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Posts posted by bodyoflight

  1. Bodyoflight, I feel really sorry for you.

    What you are saying is that you want to escape from life itself, instead of embracing it.

    An extreme view like this, in the modern world, can only lead to heartache.

    The 'problems' that you leave behind will be waiting for you in greater numbers when you 'return'.

    How will you deal with them then, when your social skills will be severely lacking due to isolation in the mountains ?

    The better cultivators are the ones who don't shy away from their responsibilities as human beings.


    before 2010 spring, i would say i am escaping from life..


    now, i would say i am escaping from the unenlightened masses whose spiritual abilities are opened by the visitors but who are now using their spiritual abilities to attack people like me because of their lack of wisdom..


    i won't be returning to real life until i have trained myself to adequately defend myself from such spiritual attacks and reach inner enlightenment at least..


    my responsibilities? you mean my responsibilities in helping the unenlightened masses?


    the only responsibility i have is to myself and not to the world..


    and if the gods or visitors will punish me or delay my efforts in trying to enlighten myself without taking the rest of the masses with me,


    or if they even tell the tibetans not to teach me..


    i promise to destroy my own life before september 2011..


    this is a promise, visitors, guardians, gods, time travellers whatever.. you all know who you are..

  2. Often the loud theoreticians are the ones doing nothing. The most talented find their path and work on it diligently. Really its not who's the greatest; its how much time do YOU spend on the mat.





    edit: If BOL wrote he was doing things in preparation (studying the language, getting contacts, etc) I don't think I'd come off half so critical. The thing is most of Know what its like to be a 14 year old in search of mystic experience. We also know what its like at 15, 16,20 & 30.


    Where he's at, his desires and goals are probably similar at some point to ours. I don't think we're trying to take away a youngsters wings as much as make sure they're pointing in the right direction and capable of taking off.


    that youngster is far greater than most humans twice his age.. far greater than you or me..


    his desires and goals are far loftier than ours..


    he has seen through the illusion to the true state of the world and managed to stick to his guns..


    btw i am not looking up to him as a guru.. but he is certainly greater than me.. and everybody should feel ashamed when comparing themselves to him..

    • Like 1

  3. Finding the right place to study in the Himalaya's might be difficult these days, I have heard that many of the monastery's have become tourist destinations or have been polluted by government regulations and interference, but also some are being rebuilt in some areas.


    Bhutan is the last remaining Mahayana kingdom but tourists are regulated and generally western hippy type spiritual seekers aren't encouraged or allowed to enter. But it is said that Padmasambhava hid a great deal of teachings in the hills of Bhutan which will re-emerge at the right time in the future, Chogyam Trungpa apparently gained many of his realisations there before going to teach in the West when he was meditating at the Tigers Nest which was Padmasambhava's monastery. My parents recently returned from there and they said they went to a monastery where the monks are in seclusion for three years, three months and three days to meditate, in the dark the entire time :o so some ancient ancient places still survive if that sort of practice attracts you, getting a teacher to teach you and a visa for your time is another matter.


    you have already mentioned one of the last remaining strongholds of pure consciousness in the world which are in India coincidentally..


    if i can't even seek help there, i will destroy my own life..


    this is a guarantee..

  4. Beware of 'protesting too much'. Have a plan, be prepared, go for it. Beware of getting to clingy and preachy, you may be creating attachments, strong ones. When your going to do something hard, you quiet your mind and do it. When you don't, you toss it around, argue w/ people; get self righteous instead get going.


    You never write about any practice or discipline you do. Instead its on things and places you haven't experienced. So people are skeptical of your drive and ability.


    You won't convince people with your theories of 'who's the best'. But give us details if you're really going. When you buy the ticket, how much, where you'll land. What your packing and any groups you'll be contacting there. There is a chance people here who could actually help.


    Have you even begun to plan such a trip? Or is it still in the fantasy stage? Are you fantasizing about being accepted by a great yogi, and you've never even done a YMCA yoga class?



    View Postbodyoflight, on 17 May 2011 - 01:46 AM, said:


    i will always feel shame for those who are wasting their lives away chasing after women and money and not know it! despite being far older and supposedly more "mature" than a 14 year old kid!


    Um, are you a 14 year old kid?


    i am already submitting the paperwork for visas and all those stuff..


    i wish i am that particular 14 year old kid mentioned in the 1st post..


    he is far greater than 99.9999999999% of the world's population .. certainly far greater than 99.99999999999% of humans twice his age and more...


    i hate to say this but most of us in here are inferior to that 14 year old kid (20 year old now).. myself included..

    • Like 1

  5. You know very little about most folks in the world.

    Why feel shame for the behavior of others?

    Why feel shame for your assumptions of the behavior of others?

    Who are you really feeling shame for?

