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Posts posted by bodyoflight

  1. As Matsuo Basho observed, "Even when In Kyoto, when i hear the cuckoo's cry, I long for Kyoto...".


    As long as one is searching and seeking, getting close to "finding" will be difficult.


    Thats all.


    as least matsuo is in kyoto..


    i am pretty sure his longing will pass in less than a second once he realized he is in kyoto

    • Like 1

  2. Which part of India do you imagine is free of women and screaming kids? Population graph below, not sure what percentage are women or children but its a lot!






    first of all, i feel no affinity with indian women..


    secondly, i am settling down in a rather remote province with a small population..


    so your graph clearly doesn't matter..

  3. Well, there are definitely some very high-level gurus in India.


    But I think a lot of meeting the right master depends upon your karma and yuanfen.. So, good luck with that.


    Anyhow, real spirituality is also about integration, not escapism. So, don't be surprised if the same issues follow you areound, wherever you go.. Why? because only a fool thinks he can escape himself. You can never escape yourself - only integrate it.


    Although Buddha did the same thing with his family & it worked out for him, so who knows? :lol:


    so if everything worked out for buddha, why shouldn't the same thing happened to me?


    lots of practitioners have thrown away the mundane world in favor of the spiritual world.. not the first time it happened and not the last time either..

  4. i have decided to move to india for good and do nothing but meditation day in day out for the rest of my life..


    there is some meager savings left in my account so luckily for me, india is a cheap place to live in.. low expenses and all that..


    after analyzing the society of china and taiwan, i can safely conclude that there are very few chinese masters who are as high as the tibetans..


    last week, i picked up a book by drunvalo called serpent of light.. it detailed the moving of earth's kundalini force from tibet to south america..


    as of right now, i hate to say this but the tibetan masters are the highest masters in the world.. no doubt about it..


    i imagine myself living a stress-free life from now on.. free of women.. free of screaming kids.. free of the stress of work ..


    no worry.. no stress.. just pure meditative peace..


    damn .. life is good..

  5. The way i see it, in point of daoism, the idea is to become like the Dao, to give birth and sustain, help and nourish. You are in line with the Dao, if you are helping other people, sustaining, promoting life, health, and so on.

    The more you open up to life, the more you are able to integrate. This integration factor seems to be essential. How could your De embrace the whole world, when you aren't able to do that with the microcosmic wold, that of yourself, and your family...

    I don't see it as a war, us against the world. The world is our mother.


    and where did you get all your ideals about the Dao from?


    whoever said the Dao is all about giving birth, sustaining, helping and nourishing?


    there is a war but it is us against us.. each individual fighting against himself/herself..


    the world is not our mother.. the higher beings are our spiritual parents..


    you know too little..

  6. Like most things that matter in life, the experience of parenthood, childbirth, love, relationships, pretty much all that matter when you lie on your deathbed, is all a great mystery. Its neither a hindrance nor a great inducer. But its a gift, and before you have a deep relationship, or hear the first cry of our son or daughter, discussion only leads us astray.


    Good relationships, bad relationships, sleeping children, crying children, all reveal the great mystery of how we are entagled, immersed and part of this one reality. Feeling the pain, blessings and obstacles that this life gives us, we are given this wonderful opportunity to let go of what is not real, and see that we must face our own nature in total aloneness.




    if you can achieve siddhis, you will understand and experience how all this great mystery is without even sacrificing an iota of your time and energy to your kids and spouse..


    there are .. slow roads and fast highways..


    i will choose the fast highway.. even if i do crash and burn, i will still choose the fast highway..


    not even crashing and burning can stop me now on the fast track..

  7. i am going to give a real easy and realistic summary to all my posts..


    if lord buddha or jesus reincarnated on earth in this lifetime as a female, i would definitely think about marrying him/her..


    but if not, what can i gain spiritually wise by marrying a woman (or a man if i am a female) who is ill-tempered, lustful, materialistic, greedy, arrogant plus all other defects found in humans..


    i say this because i am ill-tempered, lustful, greedy and arrogant myself.. and almost everybody in the world is like me..


    if two such characters get together, disaster will befall the marriage..


    so unless i find a woman who is much higher than in me in every manner, who can tolerate all my faults while having no faults of her own..


    then i will take the easy way out and spend time changing my own faults and defects on my own ...


    clear cold logic..

