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Posts posted by bodyoflight

  1. That's not true. You can exercise greater or lesser degrees of influence, but you'll never have outright control over anything. Not even Buddha had outright control over anything. Good thing here is that we have more than enough influence available to us to make ourselves content if we wish to be content.


    Goldilocks Goldilocks.. how do you know what others are capable of?


    Do you judge every single human on this earth by your own rather limited capabilities?


    You might not be strong enough to withstand the external influences but it doesn't mean that others can't.


    The name of the game is to totally defeat and destroy every external influence controlling our desires and minds and if you are too weak to do it, be prepared to die like the sheep being eaten by the wolves.


    So in practical terms it means that maybe you can redirect the blows of an opponent, but you won't do so without getting tired and eventually you'll either meet an opponent who is better than you are, or you'll lose your concentration for a split second and fail to redirect the blow properly. So it's not an outright control, it's just influence. Influence is important, but don't confuse influence with control.


    ahhhh.. so i see you DO know what I am talking about..


    when a person is weak enough.. the influence will overcome him to such a great degree that it will become control..


    i can tell you right now.. the masters who are high enough.. the ones who remain in god-mental mode continuously look upon such influences as flies..


    they brush off such influences even without batting an eyelid..



    I agree, but in truth all such things are influenced by outside forces. Even our bodies are influenced by outside forces. Even the bodies of spiritual titans are also influenced. They can withstand more abuse, but they aren't infinite. They too fall down sometimes/eventually. Daoism has a lot of interesting stories about power. Like how one guy drank poison but although he could withstand it, he needed 12 tubs of cold water to cool off his body from all the heat that he generated while combatting the poison internally. That's kind of the nature of power. Power is influence, it is not outright control. This is at least true if you're a sentient being among other sentient beings.


    once a soul has evolved enough to such a degree.. no outside forces currently in play on earth will be sufficient to influence such a powerful soul..


    this is why fortune tellers are never accurate.. they only see the immediate timelines influenced by the current forces including the stars..


    but when a soul summon up the necessary power and energy to destroy the influences and change the timelines.. this is where timelines change...


    power can be influence and outright control.. depending on how you play the power..


    a spiritual being only falls down when he decides to stop evolving.. no spiritual being can fall if he decides to continuously evolve..



    That's not true. You're trading one type of pain and suffering for another type. :) You don't want to experience the pain and suffering of losing your wife/girlfriend, friends and your wealth, but you don't mind the pain and suffering of harsh day to day life. So you fear one kind of loss more so than the other kind. You're optimizing your life to minimize suffering.



    Not true.. I don't mind experiencing the pain and suffering of losing the mundane things in life if they lead to enlightenment immediately..


    unfortunately, they don't..


    it is the waste of time and energy on unnecessary things which i fear.. the pain and suffering of losing a spouse/partner/friends and wealth is nothing compared to the waste of time and energy on useless activities..


    you can get over pain and suffering but you can't get back the time and energies wasted..


    this is the true problem..


    if i want to minimize suffering, hell i would have cultivated in the cities.. but the amount of return for every second of training in the city is minimal compared for every second of training in the himalayas...

  2. Over the years, it's become obvious that you only see what you want to see to protect your precious ego.


    I think his ego is confused.


    On one hand, he makes no difference between playing poker in Vegas and meditating in the Nepalese mountains.


    On the other hand, he is afraid of the Himalayan Winters and all the associated diseases..


    Me thinks his ego is breaking down.. lol..

  3. Actually I could pull that one off. However, it makes no difference if I am sitting on a mountain in Nepal or playing poker on a Fri. night in Vegas.



    Do you have any idea what the winters are like in the Himalayas? We are not talking about kiddie play. Even if you could live off the elements, that would take years to master and tummo is not easy.


    Expect to have giardia, parasites, dysentery and a host of other medical problems.


    If it makes no difference to you if you are in a Nepalese mountains or playing poker in Vegas, then why should the Himalayan Winters bother you?


    Clearly a case of your ego blowing its horn again.


    Don't be so weak and fearful of hardships.