    Those same questions will be with you here and in the Himalayas.

    If you need to be that far removed from money and women to concentrate on your development, that is fine.

    Know that if you ever return, money and women will be waiting for you and still need reconciliation.

    The real challenge is working on yourself in the face of your desires and vices.

    Much easier to cultivate in a vacuum.

    Good luck in your cultivation.



    the only reason why i wanna remove myself from the masses is to prevent the masses from pulling me down with them..


    in more ways than one..


    i will rather kill myself than to let the masses pull me down with their depravity..


    i am sure more than one in here knows what i am talking about..

  6. Body of light,


    What is your honest motivation for practicing and wanting enlightenment??? do you feel a deep yearning inside you for the divine? are you wanting to be a great guru?


    Are you trying to fill a void inside you fuelled by lack of self-worth? be honest..


    There are many paths, one size does not fit all.


    Are you wanting to benefit yourself, or all beings including yourself, or just benefit other beings?






    true enlightenment does not care whether you benefit yourself or just others..


    it is only concerned with getting rid of the animal ego..


    my only interest in gaining enlightenment is to seek escape from this prison holographic planet..


    and if i have to destroy everything in my path, even to the extent of destroying my own life, to reach enlightenment..


    i will have no hesitation in doing so..

  7. if you think you are so wise to make such bold claims after watching a vid on youtube that for all we know could be fake, you should really reconsider the processes you use to make rational conclusions


    seriously for your own good man


    oh yes continue to make such absurd claims that the youtube evidence is fake..


    i like to see where you end up after your death!..


    please continue to do so..


    it ain't gonna stop me from moving to himalayas either way!

  8. I'm not sure what it is exactly that you're trying to find, but you haven't looked too deeply. Not that any of them are going to reveal themselves to you, but living off atmospheric energy, and ones internal energy, has been heard of for a long time in Taoism.


    You say that Taoists are hung up on sex -- no, they just understand it and learn how to harness its power for other things. Some traditions are so controlled by sex they are afraid to even be around a woman for fear they will lose their way. What kind of self control is that? They can't even be around a woman without losing their virtues. Life is a gift to be enjoyed with wisdom, not hidden from. If you have control of yourself, sex is no more dangerous than a pack of matches. If you don't have control of yourself, sex can be harmful. We don't become spiritual by controlling our surroundings, but by knowing and cultivating our mind, body, and spirit to be connected with the Tao.


    i am not saying the taoists are hung up on sex..


    i am saying the modern taoists are hung up on sex!.. they engage in sexual practices before they tame their own minds!


    a real master or a real enlightened practitioner can have sex everyday for 1 year and if he is deprived of a woman for the rest of his life, he wouldn't feel a thing!


    how many of you right now, if you are denied sex for more than a year, will feel no mental and emotional distress?!


    it is not the sex itself which is the problem.. it is the mental and emotional addictions to sex caused by the un-mastered mind and ego which are the problems!


    btw the tibetan lamas do teach sexual cultivation methods too...


    only, they train their minds first and they cut off their egos first before engaging in sexual spiritual practices..




    so you wanna enjoy sex? cut off your ego first.. otherwise you have no right to engage in spiritual sexual practices!

  9. Catholic nun Therese Neumann apparently didn't eat or drink for large portions of her life


    "According to Paramahansa Yogananda, Therese Neumann said during his visit: "One of the reasons I am here on earth today is to prove that man can live by God's invisible light, and not by food only."


    Maybe you don't have to travel half the way across the world to "find" such people


    who is Therese Neuman?


    never heard of her and I don't care..


    no, I am not travelling halfway across the world to find such people..

    I am moving halfway across the world to live in the himalayan regions for the next 50 years of my life and I am going to train in that region, with or without a master, until I reach enlightenment..

    just like what buddha boy did..


    if a damn 14 year old boy can do this thing, then any of us who are older than him have a duty to ourselves to exceed his capabilities..


    otherwise we are just shamefully wasting our lives away!

  10. Well, guys like Ram Bomjan are special cases that came into the world "gifted." He's been training since childhood and proved to be a spiritual prodigy.


    He's been filmed standing in a fire for over an hour.


    Mosquitos and other wild animals don't seem to bother him at all.


    Etc, etc.


    In short, I think you have to be born to live a life like this. The average person probably cannot develop these abilities post-Heaven without the pre-Heaven potential, even if he trains heavily. Or most certainly not if he only starts in late adulthood. Even a wilderness expert couldn't survive a week doing what Ram Bomjan does.


    who determines who is a average person and who is a person with high-level potential?


    are you god in disguise?


    fact is, buddha boy, before going through his 6 years of meditation, everybody would think he is crazy when he said he is going into a 6 year period of solitary meditation..


    no one would have believed a 14 year old boy could survive for 6 days without food and water let alone 6 years..


    but after he has done it, now everyone is going around claiming he is the next buddha..


    no human in the world can truly judge the level of spiritual potential in the next person..


    but i can tell you right now ..


    those who are trapped in the maras of women, money and entertainment.. those are likely to be the ones with low spiritual potential.. because they lack the spiritual willpower to break out of the mental trappings..

