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Posts posted by bodyoflight

  1. Of all my fears, being attacked by those with superpowers is pretty low. From the history I've read the 'real powers behind the world' tend to be relatively clueless and are swept along by the forces of history just like the rest of us.


    Its not that I'm against those seeking Siddhis. Its good to reach your potential, the good stuff doesn't come without years/decades of long dedicated practice. But life needs balance. The book I'm reading now (9 1/2 Mystics) makes a good point, The line between mystic and psychotic can be very thin.


    Give up friends and family in order to walk through walls, fly, etc, my bet is you end up with nothing. Ultimately there are doors and airplanes. Even Pangs demonstrations of lighting things can be done w/ a .99 cent lighter. But I've read an interview with one of his Western students who wrote the practice brought him closer to God and his family. He didn't gain powers he gained clarity. To me thats impressive.


    Also I've seen experienced meditators fall prey to paranoia. If we don't work at being positive, especially those doing energy work, we may end up paranoid and scared, tuned into dark imaginings. Antidotes are doing charity and/or the secret smile practice. Sometimes staying neutral isn't enough.


    In any case, what powers are you shooting for? Any manifestations?




    It is no secret now that there are many races of beings, some human, some non-human, exist in this universe and beyond.


    The human race is among the most inferior races of sentient beings, if not the most inferior race itself.


    How do you think these ET human and non-human races live their everyday lives? What kind of technology do they have? What kind of spiritual abilities do they have? How do they combine technology and spirituality?


    Do you think they live, eat and sleep everyday with only thoughts of procreation on their minds?


    The history you read is hardly the history you know. The real history of human kind is never written down but can only be determined through remote viewing.


    You are pretty fearless about being attacked by superpowers cos you wouldn't know about these attacks even if they are coming at you.


    What do you think cause disease? Poverty? Relationship problems? Crimes? Wealth? Good health?


    Can the same forces which cause the disasters in life be manipulated to cause good events in life? Can advanced humans manipulate these universal forces to cause certain events in an unevolved human's life like yours?


    Life needs balance? That is so new-agey and the type of propaganda lies which the CIA are fond of coming up with. I wouldn't be surprised if someone injected these brainwashing thought forms into you.


    And no, you do not need technology to brainwash a person. You can brainwash a person with your mind alone if you are highly advanced in your evolution.

  2. Greetings all!


    Check out this amazing online practice opportunity being offered by Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche at It starts at the basics, then goes into tantra/kundalini and purification, and culminates in Dzogchen. A gradual program which is great for both beginners and advanced. I'm going to do it probably. The program lasts for half a year.



    Hello Sunya,


    I do not see any references to dzogchen at all in the program.

  3. "There is no such thing as too much spirituality. What is marriage, sex, children, money, fame worth to a true enlightened master who has achieved the following siddhis?



    Simply being a good person in life, getting a job, getting married and raising kids, and getting their kids and grandkids to do the same shit over and over again.. that is the true mark of samsara and delusion and ignorance..


    Words like yours are true delusions indeed and I would advise you to carefully re-consider saying them to any unenlightened humans unless your wanna propagate bad conditions and bad karma of samsara.


    If you are only interested in getting a job/wife/kids in life, then you are truly an animal.

    If you are only interested in getting siddhis, then you would become an asura."



    Give up everything for a long shot to be..what godlike? If I saw people floating around, walking on water and through walls I might be inspired. But they're not around, not my neighborhood anyway. I don't even know if we do go around again and again. Mathematically the numbers don't work out on this earthly plane. Plus if I don't remember anything it doesn't really matter.


