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Posts posted by bodyoflight

  1. Just foud this:


    There is none more lonely than the man who loves only himself.

    Loneliness - Abraham Ibn Esra


    and there lies the root of your problem..


    if you do not love yourself first and if you do not love yourself more than other people.. how are you gonna get women to love you?

  2. if it really was simply about "being confident" I wouldn't be talking about all this.


    As much as women that say it's all about confidence, I will still not believe it when they actually just go for the BAD GUY...


    meanwhile a good guy can say the most innocent genuine thing and he's quickly labelled a perv, a stalker, a freak, sexually harassing, obsessed, scary, rude, not focused, etc. Women can pull the "stalker/perv/rapist/pedo/sick/freak/creep" card all they want...


    but when it comes down to it, the bad boy THUGS they're with say and do things and call them things that are THOUSANDS of times worse than anything a good guy can say or do.


    Maybe that's why women have such a hard time finding good men. Because ever since they were young (and STILL ONGOING INTO ADULTHOOD) they would threaten to put men in jail for the simplest most innocent things, yet be manipulative and insult them by accepting abuse from jerks and bad boy thugs.


    Maybe it's just the USA, but around here it's ALL ABOUT thug culture. If you aren't a thug, or a bad boy, or some type of bad-ass, you are a "scary doormat" to women. You are NOTHING but someone they can manipulate and when we good guys get serious they blame the victim and call us "the REAL jerks, liars etc" the "not really nice-guy" the "socially inept loser-jerk who simply calls himself a nice guy".


    Because it's all about turning things around and making the victim look crazy and putting the blame all on that same victim.


    To be real, women don't want good guys. They don't want nice guys. Because they set up the rules of what's "bad". What's bad for a good guy is definitely not bad for a "bad guy/boy". They are excluded, they can do w/e the f*ck they want all of a sudden without any consequences.


    The good guys want to respect a woman, and avoid sexual confrontation out of courtesy and respect for the woman. They want the woman to give him a signal first or let him know first that it's ok. They dont want to violate, or make the woman feel violated. Because as they were growing up, it was "not ok" to treat her like the sex object she likes to be treated as by the bad boys.


    Now what can a good guy do? Can he even so much as look at her or any other innocent thing without the girl pulling out the "psycho-stalker" card, the "pervert" card, the "rapist" card", the "freaky creep" card, the "obsessive" card, etc.


    Well it just so happens that all women carry this "bitch shield" around them to ward off "undesirables" so that men have NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO BE BOLD and daring, and brave with the girls. This amounts to not putting up with her shit, and actually breaking through those set up boundaries. DUH! no wonder good guys find it hard, they have to VIOLATE YOU just to get to you! and THEN she'll see if you're attractive enough, but at least you've affirmed yourself as 'brave and macho AND BAD' which is the first thing she wants.


    Since most girls want the men to do everything for her, like decide for her whats best, etc. she'll just tell the good guy "well you never let me know you thought I was sexy enough to violently bang". Hahahaha.


    How in the hell are we supposed to let you know that, while at the same time "respecting" you like you have "always wanted" us to?


    But the bad boys do get away with it. Because they can say the most lewd and raunchy things, and OBVIOUSLY girls are going to like it because they have NO CHOICE but to be lustfully seduced by language which invokes imagery of the most raunchiest, sexually uninhibted things that can come to mind, and this cannot be resisted.


    It's called brainwashing. It's called seduction. yes seduction, the same as deceiving. The same as FORCING, a woman into sexual thoughts,and feelings. Like with kino (touching a woman without permission) and calling it a "game" or making it seem innocent. Or getting so close that it becomes irresistably personal. Deceiving one to be an authority, ie co-ercion.


    can you believe some women actually LOOK for males who induce fear in them, and then call it love? is it fear or is it love?




    You can tell me all you want that there are some girls that are different, they are definitely not the majority. They are perhaps the smallest minority. Finally getting a good boyfriend to step all over and cheat at the age of 40 after banging all the bad boys and being used up, does not count.


    Ok, maybe on another planet. Maybe...


