? Essentially, what are these "special guided exercises for cultivating healthy, vibrant self-esteem?" If they're not meditation or psychological self-inquiry?




    I think Non is struggling with some legitimate issues, though. "Yin" men do occupy the lowest rung in sexual society - both mocked by men and rejected by women. Women would generally prefer a "bad" yang man to a "good" yin man. So, sounds like his defining struggle in life may relate to how to resolve this (or a deeper underlying) issue... It's probably no coincidence why he was born like this. He is in fact brutally confronting the very issue he was supposed to face in this life. Denying any of this would only be counterproductive. The real question then is what is the resolution??




    But first, I think the problem has to be truly reduced down to its very root and clearly solve it. This requires a lot of progressive inquiry.


    What is it he really seeks?

    If he could remain as "yin" as he is - yet somehow enjoy tons of sexual female validation - would he be happy?

    If he could become much more masculine - regardless of if he attracted more women or not - would he be happy?

    If women started preferring "good" or "yin" males - would he be happy?

    Is he upset because "good" men get punished and "bad" men rewarded in our post-counterculture society now, moreso than ever?

    Is he upset that women are just as "bad," if not worse, than most men now?

    Does he subconsciously feel like he deserves to be punished for being good?



    Forgetting about external validation for a's important to nail down EXACTLY what the underlying INTERNAL issue within us is here - in order to fully resolve it. Non's issues cover a lot of ground with the "ugly" intersection of life, morality & sex - but I don't think have been precisely pinpointed down to a singularity on this forum here yet. And until THAT happens - I don't see an effective solution.


    I am not sure what is your definition of "yin" men but you know bill gates is a nerd and hardly a jock and he is like the richest man in history.


    Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg .. a total nerd.. and if you watched the facebook movie, he is as yin as you can get and yet he is like the youngest billionaire in history..


    Hardly any millionaires or billionaires I know make their fortune being too yang .. that will fly in the face of business negotiations and in order to make money, you have to be yin..


    as the Chinese said, a bamboo flexes in the strong wind but it will never break..


    yin men occupy the lowest rung in our society? more like they occupy the top rungs in society instead and the yang men occupy the lowest rungs in our society,,


    who are the yang men? well policemen are pretty yang.. so are soldiers..


    and what happens to these "yang" men.. they end up as slaves and servants to the "yin" men who become masters of the modern world's society..


    even those nba stars (who are quite yang) have to take their marching orders from the team owners who are mostly millionaires and billionaires..


    and do they get to be millionaires and billionaires by being "yang"? i hardly think so..


    Non, stop being an animal and open your eyes to how the game is truly being played..


    IN SUMMARY, the yang men, the soldiers, policemen, labourers end up as slaves of the yin men, the corporates, the politicans..

  14. I could be wrong but I recognise myself in a lot of non's posts and the problem isn't too much yang rather it is his yang is being driven inward so it becomes self destructive, encouraging only the yin may just drive his yang further in towards himself. The possible solution is to get his yang flowing outward in a more healthy productive way so it is used in the service of his self esteem and self protection rather than used to destroy himself and pollute other people.


    Non is behaving ** ****** **** ** ******. Focusing on procreation and children.


    He is one of those ****** ** ****** brought up by the grandmother whom I mentioned in my other thread.


    You know, the grandmother who lectured her grandchild on the animalistic cycles of getting a job, marriage and having kids and that there is no need to pray so hard and seek enlightenment.


    As a certain high being once said to a certain master, "it is unnatural to be trapped in the cycle of rebirth and reincarnation."


    What Non is doing is to be trapped in the cycle of rebirth and reincarnation.

  15. Surely feminine is just as important as masculine, lauding one over the other creates imbalance. You need masculine yang energy to separate yourself from other people to become an individual.


    I have been perusing the mongoose's work for the past hour and it all hits me.


    Sure we all have our yang energies, even the women have them but right now at this moment in time, both men and women have too much yang energy in them and it is of upmost importance to get into the feminine side, the yin energy in order to stay in balance.