    Chop Wood, carry water, have good times, grab some wisdom, make some friends, be passionate. Super powers are for comic books. There's real work to be done.




    those "superpowers" are as natural as breathing.. abilities innate to every person out there..


    and u need these "superpowers" in order to do real work..


    let me give u a secret.. the real powers behind politics, economies and corporations are those in the white lodges, black lodges and gray lodges.. and these people have "superpowers".. hell even the cia operatives have "superpowers"


    if you do not develop these abilities, then that is no different from ignoring your high school and university education .. you are simply under-developing yourself and doing yourself a huge disfavour..


    you will be making yourself vulnerable to those with "superpowers" and god knows that 99% of the world's population are beginning to develop these powers since last year 2010

  4. There is nothing wrong with people choosing to not seek enlightenment.


    Look at how many seekers there are, compared to how many true the path worth it, if you give up your life and attain nothing? That's up to each person to decide, for themselves. No one else should make their decision for them, or judge them on whether it's right or wrong.


    If someone decides that it's not worth it, and simply being a good person is their path, you should respect their decision. Virtue is everything, both when it comes to improving this mundane world, as well as making true spiritual progress. Perhaps that person is further along than yourself, more grounded, and understands more about the consequences of too much "spirituality".


    The grandmother is trying to raise her grandchild right, through her wisdom. But you took personal offense, and started condemning basically all of Asia, because they don't pray as hard as you do! :lol:


    Prayers are a form of generating light energy in one's body and soul. By telling her grandchild not to pray just as hard, that grandmother is leading her grandchild down the path of delusion and ignorance.


    Each of us is born to become enlightened and break the cycle of rebirth and death. Even the money which we earned is actually used to sustain us and others until our bodies become light and we break the cycle of death and rebirth.


    There is no such thing as too much spirituality. What is marriage, sex, children, money, fame worth to a true enlightened master who has achieved the following siddhis?


    Knowledge of the past and future

    Understanding the sounds (language) of all beings

    Knowledge of previous existences

    Knowing the minds of others


    Suspending the ability of the body to be heard, touched, tasted, or smelled

    Foreknowledge of the time of death

    Strength of any attitude (such as friendliness)

    Super strength (such as the strength of an elephant)

    Knowledge of subtle, hidden, remote things

    Knowledge of worlds, realms, universes, etc.

    Knowledge of the arrangement of stars, planets, etc.

    Knowledge of the movement of stars, planets, etc.

    Knowledge of the arrangement of systems in the body

    Freedom from hunger and thirst

    Attainment of steadiness or immobility

    Visions of Siddhas (perfected beings)

    Knowledge of anything and everything

    Knowledge of the mind

    Knowledge of pure consciousness (purusha)

    Psychic hearing, touch, vision, taste, and smell

    Entering and controlling the bodies of others

    Ability to float or walk on water, swamps, thorns, and other such objects

    Ability to glow or radiate light around the body

    Super hearing (hearing at vast distances)

    Ability to fly

    Mastery over the elements (earth, water, fire, air, space)

    Making the body atomically small, indestructible, perfect

    Perfection of the body in beauty, strength, grace, and brilliance

    Mastery over the senses

    Quickness of the mind, perception with the senses

    Supremacy over all states of existence, omnipotence

    Higher knowledge

    Discriminating knowledge

    Absolute freedom (kaivalyam)


    Simply being a good person in life, getting a job, getting married and raising kids, and getting their kids and grandkids to do the same shit over and over again.. that is the true mark of samsara and delusion and ignorance..


    Words like yours are true delusions indeed and I would advise you to carefully re-consider saying them to any unenlightened humans unless your wanna propagate bad conditions and bad karma of samsara.


    Granted, siddhis like what I have explained above are NOT the main objectives of enlightenment. What I am merely showing is ...


    If you are only interested in getting a job/wife/kids in life, then you are truly an animal.

    If you are only interested in getting siddhis, then you would become an asura.


    However, if you are interested in becoming enlightened without getting attached to any siddhis or any other good stuff gained along the waya, then you will become a deva.

  5. bodyoflight,


    One of the reasons I left Taiwan altogeher. Too materialistic and "americanised" for my taste. Also mainland China is not better, but there are parts of this country unlike Taiwan who are less influenced by the Western media and extreme material values. China is a huge country wheread Taiwan is a hyperpopulated tiny island. Hard to get lost in there even the Buddhist temples high in the mountains are a mockery, they behave like mini-corporations. Very sad as they have deviated from the true Dharma.