  4. I agree that you have that potential, just as you say.




    You should know that every old thing serves as the context for every new thing. Thus old things are not useless. Consider how the earth, which is mostly manure and refuse is the ground from which flowers spring. The earth is not wasted or discarded. The earth is not something that's left behind once the flower shows up. Don't you understand? Everything depends on everything else. This humanity is your transformational cocoon. Make good use of it and don't be in a hurry.


    I only depend on the Creator and no one else.


    Hurry? I have not even pressed my foot down on the accelerator yet.



  5. It's not a good way to put things. Even if the majority of people here want a good ordinary life, it doesn't mean there isn't a significant minority that puts a high premium on renunciation. At the same time, you should understand that renunciation has nothing to do with moving to India or getting caught up in personality cults. Renunciation is an inner change. It's not an outer change. The outer change is there for the absolutely stubborn and desperate people who can't really grasp the essential point. Those silly people need structures and rules. Thus they become monks and nuns. And then there are also hermits.




    Nonsense. We are always responsible for our share of influence on both the world and on one's own destiny. No one has outright control over anything, but to deny influence is an extremist way of thinking.




    Who cares? What's important is that all these things are temporary even if no one takes them away. But the flip side, which you neglect to mention, is that our troubles are also temporary. :)


    Or let me use your extremist language to put it to you this way: your pain and suffering can be taken away from you anytime. See? It's not just the good things in life that can be taken from you anytime. It's the bad things too. In this way you should cultivate an evenness of mind. Avoid extremism. Only then will your renunciation be eventually worth a dime.




    I am prepared at all times. Are you? Are you prepared to lose your dogmatism? What will you do without it?




    Who cares about the numbers. I have trained in this way. So at least one person.




    Do you think the dogs would never take away any of your bad life?




    Every concrete thing has a beginning and an end. That's all you can honestly say.




    It won't. But if it will, it's not a big deal. Every time a person dies, civilization ends in a big way for that person. So all in all humanity has been living with civilization ending for a very very long time and we do OK. Unfortunately our dogmatism and ignorance doesn't seem to end though.


    If you are strong enough, that you can deny or even control those who are trying to influence you.


    A life with lots of women and money and family and friends but which is influenced by outside forces/beings is a pretty pathetic life indeed.


    You are still thinking from the perspective that I am avoiding pain and suffering. I am going to Himalayas not to avoid pain and suffering because life in Himalayas is going to be much more challenging than where I am now.


    But I am going to Himalayas to learn to deal with pain and suffering as the Himalayas will give me a much better training than cities in developed countries. Afterall there are more gurus in the Himalayas than anywhere else in the world.


    What is extremism? What is renunciation? Those are empty words to me and empty concepts.


    I don't see going to the Himalayas as extremism or renunciation. I am not going to give up all my money now, am I? I am still going to be connected to the Net.


    If you are prepared to live without your wealth, health, women and good life, then congratulations. But action speaks louder than words.


    Why not come to the Himalayas with me and see if you can live without the luxuries and convenience of the modern cities? That way, you will prove to me that you are indeed prepared to lose everything in your life.


    Civilization will end in a way no human has ever experienced before. So don't go around saying that humans have always experienced civilization-ending crisis.


    This one will be totally different and I can't wait to see how everyone's ego will be totally electrocuted...



  6. I've observed many times how even the most wonderful path that encourages critical thinking becomes dogma. And what to say of paths that are intended to be dogmatic from the start. I've also seen vultures taking advantage of the naive, taking advantage of those who are looking for a fatherly figure to guide them. I've seen scam artists praying on people's naive and misguided attraction to the secret and the hidden by selling bogus materials. In each of these cases it takes two to tango. The student is a fool and in a way deserves what they get for hankering after other people's secrets, powers and wisdom instead of developing one's own. Of course the scammer is guilty of taking advantage of the weak state of the fool as well.


    In particular, I currently believe this kid in the jungle is a scam. Why so? Because anyone who truly intends to meditate in private can do so without fail, and this especially applies to someone who is nearly enlightened. So the whole story of "I just wanted to meditate for 6 years" doesn't ring true to me. If this is what the kid wanted, we wouldn't have heard of him. The fact that there is a veritable circus and profiteering going on around him demonstrates what his intentions are from the very beginning, because if he doesn't consent, he can certainly just vanish. He's no Buddha and all his meditations, if I am even going to assume they are sincere, are focused on spiritual powers and not wisdom. Not to mention every time I read statements from this kid, they sound like something an idiot with communication problems would say.