  8. Just my own opinion:

    spoken like an unenlightened man.... i find offensive what you write as I have noticed other female members of this group do have not a clue that you are being offensive. Doesn't seem you have the self awareness to notice that women are finding how you talk about women offensive.




    your view, imo, is self limiting.


    women, sex, family can bring you into the realm of enlightenment very very quickly or one can become bitter and resentful and prolong the journey...


    that which one finds stressful and limiting can become a tool of inner cultivation. Now that takes discipline and commitment.


    asceticism/ austerities is just one practice to the end of the is not the only practice.


    self denial as spiritual journey places the blame/responsibility on the adherent's failure to reach spiritual achievement on externals (my wife, my kids, my job, sexing, etc. etc. ect.) and not what is held in the heart of contemplation. This is a strong "ego" based practice.


    In other words, what the ascetic says is, the quality of my enlightenment is dependent on how much control my environment/attachments have on me. If I cant control or make peace with my environment and its inhabitants I will never make high spiritual attainment. I.E. I can't be spiritual because my environment/family/relationships get in the way. oh poor me....i am so weak....


    I can understand taking a spiritual break but if it is taking a lifetime to achieve...get a new teacher or get a new path.


    "spiritual" teachers sell enlightenment but tell you it might take 30 years for you to achieve it. so over the years, little by little, teachers sell the promise of enlightenment.


    It is Enlightenment on the installment plan. It is also called "following the rice bowl."


    I have no problems with people charging for their time as teachers. But just because someone claims to be spiritual doesnt mean they are qualified to teach. Claiming you have the only answer and you are charging people for the answer...not good in my eyes. But that is my personal opinion.


    i am charging people because they wanna ask me about the real deal..


    if people think that i do not have the answers, then please do not ask me..


    if i am a woman, i would say the same stuff.. but i would replace the term "woman" in all my posts with the term "man"..


    if you can't see the universality of my words, then you do not see deep enough..

  9. I didn't say that nor either did he. Not everybody thinks like you say they do. The fact that you insist on your views as an absolute brings in questions about your own mental stability.



    The self actualized person, which I am becoming to think thru this thread, may be at a place of higher attainment than the enlightened person. Not that it matters to anyone except to couchitarians. (People who sit on the couch and theorize about enlightment.)


    I am not enlightened nor are you. I may be in the process but as we have pointed out on this forum before an enlightened person will not draw attention to the attainment of their enlightenment.


    And the definition still stands for psych instability. Just because you say it is an unenlightened standpoint doesnt mean it is not.


    All mental instability has a quality of spiritual unrest. That is not a new discovery.


    I insist on my own views because my views are applicable to my own individual circumstances..


    unless someone can come up with higher views than mine to improve my own individual circumstances..


    right now, it is natural that we disagree.. cos your own individual circumstances is different from mine..

  10. So what is this energies of prosperity you are talking about? If I told you that when he woke up from the couch one year later he was bringing in one million US dollars a year would you find some other way to find fault with him.


    I cannot see what the connection is between ALL GOD and beggar and millionaire and how it is germane to what we are talking about.



    non sequitur


    i cannot make a full diagnosis without talking to him face to face..


    he might be making a million us dollars a year but what has he lost in the process?..


    if you can't see the connection between all god and beggar and millionaire.. then you can't see the true nature of the universe..

  11. I guess you misread my post. Ego is a term coined by Freud as a poetic conceit to help explain his theories. Yes they have written good stuff and they don't know everything. You have not given us any evidence of having a published body of scholarly reviewed work that shows any kind of intellectual rigor that proves you know something. We can not help but hold you to the same standards that you want to apply to others.


    You make a lot of assumptions about me and the rest of the people on this list. I live my life according to what my heart and experience shows me. And why do you say they are unenlightened? what makes you an expert?


    if you live your life according to what your heart and experience shows you and not others, then why are you still following the words coined by Freud and Maslow?

  12. so why did you ask me to define terms? Are you not accountable to the same standards as you hold the rest of us or are you special? It seems to me all your posts are about separating people into what is right or wrong.


    You play word games. You are affected by words otherwise you would not make an issue of defending your position. But, you are not weak but we are?


    i am not weak enough to live my life according to the words of others including Maslow and Freud..


    you are trying to define what is right or wrong according to the words of others notably Maslow and Freud..


    i may be stating a lot of strong views in this forum but i don't even expect anyone to follow my views without improving on my views according to each individual circumstances..


    you are blindly defining what's mature or not according to Maslow and Freud.. that makes you weak..

