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Posts posted by bodyoflight

  1. Well perhaps it's not so good to get caught up with the semantics ;)


    If the outside is also within, then looking inside will tell you what's outside.


    Conversely, looking outside can lead you to what is inside, since the inside is reflected on the outside.


    So you can go:


    Inside: I am inherently distrustful of people, where is this on the outside?

    Outside: I don't have any friends




    Outside: I don't have any friends- why?

    Inside: I am inherently distrustful of people


    Of course, to do this you MUST be able to examine and appraise yourself AND your external environment honestly.


    As for this:




    That and what you are doing all depends or your framework or what you are trying to do. For me, it's healthier and more effective in the long run to work WITH things, rather than against them. Acceptance does not automatically lead to allowance.


    So it's not that you sit there desperately wanting to fuck something, but then tucking it in because you have to try, or are still in the midst of trying, to transcend. It's more like you don't even think of it as a big deal, and you move on with your life.


    do you think that you need friends in order to reach enlightenment?


    *shakes head*


    if the world is full of animals, why bother living with such animals? or even enlightening them?


    it will be a waste of your time and energies..


    if you give in to the spiritual forces that control your thoughts of lust, then you will be a true weakling indeed..

  2. bodyoflight wrote:




    This is true.


    Recieving love from other people can be really enjoyable...more than most things in life. But it doesn't permanently fill the hole. Keeping this in perspective is wise. Being a loving person to others can be highly rewarding, and can help to fill the hole in a more lasting way.


    If we want a spouse in life, might as well do it and learn from the experience.


    Side note: I personally think it's healthier to be around people than to be alone.


    I don't think you have the courage to be alone..

  3. nice... wish there were more men out there who had this mature view of practice.


    we can use our circumstances to transcend and transform our practice. or we can blame women and children for our own failings.


    "The woman! She made me eat of the Apple." Adam complaing to God that the woman was responsible for his screw up. lol


    the priesthood, Daoist, buddhist, Christian, whatevah, have been blaming the woman for their failures since the priest hood was invented. Oh, and women are energy vampires too I have heard tell in the whispering of temple courtyards. I heard that from the High Lama who has 30 nuns to practice sexual tantra. Sex and women are best left to the really spiritual people to handle.




    Maybe the way to higher practice is to love your woman and child so much it transforms your heart and life.


    i am not blaming women..


    cultivation is meant for both men and women so why would I put down women?.. which part of my posts show me putting down women?


    in the cases of female practitioners, then it is even more important not to waste any time and energies in a man and just focus the time and energies on yourself..


    marriage and relationships and children are the problems.. not the man or woman themselves

  4. The initiation into a mature life. You're like a butterfly just out of its cocoon. Into the world you go, "Get a job, have a wife, make a child, get a life" they say.


    You will want to have food/sex shelter. When you got those, you will go after wealth. When have that, you suddenly want power. When you have that, you will find yourself seeking knowledge. When you have that, your eyes will be opened to the infinity of all mysteries. What happens then?


    You will give up on your current reality and start seeking spirituality. That which is beyond the gates of experience.


    That is what I think of, when I hear someone say "Get a job, have a wife, make a child, get a life."


    that is the slow road

    • Like 1

  5. Dear Body of Light,


    You've just made another goal for your ego. 3d, 4d, 20d. No matter how high you go, if your attitude is, "oh my god I must climb higher" that's stupid. The whole issue is your goal oriented mind, and the one that says "this is good, that is bad." Chop wood carry water. Nothing as good as that.


    little do you know about the nature of reality..


    i pity you indeed..

  6. Everybody has to work on different aspects of themselves in this life.


    Some people just don't have problems getting laid. Approaching a woman, turning up the heat, going back home, gettin' it on, leaving sometime later.


    That doesn't mean they are somehow better off- they may be much further behind in other areas than you or anybody else.


    What worries me, Non, is that you tend to deal in all absolutes, and you have created a system of hierarchies based on just your perspectives, where someone getting laid is better off than someone who isn't, as if that is the measuring stick, the proof that one can connect to another human being.


    But there are many a sexual relationship, many a marriage, many a friendship, that is hollow. A sham.




    Everybody has to face their demons, but not everybody has the same demons.


    The demons you face will be the worst for you, personally. You will say "why is it this? Why can't I fight a dragon, why can't I battle an army, anything would be better than having to face this!" And someone else will look at you and say "why can't I have Non's problems? At least then I could work something out"


    You will be targeted at YOUR weakest point. You can't act according to the scales of others.


