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Posts posted by bodyoflight

  1. bodyoflight,


    life is not black/white, it is not either you do this or you do that.


    It is true that children and relationships take up your time, time that you could do eg. Taoist practises but then who says that being with children and women is not a practise itself?


    It is, from my experience.


    Bringing up a child demands constant awareness of your own flaws, trying to minimize your "bad" influence on your child and trying to let go and let the Tao guide you.


    My son, 2 years old, continually teaches me a lot about life.


    Today, we looked at ants. Very illuminating :)


    I am sure you can achieve much more by spending more time on yourself than on your child.


    These have been the experiences of many high masters i know.


    Even those that are married.


    There may be lessons learnt from parent-child interactions or husband-wife interactions but the time and energies spent on gaining such lessons do not bring about a corresponding amount of spiritual benefits.


    If you want to interact with a child in order to learn the lessons from interacting with a child, go work at a day-care centre.


    If you want to learn the lessons involved in spousal relationships, go work at a family counseling center..


    I guarantee you...


    You .. Will .. Learn .. Heaps...

    • Like 1

  2. All your posts in this thread speak only of an elitist attitude and the assumption is made that all so called spiritual techniques are valid and actually produce a result. Some techniques may do nothing at all and are only frauds perpetrated on the gullible. How many have died from these lies?



    Take for instance the so called enlightened guru who has sex with many of his students and claims sex with him will be a fast track to enlightenment or whatever promise is made. That is being deceptive and benefits no one. Examples are; Ösel Tendzin, (gave many of his students AIDS) Adi Da Samraj, Chogam Trungpa, Dr, Frederick Lenz aka Rama et al. These teachers make preposterous claims.


    The standard excuse for someone having problems or the technique doesn't work is, "they are unworthy and not ready." That only speaks of the arrogance of the one making judgments of one having trouble.


    I am not a follower of Kunlun.


    I find Max to be dubious.


    But so far, Max has not engaged in any real devious acts like sexual slavery yet.


    Quite a few Kunlun Practitioners have also positive experiences which tell me that this path does work.


    So if there is a path which works for some people but if there is a small handful of people who fail to progress on the path, cold logic sense will tell me that the small handful of people are not ready for the path.


    Furthermore, Mizu has implied that the Kunlun path is suppose to bring him worldly benefits like wealth and women..


    no spiritual path will work for someone who is following spirituality only for the sole motivation of gaining 3rd dimensional egoistical benefits..


    not the Kunlun path anyway.. unless the Guardians have appeared to him..


    this is my basis for saying Mizu's realizations are ... limited because they are indeed.. limited..

  3. I dont disagree. Being mindful and considerate is a good practice for life and that includes for posting.


    I appreciate that sometimes we feel the most we can offer someone is tell them, actually, to stop pissing about / go do something else/ stop being so anal/ go cold turkey on the pontification/fall out of love with the sound of their own voice, etc etc.


    Tricky issue, as we would have to be well in charge of our own horses to let them run wild. And if as a community we all assumed to know what was best for everyone else, this forum would be a ' you know, your problem is.." type place where many many many , many practitioners would never be bothered to take a look. Taobums attracts it's fair share of 'car crash gawkers' already..;)


    you know..


    someone once told me this story..


    lucifer the demon-king was once an Archangel as high as Arch-angel Michael himself..


    but he was jealous of us Human beings because we are given free will.. the free will to choose good or bad ...


    The most powerful beings in the Universe have to develop themselves for millions and billions of years before being given free will..


    So Lucifer was angry at the Creator for giving the humans free will while powerful beings like him have to slave away for free will because free will is an infinitely powerful gift..


    it means the Creator allows you to choose your own destiny which is not a gift given to much higher powerful beings...


    in the end, Lucifer was cast out of heavens because he tried to tempt the humans into using their free will to do evil instead..