  13. bodyoflight, It seems that you might have missed




    So to make it clearer

    / moderating

    Your post above is NOT the way to interact with your fellow taobums. Compassion is part of most spiritual paths "up the mountain" for a reason, please show some for your fellow travelers


    if i do not wanna show compassion,


    i would have kept my mouth shut about him falling..


    mizu is claiming he is all god and enlightened and yet he can differentiate between being isolated in a cave and being trapped by the maras of sex and alcohol living it up in the city..


    according to the shurangama sutra and many teachings from spiritual teachers, this is a sign of those who have just been exposed to siddhis and yet still can't differentiate between right and wrong..


    if a spade is spade, call it a spade.. why hide the truth or distort it?

    • Like 1

  14. yes, people who follow a long educational path like an MD or PhD are often socially incapable of functioning in a mature way.


    One of my friends thought he had it all figured it out. So he quit his job and went to sit on his couch and let "the Universe" take care of him. He was almost evicted while he waited to for this to happen. He's a smart guy who learned quickly that he has to take care of himself first and went out and got his job back. He is doing quite well today.



    Firstly, this is because your friend did not create the energies of prosperity in himself.


    Secondly, what does it matter whether he is thrown out on the street or if he is doing well?


    Aren't the beggar on the street and the millionaire one and the same thing?


    I thought you guys are going around realizing that you are ... "ALL GOD?"..

  15. yes, people who follow a long educational path like an MD or PhD are often socially incapable of functioning in a mature way.


    One of my friends thought he had it all figured it out. So he quit his job and went to sit on his couch and let "the Universe" take care of him. He was almost evicted while he waited to for this to happen. He's a smart guy who learned quickly that he has to take care of himself first and went out and got his job back. He is doing quite well today.



    Firstly, this is because your friend did not create the energies of prosperity in himself.


    Secondly, what does it matter whether he is thrown out on the street or if he is doing well?


    Aren't the beggar on the street and the millionaire one and the same thing?


    I thought you guys are going around realizing that you are ... "ALL GOD?"..

  16. the ego was a term coined by Sigmund Freud. There is no scientific proof for the ego but we all talk about it like it is proved and a done deal.



    this to me is a better story of what we are talking about.


    then you have not realized that there is an animal ego within yourself yet..


    Sigmund Freud and Maslow have written good stuff but they do not know everything..


    why are you still basing your sense of reality on lesser works?


    why do you life your life according to the expectations of others including really smart but still unenlightened people like Freud and Maslow?

  17. so it can't be known intellectually is what you are saying...true?


    so then it can be felt if not known? Can I experience the tao but I have not a shred of an idea how I can tell you about it?


    define immaturity.... what do you base that on?


    I don't define psychological maturity or psychological immaturity..


    It is a waste of time and energy and it is a game of human definitions..


    It is a game whereby humans define what is right or wrong and humans are certainly the last beings in the universe who can define wha's right or what's wrong..


    I might be putting down people who's married, have kids, etc. etc. but that doesn't mean my viewpoints should apply to all people..


    It is only the weak in here who's weak enough to be affected by words..

  18. Everyone wants to be loved.In fact, according to Maslow, if our love and security needs are not met it is impossible to attain self actualization or what the East might categorizes as enlightenment.


    That is far different than stable. I know what the medical definition of psych stable would entail. "Not a danger to self and others." that leaves a lot of room for crazy and instability.


    This is because Maslow and everybody else is seeking love and security through external means and not seeking love and security through their own selves.


    If you say that you need to seek love and security through others, that means you are hardly enlightened..


    You are hardly enlightened..


    Your definition of psychologically stability according to the medical definitions is still of an unenlightened standpoint..


    My definition of psychologically stability includes spiritual causes of mental instability..

  19. Hello Bodyoflight,


    I would only ask that you prove this to be true. Give me concrete evidence and I will agree, but so far all you seem to be doing is speculating and making esoteric comments that have no actual basis on fact. Elsewhere I've provided enough actual evidence (imo) to prove that there is no correlation between "enlightenment" and psychological maturity. It's this illusion that perpetrates much of the suffering. We define sins, instill people with guilt, and then direct them as to how to behave to be free of this suffering, whether in this life or next. The fact of the matter is that most people that set themselves up as gurus and teachers are also people that desire a degree of control over others. They choose to exert this control by making lofty claims and then directing people as to how those goals can be achieved. They are using their position to satisfy some deeper need that resides within their ego, a need that is not cleansed from spiritual awareness. In many cases these people use their position as a way to misdirect people. "I am a priest/monk/guru, obviously I'm not a child molester/con-man/sociopath."


    The people I trust most to teach me a spiritual path are those that are not seeking monetary compensation, do not tell me what to do, but rather share their own experience, and whose practice is defined by a higher virtue, rather than morality and ideology.




    A lot of teachers in here would be offended by your words.


    Why any teachers share anything with you for free?