    My advice is to seek elsewhere in Asia. There are still pockets left where you can cultivate quietly away from the mundane unawakened world. You can return once you blossomed and teach to the humans who are keen to learn.


    Finish your Bagua training or learn as much as you can as the teachers I recommended in the other thread you are great.


    All the best in your spiritual path.


    Namo Amitabha Buddha.




    Elsewhere in Asia? Do you mean Tibet or Thailand?


    I hope none here thinks that I am biased towards Taiwan. I have chosen to live and migrate to Taiwan based on several factors. The average Taiwanese is actually more spiritual and less materialistic than China despite the misgivings of my initial post.


    Besides, this materialism exists everywhere, not only in asia.


    To me, money isn't all that bad. It is just this sole focus on money which is bad. What about the spiritual development of the mind?


    There was a thread before which complained that real spiritual secrets are being hidden by spiritual orders.


    What I was really angry about is that these important spiritual secrets are being withheld from humanity and instead we get all this bs about money on tv instead.


    From what I have gathered, true masters do not actually start a cult of followers. They do not even need a cult of followers. They actually hide themselves until the true searchers seek them out.

  6. I have traveled and lived in a number of countries.. the asia region being the bulk of my travels but I have spent a bit of time in the UK, the US and I have lived in Australia for about a decade or so...


    What I discovered is that the whole world, but especially the asia region, is really gripped in the samsara of materialism.. I am not saying that one has to be an hermit or be really poor in order to be enlightened.. but there has to be a balance..


    now why am I flipping off on this topic all of a sudden? for the last 18 months, i have been living in China, HK and Taiwan.. it seems that the younger asians are heavily brain-washed by their elders and their elders are like too focused on money, procreation and the usual cycle of rebirth and death..


    just a few weeks ago, i was at one of the largest temples in Taipei.. as I was praying and chanting in front of a deity for just a few minutes.. there was this 60+ year old grandma holding her grandchild's hand and after looking at me, she told her grandchild, "there is no need to pray so hard.. just be a good person and all will be well.." .. Hello? I was only chanting for just a few minutes and how is that considered to be praying hard?...


    Last night, a rather famous 45+ talk-show guest said this rather shocking statement.. she wondered why there are some people in this world who are content with leading ordinary lives with no desire of getting a mate or getting rich.. she said that she would prefer a world where everyone have sexual desires or material greed so that they can spend all their time and energies working their asses of instead of contemplating enlightenment?..


    today, i just watched a show where all the guests are like 45+ and above.. there were 2 taoist masters, 1 fortune teller and 2 mothers.. those 2 mothers have daughters who are some c-list stars in the taiwanese media industries.. and these 5 suckers were all talking about how to change their fortunes for the better and how to earn more money via spiritual methods bla bla bla...


    Jeez man...


    I bet if every country has tv programs teaching the masses how to get enlightened fast, the whole of humanity would transform into lightbodies in less than a decade...

  7. Well these are a few that are off the top of my head, in no particular order....


    FiveElementTao I believe has experience in various styles connected to Maoshan. I don't know how connected they are to Mao Shan specifically, but Kunlun seems to be a relative of some of that stuff, and as a result freeform and scotty miiiight be able to point you to something (that's a big "might" though).


    Not Mao Shan, but Ya Mu seems to have a wonderful system, each to access, easy to perform, from what I hear has great benefits, and seems to address everything- energy for healing, for martial arts, for opening astral senses/communing with spirits of varying levels, and things of that nature. Again, not Mao Shan, but still looks pretty legit and worth a try.


    Starjumper7 seems to have access to a good system, makes comments that reflect lots of experience.


