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Posts posted by bodyoflight

  1. And for those of you who claim that meditating for such a long time without food or water gives you nothing which can help you in life..


    let me tell you a fact about spirituality..


    only masters who have achieved much spiritual progress can go without food and water for long periods of time.. and i have not yet seen one single chinese master who achieve such similar feats..


    hell, chinese masters can't even go without sex for long periods of time.. let alone food or water..


    taoist practitioners are too driven by the baser animal impulses of life in order to achieve too much progress in spirituality!


    just look at the number of sex-driven posts in this forum!

    • Like 1



    I pray the mods keep you around for entertainment value.


    You may not be sensitive enough to realize how offensive your comments are to some folks.

    Nevertheless, they are.


    Fortunately, I just find your posts just a little amusing and a little sad.

    You do seem to have enough passion that you may eventually grow if you stay focused.

    If you do, please look back at these posts someday - maybe a year or two from now.

    It will be a valuable experience.

    Best wishes to you.


    well i have never trolled like a few others in here..


    did not go around hurling insults and stuff like that..


    if one can't even train his or her own ego to withstand a few criticisms.. how are you gonna traverse down the path?


    consider my words as part of the tao training... or do you differentiate between good and bad tao training..


    now if you are differentiating... that would be.. not realizing everything is one yet.





    Blasto said this to me.. "Non and bodyoflight, separated at birth!! :lol:

    Dude, I feel yer pain, but it's obvious to anyone over 30 that you couldn't get laid to save your life. I had my dry spell in my early 20s too, right after I quit drinking, and as soon as I got healthier, the sex flowed like beer. I did try to rationalize this era as a "spiritual" period, but when I got sucked in by a gorgeous 40 yr-old kindergarten teacher in Denver, the no-sex spirituality lost its appeal. Quickly. "


    Should I feel angered or liberated by his remark that I can't get laid?


    If I am trying to destroy any sexual lusts in me, shouldn't I accept his remark as a compliment that I am already progressing on my spiritual path?


    Why does society measure a man or a woman by his or her ability to reproduce?


    Don't you all see it is a game designed to trap human beings and drain them before they can do any significant work on themselves?


    Why do you feel angry when I say you can't get laid?


    Do you measure your self-worth as a human being in the amount of times you get laid?


    Isn't that the animal consciousness at play then?


    These insights came about as a result of a 5 min meditation I just did. Came out of nowhere..

    • Like 1

  4. I think maybe if you you could find a partner that shared your spiritual goals and practice and passion then maybe a relationship without children could benefit you, however good luck finding that. I've had many relationships but all of them proved extremely time and money intensive so much so they would limit the amount of time you could put into training. John Chang and Wang Liping both have wives and families so it is possible, but I think a person can go further alone.


    yes, you are right..


    and then when such a person has achieved enlightenment.. he can choose to re-integrate himself into society and even marry if he chooses..


    but not before he has cut off his animal ego..

  5. like I said before cat a few posts ago something is difficult to talk to a three year old whose egocentric view is he is the center of his universe and the center of your universe too.


    I can't expect to control the toddler's behavior. I will just frustrate myself and pi$$ off the toddler. So i just walk away for another sunny day. the toddler is incapable of thinking like an adult. that's like asking a leopard to change his spots.


    Also: I am curious as to why this showed up in the thread and then disappeared:



    View Postcat, on 08 May 2011 - 12:28 AM, said:

    are you aware that this sounds patronising?


    Please check your private messages.



    i received a warning from you .. it said..