    I can tell you one thing now.. you been hanging around the wrong women..


    you should learn to change the consciousness of your thoughts, your lifestyle, the people whom you hang out with, the places you go to..


    in fact, i suggest you learn to change everything in your life if need be.. cos you really sound like a doormat to me.. whinging about how you are abused by bad women.. lol..

  3. @ Sloppy- lmao, nice one XD


    @JohnC- I agree completely, this type of people appear on the outside to be "nice" but they're just energy vampires.


    In response to this silly thread...It seems alot of this still stems from priding oneself on being able to please women (in all aspects of the word). Most men still live under the heel of females. If you stop caring what women think of you, stop living your life for their approval and live YOUR life for YOU then the whole issue goes away. Women do not bring happiness and don't expect to bring them happiness. Happiness between a couple can only be SHARED, not given or taken. That is why "chivalry" is a failure. You cannot make anyone happy, you cannot "save" anyone by being romantically involved with them (obviously yeah it's possible, i'm saying it usually doesn't work ime), likewise you can't make yourself happy by relying on the false promises of the "ego" (having a girl will make you happy, pleasing a girl will make you happy).


    And yes most men get off on the idea of having women "addicted" to them and having women "dependent" on them. This is the least compassionate thing I can think of. If fact if I were Catholic I would call this sort of person a "demon" or "devil" because these types of people do nothing but hurt others while taking pleasure in it.



    Osho once said that the true master is one who gives happiness instead of the one who receives it.


    Therefore in the female depends on the male for her happiness, then the male is the master and the female is the slave.



    P.S. Over-Ejaculation has actually shown to damage the kidneys, lower the life-force and actually SHORTEN the lifespan. However non-ejaculatory sex has proven to increase the lifespan only because men aren't ejaculating, it's the same as if you were celibate.




  4. Learning how to notice the difference between kindness and doormat behavior can take awhile, especially if it's deeply embedded into your psyche. It took awhile for me, I used to worship women and put them on a pedestal. Now I don't and I have much better interactions with them.


    Also, ignore people who look upon their number of sexual exploits as a sign of status. I can be hard when the majority of people around you take this view, but ultimately it's a revolting way of thinking. Find something else to feel proud of.


    In the case of the PUAs or the guys who base their self esteem on getting laid a lot, you will find that many of them lack inner peace and have their own issues of insecurity and neediness which can get worse as they grow older and their looks fade.


    Doormat = kindness without wisdom


    True compassion is kindness with wisdom


    PUAs who think that their self-worth increase with every ejaculation into the next pussy are just deluding themselves.


    The true master/alpha male will do something else other than the above caveman/PUA acts of suicide.

  5. It does appear as if you are getting involved with the sensationalism aspect of energetics. My advice, should you want it, would be simply to find a teacher you resonate with and study with them. If medical qigong, the ability and methods to help others through qi projection, is what you are after there are several fine programs in the USA and in other parts of the world. But talking about them will not get anyone anywhere as it is in the practice itself. Forget leaping tall buildings for the most likely outcome of such a desire is to have the tall building leap at you. And that helps no one.


    I am looking for a system that works and a chi system which works will definitely confer benefits to a serious practitioner..

  6. NO. Not even close... ALL of these disciplines move energy through centers, meridians and channels. But in very different


    ways and for different reasons with different results and sometimes different energies. By asking this question, you are


    trying to understand a supercomputer by trying to compare it to a game boy.


    Please tell us what are the differences in the reasons, results and types of energies between neigong, prayanama and kundalini yoga..


    as way is virture said.. neigong allows you to possibly jump on buildings...


    i have seen some videos where a master is able to repel attackers through chi alone ...




    also the infamous john chang with his neigong feats



    In the Yoga Sutras, which are approximately 2000 years old, Patanjali mentions kundalini yoga or pranayama gives you the following Siddhis:


    Knowledge of the past and future

    Understanding the sounds (language) of all beings

    Knowledge of previous existences

    Knowing the minds of others


    Suspending the ability of the body to be heard, touched, tasted, or smelled

    Foreknowledge of the time of death

    Strength of any attitude (such as friendliness)

    Super strength (such as the strength of an elephant)

    Knowledge of subtle, hidden, remote things

    Knowledge of worlds, realms, universes, etc.