    Gerard, as he has already done, would probably recommend bagua, but that's pretty hard to do on your own anyway unless you have access to some pretty high quality guidance. But lucky for you you're in Taiwan ;) so you can work that right out.


    Um...... more will probably come to me later on.


    No guarantees that any of these people will have what you are looking for, or that they will be able to teach you/provide any exercises they can do long distance. But if I were you and wanted to get a handle on some methods that I could do on my own, before I found a live person to train with, I'd start by asking these people.


    And I hope none of these people are offended by my volunteering their help for them :D


    Oh my god, that is a great guide.. I have already bought the ebook Kunlun but it is all like qigong to me..


    is Ya Mu a style or the name of a forummer?


    Thank you Zhang..

  8. Taiwan (like any other asian country) is full of fortune tellers,mystics, and dozens of spiritual healers,gropus,etc. Have you ever tried visiting any of the temples or checking out various magazines,etc ? Im certain there is a bi monthly publication where all these crazy types advertise their services. Personally i wouldnt seek advice from the internal arts community. Many of them have very strange/unfounded opinions on magic and usually mix in very different circles as well.


    The most crucial & important thing is, Knowing the correct terminolgy or names/characters of what you wish to learn. This is an absolute must. So many times I have spoken to people but they didnt have the slightest clue what i was on about, Only when i said it in their native tongue and used the exact phrase did they then understand and were usually more then willing to help.




    You sound like you have spent some time in Taiwan and even more time walking on the Path. Are you still in Taiwan? It would be a privilege to learn more from you about what I need to do if possible.


    Thank you Tao Bum and may the Universe and Dao give you unlimited blessings...

  9. Body of Light, please be very carefull with that kind of practice. I had very bad experiences with lucid dreaming and malicious beings i came across.


    It can produce psychosis if you are not strong enough to handle and deal with negative forces in those realms....please be carefull!!!



    Do you know in a really honest way why you want to be able to do this? if not, please make sure you know the real reason.





    Ed, malicious beings have no power to harm most people in this forum.. Human souls are potentially the most powerful creations on this planet.. If trained properly, human souls has the power to even interact energetically with higher beings..


    malicious beings are like ants compared to a properly trained human.. how do you think the Buddha achieved enlightenment?.. do you think any malicious being has the power to harm the Buddha when he was human and other similarly enlightened humans?


    besides lucid dreaming is a basic pre-requisite which must be learned in order to achieve enlightenment.. if you do not learn the alphabet, then how are you gonna write a full-length essay?

  10. Honestly, you will have a better chance of finding what you are after in mainland China. I can assure you that but still you need to speak fluent mandarin and being spiritually realised. I don't know you so please don't get me wrong. Mandarin no matter to which Chinese community you go to.





    I was referring to Baguazhang. Fortune telling is only an aspect of Bagua. There is way much more to the eight symbols. Anyway you don't need to speak Chinese to communicate with HJH, as he is fluent in English.


    All the best to you too.


    The Way of the Peaceful Warrior is really the first book which started me on this journey a few years ago..


    In that book, it was mentioned that Socrates, the master, knew how to adjust the energies in his bodies. Furthermore he can use energies in his body and/or the surrounding universe to accomplish amazing feats.. The writer claimed that he saw Socrates jumping onto a wall 15 feet high?


    Let me introduce some videos to forummers here..


    In this first video, that Japanese master can achieve similar physical feats. Jump to the last few minutes of the video.



    Also, John Chang here can use his energies to start fires, heal himself, etc...




    Now I am not looking to jump up walls like Superman but I want to know how to use my energy to heal myself, to generate prosperity, to have better relationships, etc, etc..


    All the mantras, qigong, prayers, meditations, visualizations are just vehicles of transforming/utilizing the energies around you and in you.


    Do you know of anyone like that in Taiwan, Gerald? I am not sure if Ba Gua Zhang does that...


    However, I would still wanna talk to Mr He.. Please send me Mr He's contact details to me by PM if possible, thank you..