    After some discussion, the moderator team is here issuing a private warning to you about your recent belittlement of others and offensive attititudes to women and children. After 3 in - thread requests from mods to be more civil, you have been given fair chance to modify your approach, therefore a repeat offence from you will result in a suspension.


    since when did i ever put down women and children?


    i merely say that the dramas of spouses.. men and women.. and screaming children are detrimental to cultivation..


    this has been quoted by too many spiritual teachers in the past including shakyamuni buddha..


    and now i get a warning for saying the truth?


    you are a woman, yes? if you are a woman, then a man would be detrimental to your cultivation..


    yes.. so are you gonna put me down for criticizing men now?


    didn't i say that one must love a woman or a man like a sister or brother without any lusts in his thoughts in order to achieve the highest states of consciousness?


    what's the matter? can't handle the damn truth now so your ego is gonna shut me down?


    hey, i don;t give a damn.. shut me down for all you like.. the only people who's gonna lose out are your readers..


    i wasn't the one who deleted this..


    it must be cat

    • Like 1

  6. A life without children would be very sad. Children dont just scream, far from it. My children never scream at all. Please stop referring to children in a negative sense, objectifying them and projecting your negativity and fears onto them.


    Bear in mind if you spoke of a race of people the way that you speak of women and children you would have been banned from the forum.


    Consider your prejudices, please.


    my experiences of children and spouses are far more negative than yours..


    however it doesn't mean that i am necessarily referring to your children..


    i don't even know who you are so why would i project any ill-feelings towards you?..


    why have such a sensitive ego?

  7. Yes, indeed ill informed. Okay, glad you dont feel patronised.


    I guess is in the same category.


    However, the forum has rules about belittling others.


    this is not what you said in your PM to me..


    admit it.. your human ego is feeling threatened by the spiritual truths of my words..


    and now you just wanna shut me up..


    oh well..


    do whatever.. the more adverse reactions in response to my words.. it means the animal egos in people are being threatened.. which means i am doing the right thing..

    • Like 1

  8. the subconscious lies to protects it's survival programs. I would investigate that practice a little closer.. The subconscious is invested in maintaining the status quo.


    be well... and god looks after fools and will be fine in India.


    happy trails. :)


    it is the conscious mind which lies to protects the animal egos..


    the subconscious and the unconscious hold the residence of the divine ego..


    i am basically tapping into my heart .. the divine ego.. the higher self when typing out these words..


    when i say subconscious.. it is basically anything which the conscious mind isn't..


    who can really differentiate between the subconscious and unconscious mind anyhow?


    all i know is.. i go in deeeeeeeeeeeeeepppp to search for answers..

    • Like 1

  9. are you aware that this sounds patronising?


    Please check your private messages.


    i received a warning from you .. it said..

    After some discussion, the moderator team is here issuing a private warning to you about your recent belittlement of others and offensive attititudes to women and children. After 3 in - thread requests from mods to be more civil, you have been given fair chance to modify your approach, therefore a repeat offence from you will result in a suspension.


    since when did i ever put down women and children?


    i merely say that the dramas of spouses.. men and women.. and screaming children are detrimental to cultivation..


    this has been quoted by too many spiritual teachers in the past including shakyamuni buddha..


    and now i get a warning for saying the truth?


    you are a woman, yes? if you are a woman, then a man would be detrimental to your cultivation..


    yes.. so are you gonna put me down for criticizing men now?


    didn't i say that one must love a woman or a man like a sister or brother without any lusts in his thoughts in order to achieve the highest states of consciousness?


    what's the matter? can't handle the damn truth now so your ego is gonna shut me down?


    hey, i don;t give a damn.. shut me down for all you like.. the only people who's gonna lose out are your readers..

    • Like 1

  10. are you speaking from out of personal experience or from wistful hopefulness?


    be careful how you respond because most of us who have been around for awhile will know whether or not you are telling the truth...


    from my subconscious..


    every word i say today is from my subconscious aka automatic writing..


    i remember .. i feel the sense of being much stronger than the weak person which i am right now..


    just a few minutes.. i suffered some sexual attacks again by some unclean spirits..


    retaliation for what i say? i don't know..


    all i can say is..


    i am gonna work on my vajrakilaya practices as of right now..

  11. the person who hates you the most or you find the most difficult in this life is probably your biggest and most true soulmate.




    you have managed to discover the truth about.. "soul mates"..


    yes our mates get involve with us so that we can teach each other hard lessons in the way of life..


    they are not here on earth to give us pleasures.. well some pleasures yes but more pain than pleasures..


    only those truly strong enough to cut themselves out of the loop will save themselves such costly lessons..


    what;s the saying again?


    if you don't tear apart your own ego, someone will tear apart your ego for you?