    Knowledge of the arrangement of stars, planets, etc.

    Knowledge of the movement of stars, planets, etc.

    Knowledge of the arrangement of systems in the body

    Freedom from hunger and thirst

    Attainment of steadiness or immobility

    Visions of Siddhas (perfected beings)

    Knowledge of anything and everything

    Knowledge of the mind

    Knowledge of pure consciousness (purusha)

    Psychic hearing, touch, vision, taste, and smell

    Entering and controlling the bodies of others

    Ability to float or walk on water, swamps, thorns, and other such objects

    Ability to glow or radiate light around the body

    Super hearing (hearing at vast distances)

    Ability to fly

    Mastery over the elements (earth, water, fire, air, space)

    Making the body atomically small, indestructible, perfect

    Perfection of the body in beauty, strength, grace, and brilliance

    Mastery over the senses

    Quickness of the mind, perception with the senses

    Supremacy over all states of existence, omnipotence

    Higher knowledge

    Discriminating knowledge

    Absolute freedom (kaivalyam)


    it seems that the highlighted siddhis are very similar to neigong feats..


    isn't that the case then that neigong is very similar to kundalini yoga or pranayama?

  7. I have done a little digging around..


    first off.. does qigong projects chi or does it not project chi as speculated by a few forummers here..


    qigong, according to my 2 cents, is meditation and movement combined.. which is shown in the following video..



    it is clear that these people were practicing qigong and yet that tibetan master was able to project his chi?


    comments please from everyone

  8. Hi bodyoflight. You will likely get somewhat different answers depending on who you ask. This is my current understanding. Nei gong is an older term for internal subtle energy cultivation, while qigong is a newer, more generic term which encompasses any type of subtle energy cultivation. So, the question then is what is internal energy as opposed to other forms of subtle energy (qi)? Basically, internal energy is the subtle energy that flows within our meridians and channels and energy centers within our bodies (whether all of this is really all contained 'within' the body is another matter though).


    Qigong that focuses more on directing subtle energy (qi) to external parts of the body such as the muscles or

    skin, and possibly also bones, tendons, and ligaments, such as is done in some forms of 'hard style' martial arts, could be considered external or hard style qigong. There are many different styles of qigong though and some would be hard to classify as either just external or internal, or hard or soft.


    Generally though, when a system is referred to as nei gong, it implies that there is more than just basic cultivation of the qi in the 12 main meridians. In a true nei gong system one works to fully open and develop the eight extra channels and various special energy centers as well. Also, with the term nei gong there is often an implication of the system being capable of developing special skills or abilities with the use of the internal energy and energy centers that are cultivated.


    I don't know much about pranayama but my limited understanding is that this term would be roughly equivalent to the term qigong, as there are probably different types of pranayama, or different uses of pranayama with different focuses and purposes as there are in qigong, but I could be wrong about that. :)




    Let me tackle my doubts one by one.


    Is neigong the same as kundalini meditations, yoga meditations and/or pranayama?


    Cos your description sounds very similar to kundalini meditations, yoga and/or pranayama as we are moving energy through the energy centres and various channels.


    Comments from everybody would be much appreciated.



    I love this part about asians.


    Carlos was making a joke about how asians kick asses in the american school system cos they have this culture of obeying their parents more than other races..


    Funny thing is, of all the races in the world, the asian societies have the most slave-like mentality and there aren't as many thinkers in asian societies as those in the west.. with the exception of Japan..


    Asians may be good at getting good grades and stuff but unfortunately, the most out of the box thinkers I have met have hardly done well at school.


    It is always hit or miss with those who don't do well at school. You either get geniuses like Gates or you get morons who flip burgers for pocket change.

  10. Well my first employer in 1979 had a bulletproof work ethic.

    My parents were depression WWII generation who had pride.