  11. here we go again. . . .



    I have seen two such "masters" in China who lived without food and water for quite some time. One of my teachers has told me of two more, but I have not met them personally.


    You have been to China, and the teachers refused you. That has nothing to do with the quality of instruction or enlightenment there. That has to do with who and where you are.


    Good luck on your journey.


    where is the proof then?


    i have seen more than one documented cases of spiritual inedia from india but nothing from china..


    the chinese do not teach me because they lack the ability to teach me!


    so what does this tell me?

  12. And he realized that asceticism and sacrifice were not the way for him.

    Perhaps it is the correct path for you currently.

    Nevertheless, Buddha recognized the error of that path for him and instead advocated the middle way.


    And you are certainly welcome to flaunt that belief on this forum, as far as I'm concerned, if it helps you in some way to reinforce your courage and conviction.

    Why are you so concerned with how many others share your belief?


    the middle way is only for those who fail to reach the highest way aka buddha boy..


    buddha boy was only 14 years only when he decided to go into solitary meditation for 6 years..


    how many of you who are older than him possess the spiritual clarity and maturity of thought to do the same?


    shakyamuni buddha realize that there are people of vastly different spiritual faculties and potentials on earth.. this is why he taught different methods to different people..


    for those who wanna attain a PHD in enlightenment, do you think primary school stuff like chop wood carry water is gonna be enough?


    well there are of course plenty of those who wanna remain in primary school forever..


    but whenever i think of buddha boy from now on..


    whenever I realize how high a spiritual PHD doctor buddha boy is compared to so many people who are much older than him but who are still languishing in the primary schools..

    i will always feel shame for those who are wasting their lives away chasing after women and money and not know it! despite being far older and supposedly more "mature" than a 14 year old kid!

    • Like 1

  13. Stop seeking and the whole universe will be yours.

    Nothing to give up and nothing to attain.

    Everything is here, right now, all you need.

    You must stop this endless quest. It will drive you insane (if it hasn't already :lol: )


    yes stop seeking..


    once i move to the himalaya region..


    i will stop seeking..


    even if i do not find a master in the himalayas, i will train on my own over there like what buddha and buddha boy did until i attain enlightenment..


    everything is right here right now yes...


    but some locations have more of everything than others!.. ;)

  14. A high master can teleport to their students

    and he will avoid every attempts to be found

    if he not want to be found.


    I see we are willing to go the way the high master provide

    but is the high master willing to teach you?


    Chinese have Bigu.


    Buddha Siddharta was already with prophecy told to be something "big".

    He could master in 17 years every art he encounter (as I remember),

    while other in 17 years not even master one with same effort,he maybe someone who has in his past life already cultivate a lot.


    You have to look who you are, great people are individuals who not

    imitate others, only their fans do.




    look you all are neglecting something..


    1) because of the number and skill level of the yogis in the himalayan regions,


    even if the yogis refuse to teach you and you begin to train the basics on your own..


    the energies left behind by past yogis (buddha boy, padmasambhava, shakyayumi buddha) doing their spiritual work will aid you on your spiritual training...


    right now.. on this day 17/5/2010.. there are no other region on the face of this planet with higher spiritual energies than that of the himalayan regions..


    training in the himalayan region, with or without a master, will grant you more returns per second of training than anywhere else on earth..


    2) also the sheer number of monasteries and gurus in the region guarantee you a higher possibility of finding the right master than in any other countries on the planet..


    3) great people are those who exceed their role-models and masters but before exceeding them, first of all, you have to imitate them!..

  15. When you have reached enlightenment I will trust your judgement on this matter, until then you are just wandering around in the dark and could be going in completely the wrong direction


    the middle way is only for the majority of earth humans who fail to reach the highest way ..


    because they are trapped in the maras of marriage, sex, children, work and money..


    buddha boy threw away everything.. he doesn't even care about having his family and friends around..


    this is the true mark of spiritual dedication..

    • Like 1

  16. I think you misread what I typed, please read it again!


    Have a safe journey and I hope you find a good teacher! :)


    Where do you live at? There are yogis all over, I am sure they could instruct you of the basic teachings before making a long and expensive journey to find a master.


    As you already know, there is no garuntee that you will find a master to teach you. Especially probably not the basics or the culture.


    there are yogis all over..


    tis true




    the number of yogis in the himalayas alone..


    plus the sheer skill level of the himalayan yogis far outshine the yogis found in any other regions..


    the tibetans will teach anyone who display the required virtues..


    they aren't mercenary like the chinese/taiwanese who mostly require money before teaching their students..


    just check out master wang liping..