    • Like 1

  12. lust is not just in sexual context. Lust has nothing to do with sex. who are you to say what is the highest form of love? who is your source? Have you made love yet with a woman or a man? You said like you are probably male but I don't care what your sexual orientation is.


    were your family old school catholic? I see it more and more in you.


    dakinis destroy ignorance and pride....


    why would a dakini honor any human? your desire for this, any particle or molecule of this desire, is going to get you dismembered in dakini land.


    i would recommend you do some Chod too along with the liver chi exercises... Do it voluntarily before a dakini comes for you.


    lust has everything to do with sex..


    you are obviously not high enough to discern between lust and love let alone the highest form of love..


    a dakini will honour shakyamuni buddha when he was human .. because he is willing to give up everything in order to reach enlightenment..


    if a daikini wanna dismember me for telling the truth, then so be it..


    life and death are just illusions in the game which we play..


    you seem afraid of death.. does your ego still hold fears despite your practices?..

  13. Non and bodyoflight, separated at birth!! :lol:

    Dude, I feel yer pain, but it's obvious to anyone over 30 that you couldn't get laid to save your life. I had my dry spell in my early 20s too, right after I quit drinking, and as soon as I got healthier, the sex flowed like beer. I did try to rationalize this era as a "spiritual" period, but when I got sucked in by a gorgeous 40 yr-old kindergarten teacher in Denver, the no-sex spirituality lost its appeal. Quickly.


    if you can only judge a person by his sexual life, then sadly, you are still a human with animal consciousness..

    • Like 1

  14. when you can love a member of the opposite sex with such devic consciousness, then when you do engage in tantric sex, the energy can flow with such power it will result in immediate force of enlightenment..


    there was a member in here..


    he spoke of getting dumped by a woman he loved so much.. then he went to yoga class not to meet people but to begin working on himself..


    curiously enough, all the women in that class start gravitating towards him yet he has no interest in any of them.. all the women in that class were working on themselves too...


    i knew another guy.. he once had too much trouble going after women but once he stopped going after women and just concentrated on his work.. all the women began flocking back to him.. including those he rejected before..


    this phenomenon has happened countless times not only to guys but to girls too..


    i know of many players who have no difficulty going after beautiful bimbos who are only interested in sex, partying and clothes .. but when the same players take on a beautiful but smart woman..


    and i am talking smart not in terms of being booksmart.. but smart in terms of being wise about life.. there ain't too many of such gems out there..


    the same players who had no difficulties going after beautiful bimbos suddenly find their balls shrinking after meeting a beautiful but wise woman.. they want to fuck her real bad but just seem to shrink down in size after being dazzled by her mental and physical brilliance...


    i have tried to figured the mechanics behind this phenomenon for many years now..


    and recently it makes sense..


    the guy who wasn't interested in women but only interested in improving himself..

    the girl who was not only beautiful but wise as well..


    the guy who was working on himself has raised his consciousnesses to the point where he is feeling no sexual lust towards women.. the wise woman who disdains going to pubs, who disdains the obsession with fashion and who don't care two hoots about dicks...


    both of them have very high consciousness which naturally draw members of the opposite sex who possess lower consciousness to them..


    this is why the PUAs can only work their magic on stupid women.. it is all a game of mental willpower .. but when the PUAs meet the mentally strong woman.. naturally the animal consciousness of the PUAs can't withstand the natural devic consciousness of the wise woman..


    there ain't too many wise women or wise men around with high consciousness.. they are pretty popular


    consciousness is the game of life...

  15. in my religion,


    i only ask a man or woman of similar age to love that woman/(man) as though she/(he) is his sister/(brother) with no thought of lust at all..


    that is the highest form of love..


    i have never spoken out against love and compassion.. only against lust and greed..


    and between a martial couple.. there will always be lust and greed involved..


    this is why no spiritual practitioner should ever engage in marital relationships unless he/(she) has already broken his/(her) ego..


    if a man/(woman) ever see a beautiful woman/(man) with such a hot body and he/(she) only see her/(him) as his/(her) sister/(brother), then that is the highest, purest form of love..


    a love without greed.. a love without lust.. a love borne out of sheer kindness..


    if a daikini ever see any lust in me, i hope that she will destroy me completely..


    i do hope that the daikinis will honour me one day for successfully cultivating the non-lustful love in me..


    when you can love a member of the opposite sex with such devic consciousness, then when you do engage in tantric sex, the energy can flow with such power it will result in immediate force of enlightenment..