    Watch out people. There are no shortcuts. All the best information is publicly available. You don't have to look in dark corners for secrets. Nor do you have to get caught up in any kind of personality cult to get some help. It's better to rely on friends who have the same aspirations as you then to rely on people you are not in position to honestly evaluate.


    Right, so are you saying you have never seen masters who can heal people with their bare hands or master who can meditate in a pot of boiling oil?


    Are you saying that all spiritual masters or gurus out there are scam artists whose only interests are financial?


    This kid has not forced or threatened anyone to give donations. In fact, he has run away more than once from the masses who wanted him to help them.


    But if a little money is gonna come his way, what's wrong with that? He gotta eat too right? What's wrong with taking a few dollars from people who willingly donates to support his lifestyle?


    Is he living in a million dollar mansion? Is he driving Porsche sportscars or wearing swiss watches? Is he blowing any money on women, drugs and alcohol?


    You know Goldilocks, this post of yours has finally confirmed my suspicions about which side you are on.


    But thanks to your highly negative post, you have persuaded me now more than ever to move to the Himalaya mountains asap.


    The motivations behind your posts are SHOWING very clearly.




    PS Gold is Heavy? Why not throw away all that Gold? :lol:

    • Like 1

  7. Amen.

    Life is precious exactly because of death.

    Beautiful things like family, children, friendships, lovers, are precious because they will be gone someday.

    It is the way of things - Taji.

    If you choose not to live because you fear death, if you choose not to love because you fear loss, what a dreary life you will lead.

    I feel sorry for you but I do understand. An insulated life in a little safe, padded box doesn't seem like it will be painful or threatening but life is not without pain or loss even for the masters.

    And why so much talk about the masters anyway?

    They are themselves, we are ourselves.

    It is not my goal to become them but to become me!

    And no one can show me how to be me but me.


    I am not interested in Human things like family, children, friendships and lovers.


    They are only meant for Humans with lower 3d consciousness..


    The pain and loss and threats in a little safe, padded box are different from the pain and loss and threats gained in the world out there..


    The rewards gained in a little, safe, padded box are different from the rewards gained in the world out there..


    A life with family and children and friendships and lovers is to me a dreary life.


    A life which you can interact with the Gods and Outer Dimensions is to me the most fulfilling life.


    I want to become even higher and better than the masters or die trying.. And I believe I have the potential to exceed the heights reached by previous masters on earth..


    And I do not aim to even lose a single second of my time and energies on useless human things anymore..

  8. Its painful when a child realizes things change and can be taken away. I don't think the solution is to run away from family and pleasurable things. Good things should be cherished and appreciated, all the more so because they are impermanent. Enjoy your family, your friends, health and wealth; learn and grow. Change doesn't have to be bad. The experience of loss is bitter sweet because you connected; and in connection there is level of love and understanding.



    Is being a mushroom growing in the dark, the ultimate? Are ascetics who punish and deny themselves the way? How much of my humanity should I cede away; Friends, taste buds, eyes, or dick? No, let me have pleasure. Within wise constraints they make my life worthwhile. If you lack wisdom and these things cause you pain, by all means back away, re-evaluate, but to give them up because at some unknown time in the future they'll be gone is to lose the spice of life.


    IMO desire is okay as long as you are contented with what you have. Desires are a wind that can keep us moving on course. When they become too strong its time drop sails and reevaluate where we're headed.



    Ofcourse I write this as someone who is clearly on the householders path. There is a time to eat bitter. But it should be realized even that is a phase. We discipline ourselves to grow stronger. Once we've grown, we can laugh at ourselves and take the time to enjoy life, love and laughter.


    You are saying this because you have not cultivated your consciousness to the extent where you can interact with beings from outer worlds and outer dimensions.