    This is why cultivation is viewed as a war with yourself.


    In war, strategies count for everything.


    I have always loved strategy games afterall.

  7. Good Luck with everything! I mean it!


    I will be sure to ask the Creator for luck.


    He is the top honcho who decides everything in the end afterall.


    Not the higher beings nor the other human/ET human spiritual masters.


    In the end, we all die and I am pretty sure I have done everything necessary to safeguard my ascension.


    So no matter what happen to me in the rest of my life, I am ready for it..


    I am ready for my physical death...


    Are you ready for your physical death?..

  8. What constitutes a master? Who decides who is a master? I know lots of people teaching lots of things that are not masters, so this whole idea confuses me. I would think a true master would transcend the need for monetary gain and live a very simple and basic life, so that the material world was not a distraction. Just my own thought.






    If some human masters decide to teach me for free, i might consider teaching for free too..


    ET and Higher Being masters do not count.. They have no need of money in the first place..

    • Like 1

  9. Okay doke, bol.


    Good Luck.


    Good Luck with what? With Not sharing?


    Hey what's the worst that can happen to me?


    Block all my siddhis?


    As if anyone can block my siddhis if I really wanna unblock them..


    You know if One really go into deep meditation for 3 years, 3 months and 3 days..


    one has a possibility of unblocking all siddhis..


    and if one has the intention to go into solitary meditation for 30 years..


    everything will be unblocked..


    i have heard that some practitioners immediately ascend upwards because they went in so deep that their physical bodies actually died..


    that will be a good way to get out of this life..


    better than dying on your bed or out of ill health..

    • Like 1

  10. Sounds like you are beyond your capacity to teach. I don't know if I would want to pay money to someone who can't even articulate a point to someone who disagrees.




    Fear not, Twinner, for when the higher sloppy spake the sloppy sutra through the zhang, the zhang started the quest to realization. This occurred in a past thread.


    It all happens due to the.... higher.. self.


    Bodyoflight plays no part. Despite what he may... want to think.


    Truth is, I do not wish to teach.


    This is why I am asking to be paid in return to share my findings with anyone.


    I am posting my realizations in here because I need a venue to speak out sometimes.

    • Like 1

  11. Who are the masters... that you hold in such high..... esteem?


    If someone else does it..... why does.... it mean that you have to?


    Don't you have.... the power to choose for yourself?




    A million ways to eat.... you home in one one specific one.... why..?


    Oooohh.. Whoooo....


    That is gonna cost bro.


    I have paid my dues and will still pay my dues so everyone else will have to pay me too.

    • Like 1

  12. Yes, I understand completely that you are putting forward that you have found the key.


    Were you born knowing it? Did it come in a vision? Did you meet a master? Did your practises take you there?


    It isnt that I am curious about you. What I do care about, a lot, is the people who read this board getting whatever we can give each other, for more light. So if any person can shed a higher light for us, and not just 'tell', but share what others can utilise, then this is creative contribution.


    I am not a fool as to give everything out for free.


    If I really wanna help someone, that person is gonna pay me.


    Ask any of the masters in here and see if they work for free.

    • Like 1

  13. If you have to charge, you are weak.


    If you lose energy just from talking.....


    You should increase your shields...


    How do we know... that you really understand.... the physics behind something?





    This is fun!! :D


    I understand enough to choose for myself..


    Everybody's case is different and it takes time and energy to help each person.


    The highest masters with the most powerful gifts I know charge money for their time and energy and I don't see why I shouldn't do the same.


    Everybody needs to eat too.

    • Like 1

  14. As I mentioned in another thread, all humans are weak.


    Most animals, even domesticated ones, can run much faster than the average human.


    We have weak muscles.


    We cannot fly.


    We have no natural weapons.


    We cannot naturally camouflage ourselves.


    We cannot naturally create a home (I'm thinking of spiders who can make webs to accomplish any number of tasks).


    We have brains and intellect, but for the most part we can't use them on our own- I have a really good IDEA for how to build a house, but lack the physical capability to build one on my own.


    Human survival and our ability to thrive thus far (and our ability to screw ourselves over!) has hinged on our ability to help each other and work together.


    A human that relies on others is not weak, but strong.


    I am not going to argue with you on this one..


    you are beyond my limited capacity to help you become more .. realized...