  17. May I ask: What is your intention with this topic? This is like the fourth topic in the same vain that you start. Are you trying to help people? Or spill your bitterness on this forum (one topic would be enough)?






    Fair enough, if by that you mean that the Himalayan mountains are the tallest in the world!





    4th topic in what vein?


    I have been doing lots of research and I like to share my findings with others.


    What's wrong with that?

  18. I don't know. It isn't proof in my opinion, and I do not know that he is buddha.


    The camera's were at a pretty far distance with a lot of strings attached to them filming, which they had to agree to get any footage at all.


    I have seen more documented and realistic instances of people going without food and water for long periods without being claimed they are buddha reincarnate.


    The evidence presented is pretty bland tbh, imo.


    buddha boy isn't the first case of inedia..


    there are many other cases too and all of them from india..


    go do your own research..


    anyway.. you can deconstruct the evidence to your liking..


    i am moving to india/nepal/himalayas at the earliest opportunity!

  19. jeez my bed room light has been flickering on and off for the last few minutes before blowing out..


    i guess i must be saying the right thing..


    the lights around me have always flickered on and off before whenever i say some deep spiritual truths..


    but this is the first time a light bulb has blown..

  20. Not to be a sour pus, but check this out.



    The so-called "Buddha Boy" of Nepal is under investigation for assaulting 17 local villagers who disturbed him while he was meditating. One report says Rom Bomjan and his attendants locked the villagers in a small room and kept them there overnight. Several of the alleged assaultees required medical attention.


    News stories say Ram Bomjan admits he and some of his attendants had assaulted the villagers, slapping them around and beating them with sticks. His story is that they climbed onto his meditation platform and mimicked him. "I was therefore forced to beat them," he allegedly said.




    According to Republica, Ram Bomjan also said "I took minor action against them after taking them under control when they came to disrupt my meditation. I let them go after they apologized." However, the villagers say they were beaten relentlessly even after they apologized. One man had a head injury that he said resulted from being hit with an axe handle.


    The villagers, who said they were just foraging for fruits and vegetables before they were assaulted, have filed formal complaints with the police. But news stories say the Buddha Boy has let it be known he cannot be bothered to attend a court hearing.


    Let us remember that people are innocent until proven guilty. But I did get a kick from comments by Todd Hartley in the Aspen Times, who notes that Ram Bomjan claims to have been fasting since 2005. "I know if I go more than about a half-hour without eating, I start to get cranky. If I somehow went five years without a snack, it's pretty much a given that I'd want to pummel somebody. Chances are most of you would, too," Hartley said.


    Time for a snack, I say.



    hey no one is perfect.. i am not glorifying this buddha boy for being a perfect human being..


    but you can't deny the fact that he has achieved 6 years worth of mediation without food and water..


    and for those of you who need concrete proof.. judging from the videos, he has survived at least 4 days worth of mediation without food and water..


    how many in this forum can even survive for 2 days without water?


    this 20 year old boy has achieved much more in his spiritual work than any of you in here.. and this boy is only 20 years old compared to how many old men and women in here?


    why is he able to achieve so much at such a young age?


    the reason is simple..


    he has given up everything in his search for enlightenment..




    now all of you just go meditate for 4 days without food and water before getting back to me..

  21. The answer does not lie in one region or another.

    The answer does not lie in a guru or master.

    The answer lies in you, right where you are, right now.


    No, the answer lies in how much you are willing to sacrifice in order to reach enlightenment..


    the lord buddha is willing to sacrifice his family and an entire kingdom worth of riches in order to seek enlightenment...


    how much are you guys willing to sacrifice in order to reach the ultimate goal?


    no the answer does not lie in which religions are better or worse..


    the answer lies in how many how much are spiritual practitioners willing to sacrifice in their search for enlightenment..


    i am sure in the past, there were some taoist masters who rejected the mundane world in favour of the spiritual..


    too many taoist masters were offered imperial advisor posts by chinese emperors of the past and these taoist masters rejected all wealth and fame because they already found what they need in their enlightenment!


    unfortunately, modern taoist and other spiritual masters in taiwan and china stressed too much on the mundane world and not enough on the spiritual..


    what a damn pity!

    • Like 1

  22. I understand now..


    true spiritual progress can only be achieved by rejecting everything.. i mean everything about the mundane world..


    and if it means foregoing food and water in your meditations, then so be it!..


    this is only a goal which the highest spiritual practitioners can aspire to..


    and I am sure not too many lay practitioners can follow in the highest masters' paths..


    foregoing sex..


    foregoing food and water..


    how many of you can let go of the mundane world in your search for the true reality, the true nature of the universe?