    Otherwise you will get animals and losers like Non appearing in this forum whinging about sex and the lack thereof.

  16. I have just been looking at this topic..


    Another thing I’ve noticed is that many men of power, including myself, have a tremendous amount of respect for “woman”, as far as their spiritual development and capacity - all men of power use the way of “woman” whenever possible, because any man that understands knows that the way of the woman is a thousand times more powerful than the way of the man. So as a result, he uses the way of the woman. And when he needs to use the way of the man, he uses it with precision. And the moment it’s no longer necessary, he falls back into the way of the woman. Conscious men do this willingly with great ease and finesse. Other men who cling to machismo and deny the way of the woman have no idea how much they hold back their own spiritual development via their denial.


    A certain poster has been trolling this boards with hidden barbs at gays and "feminine" men i.e. men who are not physically/mentally/emotionally cruel towards women..


    Please allow me to remind everyone that the feminine energy is always stronger than the masculine energy. Women are infinitely stronger than males in many ways which is why women are able to have sex with many partners but males can only have sex with a few partners before he become exhausted physically.


    This is the reason why I learn the art of taoist love-making and the spiritual arts in general. Cos men will age too fast if they engage too much in masculine energy and focus their energies on sexual ejaculation too often.


    So to preserve your soul, body, essence, I would recommend every man to become as feminine and as yin as possible. No I am not gay, the only dick which I like is my own and I am fascinated sexually with huge boobs.


    But that doesn't mean I have to engage my masculine energies too often.


    The feminine energy/side of yourself is the only way through to enlightenment and to the Creator/Tao himself. It is the way of spirituality of connecting to the universe. Feminine energies are the ways of love, emotions, nurturing and healing.


    Ignore your egos. Do not let your egos be taunted into the dark side by the dark trolls haunting this holy board. Cos it is only when the Deva Egos inside you have triumphed over the Human Egos then can you open yourself up to enlightenment.


    Engage in your feminine side. Engage in your feminine energies. Become feminine and heal the planet.


    And one thing I assure you is that once you become feminine enough, you will find plenty of women flocking to you. Ever wonder why gays always attract so many women to them? ;):blush:

  17. The reason it seems hopeless is because you are in a rut, and various aspects of cognitive bias are feeding your conviction that you're in a rut and that you won't change.


    It's also easy to get in a rut when you look at things too abstractly.


    If you break things down into doable steps, then things are doable. You aren't depressed and things don't seem hopeless. All you have to do is put one foot in front of another.


    So here are some steps:


    1) Make an assessment of your life. Your habits. Your schedule. The people you hang out with. Your hobbies. Etc.

    2) What about these do you like? What about these do you not like?

    3) What are your long term goals?

    4) How do you get to those long term goals?

    a. What activities do you need to do to start those goals?

    b. Who can you contact/meet with to start along the path to those goals?


    And things of that nature.


    For instance, you mentioned how to be successful you have to be cutthroat and hurt people. But that's not always the case, there are lots of non-profit groups that work various humanitarian projects in order to help people. Lots of very caring people are involved in those.


    You could search for local non-profit groups, find ones that pique your interest, then contact ones to see how you can volunteer to help out. Along the way you'll get experience which could help you get other work (non-profit or otherwise), and you'll probably meet a lot of people who share some of the same goals.


    On top of that, it'll get you out and about. You'll start to feel better about yourself because you know that you can start helping and you can do stuff.


    Non's consciousness is in the animalistic state of existence right now. You are just wasting your time with him.



    Life isn't fair...and thats a GOOD THING, that's where the power's at, it means you can ascend to the highest ranks of the "elites" and get what you're looking for.