    Anyway.. the moral of the story is...


    as long as one is using his free will for the purposes of serving the Creator and the highest good, one need not worry about hurting the prickly fragile ego of other higher beings..


    because not every higher being/puppet master is right all the time and occasionally, some mundane human will come up with a higher insight which even the higher beings will fail to come up with..


    precisely because we are given the free will to choose good or evil..


    humans are special in the sense that we can choose the highest, most beautiful way of life or we can choose to commit the most heinous, evil deeds..


    i am pretty sure the higher beings who try to influence humans to follow the lesser way of life through the use of free will will be cast out of heavens themselves...


    so car crash gawkers.. enjoy the show..



    The creator created the concept of relationships .. he created this system of man and woman so that every person in the world would be tempted to waste all his energy and time on finding the perfect one.. the twin soul or what's the term for it?


    yes.. the "soul mate"


    the media and the politicians created the charades of the soul mate because they want you to believe in the lie that one's soul can only be complete by finding one's "soul mate"..


    almost every body in the world today is trying to fill the lack of love in themselves.. the void in themselves with love from other people..


    the media would have you believe that one can only find the love missing in themselves with love from other people..


    however, this is a cosmic lie of the highest order..


    one can only "complete one's soul" by "REALIZING" the state of the universe within one self.. no other way..


    even if a perfect man or woman appears right this second who will love you in every manner possible, one will always feel lonely and the lack of love in his or her own void unless one can delve deep into the sense of the loneliness...


    one can only find true love by seeking the love from the Source deep within themselves...


    this is why true enlightenment can only be cultivated in places or countries with low population densities..


    one needs to face the demons in their own land in order to eradicate them completely..


    one needs to go deep into the VOID in order to be .......




  5. One wonders what cultivation means, what goal it is addressed to, what is being cultivated, and what enlightenment means.


    The creator did not create any concepts - man creates concepts.


    I will offer the following alternative perspective - you will learn as much or more about yourself through your relationships than you will in isolation.


    Good luck in your search.


    The concepts of relationships are invented by higher beings standing below the Creator who oversee the progress of human beings on behalf of the Creator.


    The lessons learnt from relationships will be hard ones.


    It will be easier to look at how other people's relationships fail and draw lessons from their experiences.


    One will always fail to grasp the full meaning of life's lessons unless one can analyze things from a third-person perspective and it is hard to remain in a third-person perspective if one is personally involved in a relationship.


    So go the easy way.


    Let other people suffer and learn from their own experiences.


    While wisely spending your own limited time and energies on your own enlightenment.


    Search? I have already searched on the outside long enough..


    Time to go on the inwards search... the REAL inwards search..

    • Like 1

  6. Ultimately though men suffer perhaps the most because women are increasingly seeing men as being feminine because they are being honest and expressing themselves/being themselves while women see "love" as just a game, sex as a game, that men are here to suffer at the drop of a hat on the woman's fault because "she was not turned on" by him having to Be "the Best", Be the Most Brutal, or simply Being "on Top", etc. all she has to do is sit there and look pretty.. which women naturally are!


    Women will increasingly look for more more more, and never be satisfied and men just get what they can.


    People like to think their relationships are pure, and that they're pure but then not know what "turns them on", and is the basis of their *initial* attraction. It is not pure, it is in most cases selfish, and brutal if one were to see what's going on, altho natural.


    When it comes to intial attraction, unless she's knowledgable, any bonding based interaction will always be overrided against it by her primitive 'fertilization mating program' that is BASED ON NOTHING BUT FEAR AND DRAMA. Nothing but, nothing more than FEAR AND DRAMA. With as MANY guys as they have access to, any single woman, no matter her looks, her personality, simply because they have access to so many guys, and who DOG HER, she has no choice but to give in to the temptation.


    Because usually TRUE bonding comes AFTER the initial attraction and she is ALWAYS being bombarded with primitive fertilization mating signals.


    A woman and especially young, will never get to realize the fullness of taoist based sexuality or karezza simply because she's having too much fun with herself on the 'normal fertilization based mating program' at the mercy though of the many men who would die at her feet.


    The myth that older women are better is just false too. Old and young, women are still slaves to their mammalian brain.


    They're always on a hamster wheel of guys and cannot stop running in circles to look outside and just observe, or even see that there's life existing beyond. Too much "fun" in the form of short term thrills which she never runs out of, so who needs to think in long term? Or who needs to think in any term?