    I am not seeking people who agree with me. I am seeking people who can tear my arguments apart with higher wisdom.

  20. Okay, I'll strive to become a spiritual "winner" like this guy. A "worthy" one.




    Forget the comforts and modern luxuries of the fleeting sense pleasures of the material world (like food and a bed)!


    That guy is in bliss! (In actuality he probably is.. he closes his eyes and sees white pulsating lights TOUCHING GOD and moans in ecstasy, but at the end of the day he's just a weird dude sitting alone in a dark cave with no friends and NO LIFE moaning to himself. Wow, what a treasure... but at least he's happy right?)


    Sorry If I am offending anybody, and believe me, I reached ECSTATIC BLISS during kunlun so I've "made the journey up the mountain" so to speak, I just think it's so funny how it was ME the entire time.


    I completely lost my ego because I'm infinite. I feel the purpose of life is joy and following your heart. You can become enlightented through tantric sex, through staring at a flower, through playing the guitar... it's not an end destination, it's just WAKING UP to WHO YOU REALLY ARE, and this is just my opinion... who you really are is GOD.




    Limited in realizing I'm unlimited and infinite?


    I, and yes YOU, are all GOD.. completely in utter control of our own experience. Wow, sounds pretty limited huh.


    People tend to get pissed off when their ego blinders are removed. Emotional reactions simply mean I've hit on something that's quite possibly rocking your reality, sir.


    I would very much love an intelligent discussion, as this realization I just had that all that bliss and wild movement was "ME" the entire time is... huge.


    :blink: :blink: :blink:


    I feel so FREE.


    Guess what?


    You are also the guy moaning in the cave with no friends and no married life.


    Well I guess you can't see it given your enlightened outlooks on you being "all god"..


    You think that having your spiritual senses opened without doing work on yourself means you are already god?


    What words of ignorance..

    If you are already enlightened, you wouldn't differentiate between having a married life with kids and being isolated in a cave somewhere with no life and no sex and no screaming kids.


    This is why I know you and your game right from the first word you wrote. You are like too many of those practitioners who had only just started having meditative visions and now claim that they are fully enlightened.


    This is so pathetic!


    Your human animal ego is already slowing throttling your psyche and making you go down the dark path of the ego judging by the posts which you have written here so far.


    Good luck during the next 2 years.


    I wanna see how far you will fall by the end of next year.

    • Like 1

  21. Mizu, let me give you a sarcastic analogy to explain what I find funny about your writings:


    I was told that the quickest way to learn how to drive a car was driving school. Many people said that, so I tried it. I followed the instructions of the teacher, I even learned all that theory stuff about traffic laws and such. But at some point I realized that I was simply being ripped off, because if I hadn't been willing to learn how to drive, the teacher would not have been able to teach me anything. He would just talk and take money. So it all comes from ME, it is ME doing everything. You don't need to waste money for driving school! I finally realized this and it pains me how millions of people are ripped off by that scam where YOU learn how to drive and someone else takes your money.


    No wonder a master recently told me..


    Those people who have had their siddhis opened without doing the spiritual work on themselves will find their human/animal ego destroying them by the end of next year..


    Such people will invariably go mentally, emotionally and spiritually crazy by the end of next year..


    Good luck!..

  22. I am a (single) father of three and ready to admit that family life seriously curbs my practice, making serious Qigong progress next to impossible. Another thing is I'm not sure if I would be practicing at all without this situation since I was really desperately searching for a means to survive and live happy in a challenging reality, surrounded by these... people who want my time, my money, my energy, everything.. And still get mad at me all the time and even call me stupid and lazy though I'm the only one providing for them :rolleyes:


    Family life makes cultivating stressful.. I can never be certain if I can get time for my session or finish it when I get it. Right now my boy has a cough and he's very easily alert in the eary morning so if I try to sneak downstairs he will come running after me. Oh well, today I have a 2-hour train trip I will surely put to use.


    OK I'm speaking from a single father's point of view. Had I a woman who was into the traditional roles, who would like to cook and clean and look after the kids, then I guess this wouldn't be such a hard path.


    Depite the obvious limitations and bummers I'm often feeling grateful for the special kind of beauty that this life has shown me. Maybe I can take this experience to my supposed next life (which begins in the next 10 years as the kids grow, haha) and then go for the serious cultivator's path. I sure hope I don't need another family guy experience to move forward :D


    I am glad you have realized the limitations placed on yourself by your spouse and kids..


    I am sincerely sorry that you have to go through such hardships..


    99% of the world's populations do not have the capacities to realize such limitations unless they have been married themselves..