    It seems when I am working I bring a solid sense of 120% effort to the environment

    Somewhere along my co-workers learned to slack, they learned it somewhere. I have seen this nationwide.

    It is an I can do the minimum mentality.


    The closest I have seen to national pride is the NFL or gangster nations around Chicago livin' large.


    Now that my body is close to broken down from decades of "giving" and "service" I look to Cuba or Bahia

    as a place to retire to collect my socialist security. (yea right)


    So I dedicate this to all the Barack Obama Liberals and Sarah Palin conservatives who are currently workin'

    24/7 to fix the shitstem.


    Start at 01:34 :D





    And have a solution to your airport scanning woes an a bonus!



    Love you all!


    as i said, the flip side of the coin of devolved parents/grandparents shows children who are not wise or brave enough to question their parents/grandparents/teachers..


    and there are plenty of young ones out there who just as devolved as their parents/grandparents..


    a case of the blind leading the blind so as to speak..

  11. I think trying to get super powers is a comic book theme. The goal of enlightenment should not be powers. If siddhis come, fine, but as a goal they can be corrupting. That is one of the lessons I've learned from this site, from some its top people.


    The other is beware of paranoia and alienation, there are energetic practices that can bring them out. Making the world seem like a dark place and give rise to fantasies that make living in the real very hard.


    Just be careful out there man. Even as a lone eagle meditator who scorns attachment having friends will help you to connect to good resources.


    Still I was thinking..if your looking for powers, Michael Murphy wrote the book The Future of the Body: Explorations Into the Further Evolution Of Human Nature, its a compendium of Siddhis, its pretty thick and encyclopedial. One of his friends George Leonard wrote the book The Life We are Given.


    Whats interesting about that book is it has a 6 (I think) month program of eating, exercises, meditation. What is unsual is you at the start you set up 2 hard goals, and one almost super human goal that you repeat to yourself several times a day. He's had some interesting results from it.


    Warning to get results in his sytem there is a lot of long dedicated boring hours. Just like most worthwhile systems. No secrets, long steady work.




    I scorn both attachments and aversions. For true emptiness consists of nothing and aversion is just the flipside of attachment. I do have friends of course.. but I choose my friends very very carefully.


    The goal of enlightenment is never about siddhis but you will need siddhis in order to get enlightened. There is no way around it.

  12. I am not against all the older generation in the world.


    One has to use wisdom to determine who is telling you the right stuff and who is telling you the wrong stuff.


    If the politicians, if every religious leader, if every parent/grand-parent is as evolved/enlightened as the Buddhas, then no one will have any problems learning from such enlightened beings.


    It is indeed a great fortune to be born to parents who are enlightened beings.


    Unfortunately, most politicians, parents and grandparents are unenlightened fools. It would be a mistake for a child to base his life on teachings from such fools.

  13. Although I was condemning black magicians, black magicians don't usually physically harm others. They use magickal means, which is 100% legal. If anything at most they will use a drop or two of their own blood from a pin prick as offering to demons.


    Black magicians aren't that bad, as all magicians are generally super nerds and geeks.


    I just don't want them corrupting sacred teachings...which I know they would.


    It is impossible to corrupt the teachings of transforming your body into light.


    Cos this is the ultimate step of evolution of man. The Universe, The Buddhas would never allow the anyone to corrupt this sacred act of the ultimate evolution.


    The dark does not have as much power as you think. Never forget that even the actions of the dark are controlled or allowed by the Universe and the Buddhas themselves.


    They are "allowing" the dark to do their shit up to a certain point. But once the dark cross the line, then there will be repercussions.


    I am not sure what happened to you after you posted information about the thogal and trecko teachings in other forum but I really respect your lack of selfishness and your compassion. You really wanna help other and I can see that.


    There are a lot of people in here who wanna pull you down. Or there were some people anyway. Let me tell you here and now, that I stand by you for the great compassionate act of spreading the highest Dzogchen teachings for the benefit of others. It takes the heart of a hero to do that.


    PM me, I have something good for you. Something which will assist you in your path.