    And too busy mocking men and criticizing them as being "unmanly" when they simple express themselves and are being honest about the sacredness of their interaction, because they realize that the "normal fertilization based mating program" has simply no concern for goodness in any form.


    In fact it is even antagonist to anything truly good or truly life affirming.


    Many women are screwed up.


    Many men are screwed up.


    Why do you even waste your time and energies on such screwed up women or men?

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  7. Well here is part of the problem- seems like you've had some bad experiences with a couple of women. Feeling a bit inadequate?


    So everything you do you are not only judging yourself, but you are judging yourself by an impossible, unrealistic, fictitious standard.


    She probably judges all guys by some ridiculous standards- none of them are fit enough, none of them are rich enough, none of them are nice enough. Just like all guys have probably judged HER all of HER life- not sexy enough, not willing enough, too clingy, etc etc etc.


    Not only that, but you, her, and everybody else carry that memory with them, blow it out of proportion, and allow those mental shadows to judge everything you do in life which will NEVER be good enough.


    And so I ask you- WHY????


    WHY are you living life for other people?


    WHY do you carry those people with you LONG after they leave your physical life?


    WHY do you let these disembodied ghosts judge and control a life that they have no part in?






    Really? Because I'm sure a lot of fuss has been made about how it's the opposite in the world- if a guy fucks a bunch of women, he's a man. If a woman fucks a bunch of guys, she's a whore.




    Nor do all women.




    Hugh Hefner is an old guy who most people generally agree is ugly as fuck (even as a young man, he looked like and old man, or so I hear). Yet he enjoys young women. Age don't have nothing to do with it, if your goal in life is to fuck a bunch of bimbos for no reason other than that you can. But you don't want that, you've said so in the past, so why are you still attached to this idea?




    So start practicing something that will help you resolve these issues NOW, rather than after aeons. Because if you get bogged down in how bad you feel about yourself, enlightenment will never happen, methinks.




    Plenty of energetic practices don't involve dual cultivation. Consult the quote from Arthur Ashe in my sig.




    Just because something CAN be the case doesn't mean it will, nor does it mean that you won't get sidetracked and set further back.




    He's looking at the Scrabble board right in front of him, about to get a triple word score against the wonderfully intelligent woman with whom he is playing.


    What were YOU thinking of????


    (New game idea: what IS Seth looking at???? :P)


    Hugh looks like shit because he has given up all his energies to women.


    I rather focus on looking good and be alone than to have lots of women and yet look like shit.

  8. A particular member has been spending so much time and energy posting in this forum about his frustrations with women and sex..


    One wonders how much progress he can attain in his cultivation if he can channel the time and energy wasted on women and sex to spiritual practices or even other self-improvement practices..


    Why do everybody thinks you need a family or a spouse in order to achieve enlightenment or even to lead a perfectly normal healthy life?


    Truth is, relationships and families are meant to drag you down.. they will always hinder you on the path to true enlightenment..


    you need money to survive.. no doubt about that .. but you do not need a family or a spouse to survive..


    99% of the world's population today focus all their lives and energies on looking for a spouse to raise a family because they are trying to fill the hole in themselves with marriage and family..


    this phenomenon exists in all cultures and all countries since the origins of mankind..


    if one can only explore the emptiness or void inside them instead of trying to unsuccessfully fill the void, then one will have taken the next big step on the Path..


    The creator created the concept of relationships .. he created this system of man and woman so that every person in the world would be tempted to waste all his energy and time on finding the perfect one.. the twin soul or what's the term for it?


    yes.. the "soul mate"


    the media and the politicians created the charades of the soul mate because they want you to believe in the lie that one's soul can only be complete by finding one's "soul mate"..


    almost every body in the world today is trying to fill the lack of love in themselves.. the void in themselves with love from other people..


    the media would have you believe that one can only find the love missing in themselves with love from other people..


    however, this is a cosmic lie of the highest order..


    one can only "complete one's soul" by "REALIZING" the state of the universe within one self.. no other way..


    even if a perfect man or woman appears right this second who will love you in every manner possible, one will always feel lonely and the lack of love in his or her own void unless one can delve deep into the sense of the loneliness...

    one can only find true love by seeking the love from the Source deep within themselves...


    this is why true enlightenment can only be cultivated in places or countries with low population densities..


    one needs to face the demons in their own land in order to eradicate them completely..


    one needs to go deep into the VOID in order to be .......