  16. you would never make it in bon po or tantra. A dakini would probably kill you out of annoyance. Hopefully she would just kill your sense of self, which to me is more of the ego, and just not your body.


    people get this abandoning all for God thing all screwed up, IMO. As if God really cares about you and me and all our petty, needy desires.


    it is really about saying your love and desire to know and be god has to be so great that the love you have for anyone or anything else will look like filth and waste in comparison. Don't worry. Christian ascetics can get it all confused too.



    the paradox is that when you achieve that state of love and devotion the whole world and it's inhabitants are then included in this love. God is All. If one truly loves, honors, and respects Self this becomes self evident. Service and love to others becomes a spontaneous expression of the innate gentleness which is present in us all.


    I would recommend you do some chi kung exercises that focus on detoxifying and harmonizing your liver.


    good luck in India but if you are going to Tibet it sounds like you will need it even more.


    May you get everything your heart desires. I could say, May all your karma be balanced in one week but that would be cruel.


    in my religion,


    i only ask a man or woman of similar age to love that woman/(man) as though she/(he) is his sister/(brother) with no thought of lust at all..


    that is the highest form of love..


    i have never spoken out against love and compassion.. only against lust and greed..


    and between a martial couple.. there will always be lust and greed involved..


    this is why no spiritual practitioner should ever engage in marital relationships unless he/(she) has already broken his/(her) ego..


    if a man/(woman) ever see a beautiful woman/(man) with such a hot body and he/(she) only see her/(him) as his/(her) sister/(brother), then that is the highest, purest form of love..


    a love without greed.. a love without lust.. a love borne out of sheer kindness..


    if a daikini ever see any lust in me, i hope that she will destroy me completely..


    i do hope that the daikinis will honour me one day for successfully cultivating the non-lustful love in me..

  17. Why are people obsessed with the fast route in these modern times ?

    Why does only the slow road cause suffering?


    Why do people not try their best to get out of the cycle of rebirth and death?


    Why do they not see that the slow road causes suffering?


    Even those spiritual teachers who are married.. more than one had told me that their spouse and children take time away from their cultivation..


    the only reason why anyone would fail to see that marriage and children is counter-productive to cultivation is that these people are to weak to withstand the spiritual forces binding them to marriage, work, children and other trappings of society..


    to get reborn into a new life, you have to destroy all remnants of your old one.. including abandoning your spouse and children to find enlightenment if need be.. like what lord buddha did..


    this will then show the universe and the higher beings how dedicated you are, how desperate you, how you will sacrifice everything to find god...


    and even when you die in the end without achieving anything.. rest assured that the Lord Creator himself would be moved by your dedication to him..

  18. This is only your opinion. There are masters to be found everywhere.


    the number of human masters in the tibetan traditions far outnumber the number of human masters in the other traditions..


    they have a fantastic track record and their lineages are impeccable..


    so unless a higher being appears in front of my eyes to teach me, i will take a gamble and stick to the tibetan masters..

  19. if i have the chance to start a new religion in the world, i will demand that everyone of my student give up sex and martial relationships in order to concentrate on their spiritual work..


    i have seen many practitioners and it is no surprise that those who gave up sex and martial relationships have achieved much more than those who still waste their time and energies in martial relationships..


    the number of single practitioners who achieved results is far greater than the number of married practitioners who achieved similar results..


    spirituality as in other aspects of life is a game where strategies apply..


    one would be a fool if one is to expose himself to the additional stresses of marriage and children if one has not attained inner enlightenment at least..


    if you can only lift a 25 pound weight, why pretend you can lift a 100 pound one?


    so those of you who wanna remain in martial relationships, by all means do so? who am I to change your outlook?


    who are you to change my outlook?