    Except for health and wealth.. cos you need to eat to remain healthy to cultivate properly...


    friends and families are nothing compared to the sheer excitement from exploring the outer dimensions and outer worlds..


    we humans are the lowest sentient species in the universe at this present moment although we do have such great potential that everything might change after 2012..


    there are so many higher beings to learn from.. why would you even waste a single second of your time and energy on friends and families..


    it is not that I am running away from the pleasures of friends and families..


    it is that I find NO PLEASURES in dealing with friends and families..


    I find most humans, especially humans living in the cities, to be too ..




    I will rather talk to hermits, ascetics, gurus, ETs, Higher Dimensional Beings instead..


    You equate enjoying friendship, good food, looking at beautiful things, human or otherwise and sex as being human..


    And to cut away all that is to lose much of your humanity..


    If that's the case, then you can consider me to be ..


    Not Human.. Because I have never found too much pleasures and only emptiness in friendship, food, beautiful things and sex..


    I only talk to people for the sake of exchanging information.. I find no pleasures in senseless pleasant chatter..


    I only eat to live not live to eat..


    I look at beautiful things on earth and I see the emptiness that all beautiful things will be ugly and die in the end..


    Sex? Just a biological need.. and once you destroy the biological need.. you won't even need sex anymore..


    So.. you can call me Not Human for all you like.. but I can tell you right now.. being Not Human is different from being evil or unkind.. make a clear difference between these two..


    Thank you Michael..


    I finally understand 100% what I am..


    I am Not Human but I am Godly.. in the sense that I am aiming for Godly things rather than Human ones..

  9. :rolleyes:


    Throw away ego for Ego eh?


    Why are you so concerned about "gods" taking your things away? What's so bad about that? ;)


    And why are you asking the universe for anything for that matter? Instead of training yourself to live with nothing, maybe it's better to realize you never really had anything to lose in the first place? :lol:


    I have not realized it yet.


    This is why I am working on the realization.


    I am not concerned with my things being taken away. I am more concerned with such things or the loss of such things interfering with my mind.


    Often it is better to cultivate to a higher level, and then do the worldly things. But it can go the other way around.


    My 0.02 cents. Good luck with your journey BOL.


    If you (ever do) come back let us know!


    Yes, this is what I am talking about!


    Cultivate to the higher level of existence first and then come back do the worldly things if that's what you want?


    The Buddha did it. Jesus did it.


    You don't see the Buddha or Jesus preaching to the masses before they reached enlightenment, did they?

  11. I don't know how you were able to peek into God's mind and see my significance therein. You're going off dogma, and God hates dogma.




    On the contrary. The Creator loves it when his kids pretend to be all grown up. It's only natural. The ones that get upset are other kids whose egos get bruised in the process.




    I am Lord, as far as you're concerned. To some others on this forum I am a friend.




    :lol: :lol:


    Oh you can't peek into the Creator's mind?


    Pretending to be the Creator hardly qualifies as being grown up.


    Better call yourself "Lard".


    Lard is what you are.. as far as I am concerned..

  12. Seriously? Few years? You mean 3-4 years, right? That's really not a very long time at all.


    Time? There won't be no time by the end of 2012.


    Don't you know that by now or are you pretending to be dumb?


    Btw goldilocks, thank you for reminding me again why I should give everything up in my search for God.


    Thanks, bro. I own you one! Not that I can help you or anything!



  13. Exactly.




    Nope. The power is there, yes. But why bother? After all, you're asking, aren't you? Or are you commanding?




    Good luck waiting. I've been praying to get out of this world for as long as I've lived. If your prayers get answered, so will mine and we'll both be happy, spunky.




    I don't need good luck, but I will gratefully accept any luck that comes my way.




    It's always humbling to know the benevolence of God's devotees. Truly, a light unto the world!


    I am asking in my heart. It is up to the Creator himself what he wishes to give.


    Do you think an insignificant human like you would have any say in my own personal relationship between me and the Creator?


    My prayers might get answered but I don't think your prayers will be answered.


    The Creator doesn't like insignificant humans pretending to be him and speaking for him.


    Who do you think you are?


    I think you will be left here on this planet to where your soul will slowly decay away while the rest of us.. fly away..


    Good Luck!