  11. I don't know how far you are along in your process of moving, but....


    Are you moving to Taiwan BECAUSE you want to meet a master, or are you moving to Taiwan and you figure it'd be a good chance to meet someone?


    Because there are a lot of really skilled people on this forum, and a lot of exercises which can get you quite far along in your development which you can find well enough on your own without having to up and move to Taiwan.



    Well I am already in Taiwan and I am just one step away from obtaining a Taiwanese Residency Visa..


    I am moving to Taiwan cos I want to meet a high-level master and there would be a very good chance of meeting such a high-level master in Taiwan..


    May I know where can I find the really skilled people and exercises on this forum and who may they be?


    Thank you Sloppy Zhang and may the Universe and Dao give you unlimited blessings...

  12. I can do the third eye/spiritual senses thing for you and the astral/lucid stuff sort of follows that automatically, depending on which way you prefer to take it. I'm not a master though, I know that because I know several REAL masters, however I think I'm a wee bit ahead of some who like to use that title.


    Keep in mind that of the sages who escaped China most didn't stop in Taiwan.


    Are you moving to Taiwan still?


    I am already in Taiwan and are now just one step away from obtaining a Taiwanese Residency Permit..


    May I know which country are you in?


    Is it possible that any of the real masters which you know are in Taiwan?


    Thank you StarJumper7 and may the Universe and Dao give you unlimited blessings...

  13. Hi


    I dont have contacts for you I am afraid I came out here looking for the same thing but on the whole in my experience so far and opinion there is very little still available here and of that which is avaialble it requires good Chinese Language and comes with the traditional baggage which often requires jumping through hoops to get very simple practices.


    A good place to start for the Taoist practices is through the many Internal Arts practitioners that you will find in all the parks around Taiwan practising in the early morning. Get to know people ask questions and see if you can find any one who 'can' show you and 'is' willing to show you something other than basic qigong.


    By the way the often told story of 'many master fled to Taiwan' should probably be changed to 'some of the masters fled to Taiwan. Its true there are some great teachers here but from also very briefly visiting Beijing and Chendu in my opinion I would say because of the size of China its still retains a lot of good teachers in all the parks as well of course as lots more average and bad teachers.


    Good luck on your journey, maybe also try there are many people on that board that live in Taiwan. Also be carful, be clear on what you want and don't kiss your brains goodbye just because some one is saying they can provide all you seek. Test everything and ask questions.


    All the best



    PS Please dont pray for me, pray for yourself on your own journey..


    Hello Simon, I am specifically looking for Daoist masters who can train me in lucid dreaming, astral travel and opening up my thrid eye/spiritual senses so that I can communicate with the higher beings..


    Any hints?


    Simon, May the Universe and Dao give you unlimited blessings...

  14. If you are ready, you'll come across your teacher regardless where you are, in southern Argentina, Romania, Mongolia or Malaysia. There are Daoists anywhere and in any astral plane (and I can assure you that the last part is 100% true). Good luck in your journey. :)


    About Taiwan go and see He Jinghan in Taipei. Send me a PM if you are genuinely interested in learning Bagua, the key to open you up to the Dao and yourself as part of it.


    Hello Gerald, my spiritual and astral senses are totally blocked which is why i am specifically seeking daoist masters who can open up my spiritual senses. The buddhist practices only open up your heart and do not allow communication with the higher beings.


    When you talk about bagua are you referring to bagua the fortune telling? I am not really interested in fortune telling btw..


    Gerald, May the Universe and Dao give you unlimited blessings...

  15. Guys, I am settling down in Taiwan permanently..


    The way I look at it is that.. many Chinese masters fled to Taiwan cos of the persecutions over the last century or so..


    it is not only the cultural revolution.. it is Jap's invasion of China as well which must have undoubtedly lead to the flight of taoist/buddhism masters and materials to Taiwan...


    Does anyone here know where I can find Daoist Magic Masters in Taiwan? I have read some threads about some celestial master called Zhang of the Zheng Yi sect who fled to Taiwan in the last century...