  14. Wake up? Been up since 7a.m my friend. Why do you think saying respecting parents means we don't need to respect children? Also I didn't say blind obedience, matter of fact I wrote: "Thats not to say you shouldn't go your own way, but do it in as respectful a manner as you can." You assume too much and I suspect projecting.


    One think you're right about is 'I need my family & friends'. I am stronger, happier and saner, more fulfilled with them. I don't think its dependence as much as co-dependence. We help each other. Its a value beyond material things. If you've never experienced it, I'm sorry for you. Don't give up on friends and family in order to search for a comic book existence.


    When I asked what you practice you said it didn't matter. I think it does. Philosophy be damned. What you practice, how hard. What you create, who you help.. is ultimately all that matters.





    later thoughts, cause its snowy outside:


    Blind obedience, no. Obedience, yes. I spent 16 years in Japanese martial arts. I had some pretty cool instructors. I did learn the principle of giri from them. Its a combination of respect and what is owed.


    They had my respect so if they asked me to do something that didn't seem productive, I'd do it. I assume they knew better and what the hell. BOL keeps accusing others of egoic actions, but this kind of obedience is ego lessening. Hundun was trying to get at this I think.


    Visiting other dojos for seminars I found some instructors to be plain nasty. While in there dojo I showed them utter respect. No way would I join there club, but there dojo, there rules, maybe there was some good learning there if I kept my mouth shut. I think its rare to find a perfect teacher. A great teacher won't be the stereotype you think. You might miss out on gold if you hold too closely to your picture.


    Parentwise, I am an obedient son, I'm lucky to have a pretty cool mom, dad can be a bit of a double A personality. Not blindly, but if they ask me to do something, however inconvenient I'll do it, giri.


    Kidwise, I expect there obedience. This morning we all took turns shoveling (5 people 2 hours). When I asked my son to help an elderly neighbor he went right away and I was very proud. He could have said, no, stayed where it was warm, played video games. On the other side I encourage there passions and support them.


    I don't know if anyone has 'enlightened' parents, but where there is a bond of love, thats mostly enough.


    BOF you may think its pathetic, but its a really good life made possible to a great extent by Giri.


    I understand the japanese culture more than you think.


    In my mind, the Japanese is one of most advanced people on earth, if not the most advanced people itself.


    But ask any Japanese what they about Giri, which means "obligation to serve", and they would tell you nightmare stories about how those in positions in power and authority in families, companies, organizations would abuse the noble concept of Giri to play games of power with their juniors and children/grandchildren.


    Giri.. obligation to serve.. what it really means is an obligation to be of service to everyone.. regardless of whether it be your juniors or seniors.. unfortunately, too many seniors have abused their positions of authority over their juniors, as evidenced by your experiences with the japanese culture..


    If you think enlightenment is a comic book existence, what the hell are you doing in this forum? This is clearly the wrong place for you.

  15. Hmmmn, Or is the problem parents and grandparents (who may have much living experience) see children who think they know it all and it sickens them to see how the demon of ignorance is ruling the modern world?



    there are a lot of unevolved parents and grandparents.. but these unevolved parents and grandparents were unevolved children themselves who did not have the wisdom or courage to question the truths and egos of their own parents and grandparents..


    the truly evolved parent/grandparent expects their children to question their truths so that the views of the parent/grandparent would be evolved further..


    Seems to me the problem isn't who is right. Its a question of respect, being able to listen to others with respect and not getting 'sickened' by it.



    Your version of respect is no different from blind obedience.


    My version of respect is all about courtesy and manners.


    One should be courteous to both his parents and children..


    Getting sickened by ignorance is hardly disrespectful



    As long as they're not (truly) abusive, we owe our parents and grandparents respect. Its hard to raise kids, they don't come with training manuals. For the first 30 years of your life there will be a huge karmic imbalance between what they've done for us and the relatively little we've done for them.



    we own everyone we meet courtesy and manners, not just our parents and grandparents..


    do you mean to say that you do not have to respect your kids?


    do you mean to say that you do not have to be courteous towards your kids?