    Non, women...<sigh> forgive me females on this forum, but Non, most women are very weak willed and easy to manipulate and control. Most men are "brutal", they're angry, belligerent, immature, and use fear and physical force to dominate others. HOWEVER, women only "think" they like that. Honestly you can use techniques to completely rewrite what they like and find attractive and appealing, it's not set in stone, the mind is very "changeable". While very few men statistically get most of the women, that means you can be in that "20%". And you don't have to become domineering, angry, controlling, or any of those negative things. Once you understand WHY women are attracted to that, you can dissect what's REALLY going on underneath the bullshit and push the same "buttons" without being a jackass.


    Women are attracted to social status. Now back in the day that was determined by physical strength, but now it's determined by other things. 1.) Money and the ability to provide for a family 2.) Popularity 3.) Emotional stability 4.)Reliability 5.) Sex


    Listen to this :


    It's true as hell and rather funny, lol. But it's been proven to me as true...which means personality isn't as important as one makes it out to be, you can rewrite what they like using simple psychology combined with chemistry ;)


    Trust me though the top class who REALLY get most of the women are not the "brutal" type. The "brutal" guys end up getting the uneducated, low self esteem women (a sad majority). The true "top class" are the confident and "i really don't care" type of guys. They don't use force cause they don't have to, they have social status which is much more powerful and influential thus they aren't intimidated by anything. Look at fuggin Rick James! that guys was the FARTHEST from "brutal", he was a "love machine" but because he had social status women through themselves at him. Though the world is indeed a "dark" place, it's not hopeless and you're not a victim. Know the truth and the truth will set you free.


    Best of luck to you



    (The above is based on observations and studies of masses and generalizations, i'm not trying to label anyone as a gender, just identifying trends)


    As osho said, once you learn how to give others happiness instead of depending on others for your own happiness, you will become the master and other people will become your slaves.


    Not that it is good to make others your slaves.


    I am merely pointing out that one should always depend on himself/herself for his/her own happiness and not seek to find happiness from others.

  19. Haha, not quite whta i meant, I didn't mean sociopathic or apathetic, just like...not alot of stuff bothers them. It's basically just remaining "cool" under stress. Everyone cares about something and I'll tell you from talking to all the women I do the number one complaint they have about guys is that guys aren't willing to share their feelings, so I doubt apathy would count as an "attractive" trait, lol.


    And really? Guys don't want to have their life together? they don't want to know what they want in life and have a plan to go after it and achieve it? they don't want to feel secure and confident? Idk bout that. I'm a guy and I value such things, I think alot of guys here would too :P


    I understand what you mean by "superficial" because I know those kinds of "methodologies" where you "fake it til you make it" which can feel very "fake" and uncomfortable and honestly if it's not who you want to be then it'd be "selling out" just for female companionship...which is never the best of ideas. Basically what gives a guy social status today is his ability to adapt and thrive in his environment and that doesn't just mean financially but also emotionally. Most of the "wusses" that girls avoid like the plague are simply insecure and needy and thus end up draining the female (even though they may have the best of intentions). My mom's like that. She loves me to death but she does nothing but drain my energy because she's so low on it herself.


    It's kinda like one of those "ironic" situations. The more emotionally stable one is the more attractive one becomes. So the point isn't to make the woman attracted to you, it's to become more attractive to women. And thats done by cultivating emotional equilibrium, direction, stability etc. Basically just focus on yourself, become who you want to be and just watch the magic from there. Fun fun.





    EDIT: Good Idea Sloppy ! :D


    EDIT2: Re Eddie Murphy Vid - Thats chemistry for ya. Like I said most people in today's society have a weak spirit (or shen), lack of discipline, self control and willpower. I agree it's a pathetic state but by understanding the mechanics of it you can use it to empower others through application or through education.


    you ever have this situation where you like the girl but she doesn't like you .. or where you don't like the girl but she is into you?...


    go figure the energy dynamics out..

  20. You know, only 20 % of men get to have 80 % of the women.


    Statistically only 40 % of men even get to have some sort of success with women, yet we are related to only 20 percent of the males. 80 percent of women having some have success with men. Starking contrast.