  20. Excellent post Susan, excellent!

    Couldn't have expressed it even half as well. As an adjunct note: when adult, in order to be accepted as a monk or nun, the monasteries demand that one have permission from one's parents.

    The end does not justify the means; a sick root produces sick branches.


    Most people don't work 16 hours per day. You can easily cultivate 8 hours daily and 14 in your free days - IF you sincerely think it is important to you. The "run into a cave" mentality I see here and there seems like an attitude often encountered in lazy meditators who think that a trip to shangri-la magically will end their procrastination.





    at least the "lazy meditators" have more time and opportunities to focus more time and energy for themselves..


    are you jealous that your nagging spouse and screaming kids are taking time away from your cultivation?


    let's face it.. if you are not strong enough to make the necessary sacrifices in taking the fast route, then be prepared to suffer in the slow road..

  21. First: I am not picking on you personally,time to change, but this example to me always begs to be put in context. This is just my opinion.


    I wonder if the Buddha lived now and he left his wife and child to pursue his own agenda, regardless of how high an ideal, would he get sued for child support? Would people say he was spiritually stunted?


    Buddha was royalty so we would see a lot discussion on youtube, the forums, etc. about that he was a deadbeat dad? I can just imagine the comments on videos? Does he pay child support? Since we have such a intense focus on celebrity in this time would his face be showing up on People Magazine or on Entertainment Tonight? That begs an interesting question: Could Buddha even become the Buddha in 2011?


    We don't live in Buddha's time. Can we expect the same things to unfold for us the way it did for him then? Now he could probably hire his own spin doctor to do damage control for his reputation. But there has already been a lot of sanitizing about his life then. That's the nature of a religious icon.


    He wasn't really royalty. He was of wealthy, aristocratic warrior caste. The prince rep was added 3 or more centuries later.


    Let's look at his culture then if we ask ourselves, "what would Buddha do." We must look at his renunciation of his society and time in that context.


    Buddha decided at 29 to leave his family and become a wandering spiritual seeker mendicant (beggar). He wanted to understand the nature of suffering. He did not just walk away and leave his family without anything.


    He would have had a wealthy extended family that looked over his wife and son while he was gone. The fact that he was a warrior it would have been expected at some time to leave his family for battles. I am not sure but I don't think warriors take their families with them to war.


    I wonder how many dedicated elite soldiers do we have here on this forum. They would understand the rigors and discipline of military life. Buddha was a soldier. I am almost sure he would apply the same level of dedication of his training as a warrior to that of a spiritual seeker. Does anybody here really apply that level of dedication to their spiritual path? I haven't. That it in itself would separate the Buddhawannabes from sincere, dedicated seekers.



    So today, if one is seeking to follow the renunciation is the responsible thing to make sure your parents and family are cared for while you are gone. It is not "tough luck, Chuck. It is just me and God and you can take of yourselves from now on and I am a more better person than you for doing it."


    I find it ironic that those who follow that path want to learn about overcoming suffering but fail to see the suffering they may cause by leaving.


    I am no way a scholar about Buddha but it does help to do a little more research to understand the depth and consequence of making a commitment to leave family and loved ones to over come and understand suffering without having any self awareness of how the life that you choose makes your family suffer.


    If you must you must but at least be cognizant that your desires can have unexpected results.


    Not to say you shouldn't, but one can almost always find a better way if one just looks.


    the lord buddha has achieved enlightenment..


    you, who preached that his way is the wrong way, has not achieved enlightenment..


    results are all that matter ..


    you have not attained any spiritual realizations as high as lord buddha so why would anyone listen to you?


    if i have to forego the whole world in order to regain enlightenment, then so be it..


    spirituality, as with life, is full of big mouths who have not done it before but yet is full of so-called "opinionated advice" on what is the right way..


    i may hold certain strong views on this forum but all my teachings are given to me by men and women who have achieved much higher spiritual attainments than you have... Susan..


    so please do not be angry when i say you are not fit to contradict or criticize the route lord buddha had taken ...


    unless you have already achieved enlightenment which i highly doubt so..