  14. If one can master astral travel and lucid dreaming, one will never be lonely..


    Even better, if you can master bilocation, you can instantly travel to the cities and back to your hermit hut again in the twinkling of an eye..


    Those old fools..


    instead of wasting time on reminiscing and poetry, they should have spent more time on training instead!


    What a waste of a golden opportunity to train in those very lifetimes!


    btw for those hermit would-be in here..


    mantak chia alone has over bloody 36 DVDs of real TAOISM training..


    there are at least a few hundred reliable spiritual instructors and authors on the net nowadays..


    you have time to reminisce and compose poetry? why not spend more time on chakra kundalini micros orbit meditation?


    we now live in the age of the net..


    feel lonely? wanna talk to strangers?


    just log onto some random chat and chat away!


    shhesssh... times have changed, the game has changed and people are still dredging up stuff from 8 centuries ago .. LOL..

  15. If one can master astral travel and lucid dreaming, one will never be lonely..


    Even better, if you can master bilocation, you can instantly travel to the cities and back to your hermit hut again in the twinkling of an eye..


    Those old fools..


    instead of wasting time on reminiscing and poetry, they should have spent more time on training instead!


    What a waste of a golden opportunity to train in those very lifetimes!

  16. I heard your prayer the first time. You do realize that greed and all the other vices come from (possibly excessive) preferences? And here you are, ironically, not only displaying a bunch of preferences, but also troubling me with them. If that's not arrogance, I don't know what is. It's like looking for darkness with a lit flashlight in your hand. You'll never find it like that.



    --Creator of the Universe


    And oh btw,


    a huge army of spiritual teachers, human, ET or otherwise is waiting to come out into the open and teach humanity the secrets of immortality and changing oneself into bodies of light..


    in a few years time, no human on this planet would give a damn about sex, marriage and money..


    do you think anyone is gonna stop them?



  17. I heard your prayer the first time. You do realize that greed and all the other vices come from (possibly excessive) preferences? And here you are, ironically, not only displaying a bunch of preferences, but also troubling me with them. If that's not arrogance, I don't know what is. It's like looking for darkness with a lit flashlight in your hand. You'll never find it like that.



    --Creator of the Universe


    The Real Creator is omnipotent.. What are our tiny prayers and wishes compared to HIS real power which is SO INFINITELY HUGE that creating entire star systems is nothing but a mere flick of the wrist to him?


    Do you doubt the power of the Real Creator of the Universe to simultaneously process every thought in every single one of his Creations without even batting an eyelid?!


    I can't wait for the Real Creator of the Universe to destroy your soul with your blasphemy and impudence. I have never thought anyone would be crazy enough to pretend to be the Creator and tell everyone what the Creator likes and what He doesn't like.


    Now you are the one who NEEDS Good Luck.


    I prostate myself in front of you for the courage to commit the such a senseless SIN!


    Now you can guarantee yourself endless lifetimes of reincarnation on Earth and the lower dimensions until your soul gets destroyed.



  18. you know..


    i just have another epiphany..


    Man has been driven to work and to procreate and to gather more and more so that when they lose it all one day, their animal ego will scream blue murder..


    yet this pain of suffering is the teaching.. the lessons which we are waiting for.. to force us to see the temporal nature of reality...


    if we don;t lose it all in the end.. we will be mistakenly stuck in the maya .. in the illusion that everything is permanent..


    yet everything is temporal..


    a few months ago, a lama told me.. he know what is going on with me.. he said i can either continue to learn the lessons the hard way..


    or to jump out of the loop...


    in the end.. i saw myself in different timelines..


    some of me getting married.. some of me having children.. some of me being successful beyond my wildest dreams..


    but in the end, i die and that's it..


    i have failed to achieve anything of value again in this life-time..


    you know, maybe all the bad things which happen to me during the past 2 years have a hidden blessing beyond anyone's wildest dreams..


    what's the price of immortality? the price is beyond anything man can pay and yet it is as free as the air itself..


    the chinese emperors of the past think they can bribe and pay the taoist sages to give the chinese emperors immortality..


    but the taoist sages.. when faced with such immense gifts of wealth and women.. walked away laughing at the gifts of the mundane world..


    what's the use of wealth and women to one who has already achieved...