    And then about 25-30 percent of men die off to equal the number of men of which more are born than women.


    One can definately assume that it's all inheritance when it comes to success. Inheritance means genetics, which means reproductive success.


    And a male can be successful in life do great things but as long as he does not get 1 ounce of love or anything from a woman he is not considered biologically worthy of evolutionary continuation.


    Look at the men and women and see the diffeerence in their bodily structure. Men have the features of brutality and the bodily structure to do EVERYTHING a society needs while a woman's features are BY FAR dominantly for reproductive SERVICE to the MOST BRUTALLY and VIOLENTLY DOMINANT MALES. BY FAR!


    Im not being sexist, Im speaking from a biological standpoint!


    Look at the nature of orgasm. It's violent and brutal, like the force of a nuclear explosion. All meant to ensure that a male a reproductively successful but LITERALLY PUNCTURING INTO the GASH of a womb of a female and inserting his genetic material. THE MORE VIOLENT a male in the sexual act the MORE CHANCE he has to dominate all the other sperms inside a woman, and the more success he will have at producing offspring, the more virile his offspring will be. That's why women play hard to get, bust our balls, make fun of other men so the man get's so vicious that he increases his rate of copulation when he does finally "CATCH" her (the prey).


    It is the sad state of life when one has to evaluate his success in life by the number of women which he procreates with.


    Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you the animal realm of the state of existence right before your very eyes!



    Animal Realm - Within Buddhist cosmology, the animal realm is defined by ignorance, and an inability to think for oneself. Life is one-dimensional and survival-oriented, with little free will or choice. Therefore, as animals we do not have the capacity to hear or practice the teachings, although we may show signs of past practice in our temperament, i.e. compassion or intelligence.


    this reply is #111 for a reason

  21. You are a man and you're supposed to attract women naturally and without effort.

    Unfortunately todays society has put so many limiting beliefs on men saying that getting women is hard and when you get laid you are getting "lucky" and this basically takes all the power away from men and puts women on a hard to reach pedestal.

    You don't need to learn any routines or any other bullshit pick-up stuff.

    Do you think that Mr. Rabbit who has boned 100's of female rabbits did this by learning any routines?

    He is just doing it naturally the way it's supposed to be for us humans too.


    You need to bring out the naturally attractive and confident man that is hidden deep beneath all the bullshit that society, media and family has dumped on you.

    Real confidence is not about bullying or putting other people down or being a thug.

    It's about having your shit together and owning yourself, not pretending, not needing anything from other people because you already have everything you need inside yourself.

    Don't do it to get women do it for yourself and for your own happiness.

    It's time to start feeling good about yourself and stop giving a fuck about other people and stop making up stories in your head about women. It doesn't matter if they're true or not.

    Feeling good about oneself is the best gift you can give yourself.

    So what if you will be a virgin the rest of you life?

    When you feel good about yourself having sex or not having sex doesn't matter, and this is the time when you will get as much sex as you want.


    Just to prove my point of what changing your beliefs will do to your appearance and the way you carry yourself.


    Here is a before and after picture of a guy (not me) that did just that.

    I can see the exact same changes in myself.

    He lost some weight and did some grooming but that doesn't really matter it's all in the eyes and the way he carries himself.






    That is not the problem with non.


    Non is the stereotypical male who is focused on finding love and himself through women and sex.


    He doesn't realize that by focusing so much on the search for love, sex and women, he is ignoring the obstacles that is preventing him from gaining love, sex and women in the first place.


    And this spiritual game is so freaking huge and complicated the average person will have no chance of getting out of the matrix..


    The true purpose of every human being is to find enlightenment and this search for love, sex and women is one of the main obstacles in hindering one's path to enlightenment.


    As one progresses on the spiritual path, the spiritual hierarchies will throw more and more women and sexual opportunities as well as other distractions at the seeker in order to test his resolve in attaining enlightenment.


    How many of you have found the forces of negativity and darkness to be greater the more you progress on the path of spirituality?