    Anyone giving me some directions in here.. i would pray for him or her..

  16. ok i have been successful in pushing the sexual energy to my head..


    whenever i feel the physical stirring of my loin, i have been able to eliminate the discomfort by pushing the energy to my head..


    but there may be a problem..


    is it possible that we may be more prone to errant thoughts when the energy is pushed into our heads?


    thank you for your advice..

  17. Yep with the Testicle breathing I do they move up and down with abdominal breathing i.e breathe out, abdomen contract, they rise up.


    It's a much more relaxed feeling than contracting penis / anus muscles so I didn't actually know they moved until I happened to be practicing in a bathroom and looked in the mirror.



    In MC's book he quoted "Inhale slowly and pull the testicles up. Hold for awhile, then

    exhale slowly and lower the testicles"


    But if we use abdominal breathing, when we breath in, the abdomen expands and the testicles lower. When we breath out, the abdomen contracts and the testicles get pulled up. This process seems to be the reverse of MC's method.


    On the bright side, I am starting to feel some coolness in the testicles. Maybe this does work afterall.

  18. i hate to say this christ, but semen = energy and the loss of your semen = loss of energy, no two ways about it


    and you need energy in order to perform higher spiritual practices or open up your psychic/clairvoyant abilities


    you are either doing the practices wrong or .. i hate to state the darker scenario..


    there may be a negative entity / though-form interfering with your practices.. cos the more energy you build up in your body, the more powerful your spiritual defenses are and these negative entities may be trying to obstruct the build-up of your energy..


    negative entities will seek to remove your spiritual defenses so they can feed on your soul energy thus the need for them to obstruct the build-up of your energy through seminal loss..


    i will recommend chanting some mantras and visualizing some hindu/buddhist/taoist/christian higher beings to chase away any negative entities from yourself


    hindu - lord ganesha

    tibet/buddhist - vajrakilaya

    christian/catholic/muslim - archangel michael

    taoist/chinese - lord guan yu


    so you see, there are higher beings in every faith who specialize in the duty of protecting souls from evil.. google them for their mantras.. good luck..




    P.S. trust me.. these higher beings possess more than enough power to remove negative entities and every faith has them.. :)


    Ok finally I am writing some of the things I have learnt, starting with my "old thought - new thought". I am listing:


    old thought - I have to do 5 different exercises a day in order to prevent nocturnal emissions

    new thought - I am needing to do less, let go, and trust my body


    old thought - have to retaining as much semen as possible

    new thought - the goals are not retaining but refining what you have retained, which is taking dedication


    old thought - each time I lose semen I become weaker like old man

    new thought - semen loss is a natural process, and can be necessary at some times


    old thought - the more jing I have, the healthier I will be

    new thought - The more in touch with the Tao (empty) I am the healthier I will be.


    Now, strategies that are seeming strongly recommended:


    self acupressure especially kidney points,


    deep breathing and meditation for an hour especially at night


    Next, strategies that are seeming less common but useful (I am not sure):


    1 - warm hands, rub kidneys

    2 - simple squats with light weights

    3- flick ears until hot twice a day

    4. testicle breathing - mantiak chia link??

    5. bridge breathing

  19. Hello to all. I have been exploring the exercise of Testicular Breathing as taught by Mantak Chia.


    Ummm.. for those of you familiar with this exercise, do I actually flex my testicular muscles when breathing in or do I just imagine/visualize the upwards movement of the testicles in my mind when breathing in?


    Cos in MC's book, he said not to flex your penis or anus muscles and there is no way I can physically move my testicles upwards and downwards without flexing the penis and/or anus muscles.


    I will really appreciate any advice from the wiser bros in here cos my health is deteriorating rapidly and I need to improve my health asap.


    Thank you so much for your kindness.

  20. Hello, I am on the path of spiritual exploration and I hope the wiser brothers on this board can help me on my path with their wisdom.