    • Like 3

  9. Not having seen the video.. I was thinknig about that this morning though at work.


    So.. if I don't find a mate in this lifetime that fits me... just continue and maybe in another life I can find one that's right for me. I don't find one simply because: i'm different. I'm on the path of spirituality and that's highly uncommon and people actually look at you like you're crazy, etc. it would take a bit of game playing to find one. Conformity, lust, acheiving greatness etc.


    I find it hard to be this way. I also thought about Greatness... I've been inhibiting my growth into being "Great" and acheiving Greatness because of the pressure to be 'absolutely perfect' which is definitely impossible. One can be great but COME ON appreciate the fact that it took quite a bit of damn effort, and so what if I'm not perfect?!


    So yes... the last thing I wanted to say.. is that.. relationships is hard. You're not working with someone/thing you exert your will/force on. No... it's influence sure but it does not really seem to depend so much on you as much as it depends on the other person's acceptance of you... or so it seems. It seems.


    But again.. I guess I'll stick to solo cultivation then.. and then maybe in another life when it's come I can either create one or by magic of synchronicity or even chemistry I can attract a partner and then we can move on to the next level.


    so why do you let other's definitions or perceptions about "greatness" cloud your own way of living?


    relationships are meant to be hard because they are meant to be training for you..


    the universe created the concept of relationships as a way of testing your mental and emotional states..


    if you do not want to be tested, then take the easy way out..


    forego relationships and sex and women..

  10. A particular member has been spending so much time and energy posting in this forum about his frustrations with women and sex..


    One wonders how much progress he can attain in his cultivation if he can channel the time and energy wasted on women and sex to spiritual practices or even other self-improvement practices..


    Why do everybody thinks you need a family or a spouse in order to achieve enlightenment or even to lead a perfectly normal healthy life?


    Truth is, relationships and families are meant to drag you down.. they will always hinder you on the path to true enlightenment..


    you need money to survive.. no doubt about that .. but you do not need a family or a spouse to survive..


    99% of the world's population today focus all their lives and energies on looking for a spouse to raise a family because they are trying to fill the hole in themselves with marriage and family..


    this phenomenon exists in all cultures and all countries since the origins of mankind..


    if one can only explore the emptiness or void inside them instead of trying to unsuccessfully fill the void, then one will have taken the next big step on the Path..

    • Like 2

  11. Does spiritual enlightenment mean psychological maturity? I don't think so, but I think the question should go deeper than that. I think that we should also remember that psychological maturity is examined according to social and cultural mores, so equating the two means that one is actually asking if one who is spiritually enlightened is socially and culturally well adapted.


    For me the answer is that it doesn't. At least not in the sense that spiritual enlightenment frees us from the constraints of the ego in a psychological and cultural sense. What I'm finding, especially in the last few days, is that spiritual enlightenment is very much defined by the individual. There is no real measuring stick, except the stick that measures it according to some religious or philosophical ideology. In that sense trying to pin down enlightenment is like trying to grab an oiled pig. Yes you might eventually grab it, but good luck holding on. It's slippery and it is constantly fighting you, either with someone else coming along that doesn't agree with an interpretation or simply because it does not seem to fit into some nicely defined niche.


    I've talked about this elsewhere, the idea that enlightenment or spiritual knowledge and experience, does not ultimately free one from their psychological problems. Some would say a spiritual awakening can, but that isn't entirely true. A spiritual awakening can help you get to the root cause of the problem, but it doesn't remove it, it only can help someone manage it better, if they actually see it as a problem in the first place.


    I think it is ultimately much more important to examine the self without using yardsticks such as psychology, philosophy, or religion, but rather examining the manifestations of one's own ego at their root. If one can do this, they can understand the nature of their ego and ultimately understand the original nature that resides within them. At that point they can address these issues, but again, they will not be gone, they will just be addressed.