    • Like 1

  15. Hello Bodyofflight,


    I'm not sure where you get your ideas from and I'm pretty sure many others are wondering the same thing, that's why they're asking what you practice. I would also make the comment that I think you started this thread to stir up people, rather than generate actual inquiry on the topic. The reason that I can't take anything you say seriously is because you don't show respect for others. You don't admit when you are wrong or concede you might be wrong. You tend to view your own opinions as the only valid opinions and you also tend to insult people, at least to the limit the forum will allow.


    When you can show as much emotional and psychological maturity as the spiritual maturity and knowledge you profess to have, then I think I can take you seriously, but until then all I see is someone who isn't willing to listen to others objectively because he is the only one that's right.




    Sure matey.. if I can be paid monetary compensation for my time and energy .. I will definitely do so..


    the knowledge itself is free.. but not my time and energy..


    i did pay quite some money to learn from other teachers so there is no free lunch in the world..

    • Like 1

  16. not so seriously, it isnt that I care.... I'm sorry, I havent reached that stage yet of caring about your practice... rather that you are communicating a lot about others shortcomings... and so it would seem... well, balanced, if you shared your practice that has led you to such a high level of understanding.


    Is it secret?


    it is not what I practice which is the key..


    it is the understanding of the physics behind the different various spiritual paths which IS the key..


    this understanding will allow you to choose the most efficient practices which might come from more than one path..


    and if you want me to teach you, I will have to charge you for it..


    not for the knowledge itself which is free but for my time and energy in elevating your awareness..

    • Like 1

  17. I think when you're "on the path" of spirituality, yes, you shd start by yourself, perhaps until you acheive a level where you CAN include someone else.. otherwise you're not ready.


    This translates to a lot of a lone time and that's what you see. But how can you tell me that like wtm says: it cannot be a practice?


    Sure once you realize that love is within you that's fine. Then you attract a woman: naturally. So then what are you going to do reject her and stay a lone because YOU DONT BELIEVE it's possible and that you can't handle it, with the goals you're trying to achieve? Acheive?


    Achieve what? Achieving?


    So tell me.. what benefits does a woman brings to a spiritual practitioner?


    I am sure the Lord Shakayumi Buddha would be every happy to learn from you.


    He did abandon his wife and child to SUCCESSFULLY attain enlightenment after all in a period of just ... 8 years..

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    But I don't think that people are all always one thing or the other for their whole lives in every situation. You might be confident socially, but need time alone to work on your thoughts, but at the same time be really bad at exercise, and need someone else to help you out of your unnecessary habits that you couldn't break out of otherwise.


    a human who needs another human to break him out of his bad habits ...


    is a weak human..


    unless the other human can grant or teach special siddhis to interact with the higher dimensions of realities..


    that is a completely different game of course..

    • Like 1

  19. Hi bodyoflight, just realised I dont know what your practises actually are, forgive me for missing you sharing this, could you point me in the right direction... what is it you practise?


    seriously, why do you care what I practice?


    does it help you if I say I am blessed enough to discover the common links between different practices and I am discerning enough to choose the best of them?


    there is a universal system behind every system of spiritual practice and if you don't discover this universal system, you will be on the medium track..


    this is better than being on the slow track though where one is continuously obsessed with women and sexz..

    • Like 1

  20. This is how I treat everything on the internet.




    What kind of free will is it if you are punished for making certain decisions with your free will?


    It's like if someone puts a gun to your head and says, "go ahead, say whatever you want about me. But just to let you know, the last person who said something I didn't like got shot..... by me.... with this very gun. But go ahead, I'm not making you do anything."


    You have the free will to bad mouth the guy, but are going to get shot in the process! I don't consider coercion and threats to complement free will.


    Though there are those that say getting "shot" is just the consequences that you have to lean to deal with. Thought if the consequences are coming from the entity that gave you the choice, I find it somewhat contradictory to punish someone for doing something you knew full well they may have chosen.


    But that's a huge tangent. Sorry all.


    I am saying Mizu's realizations are .. limited.. because I want him to improve..


    If he thinks that I am bad-mouthing him or insulting him, then so be it..


    It will only prove that he has not transcended his ego yet which is hurt by something as insignificant as internet postings..


    If someone says that my realizations are limited, I will very politely ask him for a better wider realization which is better than mine..


    I always seek realizations which are better than mine, fyi..


    There is this saying in Zeitegist...


    "To be proven wrong is to be celebrated for it is elevating someone to a level of understanding, furthering his awareness."


    I wish that there is someone who can further expand my awareness all the time..


    I wish that I can find someone whose realizations are wider than mine all the time..


    Sadly, there are very few people who fits this criteria..