    So I'm saying when it comes to parents- grin and bear it. Thats not to say you shouldn't go your own way, but do it in as respectful a manner as you can. If you prove yourself responsible, respectful and intelligent people will you the benefit of a doubt and eventually you'll win them over.


    Last night we had a large storm in Chicago. I called to check on my parents and sisters, I helped my neighbors. Its not just about fun and drama, its about back up when life is tough. No one will love you or do more for you then family, or be as ready to help you as a friend.




    There is no need for you to win anyone over. Getting others to believe in your version of truths is the mark of ego.


    There is no need for anyone to love you. Depending on others to find the love for yourself is the mark of ego.


    There is no need for you to have family and friends. Having this attachment to family and friends is the mark of ego.


    Your emboldened quotes to me showed the mark of someone sorely in need of acceptance and love from his peers.


    You should wake up, Michael cos right now, you sound pretty pathetic.


    But then hey who am I to ask you to stop being so pathetic? So yeah, carry on living the way you are if you are happy.


    It is no responsibility of mine to wake you or anyone else up.


    It is no responsibility of mine to change you or anyone else.

  16. if you're a master heretic, then what are you complaining about? :lol:


    just do what you do. the world is your teacher, and no one can hold you back but YOU.


    i think you maybe got a little over-defensive here. i wasn't intending to insult you. but it happens.


    my best teacher recognized the extent of my natural talent. he also recognized what i did not, which was where my limitations and weaknesses were. he was so harsh and unrelenting at times that, to this day, he's the only man who has ever mad me cry. i had to submit to his authority. he knew more than i did. he also believed that i would eventually exceed him, but he didn't let ME know that, because the last thing he wanted to do was feed my hubris. so he spent a lot of time tearing me down, making me do things that i either felt was beneath me, or irrelevant. but i trusted him anyway.


    and now, i'm free to tear apart any damn thing i want, because he knows that i get it, and i've been tested. i've paid my dues, even with my natural talents. and i needed it, even though i didn't know i needed it at first. he honored me with the title of master in late 2007. and now he's my brother, whereas before, he was more like my father.


    the last time i counted, i owned over 120 videos (and an equally ridiculous number of books) on qigong, meditation, and the internal arts of various cultures. i'm beholden to no one as i examine the operating principles of the techniques. i'm free to do as i wish with that material. and i take my responsibility very seriously when i teach others heretical approaches that go against the prevailing orthodoxy.


    what you don't seem to get is that if you were such a student, i would almost be willing to pay you to come study with me. BUT, if you are unable to respect my authority as the primary knowledge-holder in our relationship (until i have decided you have sufficiently developed), and if you can't appreciate my sense of karmic responsibility for your development as your teacher, and if you don't have the patience or the humility to possibly have to perform tasks that you might feel are beneath you, then you wouldn't be very teachable.



    did you get anything else out of what i wrote above? anything at all?





    let me add this. to this date i have yet to meet a student whose intellect rivaled my own, but i'm always looking. as far as natural talent, i've had 3 so far whose natural potential exceeded mine. two of them were women, and they both dropped out. both lacked consistency and were too averse to discomfort. but the other guy is a BEAST! :lol:


    i can't keep another person down without staying down with them, and i don't roll like that. anyone who finds this as their true calling gets the greatest joy from witnessing the epiphanies and the overall development of those they teach.


    the true purpose of being a teacher is to share your knowledge and wisdom with others so that they may evolve that much quicker..


    but others have the right to accept your teachings, modify them or reject them..


    refusing to share knowledge/wisdom with others cos they disagree with you is just your ego brandishing its pride..


    the concepts of teacher and student are egoistical concepts.. we are all teachers who have something to offer others.. we are all students who can learn from others..

  17. People say that a lot but usually it's one of the most laughable things one can say. Without a teacher you wouldn't even be able to wipe your own ass let alone converse with others on an internet forum.


    You completely misunderstand that quote.


    What Jiddu really meant is that it is necessary to question leaders. He never said anything about rejecting them outright.