    The idea that a spiritual force can somehow remove character defects seems to me to be wishful thinking, a product of one who wishes to end suffering so much that they will place blind faith on a process that has no actual basis of proof.




    character defects are based on spiritual forces and they can only be removed by spiritual forces..


    people's definitions of spiritual forces will vary according to their ... realizations..


    processes which work for many thousands of people in the past constitute the only scientific proof needed..


    if other people have benefited and progressed by following certain processes and paths, then means those particular processes or paths are valid enough..

  12. I understand your point of view, bodyoflight. We are all pretty limited. If some of us feel we have a less limited insight, how do we communicate this most effectively... is a good question. Probably a lot of answers.


    who knows, maybe the puppet masters are even putting thoughts in some people's heads in here instructing them to write certain posts which will seed certain reactions in particular readers..


    but then only those who are weak in the mind would be influenced by such petty words..


    what's da saying again? "sticks and stones would break my bones but words would never do that"


    i would claim that processing your reactions in reading particular posts is a training of the mind and the tao itself.. such energies in some of the posts here..


    RFLOL!!! :lol:

  13. hi bodyoflight, it would be kind of you to elucidate so that my immaturity can be cast in light and so potentially transform.


    there is a thick psychic spiritual shield covering up the spiritual senses of the mundane person unless some UFOs/ETs/Higher beings lift the veils of these spiritual senses..


    in the process of enlightenment, the main goal is to realize the true nature of the universe and in order to do that, one must cut through such thick psychic spiritual blindfolds..


    the list of qualities in maslow's definition of maturity hardly applies when one is trying to reach enlightenment.. it is more appropriate as a guide on "how to become a normal member of society"..


    if you are going to claim that maslow's definition is going to help you become enlightened, then you are very naive indeed..


    however, i have heard some rumours that a lot of people who have lead normal boring lives according to Maslow's definitions of what is a normal member of society.. such normal members of society are having their spiritual senses opened up by ETs and other higher beings because they are needed in the current spiritual war right now..


    such normal members of society are given a short-cut to realizing enlightenment because they are deemed "obedient" enough not to abuse their spiritual gifts for their own selfish ends..


    so those true spiritual practitioners who realize that our entire 3D sense of reality is nothing but an illusion and who rejects the very notions that life is all only about sex, money and family...


    those particular practitioners will have to go through the more arduous route of opening up one's spiritual senses on his own cos the ones in control think that such people who reject the world view are too immature and rebellious to handle such freebies ..


    what a sad state of life we live in..

  14. Sometimes it does, which is why we modify our tone to include compassion.


    if a persons' realizations is pretty limited, then we should say it is pretty limited..


    it is not an insult as if we are calling him an immature baby.. well i am not doing that..


    but his posts smack of someone who hasn't fully delve deep enough to see the puppet masters pulling the hidden strings behind the everyday events of our lives..


    and no i am not talking about the nwo or illuminati or crap like that..


    i am talking about the real puppet masters who are in control of our lives.. they are the ones who control who we meet, what we do, ..


    and in the cases of those who can't control their own thoughts, those puppet masters will even put thoughts in our own heads.. RFLOL!!! ;)


    ***** ooops, i just had this weird ringing tone in my ears right after typing out this post.. hope i didn't anger such puppet masters.. hehehe B) ******

  15. Here it is. Its both the worst and best day of your life. You've realized that a path will take you nowhere. Its not necessarily anything objectively wrong with KL. Its the notion that "you" will get anything out of it. As you described, there really isn't.


    Know that you are finally alone. And you will not find any true path by asking anyone here. And the mind will not give you the answer.


    Great to see that you should enjoy life more than what you were looking for.


    If you realize anything, throw it away.