    • Like 1

  19. Dear Creator of the Universe,


    I don't mind dying tommorrow..


    But before I die, please grant me two requests..


    1) Please destroy the animal ego in me so that I will never feel lust, greed, pride, anger, sloth and other vices again..


    2) Please grant me an immortal body of light..


    Thank you Creator of the Universe..

  20. Wow! Mad love bro... love that!! Truth, truth!!


    i used to smoke for 5 years..


    i went to sheer hell just to quit the addictions of nicotine..


    now i am trying to quit sex which is impossible because everybody is trying to throw the forces of lust at me..


    but we will see what happens when i move to India..


    my point is.. if i am going to die tommorrow.. there are going to be two things i will ask the universe for..


    firstly, i will ask the universe to destroy the animal ego in me.. especially the attachments of greed and lust.. that would be one of the greatest achievement I will ever accomplish in my life..


    secondly, i will ask the universe to grant me an immortal body of light.. that would be THE greatest achievement for me in my life..

  21. do you think you will live forever?


    do you think your spouse will live forever?


    why are you guys so interested in starting a family knowing one day the family itself will be destroyed sooner or later?


    50 years down the road..


    you and your spouse will die one day..


    your children will grow up and leave you and start their own families..


    leaving you with.. where you are now..


    so why go through the entire cycle just to end up in the beginning?


    i see no point.. there IS no point..

  22. you know..


    i have always wondered why a rich man like shakayumi would give up his wife and child and his kingdom to seek solitary enlightenment..


    what was he thinking?.. what did he see?..


    during the past few weeks, lots of posts have been exchanged..


    most forummers here seem only interested in getting a good gf/bf, marrying, having kids, getting a job, having a good life partying or whatever..


    as you know by now.. we are not in charge .. especially not after spring 2010..


    our wealth, our family, our wives/husbands, our children can be taken away from us anytime..


    question is .. how many of you are prepared to lose everything at once?..


    how many of you have trained your mind... your emotions.. trained your human ego to withstand the shock and the pain of losing all your wealth, your family, your children, your houses, your health all together at the same time?


    do you think the gods would never take away any of your good life?..


    this is why we must train our selves to live as if we have nothing.. how would we survive if we have nothing..


    everything has a beginning and an end..


    it is only when you embrace the end.. then can you have such a glorious beginning..


    even better... jump out of the loop so that there is no beginning and no end..


    remember.. we are not in charge.. destroy your attachments to the present civilization..


    because the present civilization will end pretty soon..



    • Like 1

  23. Well, at the same time, supposedly fluoride in the water dumbs people down and decreases aggression, makes peoples minds more pliable and passive. Of course that's a good thing (not the dumbing down bit) when it comes to spiritual things, when it's a result of insight rather than chemically induced. But, when it comes to injustice? Sometimes aggression is necessary. Not that I know if Jesus existed, but there is the situation as recorded in the Bible of him tossing around tables in the market.


    I've been in situations where if I wasn't aggressive with peace... and I mean, literally feeling peace, love and light, but feeling grounded in my aggressive show of personal power, I would have gotten trampled, jacked, hoodwinked, robbed, whatever. Passivity is not always the best policy.


    A little parable here..


    "Did you ever hear the story of the Wise King?"


    "Nope, but I got the feeling I’m gonna hear it."


    "Well, there was this king, and he ruled over his kingdom. Right in the middle of the kingdom there was a well. That’s where everybody drank.


    One night, this witch came along… and she poisoned the well.


    And the next day, everybody drank from it except the king… and they all went crazy.


    They got together in the street and they said… ‘We got to get rid of the king, ’cause the king is mad.’

    And then that night, he went down and he drank from the well.


    And the next day all the people rejoiced… because their king had regained his reason.”


    Now what happens if the king refuse to drink from the well and the people now start to hammer and torture the king until he decides to drink from the well of madness?


    If I were the king, I will rather kill myself than to drink from the well of madness.


    Not because I believe in the truth but because I know the truth. I finally know the spiritual politics which run this new reality.


    If you know the well to be poisoned, will you drink from it and be mad like the others or be tortured continuously till the end of time?