    Mizu has already failed the test of the human ego.. he has already given up.. the guardians were testing him and he failed the test..


    truth is.. everybody has different paths.. some is meant to be kunlun practitioners.. some is meant to follow Mantak Chia.. some are even enough to combine the best of different paths..


    but Mizu sounds like someone who isn't meant to follow the more esoteric paths of spirituality.. well some masters have found enlightenment through everyday living.. just google it..


    the sad truth is of course.. most people who claim to pursue spirituality by seeking enlightenment through the normal everyday tasks of making money, having sex and starting a family are just faking it..

    • Like 1

  16. careful, somebody's going to get offended if you speak too plainly! :rolleyes:


    I do believe they recently invented the universal individual right to not be offended by anyone or anything, yes? :lol: I hear they're tossing people in jail for it these days, boy that sounds like a good way to combat racism!




    the truth hurts

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  17. bodyoflight, please state your points without insulting board members.


    not an insult .. everybody has limited realizations one way or another.. it is our subconscious and unconscious minds giving out information to our conscious mind..


    and i find a lot of people to be pretty limited in their realizations about the true nature of reality..

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  18. tell it like it is. i do feel there is a path for everyone.

    i know my path is evolving me but it aint the path for everyone.


    someone once told me this..


    our lives on earth is like a holiday trip to a 3rd world country with no electricity and no running water but there is this huge mountain to climb in the middle of this country which everyone is meant to climb..


    most of us, upon seeing how difficult the climb is, will take side trips to the beaches, the forests, the parks and have fun there..


    a huge portion of us will just find a mate to settle down, raise a family and basically do everything to knock out the small little voice inside us telling us to...



    even those that climb the mountain .. most of them eventually die before reaching the top of the mountain and will have to get reborn and start again at the airport of the country.. so they have to travel all the way from the airport to the villages at the foot of the mountain and begin climbing the mountain all over again...


    funny enough, those who have climbed the mountain in their previous lives somehow find it easier to climb the same mountain this time round.. i wonder if it is their subconscious doing the prompting?..

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  19. Nice feeling when we have an insight and the veil is lifted, even if we only get a little glimpse.

    Yeah, lots of folks have invested a lot of themselves into the Kun Lun fad and countless others.

    It is not just Kun Lun. Let that revelation take you further. See through all of the bullshit.

    None of the methods and secrets and all that DO anything - it is always you who are doing it.

    If you beat your heart then you also grow the grass and shine the stars.

    You're it - always were, always will be. You just see and feel things differently between deaths.

    Nice to see you get back to the ground.

    Enjoy your life! Get that beautiful gal or some others back - apologize to your friends and ask them to come back in.

    The irony is that the folks who are so obsessed with immortality and future lives are the folks that don't what to do with the one life they have right here and right now.

    Namaste and thanks for sharing


    so what are we suppose to do with the lives which we have right now?


    chop wood carry water have sex bring up children make money?


    is this all there is to life?


    your realizations are pretty limited

  20. I woke up this morning.


    No, I mean I REALLY just woke up.


    For the past 2 years I got into this mental parasite, this "ancient root salvation practice" known as Kunlun.


    In the past 2 years my health has declined... I lost nearly all my friends... I've felt more sick and depressed than I've ever been, except in those odd "bliss moments" during my KL practice.


    I've had all sorts of crazy movements, body shaking, bliss and flashing lights etc.


    But last night, something hit me.


    If this "Divine Practice" is supposed to be so healing... so powerful... why the fuck am I sicker, skinner, more lethargic, socially awkward, and poorer (in wealth and human relationships) than I've ever been before?


    Then it hit me...


    I immediately sat down, took up the Kunlun posture.


    Now, whereas before I would immediately start moving about, getting numb, hot, feel bliss, head tilt back.. all that "spontaneous movement", this time.. NOTHING HAPPENED.


    Everything got really quiet, and then it hit me.


    Kunlun doesn't DO anything, it's just you.


    It's all you. I sat there for nearly 2 hours straight in the mystical "holding the ball" posture and realized, that's all it is... just a fuckin' dude sitting in his room alone who lost his friends, his beautiful girlfriend, his health, and practically his sanity all for the sake of looking for some mystical salvation.


    The knees shake because the legs get tired, that's it.




    Anything else that happens, YOU are causing it. And I mean anything, siddhis included.


    Maybe this is truly self awakening? Maybe this is the "Cosmic Joke" the masters speak of, "It's right in front of your face the whole time. You're already awake" they say. It's to realize that it was YOU the whole time. You're GOD - you're an all powerful unlimited creator who can, at just a thought, send his body into orgasmic pulsations of bliss, turn your cells into light, manifest health.. whatever it is you thought the practice was "doing" to you.


    That's the beauty of it - it doesn't DO anything.




    Bye for now. I'm off to go attain the siddhis of warm friends, getting back on my career path of actually enjoyable work, and go have some fun with a cute girl (or two) - in other words, BACK TO EARTH.


    Peace out.


    i am not a fan of kunlun


    but i find a lot of sour grapes in the spiritual community..


    it is like.. a lot of people find too many powerful spiritual paths to be too high for their own consciousness.. this is why they continuously fail to achieve the standards or goals demanded by such powerful spiritual paths..


    case in point, Mantak Chia's semen retention practices .. the main goal of conserving one's semen is to transform the energy into higher consciousness .. but too many lack the will power and spiritual discipline to partake in such difficult practices.. then such failures will go around claiming that such paths are useless, dangerous, bla bla bla..


    the reality is.. while knowledge of true spirituality is being spread around like wildfire in today's age of the net, too many humans lack the consciousness and willpower to stick to the path..


    you probably didn't gain anything by kunlun because you are not worthy enough of the path.. this is probably why the guardians of that particular path refuse to give you any "accomplishments" or siddhis..


    my advice to you would be.. stop being a spiritual person and go enjoy the everyday mundane maras of sex, alcohol, money and entertainment.. in fact stop participating in such spiritual forums like this one.. you would be much happier that way..


    you are probably not evolved enough to be a spiritual practitioner and would probably never evolve your soul high enough to become a spiritual practitioner..


    leave the path of spirituality to the more evolved humans in the world.. the game demands that much sacrifices must be taken in order to evolve oneself and not too many players can finish the game successfully before being dropped out..

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  21. Some points:


    1) "Enlightenment means psychological maturity ?"


    Definitely not . On the contrary , it is a reverse process of making your heart childlike, ten times more childlike than kids are ;but.. is it a process of purifying our heart as most people think , or as some Buddhist school( mainly Hinayana) advocates ? No, such kind of hair-splitting way of purifying our mind hardly makes us accomplish Enlightenment. In fact, we attain it " at a stroke", in an abrupt way so that our mind getting no chance of thinking of any pure or impure , good or evil,black or white..things


    2) "Enlightenment is a biological process..."


    Bullshit! People say that are still outside the door, not yet crossing the threshold .


    3)Why " there are a lot of gurus who get caught up in scandals and sexual misconduct .."


    These "guru" are still at the stage of " jing changing into qi" or don't know how to sublimate their evil "jing " into qi or shen , so they succumb to it. Of course, calling them " guru " is a joke :lol:


    i concur on everything except point 3...


    those "masters" have not mastered their human ego yet..

  22. ~I like the Maslow list, I like Maslow, I first stumbled across him when I was 15 and it was a great intervention in my awareness to find someone making sense! What a relief! And what I notice about that list right now is that it is about balanced adaption and growth within ordinary awareness.





    1. Realistic orientation

    2. Acceptance of self, others, and the natural world

    3. Spontaneity

    4. Task orientation, rather than self-preooccupation

    5. Sense of privacy

    6. Independence

    7. Vivid appreciativeness

    8. Spirituality that is not necessarily religious in a formal sense.

    9. Sense of identity with mankind

    10. Feelings of intimacy with a few loved ones

    11. Democratic values

    12. Recognition of the difference between means and ends

    13. Humor that is philosophical rather than hostile

    14. Creativeness

    15. Nonconformism



    And I think now that enlightenment - much as chop wood carry water applies - includes a fundamental inclusion in permanent perception of what would be considered 'non ordinary reality'. I guess 8 could (and might not) include this.


    the tao that can be explained is not the tao..


    as it is your concept of enlightenment is pretty immature..